#!/bin/bash # @License EPL-1.0 # shague todo: # - Add -r option for mock to choose the distribution # - add option to pass in spec file name, maybe use spec.in template # - add option to pass in version and release #set -vx buildtype="snapshot" buildroot="" buildtag="" cleanroot=0 cleantmp=0 pushrpms=0 getsource="buildroot" version="" release="" repourl="" repouser="" repopw="" dist="fedora-19-x86_64" pkg_dist_suffix="fc19" mock_cmd="/usr/bin/mock" vers_controller="" vers_ovsdb="" suff_controller="" suff_ovsdb="" mockdebug="" mockinit=0 tmpbuild="" mockmvn="" timesuffix="" # Maven is not installed at the system wide level but at the Jenkins level # We need to map our Maven call to the Jenkins installed version mvn_cmd="$JENKINS_HOME/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/Maven_3.0.4/bin/mvn" # Define our push repositories here. We do it in code since we can't # use a POM file for the RPM pushes (we're doing "one-off" file pushes) # # Repositories will be of the form baseRepositoryId-$dist{-testing} # -testing if it's a snapshot build (not using -snapshot as the name as # -testing is the more common testing repo suffix for yum) baseURL="http://nexus.opendaylight.org/content/repositories/opendaylight-yum-" baseRepositoryId="opendaylight-yum-" readonly RCSUCCESS=0 readonly RCERROR=64 readonly RCPARMSERROR=65 readonly RCRPMBUILDERROR=66 readonly RCRMOCKERROR=67 readonly LOGERROR=2 readonly LOGINFO=5 readonly LOGVERBOSE=7 loglevel=$LOGVERBOSE function log { local level=$1; shift; if [ $level -le $loglevel ]; then echo "buildrpm: $@" fi } function usage { local rc=$1 local outstr=$2 if [ "$outstr" != "" ]; then echo "$outstr" echo fi echo "Usage: `basename $0` [OPTION...]" echo echo "Build options:" echo " --buildtype TYPE build type, either snapshot or release" echo " --buildroot DIRECTORY build root path" echo " --buildtag tag the tmpbuild directory, i.e. Jenkins build number" echo " --cleanroot clean buildroot directory before building" echo " --cleantmp clean tmpbuild directory before building" echo " --dist DIST distribution" echo " --getsource METHOD method for getting source clone|snapshot|buildroot" echo echo "Tag options:" echo " --release RELEASE release tag (not used yet)" echo " --version VERSION version tag" echo echo "Repo sync options:" echo " --repourl REPOURL url of the repo, include http://" echo " --repouser REPOUSER user for repo" echo " --repopw REPOPW password for repo" echo echo "Deployment options:" echo " --pushrpms push the built rpms to a maven repository" echo " --mvn_cmd fully qualified path to where the mvn command" echo " (defaults to Jenkins installation of Maven 3.0.4)" echo " --baseURL base deployment URL. \$dist will be added to the end of this" echo " If this is a snapshot build then -testing be added at the end" echo " --baseRepositoryId base repository name. \$dist will be added to the end of this" echo " If this is a snapshot build then -testing be added at the end" echo echo "Mock options:" echo " --mockinit Run mock init" echo " --mockmvn replace the maven command used within mock" echo echo "Help options:" echo " -?, -h, --help Display this help and exit" echo " --debug Enable bash debugging output" echo " --mockdebug Enable mock debugging output" exit $rc } readonly PJ_INTEGRATION=0 readonly PJ_CONTROLLER=1 readonly PJ_OVSDB=2 readonly PJ_OPENFLOWJAVA=3 readonly PJ_OPENFLOWPLUGIN=4 readonly PJ_DEPENDENCIES=5 readonly PJ_DISTRIBUTION=6 projects[$PJ_INTEGRATION]="integration" projects[$PJ_CONTROLLER]="controller" projects[$PJ_OVSDB]="ovsdb" projects[$PJ_OPENFLOWJAVA]="openflowjava" projects[$PJ_OPENFLOWPLUGIN]="openflowplugin" projects[$PJ_DEPENDENCIES]="controller-dependencies" projects[$PJ_DISTRIBUTION]="distribution" versions[$PJ_INTEGRATION]="" versions[$PJ_CONTROLLER]="" versions[$PJ_OVSDB]="" versions[$PJ_OPENFLOWJAVA]="" versions[$PJ_OPENFLOWPLUGIN]="" versions[$PJ_DEPENDENCIES]="" versions[$PJ_DISTRIBUTION]="" suffix[$PJ_INTEGRATION]="" suffix[$PJ_CONTROLLER]="" suffix[$PJ_OVSDB]="" suffix[$PJ_OPENFLOWJAVA]="" suffix[$PJ_OPENFLOWPLUGIN]="" suffix[$PJ_DEPENDENCIES]="" suffix[$PJ_DISTRIBUTION]="" # Clone the projects. function clone_source { for project in ${projects[*]}; do # We only care about a shallow clone (no need to grab the entire project) git clone --depth 0 https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/p/$project.git $buildroot/$project done } # Copy the projects from snapshots. # shague: Fill in with the nexus info. # Make mk_snapshot_archives that just sets up the version strings. function snapshot_source { log $LOGINFO "$FUNCNAME: Not implemented yet." } # Archive the projects to creates the SOURCES for rpmbuild: # - xz the source for later use by rpmbuild. # - get the version and git hashes to produce a versions and suffix for each project. # - copy the archives to the SOURCES dir # shague: need another archive method for snapshot getsource builds since # the source did not come from a git repo. function mk_git_archives { local timesuffix=$1 for i in `seq $PJ_INTEGRATION $PJ_OPENFLOWPLUGIN`; do if [ "$version" == "" ]; then cd $buildroot/${projects[$i]} suffix[$i]="snap.$timesuffix.git.$(git log -1 --pretty=format:%h)" else suffix[$i]="snap.$version" fi cd $buildroot/integration/packaging/rpm # integration uses the controller.spec because there isn't an integration.spec to query. if [ ${projects[$i]} == ${projects[$PJ_INTEGRATION]} ]; then versions[$i]="$( rpm -q --queryformat="%{version}\n" --specfile opendaylight-${projects[$PJ_CONTROLLER]}.spec | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}').${suffix[$i]}" else versions[$i]="$( rpm -q --queryformat="%{version}\n" --specfile opendaylight-${projects[$i]}.spec | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}').${suffix[$i]}" fi cd $buildroot/${projects[$i]} git archive --prefix=opendaylight-${projects[$i]}-${versions[$i]}/ HEAD | \ xz > $tmpbuild/opendaylight-${projects[$i]}-${versions[$i]}.tar.xz done # Use the controller versions becuase these projects don't have a repo. for i in `seq $PJ_DEPENDENCIES $PJ_DISTRIBUTION`; do suffix[$i]=${suffix[$PJ_CONTROLLER]} versions[$i]=${versions[$PJ_CONTROLLER]} done # Don't forget any patches. cp $buildroot/integration/packaging/rpm/opendaylight-integration-fix-paths.patch $tmpbuild } # Pushes rpms to the specified Nexus repository # This only happens if pushrpms is true function push_rpms { if [ $pushrpms = 1 ]; then allrpms=`find $tmpbuild/repo -iname '*.rpm'` echo log $LOGINFO "RPMS found" for i in $allrpms do log $LOGINFO $i done log $LOGINFO ":::::" log $LOGINFO "::::: pushing RPMs" log $LOGINFO ":::::" for i in $allrpms do rpmname=`rpm -qp --queryformat="%{name}" $i` rpmversion=`rpm -qp --queryformat="%{version}" $i` distro=`echo $dist | tr - .` if [ `echo $i | grep 'src.rpm'` ]; then rpmrelease=`rpm -qp --queryformat="%{release}.src" $i` groupId="srpm" else rpmrelease=`rpm -qp --queryformat="%{release}.%{arch}" $i` groupId="rpm" fi if [ "$buildtype" == "snapshot" ]; then repositoryId="${baseRepositoryId}${dist}-testing" pushURL="${baseURL}${dist}-testing" else repositoryId="${baseRepositoryId}${dist}" pushURL="${baseURL}${dist}" fi # Note version is the full version+release+{arch|src} # if it is not configured this way on pushes then a download # of the artifact will result in just the name-version.rpm # instead of name-version-release.{arch|src}.rpm $mvn_cmd org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.1:deploy-file \ -Dfile=$i -DrepositoryId=$repositoryId \ -Durl=$pushURL -DgroupId=$groupId \ -Dversion=$rpmversion-$rpmrelease -DartifactId=$rpmname \ -Dtype=rpm done fi } function show_vars { cat << EOF Building controller using: distribution: $dist buildtype: $buildtype release: $release version: $version getsource: $getsource buildroot: $buildroot buildtag: $buildtag tmpbuild: $tmpbuild mockmvn: $mockmvn mockinit: $mockinit time: $timesuffix EOF } # Build a single project. function build_project { local project=$1 local versionmajor="$2" local versionsnapsuffix="$3" log $LOGINFO ":::::" log $LOGINFO "::::: building opendaylight-$project.rpm" log $LOGINFO ":::::" cp -f $buildroot/integration/packaging/rpm/opendaylight-$project.spec \ $tmpbuild cd $tmpbuild # Find lines starting with Version: and replace the rest of the line with the versionsnapsuffix sed -r -i -e '/^Version:/s/\s*$/'".$versionsnapsuffix/" opendaylight-$project.spec # Set the write values in the spec files. case "$project" in ${projects[$PJ_CONTROLLER]}) # Set the version for the integration source. # Find lines with opendaylight-integration-%{version} and replace %{version} with the version. sed -r -i -e '/opendaylight-integration-\%\{version\}/s/\%\{version\}/'"${versions[$PJ_INTEGRATION]}"'/g' \ opendaylight-$project.spec ;; ${projects[$PJ_DEPENDENCIES]}) # Set the version for ovsdb in the dependencies spec. # Find lines with opendaylight-ovsdb-%{version} and replace %{version} with the version. sed -r -i -e '/opendaylight-ovsdb-\%\{version\}/s/\%\{version\}/'"${versions[$PJ_OVSDB]}"'/g' \ opendaylight-$project.spec # Find lines with opendaylight-ovsdb-dependencies-%{version} and replace %{version} with the version. sed -r -i -e '/opendaylight-ovsdb-dependencies-\%\{version\}/s/\%\{version\}/'"${versions[$PJ_OVSDB]}"'/g' \ opendaylight-$project.spec ;; *) ;; esac # Rewrite the mvn command in the rpmbuild if the user requests it. if [ "$mockmvn" != "" ]; then # Find lines starting with export MAVEN_OPTS= and repalce the whole line with $mockmvn sed -r -i -e '/^export MAVEN_OPTS=./c\ '"$mockmvn" opendaylight-$project.spec fi # Build the source RPM for use by mock later. #rm -f SRPMS/*.src.rpm log $LOGINFO "::::: building opendaylight-$project.src.rpm in rpmbuild" rpmbuild -bs --define '%_topdir '"`pwd`" --define '%_sourcedir %{_topdir}' \ --define "%dist .$pkg_dist_suffix" opendaylight-$project.spec rc=$? if [ $rc != 0 ]; then log $LOGERROR "rpmbuild of $project.src.rpm failed (rc=$rc)." exit $RCRPMBUILDERROR fi log $LOGINFO "::::: building opendaylight-$project.rpm in mock" resultdir="repo/$project.$pkg_dist_suffix.noarch.snap" # Build the rpm using mock. # Keep the build because we will need the distribution zip file for later # when building the controller-dependencies.rpm. eval $mock_cmd $mockdebug -r $dist --no-clean --no-cleanup-after --resultdir \"$resultdir\" \ -D \"dist .$pkg_dist_suffix\" -D \"noclean 1\" \ SRPMS/opendaylight-$project-$versionmajor-*.src.rpm rc=$? if [ $rc != 0 ]; then log $LOGERROR "mock of $project.rpm failed (rc=$rc)." exit $RCRMOCKERROR fi # Copy the distribution zip from the controller and ovsdb projects # for use in the dependencies.rpm. case "$project" in controller) log $LOGINFO "::::: Copying $project distribution.zip." eval $mock_cmd $mockdebug -r $dist --no-clean --no-cleanup-after --resultdir \"$resultdir\" \ -D \"dist .$pkg_dist_suffix\" -D \"noclean 1\" \ --copyout \"builddir/build/BUILD/opendaylight-$project-$versionmajor/opendaylight/distribution/opendaylight/target/distribution.opendaylight-osgipackage.zip\" \"$resultdir/opendaylight-$project-$versionmajor.zip\" rc1=$? ln -sf $resultdir/opendaylight-$project-$versionmajor.zip $tmpbuild rc2=$? if [ ! -e $tmpbuild/opendaylight-$project-$versionmajor.zip ]; then log $LOGERROR "cannot find $project distribution zip file (rc=$rc1:$rc2)." exit $RCERROR fi ;; ovsdb) log $LOGINFO "::::: Copying $project distribution.zip." #todo: Parse pom file to get filename. eval $mock_cmd $mockdebug -r $dist --no-clean --no-cleanup-after --resultdir \"$resultdir\" \ -D \"dist .$pkg_dist_suffix\" -D \"noclean 1\" \ --copyout \"builddir/build/BUILD/opendaylight-$project-$versionmajor/distribution/opendaylight/target/distribution.$project-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-osgipackage.zip\" \"$resultdir/opendaylight-$project-$versionmajor.zip\" rc1=$? ln -sf $resultdir/opendaylight-$project-$versionmajor.zip $tmpbuild rc2=$? if [ ! -e $tmpbuild/opendaylight-ovsdb-$versionmajor.zip ]; then log $LOGERROR "cannot find $project distribution zip file (rc=$rc1:$rc2)." exit $RCERROR fi ;; *) ;; esac } # Main function that builds the rpm's for snapshot's. function build_snapshot { mk_git_archives $timesuffix # Initialize our mock build location (we'll be using --no-clean later) # If we don't do the first init we can't build since the environment # doesn't get setup correctly! if [ $mockinit -eq 1 ]; then eval $mock_cmd $mockdebug -r $dist --init fi for i in `seq $PJ_CONTROLLER $PJ_DISTRIBUTION`; do build_project ${projects[$i]} ${versions[$i]} ${suffix[$i]} done log $LOGINFO ":::::" log $LOGINFO "::::: All projects have been built" log $LOGINFO ":::::" push_rpms } # Main function that builds the rpm's for release's. # shague: should be similar to snapshot but use a different version or tag. # spec files should be updated with correct version. If so, do function build_release { log $LOGINFO "$FUNCNAME: Not implemented yet." } function parse_options { while true ; do case "$1" in --debug) set -vx; shift; ;; --mockdebug) mockdebug="-v"; shift; ;; --buildtype) shift; buildtype="$1"; shift; if [ "$buildtype" != "snapshot" ] && [ "$buildtype" != "release" ]; then usage $RCPARMSERROR "Invalid build type."; fi ;; --buildroot) shift; buildroot="$1"; shift; if [ "$buildroot" == "" ]; then usage $RCPARMSERROR "Missing build root."; fi if [ ! -d "$buildroot" ]; then usage $RCPARMSERROR "Invalid build root path." fi ;; --buildtag) shift; buildtag="$1"; shift; if [ "$buildtag" == "" ]; then usage $RCPARMSERROR "Missing build tag."; fi ;; --cleanroot) cleanroot=1; shift; ;; --cleantmp) cleantmp=1; shift; ;; --getsource) shift; getsource="$1"; shift; if [ "$getsource" != "clone" ] && [ "$getsource" != "snapshot" ] && \ [ "$getsource" != "buildroot" ]; then usage $RCPARMSERROR "Invalid getsource method."; fi ;; --dist) shift; dist="$1"; shift; if [ "$dist" == "" ]; then $RCPARMSERROR "Missing distribution."; fi ;; --release) shift; release="$1"; shift; if [ "$release" == "" ]; then $RCPARMSERROR "Missing release."; fi ;; --version) shift; version="$1"; shift; if [ "$version" == "" ]; then $RCPARMSERROR "Missing version."; fi ;; --repourl) shift; repourl="$1"; shift; if [ "$repourl" == "" ]; then $RCPARMSERROR "Missing repo url."; fi ;; --repouser) shift; repouser="$1"; shift; if [ "$repouser" == "" ]; then $RCPARMSERROR "Missing repo user."; fi ;; --repopw) shift; repopw="$1"; shift; if [ "$repopw" == "" ]; then $RCPARMSERROR "Missing repo pw."; fi ;; --pushrpms) pushrpms=1; shift; ;; --mvn_cmd) shift; mvn_cmd="$1"; shift; if [ "$mvn_cmd" == "" ]; then $RCPARMSERROR "Missing mvn_cmd."; fi ;; --mockmvn) shift; mockmvn="$1"; shift; if [ "$mockmvn" == "" ]; then $RCPARMSERROR "Missing mockmvn."; fi ;; --baseURL) shift; baseURL="$1"; shift; if [ "$baseURL" == "" ]; then $RCPARMSERROR "Missing baseURL."; fi ;; --baseRepositoryId) shift; baseRepositoryId="$1"; shift; if [ "$baseRepositoryId" == "" ]; then $RCPARMSERROR "Missing baseRepositoryId."; fi ;; -? | -h | --help) usage $RCSUCCESS ;; "") break ;; *) log $LOGINFO "Ignoring unknown option: $1"; shift; esac done } #################### main #################### timesuffix="$(date +%F_%T | tr -d .:- | tr _ .)" date_start=$(date +%s) parse_options "$@" # Some more error checking... if [ -z $buildroot ]; then log $LOGERROR "Mising buildroot" exit $RCPARMSERROR fi if [ $cleanroot -eq 1 ] && [ $getsource = "buildroot" ]; then log $LOGERROR "Aborting. You probably do not want to clean the directory" \ "containing the source." exit $RCPARMSERROR fi # Can change tmpbuild to be an index or other tag if [ -n "$buildtag" ]; then tmpbuild="$buildroot/bld_$buildtag" else tmpbuild="$buildroot/bld" fi show_vars if [ $cleanroot -eq 1 ]; then rm -rf $buildroot mkdir -p $buildroot fi if [ $cleantmp -eq 1 ]; then rm -rf $tmpbuild fi # Setup the temp build directory. mkdir -p $tmpbuild/repo # Get the source. case "$getsource" in clone) clone_source; ;; snapshot) snapshot_source; exit $RCSUCCESS ;; buildroot) cd $buildroot for i in `seq $PJ_INTEGRATION $PJ_OPENFLOWPLUGIN`; do if [ ! -d ${projects[$i]} ]; then log $LOGERROR "Missing ${projects[$i]}" exit $RCPARMSERROR fi done ;; esac if [ "$buildtype" = "snapshot" ]; then log $LOGINFO "Building a snapshot build" build_snapshot else log $LOGINFO "Release builds are not supported yet." build_release fi date_end=$(date +%s) diff=$(($date_end - $date_start)) log $LOGINFO "Build took $(($diff / 3600 % 24)) hours $(($diff / 60 % 60)) minutes and $(($diff % 60)) seconds." exit $RCSUCCESS