# OpenDaylight Packer [Packer][1] is a tool for automatically creating VM and container images, configuring them and post-processing them into standard output formats. We build OpenDaylight's Vagrant base boxes and Docker images via Packer. ## Building You'll need to [install Packer][2], of course. OpenDaylight's Packer configuration is divided into build-specific variables, output-specific templates and a set of shared provisioning scripts. To do a specific build, combine the template for the desired output artifact type with a variable file. For example, to build a LibVirt-based Vagrant base box with ODL Beryllium and CentOS 7.2.1511: ``` packer build -var-file=vars/opendaylight-4.0.0.json -var-file=vars/centos-7.2.1511.json templates/libvirt.json ``` To build the same box with VirtualBox as the virtualization provider: ``` packer build -var-file=vars/opendaylight-4.0.0.json -var-file=vars/centos-7.2.1511.json templates/virtualbox.json ``` To build a Beryllium SR1 Docker container: ``` packer build -var-file=vars/opendaylight-4.1.0.json -var-file=vars/centos-7.2.1511.json templates/docker.json ``` Note that LibVirt, VirtualBox and Docker will need to work on your local system to run Packer builds that use them. You may need to disable LibVirt/VBox when enabling the other. From a high level, the builds: * Download and verify the CentOS ISO specified in the variables file. * Boot the ISO and do low-level configuration via a Kickstart template. * Run a set of shell scripts, listed in the template's shell provisioner section, to do any configuration required by the builder (VBox, Docker), other provisioners (Ansible) or post-processors (Vagrant, Docker). * Install and configure the version of OpenDaylight specified in the variables file using the [ansible-opendaylight role][3]. * Export, compress and package the VM as a Vagrant base box or Docker image. ## Running This section documents how to run OpenDaylight's Vagrant base boxes and Docker images. ### Pre-Built This section documents how to run OpenDaylight Vagrant base boxes and Docker images. That have been built by the Integration/Packaging project and pushed to hosting services for easy consumption. #### Vagrant Base Boxes OpenDaylight uses the official Atlas Vagrant base box hosting service. The [opendaylight/odl][4] repository contains built versions of every box defined here. To use the latest version, simply specify `opendaylight/odl` as the base box in your Vagrantfile. ``` $ vagrant init -m opendaylight/odl $ cat Vagrantfile Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| config.vm.box = "opendaylight/odl" end ``` Boot the box (will download from Atlas if not cached locally) and connect: ``` $ vagrant up $ vagrant ssh ``` OpenDaylight will already be installed and running: ``` $ sudo systemctl is-active opendaylight active ``` To connect to the Karaf shell: ``` $ ssh -p 8101 karaf@localhost # password: karaf ``` To use a version other than latest, specify it in your Vagrantfile. ``` Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| config.vm.box = "opendaylight/odl" config.vm.box_version = "= 3.4.0" end ``` #### Docker Images Up-to-date Docker images can be pulled from [OpenDaylight's DockerHub][5]. Download the latest image and start a container with ODL running: ``` $ docker run -ti opendaylight/odl /opt/opendaylight/bin/karaf ``` To run a specific version, include a tag: ``` $ docker run -ti opendaylight/odl:4.1.0 /opt/opendaylight/bin/karaf ``` ### Locally Built This section documents how to run locally-built OpenDaylight Vagrant base boxes and Docker images. Users not interested in building their own artifacts should see the Pre-Built section above. #### Vagrant Base Boxes The `vagrant` post-processor outputs built .box files into the current working directory. ``` Build 'qemu' finished. ==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are: --> qemu: 'qemu' provider box: opendaylight-4.1.0-centos-7.2.1511-libvirt.box $ ls -rc | tail -n 1 opendaylight-4.1.0-centos-7.2.1511-libvirt.box ``` Import the local box into Vagrant with: ``` $ vagrant box add --name "odl" opendaylight-4.1.0-centos-1511.box --force ==> box: Adding box 'odl' (v0) for provider: box: Downloading: file:///home/daniel/packaging/packer/opendaylight-4.1.0-centos-1511.box ==> box: Successfully added box 'odl' (v0) for 'virtualbox'! ``` To connect to your new box, you'll need a trivial Vagrantfile: ``` $ vagrant init -m odl $ cat Vagrantfile Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| config.vm.box = "odl" end ``` Boot the box and connect: ``` $ vagrant up $ vagrant ssh ``` OpenDaylight will already be installed and running: ``` $ sudo systemctl is-active opendaylight active ``` To connect to the Karaf shell: ``` $ ssh -p 8101 karaf@localhost # password: karaf ``` #### Docker Images The `docker-tag` post-processor imports the built Docker image into your local image repository. ``` $ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE opendaylight/odl 4.1.0 8c9e8c24081e 2 days ago 1.408 GB ``` Use `docker run` to start a container. Point it at the Karaf executable to run OpenDaylight as the container's process. ``` $ docker run -ti opendaylight/odl:4.1.0 /opt/opendaylight/bin/karaf ``` [1]: https://www.packer.io/ [2]: https://www.packer.io/intro/getting-started/setup.html [3]: https://github.com/dfarrell07/ansible-opendaylight [4]: https://atlas.hashicorp.com/opendaylight/boxes/odl [5]: https://hub.docker.com/r/opendaylight/