/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Inocybe Technologies and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'app/ovsdb/ovsdb.module', 'app/ovsdb/OvsCore', 'app/ovsdb/ovsdb.directives', 'app/ovsdb/ovsdb.services', 'app/ovsdb/lib/select2.full.min'], function ($, _, ovsdb, OvsCore) { 'use strict'; var RootOvsdbCtrl = function ($rootScope, cssInjector) { // transparent 1px gif picture $rootScope['section_logo'] = ''; cssInjector.add('src/app/ovsdb/css/select2.min.css'); cssInjector.add('src/app/ovsdb/css/toggle-switch.css'); cssInjector.add('src/app/ovsdb/css/ovsdb.css'); }; RootOvsdbCtrl.$inject = ['$rootScope', 'cssInjector']; var BaseOvsdbCtrl = function ($scope) { $scope.err = { "message": "", "tag": "", "type": "" }; $scope.showError = function () { $('#errorMessage').fadeIn().delay(3000).fadeOut(); }; }; BaseOvsdbCtrl.$inject = ['$scope']; var OvsdbCtrl = function ($q, $scope, TopologySvc, NeutronSvc, OvsUtil) { BaseOvsdbCtrl.call(this, $scope); var lgraphDataDefer = $q.defer(), physDataDefer = $q.defer(), filterTenant = { bridgeIds : [''], ovsdbIds : [''] }, filterSubnet = { bridgeIds : [''], ovsdbIds : [''] }; $scope.dataPromise = physDataDefer.promise; $scope.lgraphIsReadyPromise = lgraphDataDefer.promise; $scope.canvasWidth = $('#tabs').width(); $scope.canvasHeight = 580; $scope.dialogData = ['d']; $scope.tenants = []; $scope.subnets = []; $scope.selectedTenant = ''; $scope.selectedSubnet = ''; $scope.toggleLayer = function () { $scope.rotateGraph($scope.opt.layer); }; $scope.resizeGraph = function () { var $row = $('#ovsdb_contain > div.row:first'); var h = $row.height(); $row.data('ph', h); $row.fadeOut(); $('#nv_graph > svg').animate({ height: '+=' + h }); }; $scope.minimizeGraph = function () { var $row = $('#ovsdb_contain > div.row:first'); var h = $row.data('ph'); $row.fadeIn(); $('#nv_graph > svg').animate({ height: '-=' + h }); }; function applyFilter(inverse) { var bridgeIds = _.uniq(filterTenant.bridgeIds.concat(filterSubnet.bridgeIds)); var ovsdbIds = _.uniq(filterTenant.ovsdbIds.concat(filterSubnet.ovsdbIds)); $scope.filterNode(bridgeIds, '.bridge'); $scope.filterNode(ovsdbIds, '.switch'); $scope.filterLink(); } function removeFilter() { $scope.filterNode([''], '.bridge', false); $scope.filterNode([''], '.switch', false); $scope.filterLink(); } $scope.fiterByTenant = function() { if ($scope.selectedTenant) { var tenant = $scope.selectedTenant; OvsUtil.extractLogicalByTenant(tenant.id).then(function(result) { var bridgeId = result[0], ovsdbId = result[1]; filterTenant.bridgeIds = _.uniq(filterTenant.bridgeIds.concat(bridgeId)); filterTenant.ovsdbIds = _.uniq(filterTenant.ovsdbIds.concat(ovsdbId)); applyFilter(); }); } else { filterTenant.bridgeIds = ['']; filterTenant.ovsdbIds = ['']; applyFilter(); } }; $scope.filterBySubnet = function() { if (!_.isEmpty($scope.selectedSubnet)) { var subnets = _.map($scope.selectedSubnet, function(d) { return d.id; }); OvsUtil.extractLogicalBySubnet(subnets).then(function(result) { var bridgeId = result[0], ovsdbId = result[1]; filterSubnet.bridgeIds = _.uniq(filterSubnet.bridgeIds.concat(bridgeId)); filterSubnet.ovsdbIds = _.uniq(filterSubnet.ovsdbIds.concat(ovsdbId)); applyFilter(); }); } else { filterSubnet.bridgeIds = ['']; filterSubnet.ovsdbIds = ['']; applyFilter(); } }; $scope.onNodeClick = function (d, nodes, links) { $scope.pDialogData = d.node.pretty(); $scope.$apply(); }; $('#tenantSelect').select2({ width: "200", minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity }).next().children('span').children('span').css('width', '200'); //hack to have the arrow with the same background $("#tagPicker").select2({ width: "230", }); var $tabs = $('#tabs').tabs({selected: 0}); $scope.goToPhysicalView = function(d) { $tabs.tabs("option", "active", 1); $('#tenantSelect').val(d.tenantId).change(); if ( d instanceof OvsCore.Neutron.Network) { $('#tagPicker').val(d.subnets.map(function(d){return d.id;})).change(); } }; OvsUtil.getLogicalTopology().then(function(networks) { var tenantList = NeutronSvc.getAllTenants(); _.each(tenantList, function(t) { $scope.tenants.push({id : t, name: t}); }); NeutronSvc.getSubNets().then(function(subHash) { $scope.subnets = _.values(subHash).map(function(n) { return n[0]; }); }); lgraphDataDefer.resolve(networks); }); TopologySvc.getTopologies().then(function(d) { physDataDefer.resolve(d); }); }; OvsdbCtrl.$inject = ['$q', '$scope', 'TopologySvc', 'NeutronSvc', 'OvsUtil']; OvsdbCtrl.prototype = Object.create(BaseOvsdbCtrl.prototype); ovsdb.register.controller('RootOvsdbCtrl', RootOvsdbCtrl); ovsdb.register.controller('OvsdbCtrl', OvsdbCtrl); });