module openconfig-telemetry-types { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix oc-telemetry-types; import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This module defines type and identities used by the OpenConfig telemetry model."; revision 2017-08-24 { description "Minor formatting fixes"; reference "0.4.1"; } revision 2017-02-20 { description "Fixes for YANG 1.0 compliance, add types module"; reference "0.4.0"; } revision 2016-04-05 { description "OpenConfig public release"; reference "0.2.0"; } identity DATA_ENCODING_METHOD { description "Base identity for supported encoding for configuration and operational state data"; } identity ENC_XML { base DATA_ENCODING_METHOD; description "XML encoding"; } identity ENC_JSON_IETF { base DATA_ENCODING_METHOD; description "JSON encoded based on IETF draft standard"; reference "draft-ietf-netmod-yang-json"; } identity ENC_PROTO3 { base DATA_ENCODING_METHOD; description "Protocol buffers v3"; reference ""; } identity STREAM_PROTOCOL { description "Base identity for a telemetry stream protocol"; } identity STREAM_SSH { base STREAM_PROTOCOL; description "Telemetry stream is carried over a SSH connection"; } identity STREAM_GRPC { base STREAM_PROTOCOL; description "Telemetry stream is carried over via the gRPC framework"; } identity STREAM_JSON_RPC { base STREAM_PROTOCOL; description "Telemetry stream is carried via the JSON-RPC framework"; } identity STREAM_THRIFT_RPC { base STREAM_PROTOCOL; description "Telemetry stream is carried via the Apache Thrift framework"; } identity STREAM_WEBSOCKET_RPC { base STREAM_PROTOCOL; description "Telemetry stream is carried by the WebSocket framework"; } oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.4.1"; }