/* * (c) 2015 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. */ package org.pcmm.rcd.impl; import org.pcmm.gates.IGateSpec.Direction; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.umu.cops.prpep.COPSPepConnection; import org.umu.cops.prpep.COPSPepDataProcess; import org.umu.cops.prpep.COPSPepException; import org.umu.cops.prpep.COPSPepReqStateMan; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSException; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSHandle; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * The connection object for the PCMM CMTS */ class PcmmCmtsConnection extends COPSPepConnection { private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(COPSPepConnection.class); /** * The configured gates */ private final Map> gateConfig; /** * The connected CMTSs and whether or not they are up */ private final Map cmStatus; /** * Constructor * @param clientType - the client-type * @param sock - the socket connection * @param gateConfig - the configured gates * @param cmStatus - the configured CMs and whether or each is connected */ public PcmmCmtsConnection(final short clientType, final Socket sock, final Map> gateConfig, final Map cmStatus) { super(clientType, sock); this.gateConfig = Collections.unmodifiableMap(gateConfig); this.cmStatus = Collections.unmodifiableMap(cmStatus); } @Override public COPSPepReqStateMan addRequestState(final COPSHandle clientHandle, final COPSPepDataProcess process) throws COPSException { final COPSPepReqStateMan manager = new CmtsPepReqStateMan(_clientType, clientHandle, (CmtsDataProcessor)process, _sock, gateConfig, cmStatus); if (_managerMap.get(clientHandle) != null) throw new COPSPepException("Duplicate Handle, rejecting " + clientHandle); _managerMap.put(clientHandle, manager); logger.info("Added state manager with key - " + clientHandle); manager.initRequestState(); return manager; } }