packer { required_plugins { openstack = { version = ">= 1.0.0" source = "" } } } variable "ansible_roles_path" { type = string default = ".galaxy" } variable "arch" { type = string default = "x86_64" } variable "base_image" { type = string default = null } variable "cloud_network" { type = string default = null } variable "cloud_region" { type = string default = "ca-ymq-1" } variable "cloud_auth_url" { type = string default = null } variable "cloud_tenant" { type = string default = null } variable "cloud_user" { type = string default = null } variable "cloud_pass" { type = string default = null } variable "cloud_user_data" { type = string default = null } variable "distro" { type = string default = null } variable "docker_source_image" { type = string default = null } variable "flavor" { type = string default = "v3-standard-2" } variable "ssh_proxy_host" { type = string default = "" } variable "source_ami_filter_name" { type = string default = null } variable "source_ami_filter_product_code" { type = string default = null } variable "source_ami_filter_owner" { type = string default = null } variable "ssh_user" { type = string } variable "vm_image_disk_format" { type = string default = "" } variable "vm_use_block_storage" { type = string default = "true" } variable "vm_volume_size" { type = string default = "20" } source "docker" "helm" { changes = ["ENTRYPOINT [\"\"]", "CMD [\"\"]"] commit = true image = "${var.docker_source_image}" } source "openstack" "helm" { domain_name = "Default" flavor = "v1-standard-1" identity_endpoint = "${var.cloud_auth_url}" image_disk_format = "${var.vm_image_disk_format}" image_name = "ZZCI - ${var.distro} - helm - ${var.arch} - ${legacy_isotime("20060102-150405.000")}" instance_name = "${var.distro}-helm-${uuidv4()}" metadata = { ci_managed = "yes" } networks = ["${var.cloud_network}"] password = "${var.cloud_pass}" region = "ca-ymq-1" source_image_name = "${var.base_image}" ssh_proxy_host = "${var.ssh_proxy_host}" ssh_username = "${var.ssh_user}" tenant_name = "${var.cloud_tenant}" use_blockstorage_volume = "${var.vm_use_block_storage}" user_data_file = "${var.cloud_user_data}" username = "${var.cloud_user}" volume_size = "${var.vm_volume_size}" } # a build block invokes sources and runs provisioning steps on them. The # documentation for build blocks can be found here: # build { sources = ["source.docker.helm", "source.openstack.helm"] provisioner "shell" { execute_command = "chmod +x {{ .Path }}; if [ \"$UID\" == \"0\" ]; then {{ .Vars }} '{{ .Path }}'; else {{ .Vars }} sudo -E '{{ .Path }}'; fi" scripts = ["common-packer/provision/"] } provisioner "shell-local" { command = "./common-packer/ ${var.ansible_roles_path}" } provisioner "ansible" { ansible_env_vars = [ "ANSIBLE_NOCOWS=1", "ANSIBLE_PIPELINING=False", "ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False", "ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH=${var.ansible_roles_path}", "ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_WHITELIST=profile_tasks", "ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=debug" ] command = "./common-packer/" extra_arguments = [ "--ssh-extra-args", "-o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa" ] playbook_file = "provision/helm.yaml" skip_version_check = true } }