/** * @header@ */ package org.pcmm.messages.impl; import org.pcmm.messages.IMessage.MessageProperties; import org.pcmm.messages.IMessageFactory; import org.pcmm.objects.MMVersionInfo; import org.pcmm.rcd.ICMTS; import org.pcmm.rcd.IPCMMClient; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.umu.cops.stack.*; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSClientSI.CSIType; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSContext.RType; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSDecision.Command; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSDecision.DecisionFlag; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSError.ErrorTypes; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSHeader.ClientType; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSHeader.OPCode; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSObjHeader.CType; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.util.*; /** * * */ public class MessageFactory implements IMessageFactory { /** Default keep-alive timer value (secs) */ public static final short KA_TIMER_VALUE = 30; /** Default accounting timer value (secs) */ public static final short ACCT_TIMER_VALUE = 0; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageFactory.class); private static final MessageFactory instance = new MessageFactory(); private MessageFactory() { } public static MessageFactory getInstance() { return instance; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see pcmm.messages.IMessageFactory#create(pcmm.messages.MessageType) */ public COPSMsg create(final OPCode messageType) { return create(messageType, new Properties()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.pcmm.messages.IMessageFactory#create(org.pcmm.messages.IMessage. * MessageType, java.util.Properties) */ public COPSMsg create(final OPCode messageType, final Properties properties) { logger.info("Creating message of type - " + messageType); // return new PCMMMessage(messageType, content); switch (messageType) { case OPN: return createOPNMessage(properties); case REQ: return createREQMessage(properties); case CAT: return createCATMessage(properties); case CC: return createCCMessage(properties); case DEC: return createDECMessage(properties); case DRQ: break; case KA: return createKAMessage(properties); case RPT: break; case SSC: break; case SSQ: break; } return null; } /** * * @param prop - the properties * @return - the message */ protected COPSMsg createDECMessage(final Properties prop) { // ===common part between all gate control messages // final COPSHeader hdr = new COPSHeader(OPCode.DEC, IPCMMClient.CLIENT_TYPE); // handle // context // decision // TODO - the old command and flag codes are not congruent with the ones described in COPSDecision // TODO - what is the correct client type to be using here??? /* if (prop.get(MessageProperties.DECISION_CMD_CODE) != null) decision.setCmdCode((byte) prop.get(MessageProperties.DECISION_CMD_CODE)); if (prop.get(MessageProperties.DECISION_FLAG) != null) decision.setFlags((short) prop.get(MessageProperties.DECISION_FLAG)); */ final COPSData data; if (prop.get(MessageProperties.GATE_CONTROL) != null) data = (COPSData) prop.get(MessageProperties.GATE_CONTROL); else data = null; // TODO - Need to determine is SIGNALED is the correct default CSIType // Decided that CSI object is not what should be encapsulated by the COPSDecisionMsg, therefore placing // data into the COPSDecision object located in the decisionMap // final COPSClientSI si = new COPSClientSI(CSIType.SIGNALED, data); final COPSHandle handle; if (prop.get(MessageProperties.CLIENT_HANDLE) != null) { handle = new COPSHandle(new COPSData((String) prop.get(MessageProperties.CLIENT_HANDLE))); } else { // TODO - This smells wrong to have a null handle ID handle = new COPSHandle(null); } final Set decisionSet = new HashSet<>(); decisionSet.add(new COPSDecision(CType.DEF, Command.NULL, DecisionFlag.NA, data)); final Map> decisionMap = new HashMap<>(); decisionMap.put(new COPSContext(RType.CONFIG, (short)0), decisionSet); final COPSDecisionMsg msg = new COPSDecisionMsg(ClientType.TYPE_1, handle, decisionMap, null); // TODO - determine why this block has been commented out // try { // msg.dump(System.out); // } catch (IOException unae) { // } return msg; } /** * creates a Client-Open message. * * @param prop * properties * @return COPS message */ protected COPSMsg createOPNMessage(final Properties prop) { // version infor object short majorVersion = MMVersionInfo.DEFAULT_MAJOR_VERSION_INFO; short minorVersion = MMVersionInfo.DEFAULT_MINOR_VERSION_INFO; if (prop.get(MessageProperties.MM_MAJOR_VERSION_INFO) != null) majorVersion = (Short) prop.get(MessageProperties.MM_MAJOR_VERSION_INFO); if (prop.get(MessageProperties.MM_MINOR_VERSION_INFO) != null) minorVersion = (Short) prop.get(MessageProperties.MM_MINOR_VERSION_INFO); // Mandatory MM version. byte[] versionInfo = new MMVersionInfo(majorVersion, minorVersion).getAsBinaryArray(); final COPSClientSI clientSI = new COPSClientSI(CSIType.SIGNALED, new COPSData(versionInfo, 0, versionInfo.length)); try { final COPSData d; if (prop.get(MessageProperties.PEP_ID) != null) d = new COPSData((String) prop.get(MessageProperties.PEP_ID)); else d = new COPSData(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()); final COPSPepId pepId = new COPSPepId(d); return new COPSClientOpenMsg(ClientType.NA, pepId, clientSI, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error creating OPN message", e); } // TODO - this probably should not return null and throw an exception instead return null; } /** * creates a Client-Accept message. * @param prop - properties * @return COPS message */ protected COPSMsg createCATMessage(final Properties prop) { // TODO - determine what the first constructor parameter really should be??? final COPSKATimer katimer; if (prop.get(MessageProperties.KA_TIMER) != null) katimer = new COPSKATimer((short)prop.get(MessageProperties.KA_TIMER)); else katimer = new COPSKATimer(KA_TIMER_VALUE); // TODO - determine what the first constructor parameter really should be??? final COPSAcctTimer acctTimer; if (prop.get(MessageProperties.ACCEPT_TIMER) != null) acctTimer = new COPSAcctTimer((short) prop.get(MessageProperties.ACCEPT_TIMER)); else acctTimer = new COPSAcctTimer(ACCT_TIMER_VALUE); if (acctTimer.getTimerVal() != 0) return new COPSClientAcceptMsg(IPCMMClient.CLIENT_TYPE, katimer, acctTimer, null); else return new COPSClientAcceptMsg(IPCMMClient.CLIENT_TYPE, katimer, null, null); } /** * creates a Client-Close message. * * @param prop * properties * @return COPS message */ protected COPSMsg createCCMessage(final Properties prop) { final COPSError err; if (prop.get(MessageProperties.ERR_MESSAGE) != null) { ErrorTypes code = ErrorTypes.NA; final ErrorTypes error = (ErrorTypes) prop.get(MessageProperties.ERR_MESSAGE); if (prop.get(MessageProperties.ERR_MESSAGE_SUB_CODE) != null) code = (ErrorTypes) prop.get(MessageProperties.ERR_MESSAGE_SUB_CODE); err = new COPSError(COPSError.ERROR_CODE_TO_TYPE.get(error.ordinal()), COPSError.ERROR_CODE_TO_TYPE.get(code.ordinal())); } else err = new COPSError(ErrorTypes.UNKNOWN, ErrorTypes.NA); return new COPSClientCloseMsg(IPCMMClient.CLIENT_TYPE, err, null, null); } /** * creates a Request message * * @param prop * properties * @return Request message */ protected COPSMsg createREQMessage(final Properties prop) { final short rType; if (prop.get(MessageProperties.R_TYPE) != null) rType = (Short) prop.get(MessageProperties.R_TYPE); else rType = ICMTS.DEFAULT_R_TYPE; final short mType; if (prop.get(MessageProperties.M_TYPE) != null) mType = (Short) prop.get(MessageProperties.M_TYPE); else mType = ICMTS.DEFAULT_M_TYPE; final COPSContext copsContext = new COPSContext(COPSContext.VAL_TO_RTYPE.get((int)rType), mType); final COPSHandle copsHandle; if (prop.get(MessageProperties.CLIENT_HANDLE) != null) copsHandle = new COPSHandle(new COPSData((String) prop.get(MessageProperties.CLIENT_HANDLE))); else // just a random handle copsHandle = new COPSHandle(new COPSData("" + Math.random() * 82730)); return new COPSReqMsg(ClientType.TYPE_1, copsHandle, copsContext, null, null, null, null, null); } /** * creates a Keep-Alive message. * * @param prop * properties * @return COPS message * TODO - Why is there a timer being instantiated but never used? */ protected COPSMsg createKAMessage(final Properties prop) { // TODO - determine why this isn't really doing anything return new COPSKAMsg(ClientType.NA, null); /* final COPSKATimer timer; if (prop.get(MessageProperties.KA_TIMER) != null) timer = new COPSKATimer((short)0, (Short) prop.get(MessageProperties.KA_TIMER)); else timer = new COPSKATimer(); */ } }