module packetcable { namespace "urn:opendaylight:node:packetcable"; prefix packetcable; import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import packetcable-cmts {prefix cmts; } organization "Packetcabel ODL"; contact "Thomas Kee "; description "Packetcable plugin for the PCMM driver"; revision "2014-07-23" { description "Packetcable module."; } typdef pcmm-configuration { leaf ip-address { type inet:ip-address; mandatory true; description "The IP address of the controller to connect to."; } leaf port { type inet:port-number; default 3918; description "The port number at the controller to connect to."; } }//typdef pcmm-configuration rpc init-connection { description "Request connection with the CMTS"; input { leaf connectionConf { type pcmm-configuration ; description "cmts configuration"; } } } // rpc init-connection rpc disconnect { input { leaf connectionConf { type pcmm-configuration ; description "cmts configuration"; } } description "Disconnect from CMTS. A 'resource-denied' error will be returned if the packetcable service is disabled."; } // rpc disconnect notification connectedToCMTS { description "Indicates that the toaster has run of out bread."; } // notification connectedToCMTS notification desconnectedFromCMTS { description "Indicates that the toaster has run of out bread."; leaf connectionConf { type pcmm-configuration ; description "cmts configuration"; } } // notification desconnectedFromCMTS } // module packetcable