/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.openflowjava.protocol.impl.core.connection; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Verify; import io.netty.channel.Channel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongFieldUpdater; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy; import org.opendaylight.openflowjava.protocol.api.connection.OutboundQueue; import org.opendaylight.openflowjava.protocol.api.connection.OutboundQueueException; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.openflow.protocol.rev130731.OfHeader; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; abstract class AbstractStackedOutboundQueue implements OutboundQueue { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractStackedOutboundQueue.class); protected static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater LAST_XID_OFFSET_UPDATER = AtomicLongFieldUpdater .newUpdater(AbstractStackedOutboundQueue.class, "lastXid"); @GuardedBy("unflushedSegments") protected volatile StackedSegment firstSegment; @GuardedBy("unflushedSegments") protected final List unflushedSegments = new ArrayList<>(2); @GuardedBy("unflushedSegments") protected final List uncompletedSegments = new ArrayList<>(2); private volatile long lastXid = -1; private volatile long allocatedXid = -1; @GuardedBy("unflushedSegments") protected Integer shutdownOffset; // Accessed from Netty only protected int flushOffset; protected final AbstractOutboundQueueManager manager; AbstractStackedOutboundQueue(final AbstractOutboundQueueManager manager) { this.manager = Preconditions.checkNotNull(manager); firstSegment = StackedSegment.create(0L); uncompletedSegments.add(firstSegment); unflushedSegments.add(firstSegment); } @GuardedBy("unflushedSegments") protected void ensureSegment(final StackedSegment first, final int offset) { final int segmentOffset = offset / StackedSegment.SEGMENT_SIZE; LOG.debug("Queue {} slow offset {} maps to {} segments {}", this, offset, segmentOffset, unflushedSegments.size()); for (int i = unflushedSegments.size(); i <= segmentOffset; ++i) { final StackedSegment newSegment = StackedSegment.create(first.getBaseXid() + (StackedSegment.SEGMENT_SIZE * i)); LOG.debug("Adding segment {}", newSegment); unflushedSegments.add(newSegment); } allocatedXid = uncompletedSegments.get(uncompletedSegments.size() - 1).getEndXid(); } /* * This method is expected to be called from multiple threads concurrently. */ @Override public Long reserveEntry() { final long xid = LAST_XID_OFFSET_UPDATER.incrementAndGet(this); final StackedSegment fastSegment = firstSegment; if (xid >= fastSegment.getBaseXid() + StackedSegment.SEGMENT_SIZE) { if (xid >= allocatedXid) { // Multiple segments, this a slow path LOG.debug("Queue {} falling back to slow reservation for XID {}", this, xid); synchronized (unflushedSegments) { LOG.debug("Queue {} executing slow reservation for XID {}", this, xid); // Shutdown was scheduled, need to fail the reservation if (shutdownOffset != null) { LOG.debug("Queue {} is being shutdown, failing reservation", this); return null; } // Ensure we have the appropriate segment for the specified XID final StackedSegment slowSegment = firstSegment; final int slowOffset = (int) (xid - slowSegment.getBaseXid()); Verify.verify(slowOffset >= 0); // Now, we let's see if we need to allocate a new segment ensureSegment(slowSegment, slowOffset); LOG.debug("Queue {} slow reservation finished", this); } } else { LOG.debug("Queue {} XID {} is already backed", this, xid); } } LOG.trace("Queue {} allocated XID {}", this, xid); return xid; } /** * Write some entries from the queue to the channel. Guaranteed to run * in the corresponding EventLoop. * * @param channel Channel onto which we are writing * @param now * @return Number of entries written out */ int writeEntries(@Nonnull final Channel channel, final long now) { // Local cache StackedSegment segment = firstSegment; int entries = 0; while (channel.isWritable()) { final OutboundQueueEntry entry = segment.getEntry(flushOffset); if (!entry.isCommitted()) { LOG.debug("Queue {} XID {} segment {} offset {} not committed yet", this, segment.getBaseXid() + flushOffset, segment, flushOffset); break; } LOG.trace("Queue {} flushing entry at offset {}", this, flushOffset); final OfHeader message = entry.takeMessage(); flushOffset++; entries++; if (message != null) { manager.writeMessage(message, now); } else { entry.complete(null); } if (flushOffset >= StackedSegment.SEGMENT_SIZE) { /* * Slow path: purge the current segment unless it's the last one. * If it is, we leave it for replacement when a new reservation * is run on it. * * This costs us two slow paths, but hey, this should be very rare, * so let's keep things simple. */ synchronized (unflushedSegments) { LOG.debug("Flush offset {} unflushed segments {}", flushOffset, unflushedSegments.size()); // We may have raced ahead of reservation code and need to allocate a segment ensureSegment(segment, flushOffset); // Remove the segment, update the firstSegment and reset flushOffset final StackedSegment oldSegment = unflushedSegments.remove(0); if (oldSegment.isComplete()) { uncompletedSegments.remove(oldSegment); oldSegment.recycle(); } // Reset the first segment and add it to the uncompleted list segment = unflushedSegments.get(0); uncompletedSegments.add(segment); // Update the shutdown offset if (shutdownOffset != null) { shutdownOffset -= StackedSegment.SEGMENT_SIZE; } // Allow reservations back on the fast path by publishing the new first segment firstSegment = segment; flushOffset = 0; LOG.debug("Queue {} flush moved to segment {}", this, segment); } } } return entries; } boolean pairRequest(final OfHeader message) { Iterator it = uncompletedSegments.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final StackedSegment queue = it.next(); final OutboundQueueEntry entry = queue.pairRequest(message); if (entry == null) { continue; } LOG.trace("Queue {} accepted response {}", queue, message); // This has been a barrier request, we need to flush all // previous queues if (entry.isBarrier() && uncompletedSegments.size() > 1) { LOG.trace("Queue {} indicated request was a barrier", queue); it = uncompletedSegments.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final StackedSegment q = it.next(); // We want to complete all queues before the current one, we will // complete the current queue below if (!queue.equals(q)) { LOG.trace("Queue {} is implied finished", q); q.completeAll(); it.remove(); q.recycle(); } else { break; } } } if (queue.isComplete()) { LOG.trace("Queue {} is finished", queue); it.remove(); queue.recycle(); } return true; } LOG.debug("Failed to find completion for message {}", message); return false; } boolean needsFlush() { // flushOffset always points to the first entry, which can be changed only // from Netty, so we are fine here. if (firstSegment.getBaseXid() + flushOffset > lastXid) { return false; } if (shutdownOffset != null && flushOffset >= shutdownOffset) { return false; } return firstSegment.getEntry(flushOffset).isCommitted(); } long startShutdown(final Channel channel) { /* * We are dealing with a multi-threaded shutdown, as the user may still * be reserving entries in the queue. We are executing in a netty thread, * so neither flush nor barrier can be running, which is good news. * We will eat up all the slots in the queue here and mark the offset first * reserved offset and free up all the cached queues. We then schedule * the flush task, which will deal with the rest of the shutdown process. */ synchronized (unflushedSegments) { // Increment the offset by the segment size, preventing fast path allocations, // since we are holding the slow path lock, any reservations will see the queue // in shutdown and fail accordingly. final long xid = LAST_XID_OFFSET_UPDATER.addAndGet(this, StackedSegment.SEGMENT_SIZE); shutdownOffset = (int) (xid - firstSegment.getBaseXid() - StackedSegment.SEGMENT_SIZE); return lockedShutdownFlush(); } } boolean finishShutdown() { synchronized (unflushedSegments) { lockedShutdownFlush(); } return !needsFlush(); } protected OutboundQueueEntry getEntry(final Long xid) { final StackedSegment fastSegment = firstSegment; final long calcOffset = xid - fastSegment.getBaseXid(); Preconditions.checkArgument(calcOffset >= 0, "Commit of XID %s does not match up with base XID %s", xid, fastSegment.getBaseXid()); Verify.verify(calcOffset <= Integer.MAX_VALUE); final int fastOffset = (int) calcOffset; if (fastOffset >= StackedSegment.SEGMENT_SIZE) { LOG.debug("Queue {} falling back to slow commit of XID {} at offset {}", this, xid, fastOffset); final StackedSegment segment; final int slowOffset; synchronized (unflushedSegments) { final StackedSegment slowSegment = firstSegment; final long slowCalcOffset = xid - slowSegment.getBaseXid(); Verify.verify(slowCalcOffset >= 0 && slowCalcOffset <= Integer.MAX_VALUE); slowOffset = (int) slowCalcOffset; LOG.debug("Queue {} recalculated offset of XID {} to {}", this, xid, slowOffset); segment = unflushedSegments.get(slowOffset / StackedSegment.SEGMENT_SIZE); } final int segOffset = slowOffset % StackedSegment.SEGMENT_SIZE; LOG.debug("Queue {} slow commit of XID {} completed at offset {} (segment {} offset {})", this, xid, slowOffset, segment, segOffset); return segment.getEntry(segOffset); } return fastSegment.getEntry(fastOffset); } @GuardedBy("unflushedSegments") private long lockedShutdownFlush() { long entries = 0; // Fail all queues final Iterator it = uncompletedSegments.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final StackedSegment segment = it.next(); entries += segment.failAll(OutboundQueueException.DEVICE_DISCONNECTED); if (segment.isComplete()) { LOG.trace("Cleared segment {}", segment); it.remove(); } } return entries; } }