define(['app/ovsdb/lib/d3.min', 'app/ovsdb/OvsCore', 'underscore'], function(d3, OvsCore, _) { 'use strict'; var root = null, canvasWidth = -1, canvasHeight = -1, bbox = { x:0, y:15, width: 0, height: 0}, // config nodeWidth = 15, nodeHeight = -1, defaultRouterWidth = 66, defaultRouterHeight = 66, networkMargin = { width: 120, height: 15}, routerMargin = { width: 120, height: 40}, vmMargin = { width: 90, height: 30}, defaultVmsWidth = 48, defaultVmsHeight = 48, ipNetworkTextMaxLength = 60, networkOffset = 15, linkHeight = 5, // datas networkData = [], routerData = [], vmData = [], linkData = [], tmpNetHolder = {}, // d3 layer over datas d3Node = null, d3Link = null, d3Vm = null, d3Router = null, randomize = OvsCore.Util.Math.Random(42); function LogicalGraph(id, width , height) { canvasWidth = width; canvasHeight = height; nodeHeight = height - 15; var tmp ="svg") .attr('width', width) .attr('height', height) .append("svg:g") .attr('class', 'layer_0'); tmp.append('svg:rect') .attr('width', width) .attr('height', height) .attr('fill', 'white'); root =[1, 8]).on("zoom", zoom)) .append("g"); tmp.on("dblclick.zoom", null); addDefs(); } // Define reusable svg item like box-shadow function addDefs() { // box-shadow var defs ='svg').insert('svg:defs', ':first-child'); var filter = defs.append('svg:filter').attr('id', 'boxShadow').attr('x', '0').attr('y', '0').attr('width', '200%').attr('height', '200%'); filter.append('feOffset').attr('in', 'SourceAlpha').attr('result', 'offOut').attr('dx', 0).attr('dy', 0); filter.append('feGaussianBlur').attr('stdDeviation', '5').attr('in','offOut').attr('result', 'blurOut'); filter.append('feOffset').attr('in', 'SourceGraphic').attr('in2', 'blurOut').attr('mode', 'normal'); } function zoom() { root.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")"); } Object.defineProperties(LogicalGraph.prototype, { networks: { set: function(value) { networkData = value; value.forEach(function(net) { routerData = routerData.concat(net.routers); }); value.forEach(function(net) { vmData = vmData.concat(net.instances); }); } } }); LogicalGraph.prototype.start = function() {, networkData);, linkData);, networkData, routerData, vmData);; }; LogicalGraph.prototype.freeDOM = function() { d3Node.remove(); d3Link.remove(); d3Vm.remove(); d3Router.remove(); networkData = []; routerData = []; vmData = []; linkData = []; bbox = { x:0, y:15, width: 0, height: 0}; }; function addLinksToDom(linksData) { d3Link = root.selectAll('.llink') .data(linksData).enter().append('svg:g'); d3Link.append('rect') .attr('width', function(d) { return - d.source.x; }) .attr('height', linkHeight) .style('fill', function(d) { return d.color; }); d3Link.append('text') .attr('x', 40) .attr('y', -3) .text(function(d) {return d.text;}); } function addNetWorkRouterVmsToDom(networks, routers, vms) { var ctx = this, timer = null; function getAbsPos() { var elem =[0][0], elemAbsBBox = elem.getBoundingClientRect(), parentAbsBox ='#l_graph').node().getBoundingClientRect(), left = elemAbsBBox.left - parentAbsBox.left + (elemAbsBBox.right - elemAbsBBox.left), top = -; if (top < 0 ) { top = 10; } var event = { left : left, top : top }; return event; } d3Node = root.selectAll('.network') .data(networks).enter() .append('svg:g'); d3Router = root.selectAll('.routers') .data(routers).enter() .append('svg:g'); d3Vm = root.selectAll('.vm') .data(vms).enter() .append('svg:g'); // append coresponding form d3Node.append('svg:rect') .attr('width', nodeWidth) .attr('height', nodeHeight) .attr('rx', 10) .attr('ry', 10) .style('fill', function(d) { return d.color; }).on('click', function(d) { if (d3.event.defaultPrevented) return; timer = setTimeout(function() { var e =; ctx.onClick(e, d); }.bind(this), 150); }).on('dblclick', function(d) { clearTimeout(timer); ctx.dblClick(d); }); // append the network name text d3Node.append('text') .attr('x', nodeWidth / 2 ) .attr('y', nodeHeight /2 ) .style('text-anchor', 'middle') .style('writing-mode', 'tb') .style('font-size', '12px') .style('glyph-orientation-vertical', '0') .text(function(d) { return; }); // text info for the network ip d3Node.append('text') .attr('x', nodeWidth + 10) .attr('y', nodeHeight - 15) .attr('transform', OvsCore.Util.String.Format('translate({0} {1}) rotate(-90) translate(-{0} -{1})', nodeWidth + 10, nodeHeight - 15)) .attr('class', 'linfolabel') .text(function(d) {return d.ip;}); // vm d3Vm.append('svg:image') .attr('width', defaultVmsWidth) .attr('height', defaultVmsHeight) .attr('filter', 'url(#boxShadow)') .attr('xlink:href', function(d) { return d.type === 'network:dhcp' ? 'src/app/ovsdb/assets/dhcp.png' : 'src/app/ovsdb/assets/vm.png'; }) .on('click', function(d) { if (d3.event.defaultPrevented) return; timer = setTimeout(function() { var e =; ctx.onClick(e, d); }.bind(this), 150); }).on('dblclick', function(d) { clearTimeout(timer); ctx.dblClick(d); }); // router d3Router.append('svg:image') .attr('width', defaultRouterWidth) .attr('height', defaultRouterHeight) .attr('xlink:href', 'src/app/ovsdb/assets/router.png') .on('click', function(d) { if (d3.event.defaultPrevented) return; timer = setTimeout(function() { var e =; ctx.onClick(e, d); }.bind(this), 150); }).on('dblclick', function(d) { clearTimeout(timer); ctx.dblClick(d); }); // router name label d3Router.append('text') .attr('x', defaultRouterWidth * 0.5) .attr('y', defaultRouterHeight + 15) .attr('text-anchor', 'middle') .attr('class', 'linfolabel') .text(function(d) { return; }); // vm name label d3Vm.append('text') .attr('x', defaultVmsWidth * 0.5) .attr('y', defaultVmsHeight + 15) .attr('text-anchor', 'middle') .attr('class', 'linfolabel') .text(function(d) { return; }); // vm floating ip label d3Vm.append('text') .attr('x', -35) .attr('y', 40) .attr('text-anchor', 'middle') .text(function(d) { return (d.floatingIp) ? d.floatingIp.ip : ''; }); } function findNetworkWithRouter(router) { var result = []; _.each(router.interfaces, function(inter) { if (inter.type === 'router_interface') { var net = tmpNetHolder[inter.networkId] || null; if (net) { result.push({network: net, interface: inter}); } } }); return result; } function positionateNetwork(network, x, y, margin) { network.x = x; network.y = y; margin = margin || 0; network.color = d3.hsl( * 360, 1, 0.6).toString(); // look is the network is the highest bbox.height = network.y > bbox.height ? network.y : bbox.height ; bbox.width = network.x > bbox.width ? network.x : bbox.width; // get the number of "childs" (router, vm) var nbRouter = network.routers.length; var nbVm = network.instances.length; if (!network.external) { _.each(network.subnets, function(subnet, i) { network.ip += subnet.cidr; if (i < network.subnets.length -1) { network.ip += ', '; } }); } // if needed, ajust the height of the network // to be able to display all children ajustHeighBaseOnChilds(nbRouter, nbVm); var py = positionateRouter(network, x + routerMargin.width, y + margin); positionateVm(network, x + vmMargin.width, py + 35 + margin); delete tmpNetHolder[]; } function positionateRouter(network, x, y) { var px = x, py = y ; // loop over all routers _.each(network.routers, function(router, i) { router.x = getRouterCentroid(x, py).x ; router.y = py; py += getRouterMarginHeight(); if (network.external) { // find network ip with the gateway ip var gateway = router.externalGateway.external_fixed_ips[0].ip_address; var netIp = gateway.slice(0, gateway.lastIndexOf('.')) + '.0'; network.ip = netIp; } // look is the router is the highest bbox.height = router.y > bbox.height ? router.y : bbox.height ; bbox.width = router.x > bbox.width ? router.x : bbox.width; linkData.push({ source: {x: network.x + (nodeWidth * 0.5), y: router.y + (defaultRouterHeight * 0.5)}, target: {x: router.x + (defaultRouterWidth * 0.5), y: router.y + (nodeWidth * 0.5)}, color: network.color, text: router.externalGateway.external_fixed_ips[0].ip_address }); // go to the next layer var nets = findNetworkWithRouter(router), step = defaultRouterHeight / (nets.length + 1); _.forEach(nets, function(net, i) { var netPos = getNetworkLayerPosition(bbox.width + defaultRouterWidth); positionateNetwork(, netPos.x, netPos.y); linkData.push({ source: {x: router.x + (2 * nodeWidth), y: router.y + step * (i + 1) }, target: {x: + (nodeWidth * 0.5), y: router.y + (nodeWidth * 0.5 )}, color:, text: net.interface.ip.ip_address }); }); }); return py; } function positionateVm(network, x, y) { // I do vm before router because router // will step to another BUS _.each(network.instances, function(vm) { vm.x = x; vm.y = y; // look is the network is the highest bbox.height = vm.y > bbox.height ? vm.y : bbox.height ; bbox.width = vm.x > bbox.width ? vm.x : bbox.width; y += getVmMarginHeight(); linkData.push({ source: {x: network.x + (nodeWidth * 0.5), y: vm.y + (defaultVmsHeight * 0.5 )}, target: {x: vm.x + (defaultVmsWidth * 0.5), y: vm.y + (nodeWidth * 0.5)}, color: network.color, text: vm.ip }); }); } /* * Scan the whole "BUS" to display it properly * ------------------------------------------------ * I build it in a virtual space, if it need to be * resize it at the end when the overal bounding * box is known */ function setTopologyPosition(networks) { _.each(networks, function(net) { tmpNetHolder[] = net; }); var i = 0; for(var key in tmpNetHolder) { var margin = (i === 0) ? 5 : networkMargin.width, net = tmpNetHolder[key]; if (net.routers.length > 0) { positionateNetwork(net, bbox.x + bbox.width + margin, bbox.y); ++i; } } for(var key in tmpNetHolder) { var margin = networkMargin.width, net = tmpNetHolder[key]; positionateNetwork(net, bbox.x + bbox.width + margin, bbox.y); } } /* * Check and ajust the height for a network. */ function ajustHeighBaseOnChilds(nbRouter, nbVm) { // calculate the height for the number of childs var childHeight = nbRouter * (getRouterMarginHeight()) + nbVm * (getVmMarginHeight()) + ipNetworkTextMaxLength; // if heigh bigger than the default network height resize it if (childHeight > nodeHeight) { nodeHeight = childHeight + networkOffset; } } /* * Set the view to the modal position */ function update() { d3Node.attr('transform', function(d) { return OvsCore.Util.String.Format("translate({0}, {1})", d.x, d.y ); }); d3Router.attr('transform', function(d, i) { return OvsCore.Util.String.Format("translate({0}, {1})", d.x, d.y ); }); d3Vm.attr('transform', function(d) { return OvsCore.Util.String.Format("translate({0}, {1})", d.x, d.y ); }); d3Link.attr('transform', function(d) { return OvsCore.Util.String.Format("translate({0}, {1})", d.source.x, d.source.y ); }); // resize the graph if bigger than the canvas var bbox = root.node().getBBox(); if (bbox.width > canvasWidth || bbox.height > canvasHeight) { var sx = (canvasWidth - 30) / bbox.width, sy = (canvasHeight - 30) / bbox.height, s = sx < sy ? sx : sy;'.layer_0').attr('transform', 'scale(' + s + ')'); console.log(root.node().getBBox()); } } function getRouterCentroid(x, y) { return { x : x + defaultRouterWidth * 0.5, y : y + defaultRouterHeight * 0.5 }; } function getRouterMarginHeight() { return (defaultRouterHeight + routerMargin.height); } function getVmMarginHeight() { return (defaultVmsHeight + vmMargin.height); } function getNetworkLayerPosition(x) { return { x : x + networkMargin.width, y : networkMargin.height }; } function getVmLayerPosition(nbRouter, x) { var t = { x : x + vmMargin.width * 2, y : getRoutersDim(nbRouter).height + getVmMarginHeight() }; return t; } LogicalGraph.prototype.onClick = _.noop; LogicalGraph.prototype.dblClick = _.noop; return LogicalGraph; });