/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.topology.web; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.authorization.UserLevel; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Bandwidth; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Edge; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Host; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Node; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.NodeConnector; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Property; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.packet.address.EthernetAddress; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.ServiceHelper; import org.opendaylight.controller.switchmanager.ISwitchManager; import org.opendaylight.controller.switchmanager.Switch; import org.opendaylight.controller.switchmanager.SwitchConfig; import org.opendaylight.controller.topologymanager.ITopologyManager; import org.opendaylight.controller.usermanager.IUserManager; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.CircleLayout; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.SparseMultigraph; @Controller @RequestMapping("/") public class Topology { protected Map> cache = new HashMap>(); protected Map> stagedNodes; protected Map> newNodes; protected Integer nodeHash = null; protected Integer hostHash = null; protected Integer nodeSingleHash = null; protected Integer nodeConfigurationHash = null; /** * Topology of nodes and hosts in the network in JSON format. * * Mainly intended for consumption by the visual topology. * * @return - JSON output for visual topology */ @RequestMapping(value = "/visual.json", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Collection> getLinkData() { ITopologyManager topologyManager = (ITopologyManager) ServiceHelper .getInstance(ITopologyManager.class, "default", this); if (topologyManager == null) return null; ISwitchManager switchManager = (ISwitchManager) ServiceHelper .getInstance(ISwitchManager.class, "default", this); if (switchManager == null) return null; Map> nodeEdges = topologyManager.getNodeEdges(); Map> hostEdges = topologyManager .getNodesWithNodeConnectorHost(); List nodes = switchManager.getNetworkDevices(); List switchConfigurations = new ArrayList(); for(Switch sw : nodes) { Node n = sw.getNode(); SwitchConfig config = switchManager.getSwitchConfig(n.getNodeIDString()); switchConfigurations.add(config); } // return cache if topology hasn't changed if ( (nodeHash != null && hostHash != null && nodeSingleHash != null && nodeConfigurationHash != null) && nodeHash == nodeEdges.hashCode() && hostHash == hostEdges.hashCode() && nodeSingleHash == nodes.hashCode() && nodeConfigurationHash == switchConfigurations.hashCode() ) { return cache.values(); } // cache has changed, we must assign the new values nodeHash = nodeEdges.hashCode(); hostHash = hostEdges.hashCode(); nodeSingleHash = nodes.hashCode(); nodeConfigurationHash = switchConfigurations.hashCode(); stagedNodes = new HashMap>(); newNodes = new HashMap>(); // nodeEdges addition addNodes(nodeEdges, topologyManager, switchManager); // single nodes addition addSingleNodes(nodes, switchManager); // hostNodes addition addHostNodes(hostEdges, topologyManager); repositionTopology(); return cache.values(); } /** * Add regular nodes to main topology * * @param nodeEdges - node-edges mapping derived from topology * @param topology - the topology instance */ private void addNodes(Map> nodeEdges, ITopologyManager topology, ISwitchManager switchManager) { Bandwidth bandwidth = new Bandwidth(0); Map> properties = topology.getEdges(); for (Map.Entry> e : nodeEdges.entrySet()) { Node n = e.getKey(); SwitchConfig config = switchManager.getSwitchConfig(n.getNodeIDString()); NodeBean node = createNodeBean(config, n); List> adjacencies = new LinkedList>(); Set links = e.getValue(); for (Edge link : links) { for (Property p : properties.get(link)) { if (p instanceof Bandwidth) { bandwidth = (Bandwidth) p; break; } } EdgeBean edge = new EdgeBean(link, bandwidth); adjacencies.add(edge.out()); } node.setLinks(adjacencies); if (cache.containsKey(node.id())) { // retrieve node from cache Map nodeEntry = cache.get(node.id()); // update node name when appropriate if (config != null) { Map data = (Map) nodeEntry.get("data"); data.put("$desc", config.getNodeDescription()); nodeEntry.put("data", data); } // always update adjacencies nodeEntry.put("adjacencies", adjacencies); // stage this cached node (with position) stagedNodes.put(node.id(), nodeEntry); } else { newNodes.put(node.id(), node.out()); } } } protected NodeBean createNodeBean(SwitchConfig config, Node node) { NodeBean bean = null; if (config != null) { bean = new NodeBean(node.toString(), config.getNodeDescription(), NodeType.NODE); } else { bean = new NodeBean(node.toString(), node.toString(), NodeType.NODE); } return bean; } private void addSingleNodes(List nodes, ISwitchManager switchManager) { if (nodes == null) return; for (Switch sw : nodes) { Node n = sw.getNode(); SwitchConfig config = switchManager.getSwitchConfig(n.getNodeIDString()); if ((stagedNodes.containsKey(n.toString()) && cache.containsKey(n.toString())) || newNodes.containsKey(n.toString())) { continue; } NodeBean node = createNodeBean(config, n); // FIXME still doesn't display standalone node when last remaining link is removed if (cache.containsKey(node.id()) && !stagedNodes.containsKey(node.id())) { Map nodeEntry = cache.get(node.id()); if (config != null) { Map data = (Map) nodeEntry.get("data"); data.put("$desc", config.getNodeDescription()); nodeEntry.put("data", data); } stagedNodes.put(node.id(), nodeEntry); } else { newNodes.put(node.id(), node.out()); } } } /** * Add regular hosts to main topology * * @param hostEdges - node-nodeconnectors host-specific mapping from topology * @param topology - topology instance */ private void addHostNodes(Map> hostEdges, ITopologyManager topology) { for (Map.Entry> e : hostEdges.entrySet()) { for (NodeConnector connector : e.getValue()) { Host host = topology.getHostAttachedToNodeConnector(connector); EthernetAddress dmac = (EthernetAddress) host.getDataLayerAddress(); ByteBuffer addressByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8); addressByteBuffer.putShort((short) 0); addressByteBuffer.put(dmac.getValue()); addressByteBuffer.rewind(); long hid = addressByteBuffer.getLong(); String hostId = String.valueOf(hid); NodeBean hostBean = new NodeBean(hostId, host.getNetworkAddressAsString(), NodeType.HOST); List> adjacencies = new LinkedList>(); EdgeBean edge = new EdgeBean(connector, hid); adjacencies.add(edge.out()); hostBean.setLinks(adjacencies); if (cache.containsKey(hostId)) { Map hostEntry = cache.get(hostId); hostEntry.put("adjacencies", adjacencies); stagedNodes.put(hostId, hostEntry); } else { newNodes.put(String.valueOf(hid), hostBean.out()); } } } } /** * Re-position nodes in circular layout */ private void repositionTopology() { Graph graph = new SparseMultigraph(); cache.clear(); cache.putAll(stagedNodes); cache.putAll(newNodes); for (Map on : cache.values()) { graph.addVertex(on.toString()); List> adjacencies = (List>) on.get("adjacencies"); for (Map adj : adjacencies) { graph.addEdge( adj.toString(), adj.get("nodeFrom").toString(), adj.get("nodeTo").toString() ); } } CircleLayout layout = new CircleLayout(graph); layout.setSize(new Dimension(1200, 365)); for (Map.Entry> v : newNodes.entrySet()) { Double x = layout.transform(v.getKey()).getX(); Double y = layout.transform(v.getKey()).getY(); Map nodeData = (HashMap) v.getValue().get("data"); nodeData.put("$x", (x - 600) + ""); nodeData.put("$y", (y - 225) + ""); newNodes.get(v.getKey()).put("data", nodeData); } } /** * Update node position * * This method is mainly used by the visual topology * * @param nodeId - The node to update * @return The node object */ @RequestMapping(value = "/node/{nodeId}", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public Map post(@PathVariable String nodeId, @RequestParam(required = true) String x, @RequestParam(required = true) String y, HttpServletRequest request) { if (!authorize(UserLevel.NETWORKADMIN, request)) { return new HashMap(); // silently disregard new node position } String id = new String(nodeId); if (!cache.containsKey(id)) return null; Map node = cache.get(id); Map data = (Map) node.get("data"); data.put("$x", x); data.put("$y", y); node.put("data", data); return node; } /** * Node object for visual topology */ protected class NodeBean { protected String id; protected String name; protected Map data; protected List> links; public NodeBean() { data = new HashMap(); links = new ArrayList>(); } public NodeBean(String id, String name, String type) { this(); this.id = id; this.name = name; data.put("$desc", name); data.put("$type", type); } public void setLinks(List> links) { this.links = links; } public Map out() { Map node = new HashMap(); node.put("id", this.id); node.put("name", this.name); node.put("data", this.data); node.put("adjacencies", this.links); return node; } public String name() { return this.name; } public String id() { return this.id; } } /** * Edge object for visual topology */ protected class EdgeBean { protected NodeConnector source; protected NodeConnector destination; protected Map data; protected Long hostId; public EdgeBean() { data = new HashMap(); } public EdgeBean(Edge link, Bandwidth bandwidth) { this(); this.source = link.getHeadNodeConnector(); this.destination = link.getTailNodeConnector(); // data data.put("$bandwidth", bandwidth.toString()); data.put("$color", bandwidthColor(bandwidth)); data.put("$nodeToPort", destination.getID().toString()); data.put("$nodeFromPort", source.getID().toString()); data.put("$descFrom", source.getNode().toString()); data.put("$descTo", destination.getNode().toString()); data.put("$nodeFromPortName", source.toString()); data.put("$nodeToPortName", destination.toString()); } public EdgeBean(NodeConnector connector, Long hostId) { this(); this.source = null; this.destination = connector; this.hostId = hostId; data.put("$bandwidth", "N/A"); data.put("$color", bandwidthColor(new Bandwidth(0))); data.put("$nodeToPort", connector.getNodeConnectorIDString()); data.put("$nodeFromPort", connector.getNodeConnectorIDString()); data.put("$descTo", ""); data.put("$descFrom", ""); data.put("$nodeToPortName", ""); data.put("$nodeFromPortName", ""); } public Map out() { Map edge = new HashMap(); edge.put("data", data); if (source == null) { edge.put("nodeFrom", String.valueOf(this.hostId)); } else { edge.put("nodeFrom", source.getNode().toString()); } edge.put("nodeTo", destination.getNode().toString()); return edge; } private String bandwidthColor(Bandwidth bandwidth) { String color = null; long bandwidthValue = bandwidth.getValue(); if (bandwidthValue == 0) { color = "#000"; } else if (bandwidthValue < Bandwidth.BW1Kbps) { color = "#148AC6"; } else if (bandwidthValue < Bandwidth.BW1Mbps) { color = "#2858A0"; } else if (bandwidthValue < Bandwidth.BW1Gbps) { color = "#009393"; } else if (bandwidthValue < Bandwidth.BW1Tbps) { color = "#C6C014"; } else if (bandwidthValue < Bandwidth.BW1Pbps) { color = "#F9F464"; } return color; } } protected class NodeType { public static final String NODE = "swtch"; public static final String HOST = "host"; } private boolean authorize(UserLevel level, HttpServletRequest request) { IUserManager userManager = (IUserManager) ServiceHelper .getGlobalInstance(IUserManager.class, this); if (userManager == null) { return false; } String username = request.getUserPrincipal().getName(); UserLevel userLevel = userManager.getUserLevel(username); if (userLevel.toNumber() <= level.toNumber()) { return true; } return false; } }