module org-openroadm-ipv6-unicast-routing { namespace "http://org/openroadm/ipv6-unicast-routing"; prefix org-openroadm-ipv6-unicast-routing; import org-openroadm-routing { prefix org-openroadm-routing; revision-date 2020-05-29; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; revision-date 2013-07-15; } import org-openroadm-device { prefix org-openroadm-device; revision-date 2020-05-29; } organization "Open ROADM MSA"; contact ""; description "This model defines Yang model for IPv6 unicast routing. This model reuses data items defined in the IETF YANG model for interfaces described by RFC 8022. Some attributes which are not required in Open ROADM MSA are removed. Yang file included are changed to fit into Open ROADM MSA yang structure. IETF code is subject to the following copyright and license: Copyright (c) IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ("; revision 2020-05-29 { description "Version 7.1.0"; } revision 2020-03-27 { description "Version 7.0.0"; } revision 2019-11-29 { description "Version 6.1.0"; } revision 2019-09-27 { description "Version 6.0.0"; } revision 2019-05-31 { description "Version 5.1.0"; } revision 2019-03-29 { description "Version 5.0.0"; } revision 2015-05-25 { description "Initial revision."; reference "RFC XXXX: A YANG Data Model for Routing Management"; } identity ipv6-unicast { base org-openroadm-routing:ipv6; description "This identity represents the IPv6 unicast address family."; } grouping ipv6-uni-grp { container ipv6 { description "Configuration of a 'static' pseudo-protocol instance consists of a list of routes."; list route { key "destination-prefix"; ordered-by user; description "A user-ordered list of static routes."; leaf destination-prefix { type inet:ipv6-prefix; mandatory true; description "IPv6 destination prefix."; } leaf description { type string; description "Textual description of the route."; } container next-hop { description "Configuration of next-hop."; uses org-openroadm-routing:next-hop-content { augment "next-hop-options" { description "Add next-hop address case."; leaf next-hop-address { type inet:ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address of the next-hop."; } } } } } } description "Grouping for IPv6"; } augment "/org-openroadm-device:org-openroadm-device/org-openroadm-routing:routing/org-openroadm-routing:routing-instance/org-openroadm-routing:routing-protocols/org-openroadm-routing:routing-protocol/org-openroadm-routing:static-routes" { description "This augment defines the configuration of the 'static' pseudo-protocol with data specific to IPv6 unicast."; uses ipv6-uni-grp; } }