// global var one = { // global variables global : { remoteAddress : "/" }, role : null } // one ui library one.lib = {}; // registry one.lib.registry = {}; /** DASHLET */ one.lib.dashlet = { empty : function($dashlet) { $dashlet.empty(); }, append : function($dashlet, $content) { $dashlet.append($content); }, header : function(header) { var $h4 = $(document.createElement('h4')); $h4.text(header); return $h4; }, label : function(name, type) { var $span = $(document.createElement('span')); $span.addClass('label'); if (type !== undefined) { $span.addClass(type); } else if (type !== null) { $span.addClass('label-info'); } $span.append(name); return $span; }, list : function(list) { var $ul = $(document.createElement('ul')); $(list).each(function(index, value) { var $li = $(document.createElement('li')); $li.append(value); $ul.append($li); }); return $ul; }, button : { config : function(name, id, type, size) { var button = {}; button['name'] = name; button['id'] = id; button['type'] = type; button['size'] = size; return button; }, single : function(name, id, type, size) { var buttonList = []; var button = one.lib.dashlet.button.config(name, id, type, size); buttonList.push(button); return buttonList; }, button : function(buttonList) { var $buttonGroup = $(document.createElement('div')); $buttonGroup.addClass("btn-group"); $(buttonList).each(function(index, value) { var $button = $(document.createElement('button')); $button.text(value.name); $button.addClass('btn'); $button.addClass(value['type']); $button.addClass(value['size']); if (!(typeof value.id === 'undefined')) { $button.attr('id', value.id); } $buttonGroup.append($button); }); return $buttonGroup; } }, datagrid: { /* * The init function returns HTML markup for the datagrid per the options provided. Each consumer * of the datagrid must first call init and then provide the datasource for the grid. * id: this is the id of the table * options: { * searchable: true/false, * pagination: turned off for now, * flexibleRowsPerPage: turned off * } * classes : String containing bootstrap related classes. For ex: "table-striped table-condensed" * The classes "table", "table-bordered" and "datagrid" will be added by default */ init: function(id, options, classes) { var $fuelGridContainerDiv = $(document.createElement("div")); $fuelGridContainerDiv.addClass("fuelux"); $table = $(document.createElement("table")); $table.attr("id", id); $table.addClass("table table-bordered datagrid"); $table.addClass(classes); // create datagrid header $thead = $(document.createElement("thead")); $headertr = $(document.createElement("tr")); $headerth = $(document.createElement("th")); // create datagrid footer $tfoot = $(document.createElement("tfoot")); $footertr = $(document.createElement("tr")); $footerth = $(document.createElement("th")); if(options.searchable == true) { $headerth.append(one.lib.dashlet.datagrid._searchable()); } if(options.flexibleRowsPerPage == true) { $footerth.append(one.lib.dashlet.datagrid._rowsPerPage(options.popout)); } if(options.pagination == true) { $footerth.append(one.lib.dashlet.datagrid._pagination()); } $headertr.append($headerth); $thead.append($headertr); $footertr.append($footerth); $tfoot.append($footertr); $table.append($thead).append($tfoot); $fuelGridContainerDiv.append($table); return $fuelGridContainerDiv; }, _searchable: function() { var searchHTML = "
"; return searchHTML; }, _pagination: function() { var html = ''; return html; }, _rowsPerPage: function(popout) { if(popout) { var html = ''; } else { var html = ''; } return html; } }, table : { table : function(classes, id) { var $table = $(document.createElement('table')); $table.addClass("table"); $(classes).each(function(index, value) { $table.addClass(value); }); if (!(typeof id === 'undefined')) $table.attr("id", id); return $table; }, header : function(headers) { var $thead = $(document.createElement('thead')); var $tr = $(document.createElement('tr')); $(headers).each(function(index, value) { $th = $(document.createElement('th')); $th.append(value); $tr.append($th); }); $thead.append($tr); return $thead; }, body : function(body, thead) { var $tbody = $(document.createElement('tbody')); // if empty if (body.length == 0 && !(typeof thead === 'undefined')) { var $tr = $(document.createElement('tr')); var $td = $(document.createElement('td')); $td.attr('colspan', thead.length); $td.text('No data available'); $td.addClass('empty'); $tr.append($td); $tbody.append($tr); return $tbody; } // else, populate as usual $(body).each(function(index, value) { var $tr = $(document.createElement('tr')); $.each(value, function(key, value) { if (key == 'type') { // add classes $(value).each(function(index, value) { $tr.addClass(value); }); } else if (key == 'entry') { // add entries $(value).each(function(index, value) { var $td = $(document.createElement('td')); $td.append(value); $tr.append($td); }); } else { // data field $tr.attr('data-' + key, value); } $tbody.append($tr); }); }); return $tbody; } }, description : function(description, horizontal) { var $dl = $(document.createElement('dl')); if (horizontal == true) { $dl.addClass("dl-horizontal"); } $(description).each(function(index, value) { var $dt = $(document.createElement('dt')); $dt.text(value.dt); var $dd = $(document.createElement('dd')); $dd.text(value.dd); $dl.append($dt).append($dd); }); return $dl; } } /** MODAL */ one.lib.modal = { // clone default modal clone : function(id) { var $clone = $("#modal").clone(true); $clone.attr("id", id); return $clone; }, // populate modal populate : function($modal, header, $body, footer, ajax) { if (ajax === undefined && ajax !== false) { $.getJSON('/web.json'); // session check per modal } var $h3 = $modal.find("h3"); $h3.text(header); var $modalBody = $modal.find(".modal-body"); $modalBody.append($body); $(footer).each(function(index, value) { $modal.find(".modal-footer").append(value); }); }, // clone and populate modal spawn : function(id, header, $body, footer) { var $modal = one.lib.modal.clone(id); one.lib.modal.populate($modal, header, $body, footer); $modal.on('hide', function () { $('.modal-body').scrollTop(0); }); return $modal; }, // empty modal empty : function($modal) { $modal.find("h3").empty(); $modal.find(".modal-body").empty(); $modal.find(".modal-footer").empty(); }, // injection inject : { body : function($modal, $body) { $modal.find(".modal-body").empty(); $modal.find(".modal-body").append($body); } } } /** FORM */ one.lib.form = { // create select-option form element select : { create : function(options, multiple, sort) { // assert - auto assign if (options == undefined) options = {}; var $select = $(document.createElement('select')); if (multiple == true) { $select.attr("multiple", "multiple"); } var optionArray = one.lib.form.select.options(options); // If specified, sort the option elements based on their text field if (sort == true && optionArray.length > 1) { var shifted = true; var limit = optionArray.length; while (shifted) { shifted = false; for ( var i = 1; i < limit; i++) { if (optionArray[i - 1].text() > optionArray[i].text()) { var swap = optionArray[i - 1]; optionArray[i - 1] = optionArray[i]; optionArray[i] = swap; shifted = true; } } } } $(optionArray).each(function(index, value) { $select.append(value); }); return $select; }, options : function(options) { var result = []; $.each(options, function(key, value) { var $option = $(document.createElement('option')); $option.attr("value", key); $option.text(value); result.push($option); }); return result; }, empty : function($select) { $select.empty(); }, inject : function($select, options) { $select.empty(); var options = one.lib.form.select.options(options); $select.append(options); }, prepend : function($select, options) { var options = one.lib.form.select.options(options); $select.prepend(options); }, bubble : function($select, bubble) { $($select.find("option")).each(function(index, value) { if ($(value).attr("value") == bubble) { var option = $(value); $(value).remove(); $select.prepend(option); return; } }); } }, // create legend form element legend : function(name) { var $legend = $(document.createElement('legend')); $legend.text(name); return $legend; }, // create label form element label : function(name) { var $label = $(document.createElement('label')); $label.text(name); return $label; }, // create help block form element help : function(help) { var $help = $(document.createElement('span')); $help.text(help); $help.addClass("help-block"); return $help; }, // create generic text input input : function(placeholder) { var $input = $(document.createElement('input')); $input.attr('type', 'text'); $input.attr('placeholder', placeholder); return $input; } } /** NAV */ one.lib.nav = { unfocus : function($nav) { $($nav.find("li")).each(function(index, value) { $(value).removeClass("active"); }); } } /** ALERT */ one.lib.alert = function(alert) { $("#alert p").text(alert); $("#alert").hide(); $("#alert").slideToggle(); clearTimeout(one.lib.registry.alert); one.lib.registry.alert = setTimeout(function() { $("#alert").slideUp(); }, 8000); }