heat_template_version: 2016-04-08 parameters: job_name: type: string description: Name of job running this template ssh_key: type: string description: SSH Key name to use (Public key must exist in OpenStack) index: type: number vm_flavor: type: string default: 1 GB General Purpose v1 description: OpenStack Flavor to use vm_image: type: string description: VM Image to spin up resources: instance: type: "OS::Nova::Server" properties: flavor: { get_param: vm_flavor } image: { get_param: vm_image } name: str_replace: template: JOB_NAME-VM_TYPE-INDEX params: "JOB_NAME": { get_param: job_name } "VM_TYPE": str_split: - ' - ' - { get_param: vm_image } - 1 "INDEX": { get_param: index } networks: - network: RC-ODL key_name: { get_param: ssh_key } user_data: | #!/bin/bash git clone https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/releng/builder /builder /builder/jenkins-scripts/jenkins-init-script.sh outputs: ip: description: IP address of the instance value: { get_attr: [instance, networks, RC-ODL, 0] }