/* * Copyright (c) 2004 University of Murcia. All rights reserved. * -------------------------------------------------------------- * For more information, please see . */ package org.umu.cops.prpep; import org.umu.cops.stack.*; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSDecision.Command; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; /** * COPSPepReqStateMan manages Request State using Client Handle (RFC 2748 pag. 21) * in PEP. * * The client handle is used to identify a unique request state for a * single PEP per client-type. Client handles are chosen by the PEP and * are opaque to the PDP. The PDP simply uses the request handle to * uniquely identify the request state for a particular Client-Type over * a particular TCP connection and generically tie its decisions to a * corresponding request. Client handles are initiated in request * messages and are then used by subsequent request, decision, and * report messages to reference the same request state. When the PEP is * ready to remove a local request state, it will issue a delete message * to the PDP for the corresponding client handle. A handle MUST be * explicitly deleted by the PEP before it can be used by the PEP to * identify a new request state. Handles referring to different request * states MUST be unique within the context of a particular TCP * connection and client-type. * * @version COPSPepReqStateMan.java, v 2.00 2004 * */ public class COPSPepReqStateMan { /** * Request State created */ public final static short ST_CREATE = 1; /** * Request sent */ public final static short ST_INIT = 2; /** * Decisions received */ public final static short ST_DECS = 3; /** * Report sent */ public final static short ST_REPORT = 4; /** * Request State finalized */ public final static short ST_FINAL = 5; /** * New Request State solicited */ public final static short ST_NEW = 6; /** * Delete Request State solicited */ public final static short ST_DEL = 7; /** * SYNC Request received */ public final static short ST_SYNC = 8; /** * SYNC Completed */ public final static short ST_SYNCALL = 9; /** * Close Connection received */ public final static short ST_CCONN = 10; /** * KAlive Time out */ public final static short ST_NOKA = 11; /** * ACCT Time out */ public final static short ST_ACCT = 12; /** * The client-type identifies the policy client */ protected short _clientType; /** * The client handle is used to uniquely identify a particular * PEP's request for a client-type */ protected COPSHandle _handle; /** The PolicyDataProcess is used to process policy data in the PEP */ protected COPSPepDataProcess _process; /** * State Request State */ protected short _status; /** The Msg Sender is used to send COPS messages */ protected COPSPepMsgSender _sender; /** * Sync State */ protected boolean _syncState; /** * Create a State Request Manager * * @param clientHandle a Client Handle * */ public COPSPepReqStateMan(short clientType, String clientHandle) { _handle = new COPSHandle(new COPSData(clientHandle)); _clientType = clientType; _syncState = true; _status = ST_CREATE; } /** * Return client handle * * @return a COPSHandle * */ public COPSHandle getClientHandle() { return _handle; } /** * Return client-type * * @return a short * */ public short getClientType() { return _clientType; } /** * Return Request State status * * @return s short */ public short getStatus() { return _status; } /** * Return the Policy Data Process * * @return a PolicyConfigure * */ public COPSPepDataProcess getDataProcess() { return _process; } /** * Establish the Policy Data Process * * @param process a PolicyConfigure * */ public void setDataProcess(COPSPepDataProcess process) { _process = process; } /** * Init Request State * * @throws COPSPepException * */ protected void initRequestState(Socket sock) throws COPSPepException { // Inits an object for sending COPS messages to the PDP _sender = new COPSPepMsgSender(_clientType, _handle, sock); // If an object for retrieving PEP features exists, // use it for retrieving them Hashtable clientSIs; if (_process != null) clientSIs = _process.getClientData(this); else clientSIs = null; // Send the request _sender.sendRequest(clientSIs); // Initial state _status = ST_INIT; } /** * Finalize Request State * * @throws COPSPepException * */ protected void finalizeRequestState() throws COPSPepException { _sender.sendDeleteRequest(); _status = ST_FINAL; } /** * Process the message Decision * * @param dMsg a COPSDecisionMsg * * @throws COPSPepException * */ protected void processDecision(COPSDecisionMsg dMsg) throws COPSPepException { // COPSDebug.out(getClass().getName(), "ClientId:" + getClientHandle().getId().str()); // COPSHandle handle = dMsg.getClientHandle(); Hashtable decisions = dMsg.getDecisions(); Hashtable removeDecs = new Hashtable(40); Hashtable installDecs = new Hashtable(40); Hashtable errorDecs = new Hashtable(40); for (Enumeration e = decisions.keys() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) { COPSContext context = (COPSContext) e.nextElement(); Vector v = (Vector) decisions.get(context); Enumeration ee = v.elements(); COPSDecision cmddecision = (COPSDecision) ee.nextElement(); // cmddecision --> we must check whether it is an error! if (cmddecision.getCommand().equals(Command.INSTALL)) { String prid = ""; for (; ee.hasMoreElements() ;) { COPSDecision decision = (COPSDecision) ee.nextElement(); COPSPrObjBase obj = new COPSPrObjBase(decision.getData().getData()); switch (obj.getSNum()) { case COPSPrObjBase.PR_PRID: prid = obj.getData().str(); break; case COPSPrObjBase.PR_EPD: installDecs.put(prid, obj.getData().str()); break; default: break; } } } if (cmddecision.getCommand().equals(Command.REMOVE)) { String prid = ""; for (; ee.hasMoreElements() ;) { COPSDecision decision = (COPSDecision) ee.nextElement(); COPSPrObjBase obj = new COPSPrObjBase(decision.getData().getData()); switch (obj.getSNum()) { case COPSPrObjBase.PR_PRID: prid = obj.getData().str(); break; case COPSPrObjBase.PR_EPD: removeDecs.put(prid, obj.getData().str()); break; default: break; } } } } //** Apply decisions to the configuration _process.setDecisions(this, removeDecs, installDecs, errorDecs); _status = ST_DECS; if (_process.isFailReport(this)) { // COPSDebug.out(getClass().getName(),"Sending FAIL Report\n"); _sender.sendFailReport(_process.getReportData(this)); } else { // COPSDebug.out(getClass().getName(),"Sending SUCCESS Report\n"); _sender.sendSuccessReport(_process.getReportData(this)); } _status = ST_REPORT; if (!_syncState) { _sender.sendSyncComplete(); _syncState = true; _status = ST_SYNCALL; } } /** * Process the message NewRequestState * * @throws COPSPepException * */ protected void processOpenNewRequestState() throws COPSPepException { if (_process != null) _process.newRequestState(this); _status = ST_NEW; } /** * Process the message DeleteRequestState * * @param dMsg a COPSDecisionMsg * * @throws COPSPepException * */ protected void processDeleteRequestState(COPSDecisionMsg dMsg) throws COPSPepException { if (_process != null) _process.closeRequestState(this); _status = ST_DEL; } /** * Process the message SycnStateRequest. * The message SycnStateRequest indicates that the remote PDP * wishes the client (which appears in the common header) * to re-send its state. * * @param ssMsg a COPSSyncStateMsg * * @throws COPSPepException * */ protected void processSyncStateRequest(COPSSyncStateMsg ssMsg) throws COPSPepException { _syncState = false; // If an object for retrieving PEP features exists, // use it for retrieving them Hashtable clientSIs; if (_process != null) clientSIs = _process.getClientData(this); else clientSIs = null; // Send request _sender.sendRequest(clientSIs); _status = ST_SYNC; } protected void processClosedConnection(COPSError error) throws COPSPepException { if (_process != null) _process.notifyClosedConnection(this, error); _status = ST_CCONN; } protected void processNoKAConnection() throws COPSPepException { if (_process != null) _process.notifyNoKAliveReceived(this); _status = ST_NOKA; } protected void processAcctReport() throws COPSPepException { Hashtable report = new Hashtable(); if (_process != null) report = _process.getAcctData(this); _sender.sendAcctReport(report); _status = ST_ACCT; } }