/* * (c) 2015 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. */ package org.pcmm.gates.impl; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSMsgParser; /** * Tests the data holder class AMID to ensure both construction and byte parsing result in correct object creation. */ public class AMIDTest { @Test public void construction() { final AMID amid = new AMID((short)5, (short)6); final byte[] dataBytes = amid.getBytes(); Assert.assertEquals((short)5, amid.getApplicationType()); Assert.assertEquals((short)6, amid.getApplicationMgrTag()); Assert.assertEquals(4, dataBytes.length); Assert.assertEquals(5, COPSMsgParser.bytesToShort(dataBytes[0], dataBytes[1])); Assert.assertEquals(6, COPSMsgParser.bytesToShort(dataBytes[2], dataBytes[3])); } @Test public void byteParsing() { final AMID amid = new AMID((short)7, (short)8); final AMID parsed = AMID.parse(amid.getBytes()); Assert.assertEquals(amid, parsed); } }