/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.ovsdb.openstack.netvirt.impl; import org.opendaylight.neutron.spi.NeutronNetwork; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.openstack.netvirt.MdsalUtils; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.openstack.netvirt.NetworkHandler; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.openstack.netvirt.api.BridgeConfigurationManager; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.openstack.netvirt.api.ConfigurationService; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.openstack.netvirt.api.NetworkingProviderManager; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.openstack.netvirt.api.OvsdbTables; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.utils.config.ConfigProperties; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.ovsdb.rev150105.OvsdbBridgeAugmentation; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.ovsdb.rev150105.OvsdbNodeAugmentation; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.ovsdb.rev150105.ovsdb.node.attributes.ConnectionInfo; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.tbd.params.xml.ns.yang.network.topology.rev131021.network.topology.topology.Node; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.NetworkInterface; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * @author Madhu Venugopal * @author Brent Salisbury * @author Sam Hague (shague@redhat.com) */ public class BridgeConfigurationManagerImpl implements BridgeConfigurationManager { static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BridgeConfigurationManagerImpl.class); // The implementation for each of these services is resolved by the OSGi Service Manager private volatile ConfigurationService configurationService; private volatile NetworkingProviderManager networkingProviderManager; void init() { LOGGER.info(">>>>>> init {}", this.getClass()); } @Override public String getBridgeUuid(Node node, String bridgeName) { return MdsalUtils.getBridgeUuid(node, bridgeName).toString(); } @Override public boolean isNodeNeutronReady(Node node) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(configurationService); return MdsalUtils.getBridge(node, configurationService.getIntegrationBridgeName()) != null; } @Override public boolean isNodeOverlayReady(Node node) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(configurationService); return isNodeNeutronReady(node) && MdsalUtils.getBridge(node, configurationService.getNetworkBridgeName()) != null; } @Override public boolean isPortOnBridge (Node node, String portName) { return MdsalUtils.extractTerminationPointAugmentation(node, portName) != null; } @Override public boolean isNodeTunnelReady(Node node) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(configurationService); return MdsalUtils.getBridge(node, configurationService.getIntegrationBridgeName()) != null; } @Override public boolean isNodeVlanReady(Node node, NeutronNetwork network) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(networkingProviderManager); /* is br-int created */ OvsdbBridgeAugmentation intBridge = MdsalUtils.getBridge(node, configurationService.getIntegrationBridgeName()); if (intBridge == null) { LOGGER.trace("isNodeVlanReady: node: {}, br-int missing", node); return false; } /* Check if physical device is added to br-int. */ String phyNetName = this.getPhysicalInterfaceName(node, network.getProviderPhysicalNetwork()); if (MdsalUtils.extractTerminationPointAugmentation(node, phyNetName) == null) { LOGGER.trace("isNodeVlanReady: node: {}, eth missing", node); return false; } return true; } @Override public void prepareNode(Node node) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(networkingProviderManager); try { createIntegrationBridge(node); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error creating Integration Bridge on {}", node, e); return; } // this node is an ovsdb node so it doesn't have a bridge // so either look up the bridges or just wait for the bridge update to come in // and add the flows there. //networkingProviderManager.getProvider(node).initializeFlowRules(node); } /** * Check if the full network setup is available. If not, create it. */ @Override public boolean createLocalNetwork (Node node, NeutronNetwork network) { boolean isCreated = false; if (network.getProviderNetworkType().equalsIgnoreCase(NetworkHandler.NETWORK_TYPE_VLAN)) { if (!isNodeVlanReady(node, network)) { try { isCreated = createBridges(node, network); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error creating internal net network " + node, e); } } else { isCreated = true; } } else if (network.getProviderNetworkType().equalsIgnoreCase(NetworkHandler.NETWORK_TYPE_VXLAN) || network.getProviderNetworkType().equalsIgnoreCase(NetworkHandler.NETWORK_TYPE_GRE)) { if (!isNodeTunnelReady(node)) { try { isCreated = createBridges(node, network); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error creating internal net network " + node, e); } } else { isCreated = true; } } return isCreated; } @Override public String getPhysicalInterfaceName (Node node, String physicalNetwork) { String phyIf = null; String providerMaps = MdsalUtils.getOtherConfig(node, OvsdbTables.OPENVSWITCH, configurationService.getProviderMappingsKey()); if (providerMaps == null) { providerMaps = configurationService.getDefaultProviderMapping(); } if (providerMaps != null) { for (String map : providerMaps.split(",")) { String[] pair = map.split(":"); if (pair[0].equals(physicalNetwork)) { phyIf = pair[1]; break; } } } if (phyIf == null) { LOGGER.error("Physical interface not found for Node: {}, Network {}", node, physicalNetwork); } return phyIf; } @Override public List getAllPhysicalInterfaceNames(Node node) { List phyIfName = Lists.newArrayList(); String phyIf = null; String providerMaps = MdsalUtils.getOtherConfig(node, OvsdbTables.OPENVSWITCH, configurationService.getProviderMappingsKey()); if (providerMaps == null) { providerMaps = configurationService.getDefaultProviderMapping(); } if (providerMaps != null) { for (String map : providerMaps.split(",")) { String[] pair = map.split(":"); phyIfName.add(pair[1]); } } return phyIfName; } /** * Returns true if a patch port exists between the Integration Bridge and Network Bridge */ private boolean isNetworkPatchCreated(Node node, Node intBridge, Node netBridge) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(configurationService); boolean isPatchCreated = false; String portName = configurationService.getPatchPortName(new ImmutablePair<>(intBridge, netBridge)); if (isPortOnBridge(intBridge, portName)) { portName = configurationService.getPatchPortName(new ImmutablePair<>(netBridge, intBridge)); if (isPortOnBridge(netBridge, portName)) { isPatchCreated = true; } } return isPatchCreated; } /** * Creates the Integration Bridge */ private void createIntegrationBridge(Node node) throws Exception { Preconditions.checkNotNull(configurationService); String brIntName = configurationService.getIntegrationBridgeName(); if (!addBridge(node, brIntName, null, null)) { LOGGER.debug("Integration Bridge Creation failed"); } } /** * Create and configure bridges for all network types and OpenFlow versions. * OF 1.0 vlan: Bridge br-int Port patch-net Interface patch-net type: patch options: {peer=patch-int} Port br-int Interface br-int type: internal Bridge br-net Port "eth1" Interface "eth1" Port patch-int Interface patch-int type: patch options: {peer=patch-net} Port br-net Interface br-net type: internal OF 1.0 tunnel: Bridge br-int Port patch-net Interface patch-net type: patch options: {peer=patch-int} Port br-int Interface br-int type: internal Bridge "br-net" Port patch-int Interface patch-int type: patch options: {peer=patch-net} Port br-net Interface br-net type: internal OF 1.3 vlan: Bridge br-int Port "eth1" Interface "eth1" Port br-int Interface br-int type: internal OF 1.3 tunnel: Bridge br-int Port br-int Interface br-int type: internal */ private boolean createBridges(Node node, NeutronNetwork network) throws Exception { Preconditions.checkNotNull(configurationService); Preconditions.checkNotNull(networkingProviderManager); LOGGER.debug("createBridges: node: {}, network type: {}", node, network.getProviderNetworkType()); String brInt = configurationService.getIntegrationBridgeName(); if (!addBridge(node, brInt, null, null)) { LOGGER.debug("{} Bridge creation failed", brInt); return false; } /* For vlan network types add physical port to br-int. */ if (network.getProviderNetworkType().equalsIgnoreCase(NetworkHandler.NETWORK_TYPE_VLAN)) { String phyNetName = this.getPhysicalInterfaceName(node, network.getProviderPhysicalNetwork()); if (!addPortToBridge(node, brInt, phyNetName)) { LOGGER.debug("Add Port {} to Bridge {} failed", phyNetName, brInt); return false; } } LOGGER.debug("createBridges: node: {}, status: success", node); return true; } /** * Add a Port to a Bridge */ private boolean addPortToBridge (Node node, String bridgeName, String portName) throws Exception { boolean rv = true; if (MdsalUtils.extractTerminationPointAugmentation(node, portName) == null) { rv = MdsalUtils.addTerminationPoint(node, bridgeName, portName, null); } return rv; } /** * Add a Patch Port to a Bridge */ private boolean addPatchPort (Node node, String bridgeName, String portName, String peerPortName) throws Exception { boolean rv = true; if (MdsalUtils.extractTerminationPointAugmentation(node, portName) == null) { rv = MdsalUtils.addPatchTerminationPoint(node, bridgeName, portName, peerPortName); } return rv; } /** * Add Bridge to a Node */ private boolean addBridge(Node node, String bridgeName, String localPatchName, String remotePatchName) throws Exception { boolean rv = true; if (MdsalUtils.getBridge(node, bridgeName) == null) { rv = MdsalUtils.addBridge(node, bridgeName, getControllerTarget(node)); } return rv; } private InetAddress getControllerIPAddress() { InetAddress controllerIP = null; String addressString = ConfigProperties.getProperty(this.getClass(), "ovsdb.controller.address"); if (addressString != null) { try { controllerIP = InetAddress.getByName(addressString); if (controllerIP != null) { return controllerIP; } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { LOGGER.error("Host {} is invalid", addressString); } } addressString = ConfigProperties.getProperty(this.getClass(), "of.address"); if (addressString != null) { try { controllerIP = InetAddress.getByName(addressString); if (controllerIP != null) { return controllerIP; } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { LOGGER.error("Host {} is invalid", addressString); } } /* try { controllerIP = connection.getClient().getConnectionInfo().getLocalAddress(); return controllerIP; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug("Invalid connection provided to getControllerIPAddresses", e); } */ if (addressString != null) { try { controllerIP = InetAddress.getByName(addressString); if (controllerIP != null) { return controllerIP; } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { LOGGER.error("Host {} is invalid", addressString); } } return controllerIP; } private short getControllerOFPort() { Short defaultOpenFlowPort = 6633; Short openFlowPort = defaultOpenFlowPort; String portString = ConfigProperties.getProperty(this.getClass(), "of.listenPort"); if (portString != null) { try { openFlowPort = Short.decode(portString).shortValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOGGER.warn("Invalid port:{}, use default({})", portString, openFlowPort); } } return openFlowPort; } private String getControllerTarget(Node node) { String target = null; OvsdbNodeAugmentation ovsdbNodeAugmentation = MdsalUtils.extractOvsdbNode(node); if (ovsdbNodeAugmentation != null) { ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = ovsdbNodeAugmentation.getConnectionInfo(); String addressStr = new String(connectionInfo.getLocalIp().getValue()); target = "tcp:" + addressStr + ":6633"; } else{ target = getControllerTarget(); } return target; } private String getControllerTarget() { /* TODO SB_MIGRATION * hardcoding value, need to find better way to get local ip */ //String target = "tcp:" + getControllerIPAddress() + ":" + getControllerOFPort(); //TODO: dirty fix, need to remove it once we have proper solution String ipaddress = null; try{ for (Enumeration ifaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();ifaces.hasMoreElements();){ NetworkInterface iface = (NetworkInterface) ifaces.nextElement(); for (Enumeration inetAddrs = iface.getInetAddresses(); inetAddrs.hasMoreElements();) { InetAddress inetAddr = (InetAddress) inetAddrs.nextElement(); if (!inetAddr.isLoopbackAddress()) { if (inetAddr.isSiteLocalAddress()) { ipaddress = inetAddr.getHostAddress(); break; } } } } }catch (Exception e){ LOGGER.warn("ROYALLY SCREWED : Exception while fetching local host ip address ",e); } return "tcp:"+ipaddress+":6633"; } }