/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Authors : Madhu Venugopal, Brent Salisbury, Keith Burns */ package org.opendaylight.ovsdb.plugin; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.console.CommandInterpreter; import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.console.CommandProvider; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.connection.ConnectionConstants; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Node; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.NodeConnector; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.networkconfig.bridgedomain.ConfigConstants; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.networkconfig.bridgedomain.IPluginInBridgeDomainConfigService; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.Status; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.StatusCode; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.database.OVSInstance; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.database.OvsdbType; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.message.TransactBuilder; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.message.operations.DeleteOperation; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.message.operations.InsertOperation; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.message.operations.MutateOperation; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.message.operations.Operation; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.message.operations.OperationResult; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.message.operations.UpdateOperation; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.notation.Condition; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.notation.Function; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.notation.Mutation; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.notation.Mutator; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.notation.OvsDBMap; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.notation.OvsDBSet; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.notation.UUID; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.table.Bridge; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.table.Capability; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.table.Controller; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.table.Interface; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.table.Manager; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.table.Mirror; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.table.NetFlow; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.table.Open_vSwitch; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.table.Port; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.table.Qos; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.table.Queue; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.table.SFlow; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.table.SSL; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib.table.internal.Table; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture; public class ConfigurationService implements IPluginInBridgeDomainConfigService, OVSDBConfigService, CommandProvider { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory .getLogger(ConfigurationService.class); IConnectionServiceInternal connectionService; InventoryServiceInternal inventoryServiceInternal; boolean forceConnect = false; void init() { } /** * Function called by the dependency manager when at least one dependency * become unsatisfied or when the component is shutting down because for * example bundle is being stopped. * */ void destroy() { } /** * Function called by dependency manager after "init ()" is called and after * the services provided by the class are registered in the service registry * */ void start() { registerWithOSGIConsole(); } private void registerWithOSGIConsole() { BundleContext bundleContext = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(this.getClass()) .getBundleContext(); bundleContext.registerService(CommandProvider.class.getName(), this, null); } /** * Function called by the dependency manager before the services exported by * the component are unregistered, this will be followed by a "destroy ()" * calls * */ void stop() { } public void setConnectionServiceInternal(IConnectionServiceInternal connectionService) { this.connectionService = connectionService; } public void unsetConnectionServiceInternal(IConnectionServiceInternal connectionService) { if (this.connectionService == connectionService) { this.connectionService = null; } } public void setInventoryServiceInternal(InventoryServiceInternal inventoryServiceInternal) { this.inventoryServiceInternal = inventoryServiceInternal; } public void unsetInventoryServiceInternal(InventoryServiceInternal inventoryServiceInternal) { if (this.inventoryServiceInternal == inventoryServiceInternal) { this.inventoryServiceInternal = null; } } private Connection getConnection (Node node) { Connection connection = connectionService.getConnection(node); if (connection == null || !connection.getChannel().isActive()) { return null; } return connection; } /** * Add a new bridge * @param node Node serving this configuration service * @param bridgeConnectorIdentifier String representation of a Bridge Connector * @return Bridge Connector configurations */ @Override public Status createBridgeDomain(Node node, String bridgeIdentifier, Map configs) { try{ if (connectionService == null) { logger.error("Couldn't refer to the ConnectionService"); return new Status(StatusCode.NOSERVICE); } Connection connection = this.getConnection(node); if (connection == null) { return new Status(StatusCode.NOSERVICE, "Connection to ovsdb-server not available"); } Map> ovsTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Open_vSwitch.NAME.getName()); String newBridge = "new_bridge"; String newInterface = "new_interface"; String newPort = "new_port"; String newSwitch = "new_switch"; Operation addSwitchRequest = null; if(ovsTable != null){ String ovsTableUUID = (String) ovsTable.keySet().toArray()[0]; UUID bridgeUuidPair = new UUID(newBridge); Mutation bm = new Mutation("bridges", Mutator.INSERT, bridgeUuidPair); List mutations = new ArrayList(); mutations.add(bm); UUID uuid = new UUID(ovsTableUUID); Condition condition = new Condition("_uuid", Function.EQUALS, uuid); List where = new ArrayList(); where.add(condition); addSwitchRequest = new MutateOperation(Open_vSwitch.NAME.getName(), where, mutations); } else{ Open_vSwitch ovsTableRow = new Open_vSwitch(); OvsDBSet bridges = new OvsDBSet(); UUID bridgeUuidPair = new UUID(newBridge); bridges.add(bridgeUuidPair); ovsTableRow.setBridges(bridges); addSwitchRequest = new InsertOperation(Open_vSwitch.NAME.getName(), newSwitch, ovsTableRow); } Bridge bridgeRow = new Bridge(); bridgeRow.setName(bridgeIdentifier); OvsDBSet ports = new OvsDBSet(); UUID port = new UUID(newPort); ports.add(port); bridgeRow.setPorts(ports); InsertOperation addBridgeRequest = new InsertOperation(Bridge.NAME.getName(), newBridge, bridgeRow); Port portRow = new Port(); portRow.setName(bridgeIdentifier); OvsDBSet interfaces = new OvsDBSet(); UUID interfaceid = new UUID(newInterface); interfaces.add(interfaceid); portRow.setInterfaces(interfaces); InsertOperation addPortRequest = new InsertOperation(Port.NAME.getName(), newPort, portRow); Interface interfaceRow = new Interface(); interfaceRow.setName(bridgeIdentifier); interfaceRow.setType("internal"); InsertOperation addIntfRequest = new InsertOperation(Interface.NAME.getName(), newInterface, interfaceRow); /* Update config version */ String ovsTableUUID = (String) ovsTable.keySet().toArray()[0]; Mutation bm = new Mutation("next_cfg", Mutator.SUM, 1); List mutations = new ArrayList(); mutations.add(bm); UUID uuid = new UUID(ovsTableUUID); Condition condition = new Condition("_uuid", Function.EQUALS, uuid); List where = new ArrayList(); where.add(condition); MutateOperation updateCfgVerRequest = new MutateOperation(Open_vSwitch.NAME.getName(), where, mutations); TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperations(new ArrayList( Arrays.asList(addSwitchRequest, addIntfRequest, addPortRequest, addBridgeRequest, updateCfgVerRequest))); ListenableFuture> transResponse = connection.getRpc().transact(transaction); List tr = transResponse.get(); List requests = transaction.getRequests(); Status status = new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS); for (int i = 0; i < tr.size() ; i++) { if (i < requests.size()) requests.get(i).setResult(tr.get(i)); if (tr.get(i) != null && tr.get(i).getError() != null && tr.get(i).getError().trim().length() > 0) { OperationResult result = tr.get(i); status = new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, result.getError() + " : " + result.getDetails()); } } if (tr.size() > requests.size()) { OperationResult result = tr.get(tr.size()-1); logger.error("Error creating Bridge : {}\n Error : {}\n Details : {}", bridgeIdentifier, result.getError(), result.getDetails()); status = new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, result.getError() + " : " + result.getDetails()); } if (status.isSuccess()) { setBridgeOFController(node, bridgeIdentifier); } return status; } catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Error in createBridgeDomain(): ",e); } return new Status(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } /** * Create a Port Attached to a Bridge * Ex. ovs-vsctl add-port br0 vif0 * @param node Node serving this configuration service * @param bridgeDomainIdentifier String representation of a Bridge Domain * @param portIdentifier String representation of a user defined Port Name */ @Override public Status addPort(Node node, String bridgeIdentifier, String portIdentifier, Map configs) { try{ if (connectionService == null) { logger.error("Couldn't refer to the ConnectionService"); return new Status(StatusCode.NOSERVICE); } Connection connection = this.getConnection(node); if (connection == null) { return new Status(StatusCode.NOSERVICE, "Connection to ovsdb-server not available"); } if (connection != null) { Map> brTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Bridge.NAME.getName()); String newBridge = "new_bridge"; String newInterface = "new_interface"; String newPort = "new_port"; if(brTable != null){ Operation addBrMutRequest = null; String brUuid = null; for (String uuid : brTable.keySet()) { Bridge bridge = (Bridge) brTable.get(uuid); if (bridge.getName().contains(bridgeIdentifier)) { brUuid = uuid; } } UUID brUuidPair = new UUID(newPort); Mutation bm = new Mutation("ports", Mutator.INSERT, brUuidPair); List mutations = new ArrayList(); mutations.add(bm); UUID uuid = new UUID(brUuid); Condition condition = new Condition("_uuid", Function.EQUALS, uuid); List where = new ArrayList(); where.add(condition); addBrMutRequest = new MutateOperation(Bridge.NAME.getName(), where, mutations); OvsDBMap options = null; String type = null; OvsDBSet tags = null; if (configs != null) { type = (String) configs.get(ConfigConstants.TYPE); Map customConfigs = (Map) configs.get(ConfigConstants.CUSTOM); if (customConfigs != null) { options = new OvsDBMap(); for (String customConfig : customConfigs.keySet()) { options.put(customConfig, customConfigs.get(customConfig)); } } } Interface interfaceRow = new Interface(); interfaceRow.setName(portIdentifier); if (type != null) { if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(OvsdbType.PortType.TUNNEL.name())) { interfaceRow.setType((String)configs.get(ConfigConstants.TUNNEL_TYPE)); if (options == null) options = new OvsDBMap(); options.put("remote_ip", (String)configs.get(ConfigConstants.DEST_IP)); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(OvsdbType.PortType.VLAN.name())) { tags = new OvsDBSet(); tags.add(BigInteger.valueOf(Integer.parseInt((String)configs.get(ConfigConstants.VLAN)))); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(OvsdbType.PortType.PATCH.name())) { interfaceRow.setType(type.toLowerCase()); } } if (options != null) { interfaceRow.setOptions(options); } InsertOperation addIntfRequest = new InsertOperation(Interface.NAME.getName(), newInterface, interfaceRow); Port portRow = new Port(); portRow.setName(portIdentifier); if (tags != null) portRow.setTag(tags); OvsDBSet interfaces = new OvsDBSet(); UUID interfaceid = new UUID(newInterface); interfaces.add(interfaceid); portRow.setInterfaces(interfaces); InsertOperation addPortRequest = new InsertOperation(Port.NAME.getName(), newPort, portRow); TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperations(new ArrayList (Arrays.asList(addBrMutRequest, addPortRequest, addIntfRequest))); ListenableFuture> transResponse = connection.getRpc().transact(transaction); List tr = transResponse.get(); List requests = transaction.getRequests(); Status status = new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS); for (int i = 0; i < tr.size() ; i++) { if (i < requests.size()) requests.get(i).setResult(tr.get(i)); if (tr.get(i).getError() != null && tr.get(i).getError().trim().length() > 0) { OperationResult result = tr.get(i); status = new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, result.getError() + " : " + result.getDetails()); } } if (tr.size() > requests.size()) { OperationResult result = tr.get(tr.size()-1); logger.error("Error creating Bridge : {}\n Error : {}\n Details : {}", bridgeIdentifier, result.getError(), result.getDetails()); status = new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, result.getError() + " : " + result.getDetails()); } return status; } return new Status(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } } catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Error in addPort()",e); } return new Status(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } /** * Implements the OVS Connection for Managers * * @param node Node serving this configuration service * @param String with IP and connection types */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean setManager(Node node, String managerip) { try{ if (connectionService == null) { logger.error("Couldn't refer to the ConnectionService"); return false; } Connection connection = this.getConnection(node); if (connection == null) { return false; } if (connection != null) { String newmanager = "new_manager"; OVSInstance instance = OVSInstance.monitorOVS(connection); Map ovsoutter = new LinkedHashMap(); Map ovsinner = new LinkedHashMap(); ArrayList ovsalist1 = new ArrayList(); ArrayList ovsalist2 = new ArrayList(); ArrayList ovsalist3 = new ArrayList(); ArrayList ovsalist4 = new ArrayList(); //OVS Table Update ovsoutter.put("where", ovsalist1); ovsalist1.add(ovsalist2); ovsalist2.add("_uuid"); ovsalist2.add("=="); ovsalist2.add(ovsalist3); ovsalist3.add("uuid"); ovsalist3.add(instance.getUuid()); ovsoutter.put("op", "update"); ovsoutter.put("table", "Open_vSwitch"); ovsoutter.put("row", ovsinner); ovsinner.put("manager_options", ovsalist4); ovsalist4.add("named-uuid"); ovsalist4.add(newmanager); Map mgroutside = new LinkedHashMap(); Map mgrinside = new LinkedHashMap(); //Manager Table Insert mgroutside.put("uuid-name", newmanager); mgroutside.put("op", "insert"); mgroutside.put("table","Manager"); mgroutside.put("row", mgrinside); mgrinside.put("target", managerip); Object[] params = {"Open_vSwitch", ovsoutter, mgroutside}; OvsdbMessage msg = new OvsdbMessage("transact", params); //connection.sendMessage(msg); } }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Error in setManager(): ",e); } return true; } @Override public Status addBridgeDomainConfig(Node node, String bridgeIdentfier, Map configs) { String mgmt = (String)configs.get(ConfigConstants.MGMT); if (mgmt != null) { if (setManager(node, mgmt)) return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS); } return new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST); } @Override public Status addPortConfig(Node node, String bridgeIdentifier, String portIdentifier, Map configs) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Status deletePort(Node node, String bridgeIdentifier, String portIdentifier) { try{ if (connectionService == null) { logger.error("Couldn't refer to the ConnectionService"); return new Status(StatusCode.NOSERVICE); } Connection connection = this.getConnection(node); if (connection == null) { return new Status(StatusCode.NOSERVICE, "Connection to ovsdb-server not available"); } Map> brTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Bridge.NAME.getName()); Map> portTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Port.NAME.getName()); Operation delPortRequest = null; String brUuid = null; String portUuid = null; if(brTable != null){ for (String uuid : brTable.keySet()) { Bridge bridge = (Bridge) brTable.get(uuid); if (bridge.getName().contains(bridgeIdentifier)) { brUuid = uuid; } } } if(portTable != null){ for (String uuid : portTable.keySet()) { Port port = (Port) portTable.get(uuid); if (port.getName().contains(portIdentifier)) { portUuid = uuid; } } } UUID portUuidPair = new UUID(portUuid); Mutation bm = new Mutation("ports", Mutator.DELETE, portUuidPair); List mutations = new ArrayList(); mutations.add(bm); UUID uuid = new UUID(brUuid); Condition condition = new Condition("_uuid", Function.EQUALS, uuid); List where = new ArrayList(); where.add(condition); delPortRequest = new MutateOperation(Bridge.NAME.getName(), where, mutations); TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperations(new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(delPortRequest))); ListenableFuture> transResponse = connection.getRpc().transact(transaction); List tr = transResponse.get(); List requests = transaction.getRequests(); Status status = new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS); for (int i = 0; i < tr.size() ; i++) { if (i < requests.size()) requests.get(i).setResult(tr.get(i)); if (tr.get(i).getError() != null && tr.get(i).getError().trim().length() > 0) { OperationResult result = tr.get(i); status = new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, result.getError() + " : " + result.getDetails()); } } if (tr.size() > requests.size()) { OperationResult result = tr.get(tr.size()-1); logger.error("Error creating Bridge : {}\n Error : {}\n Details : {}", bridgeIdentifier, result.getError(), result.getDetails()); status = new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, result.getError() + " : " + result.getDetails()); } return status; } catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Error in deletePort()",e); } return new Status(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } @Override public Node getBridgeDomainNode(Node node, String bridgeIdentifier) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Map getPortConfigs(Node node, String bridgeIdentifier, String portIdentifier) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Status removeBridgeDomainConfig(Node node, String bridgeIdentifier, Map configs) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Status removePortConfig(Node node, String bridgeIdentifier, String portIdentifier, Map configs) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Status deleteBridgeDomain(Node node, String bridgeIdentifier) { try { if (connectionService == null) { logger.error("Couldn't refer to the ConnectionService"); return new Status(StatusCode.NOSERVICE); } Connection connection = this.getConnection(node); if (connection == null) { return new Status(StatusCode.NOSERVICE, "Connection to ovsdb-server not available"); } Map> ovsTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Open_vSwitch.NAME.getName()); Map> brTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Bridge.NAME.getName()); Operation delBrRequest = null; String ovsUuid = null; String brUuid = null; if (brTable != null) { for (String uuid : brTable.keySet()) { Bridge bridge = (Bridge) brTable.get(uuid); if (bridge.getName().contains(bridgeIdentifier)) { brUuid = uuid; } } } if (ovsTable != null) { ovsUuid = (String) ovsTable.keySet().toArray()[0]; } UUID bridgeUuidPair = new UUID(brUuid); Mutation bm = new Mutation("bridges", Mutator.DELETE, bridgeUuidPair); List mutations = new ArrayList(); mutations.add(bm); UUID uuid = new UUID(ovsUuid); Condition condition = new Condition("_uuid", Function.EQUALS, uuid); List where = new ArrayList(); where.add(condition); delBrRequest = new MutateOperation(Open_vSwitch.NAME.getName(), where, mutations); TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperations(new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(delBrRequest))); ListenableFuture> transResponse = connection.getRpc().transact(transaction); List tr = transResponse.get(); List requests = transaction.getRequests(); Status status = new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS); for (int i = 0; i < tr.size(); i++) { if (i < requests.size()) requests.get(i).setResult(tr.get(i)); if (tr.get(i) != null && tr.get(i).getError() != null && tr.get(i).getError().trim().length() > 0) { OperationResult result = tr.get(i); status = new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, result.getError() + " : " + result.getDetails()); } } if (tr.size() > requests.size()) { OperationResult result = tr.get(tr.size() - 1); logger.error("Error deleting Bridge : {}\n Error : {}\n Details : {}", bridgeIdentifier, result.getError(), result.getDetails()); status = new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, result.getError() + " : " + result.getDetails()); } return status; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in deleteBridgeDomain(): ",e); } return new Status(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } @Override public Map getBridgeDomainConfigs(Node node, String bridgeIdentifier) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public List getBridgeDomains(Node node) { List brlist = new ArrayList(); Map> brTableCache = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Bridge.NAME.getName()); if(brTableCache != null){ for (String uuid : brTableCache.keySet()) { Bridge bridge = (Bridge) brTableCache.get(uuid); brlist.add(bridge.getName()); } } return brlist; } @Override public NodeConnector getNodeConnector(Node arg0, String arg1, String arg2) { return null; } Boolean setBridgeOFController(Node node, String bridgeIdentifier) { if (connectionService == null) { logger.error("Couldn't refer to the ConnectionService"); return false; } try{ Map> brTableCache = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Bridge.NAME.getName()); for (String uuid : brTableCache.keySet()) { Bridge bridge = (Bridge)brTableCache.get(uuid); if (bridge.getName().contains(bridgeIdentifier)) { return connectionService.setOFController(node, uuid); } } } catch(Exception e) { logger.error("Error in setBridgeOFController()",e); } return false; } @Override public StatusWithUuid insertRow(Node node, String tableName, String parent_uuid, Table row) { logger.info("tableName : {}, parent_uuid : {} Row : {}", tableName, parent_uuid, row.toString()); StatusWithUuid statusWithUUID = null; // Schema based Table handling will help fix this static Table handling. if (row.getTableName().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Bridge")) { statusWithUUID = insertBridgeRow(node, parent_uuid, (Bridge)row); } else if (row.getTableName().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Capability")) { return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.NOTIMPLEMENTED, "Insert operation for this Table is not implemented yet."); } else if (row.getTableName().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Controller")) { statusWithUUID = insertControllerRow(node, parent_uuid, (Controller)row); } else if (row.getTableName().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Interface")) { statusWithUUID = insertInterfaceRow(node, parent_uuid, (Interface)row); } else if (row.getTableName().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Manager")) { statusWithUUID = insertManagerRow(node, parent_uuid, (Manager)row); } else if (row.getTableName().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Mirror")) { statusWithUUID = insertMirrorRow(node, parent_uuid, (Mirror)row); } else if (row.getTableName().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("NetFlow")) { statusWithUUID = insertNetFlowRow(node, parent_uuid, (NetFlow)row); } else if (row.getTableName().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Open_vSwitch")) { statusWithUUID = insertOpen_vSwitchRow(node, (Open_vSwitch)row); } else if (row.getTableName().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Port")) { statusWithUUID = insertPortRow(node, parent_uuid, (Port)row); } else if (row.getTableName().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("QoS")) { statusWithUUID = insertQosRow(node, parent_uuid, (Qos)row); } else if (row.getTableName().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Queue")) { statusWithUUID = insertQueueRow(node, parent_uuid, (Queue)row); } else if (row.getTableName().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("sFlow")) { statusWithUUID = insertSflowRow(node, parent_uuid, (SFlow)row); } else if (row.getTableName().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("SSL")) { statusWithUUID = insertSSLRow(node, parent_uuid, (SSL)row); } return statusWithUUID; } @Override public Status updateRow (Node node, String tableName, String parentUUID, String rowUUID, Table row) { try{ if (connectionService == null) { logger.error("Couldn't refer to the ConnectionService"); return new Status(StatusCode.NOSERVICE); } Connection connection = this.getConnection(node); if (connection == null) { return new Status(StatusCode.NOSERVICE, "Connection to ovsdb-server not available"); } Map> ovsTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Open_vSwitch.NAME.getName()); if (ovsTable == null) { return new Status(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "There are no Open_vSwitch instance in the Open_vSwitch table"); } UUID uuid = new UUID(rowUUID); Condition condition = new Condition("_uuid", Function.EQUALS, uuid); List where = new ArrayList(); where.add(condition); Operation updateRequest = new UpdateOperation(tableName, where, row); TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperations(new ArrayList( Arrays.asList(updateRequest))); ListenableFuture> transResponse = connection.getRpc().transact(transaction); List tr = transResponse.get(); List requests = transaction.getRequests(); Status status = new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS); for (int i = 0; i < tr.size() ; i++) { if (i < requests.size()) requests.get(i).setResult(tr.get(i)); if (tr.get(i) != null && tr.get(i).getError() != null && tr.get(i).getError().trim().length() > 0) { OperationResult result = tr.get(i); status = new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, result.getError() + " : " + result.getDetails()); } } if (tr.size() > requests.size()) { OperationResult result = tr.get(tr.size()-1); logger.error("Error Updating Row : {}/{}\n Error : {}\n Details : {}", tableName, row, result.getError(), result.getDetails()); status = new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, result.getError() + " : " + result.getDetails()); } if (status.isSuccess()) { status = new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS); } return status; } catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Error in updateRow(): ",e); } return new Status(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } @Override public Status deleteRow(Node node, String tableName, String uuid) { if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Bridge")) { return deleteBridgeRow(node, uuid); } else if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Capbility")) { return new Status(StatusCode.NOTIMPLEMENTED, "Delete operation for this Table is not implemented yet."); } else if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Controller")) { return deleteControllerRow(node, uuid); } else if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Interface")) { return deleteInterfaceRow(node, uuid); } else if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Manager")) { return deleteManagerRow(node, uuid); } else if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Mirror")) { return deleteMirrorRow(node, uuid); } else if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("NetFlow")) { return deleteNetFlowRow(node, uuid); } else if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Open_vSwitch")) { return deleteOpen_vSwitchRow(node, uuid); } else if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Port")) { return deletePortRow(node, uuid); } else if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("QoS")) { return deleteQosRow(node, uuid); } else if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Queue")) { return deleteQueueRow(node, uuid); } else if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("sFlow")) { return deleteSflowRow(node, uuid); } else if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("SSL")) { return deleteSSLRow(node, uuid); } return new Status(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "Table "+tableName+" not supported"); } @Override public Map> getRows(Node node, String tableName) throws Exception{ try{ if (inventoryServiceInternal == null) { throw new Exception("Inventory Service is Unavailable."); } Map> ovsTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, tableName); return ovsTable; } catch(Exception e){ throw new Exception("Unable to read table due to "+e.getMessage()); } } @Override public Table getRow(Node node, String tableName, String uuid) throws Exception { try{ if (inventoryServiceInternal == null) { throw new Exception("Inventory Service is Unavailable."); } Map> ovsTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, tableName); if (ovsTable == null) return null; return ovsTable.get(uuid); } catch(Exception e){ throw new Exception("Unable to read table due to "+e.getMessage()); } } @Override public String getSerializedRows(Node node, String tableName) throws Exception{ try{ Map> ovsTable = this.getRows(node, tableName); if (ovsTable == null) return null; ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); return mapper.writeValueAsString(ovsTable); } catch(Exception e){ throw new Exception("Unable to read table due to "+e.getMessage()); } } @Override public String getSerializedRow(Node node, String tableName, String uuid) throws Exception { try{ Table row = this.getRow(node, tableName, uuid); if (row == null) return null; ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); return mapper.writeValueAsString(row); } catch(Exception e){ throw new Exception("Unable to read table due to "+e.getMessage()); } } @Override public List getTables(Node node) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } private StatusWithUuid insertBridgeRow(Node node, String open_VSwitch_uuid, Bridge bridgeRow) { String insertErrorMsg = "bridge"; String rowName=bridgeRow.getName(); try{ Map> ovsTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Open_vSwitch.NAME.getName()); if (ovsTable == null) { return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "There are no Open_vSwitch instance in the Open_vSwitch table"); } String newBridge = "new_bridge"; Operation addSwitchRequest = null; String ovsTableUUID = open_VSwitch_uuid; if (ovsTableUUID == null) ovsTableUUID = (String) ovsTable.keySet().toArray()[0]; UUID bridgeUuid = new UUID(newBridge); Mutation bm = new Mutation("bridges", Mutator.INSERT, bridgeUuid); List mutations = new ArrayList(); mutations.add(bm); UUID uuid = new UUID(ovsTableUUID); Condition condition = new Condition("_uuid", Function.EQUALS, uuid); List where = new ArrayList(); where.add(condition); addSwitchRequest = new MutateOperation(Open_vSwitch.NAME.getName(), where, mutations); InsertOperation addBridgeRequest = new InsertOperation(Bridge.NAME.getName(), newBridge, bridgeRow); TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperations(new ArrayList( Arrays.asList(addSwitchRequest, addBridgeRequest))); int bridgeInsertIndex = transaction.getRequests().indexOf(addBridgeRequest); return _insertTableRow(node,transaction,bridgeInsertIndex,insertErrorMsg,rowName); } catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Error in insertBridgeRow(): ",e); } return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } private StatusWithUuid insertPortRow(Node node, String bridge_uuid, Port portRow) { String insertErrorMsg = "port"; String rowName=portRow.getName(); try{ Map> brTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Bridge.NAME.getName()); if (brTable == null || brTable.get(bridge_uuid) == null) { return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "Bridge with UUID "+bridge_uuid+" Not found"); } String newPort = "new_port"; UUID portUUID = new UUID(newPort); Mutation bm = new Mutation("ports", Mutator.INSERT, portUUID); List mutations = new ArrayList(); mutations.add(bm); UUID uuid = new UUID(bridge_uuid); Condition condition = new Condition("_uuid", Function.EQUALS, uuid); List where = new ArrayList(); where.add(condition); Operation addBrMutRequest = new MutateOperation(Bridge.NAME.getName(), where, mutations); // Default OVS schema is to have 1 or more interface part of Bridge. Hence it is mandatory to // Insert an Interface in a Port add case String newInterface = "new_interface"; Interface interfaceRow = new Interface(); interfaceRow.setName(portRow.getName()); InsertOperation addIntfRequest = new InsertOperation(Interface.NAME.getName(), newInterface, interfaceRow); OvsDBSet interfaces = new OvsDBSet(); UUID interfaceid = new UUID(newInterface); interfaces.add(interfaceid); portRow.setInterfaces(interfaces); InsertOperation addPortRequest = new InsertOperation(Port.NAME.getName(), newPort, portRow); TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperations(new ArrayList (Arrays.asList(addBrMutRequest, addPortRequest, addIntfRequest))); int portInsertIndex = transaction.getRequests().indexOf(addPortRequest); return _insertTableRow(node,transaction,portInsertIndex,insertErrorMsg,rowName); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in insertPortRow(): ",e); } return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } private StatusWithUuid insertInterfaceRow(Node node, String port_uuid, Interface interfaceRow) { String insertErrorMsg = "interface"; String rowName=interfaceRow.getName(); try{ // Interface table must have entry in Port table, checking port table for port Map> portTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Port.NAME.getName()); if (portTable == null || portTable.get(port_uuid) == null) { return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "Port with UUID "+port_uuid+" Not found"); } // MUTATOR, need to insert the interface UUID to LIST of interfaces in PORT TABLE for port_uuid String newInterface = "new_interface"; UUID interfaceUUID = new UUID(newInterface); Mutation portTableMutation = new Mutation("interfaces", Mutator.INSERT, interfaceUUID); // field name to append is "interfaces" List mutations = new ArrayList(); mutations.add(portTableMutation); // Create the Operation which will be used in Transact to perform the PORT TABLE mutation UUID uuid = new UUID(port_uuid); Condition condition = new Condition("_uuid", Function.EQUALS, uuid); List where = new ArrayList(); where.add(condition); Operation addPortMutationRequest = new MutateOperation(Port.NAME.getName(), where, mutations); // Create the interface row request InsertOperation addIntfRequest = new InsertOperation(Interface.NAME.getName(),newInterface, interfaceRow); // Transaction to insert/modify tables - validate using "sudo ovsdb-client dump" on host running OVSDB process TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperations(new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(addIntfRequest,addPortMutationRequest))); // Check the results. Iterates over the results of the Array of transaction Operations, and reports STATUS int interfaceInsertIndex = transaction.getRequests().indexOf(addIntfRequest); return _insertTableRow(node,transaction,interfaceInsertIndex,insertErrorMsg,rowName); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in insertInterfaceRow(): ",e); } return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } private StatusWithUuid insertOpen_vSwitchRow(Node node, Open_vSwitch row) { return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.NOTIMPLEMENTED, "Insert operation for this Table is not implemented yet."); } private StatusWithUuid insertControllerRow(Node node, String bridge_uuid, Controller row) { String insertErrorMsg = "controller"; String rowName=row.getTableName().toString(); try{ Map> brTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Bridge.NAME.getName()); if (brTable == null || brTable.get(bridge_uuid) == null) { return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "Bridge with UUID "+bridge_uuid+" Not found"); } Map> controllerCache = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Controller.NAME.getName()); String uuid_name = "new_controller"; boolean controllerExists = false; if (controllerCache != null) { for (String uuid : controllerCache.keySet()) { Controller controller = (Controller)controllerCache.get(uuid); if (controller.getTarget().equals(row.getTarget())) { uuid_name = uuid; controllerExists = true; break; } } } UUID controllerUUID = new UUID(uuid_name); Mutation bm = new Mutation("controller", Mutator.INSERT, controllerUUID); List mutations = new ArrayList(); mutations.add(bm); UUID uuid = new UUID(bridge_uuid); Condition condition = new Condition("_uuid", Function.EQUALS, uuid); List where = new ArrayList(); where.add(condition); Operation addBrMutRequest = new MutateOperation(Bridge.NAME.getName(), where, mutations); InsertOperation addControllerRequest = null; TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperation(addBrMutRequest); int portInsertIndex = -1; if (!controllerExists) { addControllerRequest = new InsertOperation(Controller.NAME.getName(), uuid_name, row); transaction.addOperation(addControllerRequest); portInsertIndex = transaction.getRequests().indexOf(addControllerRequest); } StatusWithUuid status = _insertTableRow(node,transaction,portInsertIndex,insertErrorMsg,rowName); if (status.isSuccess() && controllerExists) { // We won't get the uuid from the transact, so we set it here status = new StatusWithUuid(status.getCode(), controllerUUID); } return status; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in insertControllerRow(): ",e); } return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } private StatusWithUuid insertSSLRow(Node node, String parent_uuid, SSL row) { String insertErrorMsg = "SSL"; String rowName=row.NAME.getName(); try{ Map> ovsTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Open_vSwitch.NAME.getName()); if (ovsTable == null) { return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "There are no Open_vSwitch instance in the Open_vSwitch table"); } String newSSL = "new_SSL"; Operation addOpen_vSwitchRequest = null; String ovsTableUUID = parent_uuid; if (ovsTableUUID == null) ovsTableUUID = (String) ovsTable.keySet().toArray()[0]; UUID sslUuid = new UUID(newSSL); Mutation sslMutation = new Mutation("ssl", Mutator.INSERT, sslUuid); List mutations = new ArrayList(); mutations.add(sslMutation); UUID uuid = new UUID(ovsTableUUID); Condition condition = new Condition("_uuid", Function.EQUALS, uuid); List where = new ArrayList(); where.add(condition); addOpen_vSwitchRequest = new MutateOperation(Open_vSwitch.NAME.getName(), where, mutations); InsertOperation addSSLRequest = new InsertOperation(SSL.NAME.getName(), newSSL, row); TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperations(new ArrayList( Arrays.asList(addSSLRequest, addOpen_vSwitchRequest))); int sslInsertIndex = transaction.getRequests().indexOf(addSSLRequest); return _insertTableRow(node,transaction,sslInsertIndex,insertErrorMsg,rowName); } catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Error in insertSSLRow(): ",e); } return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } private StatusWithUuid insertSflowRow(Node node, String parent_uuid, SFlow row) { String insertErrorMsg = "sFlow"; String rowName=row.NAME.getName(); try{ Map> brTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Bridge.NAME.getName()); if (brTable == null || brTable.get(parent_uuid) == null) { return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "Bridge with UUID "+parent_uuid+" Not found"); } if (parent_uuid == null) { return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, "Require parent Bridge UUID."); } UUID uuid = new UUID(parent_uuid); String newSflow = "new_sflow"; Operation addBridgeRequest = null; UUID sflowUuid = new UUID(newSflow); Mutation sflowMutation = new Mutation("sflow", Mutator.INSERT, sflowUuid); List mutations = new ArrayList(); mutations.add(sflowMutation); Condition condition = new Condition("_uuid", Function.EQUALS, uuid); List where = new ArrayList(); where.add(condition); addBridgeRequest = new MutateOperation(Bridge.NAME.getName(), where, mutations); InsertOperation addSflowRequest = new InsertOperation(SFlow.NAME.getName(), newSflow, row); TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperations(new ArrayList( Arrays.asList(addSflowRequest, addBridgeRequest))); int sflowInsertIndex = transaction.getRequests().indexOf(addSflowRequest); return _insertTableRow(node,transaction,sflowInsertIndex,insertErrorMsg,rowName); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in insertInterfaceRow(): ",e); } return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } private StatusWithUuid insertQueueRow(Node node, String parent_uuid, Queue row) { String insertErrorMsg = "Queue"; String rowName=row.NAME.getName(); try{ Map> qosTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Qos.NAME.getName()); if (qosTable == null || qosTable.get(parent_uuid) == null) { return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "QoS with UUID "+parent_uuid+" Not found"); } if (parent_uuid == null) { return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, "Require parent QoS UUID."); } // NOTE: Queue Table is "isroot" meaning it can have a hanging reference. This is different from // standing insertRow due to the parent column type being a map, where one of the items may not be known // at time of insert. Therefore this is a simple insert, rather than mutate/insert. String newQueue = "new_queue"; InsertOperation addQueueRequest = new InsertOperation(Queue.NAME.getName(), newQueue, row); TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperations(new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(addQueueRequest))); int queueInsertIndex = transaction.getRequests().indexOf(addQueueRequest); return _insertTableRow(node,transaction,queueInsertIndex,insertErrorMsg,rowName); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in insertQueueRow(): ",e); } return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } private StatusWithUuid insertQosRow(Node node, String parent_uuid, Qos row) { String insertErrorMsg = "Qos"; String rowName=row.NAME.getName(); try{ String newQos = "new_qos"; // QoS Table "isroot" meaning it can have hanging references. If parent_uuid is not supplied in API call this becomes a simple // insert operation, rather than the typical mutate/insert parent/child insert. if (parent_uuid != null) { // Port (parent) table check for UUID existance. Map> portTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Port.NAME.getName()); if (portTable == null || portTable.get(parent_uuid) == null) { return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "Port with UUID "+parent_uuid+" Not found"); } UUID qosUuid = new UUID(newQos); Mutation qosMutation = new Mutation("qos", Mutator.INSERT, qosUuid); List mutations = new ArrayList(); mutations.add(qosMutation); Operation addPortRequest = null; UUID uuid = new UUID(parent_uuid); Condition condition = new Condition("_uuid", Function.EQUALS, uuid); List where = new ArrayList(); where.add(condition); addPortRequest = new MutateOperation(Port.NAME.getName(), where, mutations); InsertOperation addQosRequest = new InsertOperation(Qos.NAME.getName(), newQos, row); TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperations(new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(addQosRequest,addPortRequest))); int qosInsertIndex = transaction.getRequests().indexOf(addQosRequest); return _insertTableRow(node,transaction,qosInsertIndex,insertErrorMsg,rowName); } else { InsertOperation addQosRequest = new InsertOperation(Qos.NAME.getName(), newQos, row); TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperations(new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(addQosRequest))); int qosInsertIndex = transaction.getRequests().indexOf(addQosRequest); return _insertTableRow(node,transaction,qosInsertIndex,insertErrorMsg,rowName); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in insertQosRow(): ",e); } return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } private StatusWithUuid insertNetFlowRow(Node node, String parent_uuid, NetFlow row) { String insertErrorMsg = "netFlow"; String rowName=row.NAME.getName(); try{ Map> brTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Bridge.NAME.getName()); if (brTable == null || brTable.get(parent_uuid) == null) { return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "Bridge with UUID "+parent_uuid+" Not found"); } if (parent_uuid == null) { return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, "Require parent Bridge UUID."); } UUID uuid = new UUID(parent_uuid); String newNetflow = "new_netflow"; Operation addBridgeRequest = null; UUID netFlowUuid = new UUID(newNetflow); Mutation netFlowMutation = new Mutation("netflow", Mutator.INSERT, netFlowUuid); List mutations = new ArrayList(); mutations.add(netFlowMutation); Condition condition = new Condition("_uuid", Function.EQUALS, uuid); List where = new ArrayList(); where.add(condition); addBridgeRequest = new MutateOperation(Bridge.NAME.getName(), where, mutations); InsertOperation addNetflowRequest = new InsertOperation(NetFlow.NAME.getName(), newNetflow, row); TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperations(new ArrayList( Arrays.asList(addNetflowRequest, addBridgeRequest))); int netflowInsertIndex = transaction.getRequests().indexOf(addNetflowRequest); return _insertTableRow(node,transaction,netflowInsertIndex,insertErrorMsg,rowName); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in insertNetFlowRow(): ",e); } return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } private StatusWithUuid insertMirrorRow(Node node, String parent_uuid, Mirror row) { String insertErrorMsg = "mirror"; String rowName=row.NAME.getName(); try{ Map> brTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Bridge.NAME.getName()); if (brTable == null || brTable.get(parent_uuid) == null) { return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "Bridge with UUID "+parent_uuid+" Not found"); } if (parent_uuid == null) { return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, "Require parent Bridge UUID."); } UUID uuid = new UUID(parent_uuid); String newMirror = "new_mirror"; Operation addBridgeRequest = null; UUID mirrorUuid = new UUID(newMirror); Mutation mirrorMutation = new Mutation("mirrors", Mutator.INSERT, mirrorUuid); List mutations = new ArrayList(); mutations.add(mirrorMutation); Condition condition = new Condition("_uuid", Function.EQUALS, uuid); List where = new ArrayList(); where.add(condition); addBridgeRequest = new MutateOperation(Bridge.NAME.getName(), where, mutations); InsertOperation addMirrorRequest = new InsertOperation(Mirror.NAME.getName(), newMirror, row); TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperations(new ArrayList( Arrays.asList(addBridgeRequest, addMirrorRequest))); int mirrorInsertIndex = transaction.getRequests().indexOf(addMirrorRequest); return _insertTableRow(node,transaction,mirrorInsertIndex,insertErrorMsg,rowName); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in insertMirrorRow(): ",e); } return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } private StatusWithUuid insertManagerRow(Node node, String parent_uuid, Manager row) { String insertErrorMsg = "manager"; String rowName=row.NAME.getName(); try{ Map> ovsTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Open_vSwitch.NAME.getName()); if (ovsTable == null) { return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "There are no Open_vSwitch instance in the Open_vSwitch table"); } String newManager = "new_manager"; Operation addSwitchRequest = null; String ovsTableUUID = parent_uuid; if (ovsTableUUID == null) ovsTableUUID = (String) ovsTable.keySet().toArray()[0]; UUID managerUuid = new UUID(newManager); Mutation managerMutation = new Mutation("manager_options", Mutator.INSERT, managerUuid); List mutations = new ArrayList(); mutations.add(managerMutation); UUID uuid = new UUID(ovsTableUUID); Condition condition = new Condition("_uuid", Function.EQUALS, uuid); List where = new ArrayList(); where.add(condition); addSwitchRequest = new MutateOperation(Open_vSwitch.NAME.getName(), where, mutations); InsertOperation addManagerRequest = new InsertOperation(Manager.NAME.getName(), newManager, row); TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperations(new ArrayList( Arrays.asList(addSwitchRequest, addManagerRequest))); int managerInsertIndex = transaction.getRequests().indexOf(addManagerRequest); return _insertTableRow(node,transaction,managerInsertIndex,insertErrorMsg,rowName); } catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Error in insertManagerRow(): ",e); } return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } private StatusWithUuid _insertTableRow(Node node, TransactBuilder transaction, Integer insertIndex, String insertErrorMsg,String rowName){ try{ //Check for connection before calling RPC to perform transaction if (connectionService == null) { logger.error("Couldn't refer to the ConnectionService"); return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.NOSERVICE); } Connection connection = this.getConnection(node); if (connection == null) { return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.NOSERVICE, "Connection to ovsdb-server not available"); } ListenableFuture> transResponse = connection.getRpc().transact(transaction); List tr = transResponse.get(); List requests = transaction.getRequests(); StatusWithUuid status = new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.SUCCESS); for (int i = 0; i < tr.size() ; i++) { if (i < requests.size()) requests.get(i).setResult(tr.get(i)); if (tr.get(i) != null && tr.get(i).getError() != null && tr.get(i).getError().trim().length() > 0) { OperationResult result = tr.get(i); status = new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, result.getError() + " : " + result.getDetails()); } } if (tr.size() > requests.size()) { OperationResult result = tr.get(tr.size()-1); logger.error("Error creating {} : {}\n Error : {}\n Details : {}", insertErrorMsg, rowName, result.getError(), result.getDetails()); status = new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, result.getError() + " : " + result.getDetails()); } if (status.isSuccess()) { if (insertIndex >= 0 && insertIndex < tr.size() && tr.get(insertIndex) != null) { UUID uuid = tr.get(insertIndex).getUuid(); status = new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.SUCCESS, uuid); } else { // We can't get the uuid from the transact as the insertIndex is invalid or -1 // return null uuid. status = new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.SUCCESS, (UUID) null); } } return status; } catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Error in _insertTableRow(): ",e); } return new StatusWithUuid(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } private Status deleteBridgeRow(Node node, String uuid) { // Set up variables for generic _deleteTableRow() String parentTableName=Open_vSwitch.NAME.getName(); String childTableName=Bridge.NAME.getName(); String parentColumn = "bridges"; return _deleteTableRow(node,uuid,parentTableName,childTableName,parentColumn); } private Status deletePortRow(Node node, String uuid) { // Set up variables for generic _deleteTableRow() String parentTableName=Bridge.NAME.getName(); String childTableName=Port.NAME.getName(); String parentColumn = "ports"; return _deleteTableRow(node,uuid,parentTableName,childTableName,parentColumn); } private Status deleteInterfaceRow(Node node, String uuid) { // Since Port<-Interface tables have a 1:n relationship, need to test if this is the last interface // assigned to a port before attempting delete. Map> portTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Port.NAME.getName()); Map> interfaceTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, Interface.NAME.getName()); // Check that the UUID exists if (portTable == null || interfaceTable == null || uuid == null || interfaceTable.get(uuid) == null) { return new Status(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, ""); } // Since the above past, it's safe to use the generic _deleteTableRow method // Set up variables for generic _deleteTableRow() String parentTableName=Port.NAME.getName(); String childTableName=Interface.NAME.getName(); String parentColumn = "interfaces"; return _deleteTableRow(node,uuid,parentTableName,childTableName,parentColumn); } private Status deleteControllerRow(Node node, String uuid) { // Set up variables for generic _deleteTableRow() String parentTableName=Bridge.NAME.getName(); String childTableName=Controller.NAME.getName(); String parentColumn = "controller"; return _deleteTableRow(node,uuid,parentTableName,childTableName,parentColumn); } private Status deleteOpen_vSwitchRow(Node node, String uuid) { return new Status(StatusCode.NOTIMPLEMENTED, "delete operation for this Table is not implemented yet."); } private Status deleteSSLRow(Node node, String uuid) { // Set up variables for generic _deleteTableRow() String parentTableName=Open_vSwitch.NAME.getName(); String childTableName=SSL.NAME.getName(); String parentColumn = "ssl"; return _deleteTableRow(node,uuid,parentTableName,childTableName,parentColumn); } private Status deleteSflowRow(Node node, String uuid) { // Set up variables for generic _deleteTableRow() String parentTableName=Bridge.NAME.getName(); String childTableName=SFlow.NAME.getName(); String parentColumn = "sflow"; return _deleteTableRow(node,uuid,parentTableName,childTableName,parentColumn); } private Status deleteQueueRow(Node node, String uuid) { // Set up variables for _deleteRootTableRow() // This doesn't do a mutate on parent, but simply deletes row String childTableName=Queue.NAME.getName(); return _deleteRootTableRow(node,uuid,childTableName); } private Status deleteQosRow(Node node, String uuid) { // Set up variables for generic _deleteTableRow() String parentTableName=Port.NAME.getName(); String childTableName=Qos.NAME.getName(); String parentColumn = "qos"; return _deleteTableRow(node,uuid,parentTableName,childTableName,parentColumn); } private Status deleteNetFlowRow(Node node, String uuid) { // Set up variables for generic _deleteTableRow() String parentTableName=Bridge.NAME.getName(); String childTableName=NetFlow.NAME.getName(); String parentColumn = "netflow"; return _deleteTableRow(node,uuid,parentTableName,childTableName,parentColumn); } private Status deleteMirrorRow(Node node, String uuid) { // Set up variables for generic _deleteTableRow() String parentTableName=Bridge.NAME.getName(); String childTableName=Mirror.NAME.getName(); String parentColumn = "mirrors"; return _deleteTableRow(node,uuid,parentTableName,childTableName,parentColumn); } private Status deleteManagerRow(Node node, String uuid) { // Set up variables for generic _deleteTableRow() String parentTableName=Open_vSwitch.NAME.getName(); String childTableName=Manager.NAME.getName(); String parentColumn = "manager_options"; return _deleteTableRow(node,uuid,parentTableName,childTableName,parentColumn); } private Status _deleteTableRow(Node node,String uuid,String parentTableName, String childTableName, String parentColumn) { try { // Check there is a connectionService if (connectionService == null) { logger.error("Couldn't refer to the ConnectionService"); return new Status(StatusCode.NOSERVICE); } // Establish the connection Connection connection = this.getConnection(node); if (connection == null) { return new Status(StatusCode.NOSERVICE, "Connection to ovsdb-server not available"); } // Remove from Parent and Child Map> parentTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, parentTableName); Map> childTable = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, childTableName); // Check that the UUID exists if (parentTable == null || childTable == null || uuid == null || childTable.get(uuid) == null) { return new Status(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, ""); } // Initialise the actual request var Operation delRequest = null; // Prepare the mutator to remove the child UUID from the parentColumn list in the parent TABLE UUID rowUuid = new UUID(uuid); Mutation mutator = new Mutation(parentColumn, Mutator.DELETE, rowUuid); List mutations = new ArrayList(); mutations.add(mutator); Status status = new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS); // INCLUDES condition ensures that it captures all rows in the parent table (ie duplicates) that have the child UUID Condition condition = new Condition(parentColumn, Function.INCLUDES, rowUuid); List where = new ArrayList(); where.add(condition); delRequest = new MutateOperation(parentTableName, where, mutations); TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperations(new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(delRequest))); // This executes the transaction. ListenableFuture> transResponse = connection.getRpc().transact(transaction); // Pull the responses List tr = transResponse.get(); List requests = transaction.getRequests(); for (int i = 0; i < tr.size(); i++) { if (i < requests.size()) requests.get(i).setResult(tr.get(i)); if (tr.get(i) != null && tr.get(i).getError() != null && tr.get(i).getError().trim().length() > 0) { OperationResult result = tr.get(i); status = new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, result.getError() + " : " + result.getDetails()); } } if (tr.size() > requests.size()) { OperationResult result = tr.get(tr.size() - 1); logger.error("Error deleting: {}\n Error : {}\n Details : {}", uuid, result.getError(), result.getDetails()); status = new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, result.getError() + " : " + result.getDetails()); } return status; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in _deleteTableRow",e); } return new Status(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } private Status _deleteRootTableRow(Node node,String uuid,String TableName) { try { // Check there is a connectionService if (connectionService == null) { logger.error("Couldn't refer to the ConnectionService"); return new Status(StatusCode.NOSERVICE); } // Establish the connection Connection connection = this.getConnection(node); if (connection == null) { return new Status(StatusCode.NOSERVICE, "Connection to ovsdb-server not available"); } Map> table = inventoryServiceInternal.getTableCache(node, TableName); // Check that the UUID exists if (table == null || table.get(uuid) == null) { return new Status(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, ""); } // Initialise the actual request var Operation delRequest = null; UUID rowUuid = new UUID(uuid); Status status = new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS); Condition condition = new Condition("_uuid", Function.EQUALS, rowUuid); List where = new ArrayList(); where.add(condition); delRequest = new DeleteOperation(TableName, where); TransactBuilder transaction = new TransactBuilder(); transaction.addOperations(new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(delRequest))); // This executes the transaction. ListenableFuture> transResponse = connection.getRpc().transact(transaction); // Pull the responses List tr = transResponse.get(); List requests = transaction.getRequests(); for (int i = 0; i < tr.size(); i++) { if (i < requests.size()) requests.get(i).setResult(tr.get(i)); if (tr.get(i) != null && tr.get(i).getError() != null && tr.get(i).getError().trim().length() > 0) { OperationResult result = tr.get(i); status = new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, result.getError() + " : " + result.getDetails()); } } if (tr.size() > requests.size()) { OperationResult result = tr.get(tr.size() - 1); logger.error("Error deleting: {}\n Error : {}\n Details : {}", uuid, result.getError(), result.getDetails()); status = new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, result.getError() + " : " + result.getDetails()); } return status; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in _deleteRootTableRow",e); } return new Status(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR); } public void _ovsconnect (CommandInterpreter ci) { String bridgeName = ci.nextArgument(); if (bridgeName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Bridge Name"); return; } String ovsdbserver = ci.nextArgument(); if (ovsdbserver == null) { ci.println("Please enter valid IP-Address"); return; } try { InetAddress.getByName(ovsdbserver); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { logger.error("Unable to resolve " + ovsdbserver, e); ci.println("Please enter valid IP-Address"); return; } String port = ci.nextArgument(); if (port == null) { port = "6634"; } ci.println("connecting to ovsdb server : "+ovsdbserver+":"+port+" ... "); Map params = new HashMap(); params.put(ConnectionConstants.ADDRESS, ovsdbserver); params.put(ConnectionConstants.PORT, port); Node node = connectionService.connect(bridgeName, params); if (node != null) ci.println("Node Name: "+node.toString()); else ci.println("Could not connect to Node"); } public void _addBridge (CommandInterpreter ci) { String nodeName = ci.nextArgument(); if (nodeName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Node Name"); return; } String bridgeName = ci.nextArgument(); if (bridgeName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Bridge Name"); return; } Status status; Node node = Node.fromString(nodeName); if (node == null) { ci.println("Invalid Node"); return; } status = this.createBridgeDomain(node, bridgeName, null); ci.println("Bridge creation status : "+status.toString()); } public void _getBridgeDomains (CommandInterpreter ci) { String nodeName = ci.nextArgument(); if (nodeName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Node Name"); return; } List brlist = new ArrayList(); Node node = Node.fromString(nodeName); brlist = this.getBridgeDomains(node); if (node == null) { ci.println("Invalid Node"); return; } ci.println("Existing Bridges: "+brlist.toString()); } public void _deleteBridgeDomain (CommandInterpreter ci) { String nodeName = ci.nextArgument(); if (nodeName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Node Name"); return; } String bridgeName = ci.nextArgument(); if (bridgeName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Bridge Name"); return; } Status status; Node node = Node.fromString(nodeName); if (node == null) { ci.println("Invalid Node"); return; } status = this.deleteBridgeDomain(node, bridgeName); ci.println("Bridge deletion status : "+status.toString()); } public void _addPort (CommandInterpreter ci) { String nodeName = ci.nextArgument(); if (nodeName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Node Name"); return; } String bridgeName = ci.nextArgument(); if (bridgeName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Bridge Name"); return; } String portName = ci.nextArgument(); if (portName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Port Name"); return; } String type = ci.nextArgument(); Map configs = new HashMap(); while(true) { String configKey = ci.nextArgument(); if (configKey == null) break; String configValue = ci.nextArgument(); if (configValue == null) break; configs.put(configKey, configValue); } Map customConfigs = null; if (type != null) { customConfigs = new HashMap(); customConfigs.put(ConfigConstants.TYPE, type); } if (configs.size() > 0) { if (customConfigs == null) customConfigs = new HashMap(); customConfigs.put(ConfigConstants.CUSTOM, configs); ci.println(customConfigs.toString()); } Status status; Node node = Node.fromString(nodeName); if (node == null) { ci.println("Invalid Node"); return; } status = this.addPort(node, bridgeName, portName, customConfigs); ci.println("Port creation status : "+status.toString()); } public void _deletePort (CommandInterpreter ci) { String nodeName = ci.nextArgument(); if (nodeName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Node Name"); return; } String bridgeName = ci.nextArgument(); if (bridgeName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Bridge Name"); return; } String portName = ci.nextArgument(); if (portName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Port Name"); return; } Status status; Node node = Node.fromString(nodeName); if (node == null) { ci.println("Invalid Node"); return; } status = this.deletePort(node, bridgeName, portName); ci.println("Port deletion status : "+status.toString()); } public void _addPortVlan (CommandInterpreter ci) { String nodeName = ci.nextArgument(); if (nodeName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Node Name"); return; } String bridgeName = ci.nextArgument(); if (bridgeName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Bridge Name"); return; } String portName = ci.nextArgument(); if (portName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Port Name"); return; } String vlan = ci.nextArgument(); if (vlan == null) { ci.println("Please enter Valid Vlan"); return; } else { try { Integer.parseInt(vlan); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { ci.println("Please enter Valid Vlan"); return; } } Map configs = new HashMap(); configs.put(ConfigConstants.TYPE, "VLAN"); configs.put(ConfigConstants.VLAN, vlan); Status status; Node node = Node.fromString(nodeName); if (node == null) { ci.println("Invalid Node"); return; } status = this.addPort(node, bridgeName, portName, configs); ci.println("Port creation status : "+status.toString()); } public void _addTunnel (CommandInterpreter ci) { String nodeName = ci.nextArgument(); if (nodeName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Node Name"); return; } String bridgeName = ci.nextArgument(); if (bridgeName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Bridge Name"); return; } String portName = ci.nextArgument(); if (portName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Port Name"); return; } String tunnelType = ci.nextArgument(); if (tunnelType == null) { ci.println("Please enter Tunnel Type"); return; } String remoteIp = ci.nextArgument(); if (remoteIp == null) { ci.println("Please enter valid Remote IP Address"); return; } try { InetAddress.getByName(remoteIp); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to resolve " + remoteIp, e); ci.println("Please enter valid Remote IP Address"); return; } Map configs = new HashMap(); configs.put(ConfigConstants.TYPE, "TUNNEL"); configs.put(ConfigConstants.TUNNEL_TYPE, tunnelType); configs.put(ConfigConstants.DEST_IP, remoteIp); Status status; Node node = Node.fromString(nodeName); if (node == null) { ci.println("Invalid Node"); return; } status = this.addPort(node, bridgeName, portName, configs); ci.println("Port creation status : "+status.toString()); } public void _printCache (CommandInterpreter ci) { String nodeName = ci.nextArgument(); if (nodeName == null) { ci.println("Please enter Node Name"); return; } Node node = Node.fromString(nodeName); if (node == null) { ci.println("Invalid Node"); return; } inventoryServiceInternal.printCache(node); } public void _forceConnect (CommandInterpreter ci) { String force = ci.nextArgument(); if (force.equalsIgnoreCase("YES")) { forceConnect = true; } else if (force.equalsIgnoreCase("NO")) { forceConnect = false; } else { ci.println("Please enter YES or NO."); } ci.println("Current ForceConnect State : "+forceConnect); } @Override public String getHelp() { StringBuilder help = new StringBuilder(); help.append("---OVSDB CLI---\n"); help.append("\t ovsconnect - Connect to OVSDB\n"); help.append("\t addBridge - Add Bridge\n"); help.append("\t getBridgeDomains - Get Bridges\n"); help.append("\t deleteBridgeDomain - Delete a Bridge\n"); help.append("\t addPort - Add Port\n"); help.append("\t deletePort - Delete Port\n"); help.append("\t addPortVlan - Add Port, Vlan\n"); help.append("\t addTunnel - Add Tunnel\n"); help.append("\t printCache - Prints Table Cache"); return help.toString(); } }