module packetcable { namespace "urn:packetcable"; prefix "pcmm"; import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; revision-date "2013-07-15"; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; revision-date "2013-07-15"; } import yang-ext { prefix ext; revision-date "2013-07-09"; } description "This module contains the PCMM Converged Cable Access Platform (CCAP) definitions"; organization "OpenDaylight Project"; revision 2017-02-24 { description "Added RPC operations for set/delete/info on gates"; } revision 2017-01-25 { description "Added support for UGS and RTP traffic profiles"; } revision 2016-12-19 { description "Added support for flow-spec traffic profile"; } revision 2016-11-28 { description "Added support for activation-state, session-class-id and inactivity-timer"; } revision 2016-11-07 { description "Added priority field to all classifiers"; } revision 2016-10-17 { description "Modified service-flow-direction values to match the PCMM Spec"; } revision 2015-11-01 { description "Extended gates to support multiple classifiers."; } revision 2015-10-26 { description "Corrected pluralization of containers/lists and added containers around lists where needed"; } revision 2015-03-27 { description "Initial revision of PCMM CCAP definitions"; } // Global typedefs typedef s-type { type uint8; description "RSVP sub-type per PCMM specification."; } typedef service-class-name { type string { length "2..16"; } description "The Service Class Name is MUST be 2-16 bytes."; } typedef service-flow-direction { type enumeration { enum ds { value "0"; description "Downstream service flow."; } enum us { value "1"; description "Upstream service flow."; } } description "This value represents the service flow direction."; } typedef classifier-activation-state { type enumeration { enum inactive { value 0; description "Inactive"; } enum active { value 1; description "Active"; } } description "Instructs the CMTS to either activate or inactivate the classifier"; } typedef classifier-action { type enumeration { enum add { value 0; description "Add classifier"; } enum replace { value 1; description "Replace classifier"; } enum delete { value 2; description "Delete classifier"; } enum nochange { value 3; description "No change to classifier"; } } description "Instructs the CMTS to add,replace,delete or leave the classifier"; } typedef tp-protocol { type uint16 {range "0..257";} description "This value represents the IP transport protocol (or Next Header) where 256 is any protocol and 257 is TCP or UDP"; } typedef tos-byte { type uint8; description "TOS/TC byte or mask"; } identity ccap-context { description "Identity used to mark ccap context"; } // CCAP devices container ccaps { list ccap { description " CCAP devices are known by their network name which is any string. Each CCAP device has a network address:port, a list of subscriber IP subnets, and a list of available Service Class Names. "; key "ccapId"; ext:context-instance "ccap-context"; leaf ccapId { type string; description "CCAP Identity"; mandatory true; } uses ccap-attributes; } } identity app-context { description "Identity used to mark app context"; } container apps { list app { key "id"; ext:context-instance "app-context"; leaf "id" { type string; mandatory true; } } } grouping ccap-connection { leaf ipAddress { type inet:ip-address; description "IP Address of CCAP"; mandatory true; } leaf port { type inet:port-number; description "COPS session TCP port number"; default 3918; } leaf connected { config false; type boolean; description "COPS session state"; mandatory true; } leaf-list error { config false; type string; description "Operational errors"; } leaf timestamp { config false; type yang:date-and-time; description "Last update timestamp"; mandatory true; } } grouping ccap-attributes { description " Each CCAP device has a COPS connection address:port, a list of subscriber IP subnets, and a list of available Service Class Names. "; container connection { uses ccap-connection; } container amId { leaf am-tag { type uint16; description "Application Manager Tag -- unique for this operator"; mandatory true; } leaf am-type { type uint16; description "Application Manager Type -- unique for this AM tag"; mandatory true; } } leaf-list subscriber-subnets { type inet:ip-prefix; } leaf-list upstream-scns { type service-class-name; } leaf-list downstream-scns { type service-class-name; } leaf-list error { config false; type string; description "ccap data errors"; } } // PCMM QoS Gates container qos { description " PCMM QoS Gates are organized as a tree by Application/Subscriber/Gate: Each Application is known by its appId which is any string. Each Subscriber is known by its subscriberId which is a CPE IP address in either IPv4 or IPv6 format. Each Gate is known by its gateId which is any string. The subscriber's CPE IP address is used to locate the CCAP device that is currently hosting the the Cable Modem that is connected to the subscriber's device. Therefore, it is not necessary for the PCMM applications to know the topology of the CCAP devices and CMs in the network path to their subscriber devices. Note that each CCAP entry contains a list of connected subscriber IP subnets as well as a list of all Service Class Names (SCNs) available on the CCAP device. "; uses pcmm-qos-gates; } grouping pcmm-qos-gates { container apps { list app { key "appId"; ext:context-instance "app-context"; leaf appId { type string; description "Application Identity"; } container subscribers { list subscriber { key "subscriberId"; leaf subscriberId { type string; description "Subscriber Identity -- must be a CM or CPE IP address"; mandatory true; } container gates { list gate { key "gateId"; leaf gateId { type string; description "Qos Gate Identity"; mandatory true; } uses gate-operational-attributes; uses pcmm-qos-gate-attributes; } } } } } } } grouping gate-operational-attributes { leaf gatePath { config false; type string; description "FQ Gate path app/subscriber/gate"; mandatory true; } leaf ccapId { config false; type string; description "CCAP Identity"; mandatory true; } leaf cops-gate-state { config false; type string; description "Operational COPS Gate state"; mandatory true; } leaf cops-gate-time-info { config false; type string; description "Operational COPS Gate time info"; mandatory true; } leaf cops-gate-usage-info { config false; type string; description "Operational COPS gate usage info"; mandatory true; } leaf cops-gateId { config false; type string; description "Gate operational COPS Id"; mandatory true; } leaf-list error { config false; type string; description "Gate operational error"; } leaf timestamp { config false; type yang:date-and-time; description "Gate operational attributes timestamp"; mandatory true; } } grouping classifier-attributes { container classifiers { list classifier-container { key "classifier-id"; leaf classifier-id { type uint8; description "Classifier ID and Gate classifier priority"; } choice classifier-choice { case qos-classifier-choice { uses pcmm-qos-classifier; } case ext-classifier-choice { uses pcmm-qos-ext-classifier; } case ipv6-classifier-choice { uses pcmm-qos-ipv6-classifier; } } } } } grouping pcmm-qos-gate-attributes { uses pcmm-qos-gate-spec; uses pcmm-qos-traffic-profile; uses classifier-attributes; } grouping pcmm-qos-gate-spec { container gate-spec { leaf direction { type service-flow-direction; description "Gate Direction (ignored for traffic profile SCN)"; } leaf dscp-tos-overwrite { type tos-byte; description "Optional DSCP/TOS overwrite value"; } leaf dscp-tos-mask { type tos-byte; description "Optional DSCP/TOS overwrite AND mask"; } leaf inactivity-timer { type uint32; description "Service Flow inactivity timeout"; } leaf session-class-id { type uint8; description "Identifies the proper admission control policy or parameters to be applied for this Gate"; default 0; } } } grouping pcmm-qos-traffic-profile { container traffic-profile { choice traffic-profile-choice { case ugs-choice { uses pcmm-ugs-profile; } case rtp-choice { uses pcmm-rtp-profile; } case service-class-name-choice { uses pcmm-serviceclass-name-profile; } case flow-spec-choice { uses pcmm-flow-spec-profile; } } } } grouping pcmm-serviceclass-name-profile { container service-class-name-profile { leaf service-class-name { type service-class-name; description "The Service Class Name (SCN). This SCN must be pre-provisioned on the target CCAP"; mandatory true; } } } grouping pcmm-flow-spec-profile { container flow-spec-profile { leaf token-bucket-rate { type int32; description "Token Bucket Rate value [r]"; mandatory true; } leaf token-bucket-size { type int32; description "Token Bucket Size value [b]"; mandatory true; } leaf peak-data-rate { type int32; description "Peak Data Rate value [p]"; mandatory true; } leaf minimum-policed-unit { type int32; description "Minimum Policed Unit value [m]"; mandatory true; } leaf maximum-packet-size { type int32; description "Maximum Packet Size value [M]"; mandatory true; } leaf rate { type int32; description "Rate value [R]"; mandatory true; } leaf slack-term { type int32; description "Slack Term value [S]"; mandatory true; } } } grouping pcmm-ugs-profile { container ugs-profile { leaf request-transmission-policy { type uint32; description "Request Transmission Policy"; mandatory true; } leaf unsolicited-grant-size { type uint32; description "Unsolicited Grant Size"; mandatory true; } leaf grants-per-interval { type uint8; description "Grants per Interval"; mandatory true; } leaf nominal-grant-interval { type uint32; description "Nominal Grant Interval"; mandatory true; } leaf tolerated-grant-jitter { type uint32; description "Tolerated Grant Jitter"; mandatory true; } leaf upstream-peak-traffic-rate { type uint32; description "Upstream Peak Traffic Interval"; mandatory true; } leaf required-attribute-mask { type uint32; description "Required Attribute Mask"; mandatory true; } leaf forbidden-attribute-mask { type uint32; description "Forbidden Attribute Mask"; mandatory true; } leaf attribute-aggregation-rule-mask { type uint32; description "Attribute Aggregation Rule Mask"; mandatory true; } leaf minimum-buffer { type uint32; description "Minimum Buffer"; } leaf target-buffer { type uint32; description "Forbidden Attribute Mask"; } leaf maximum-buffer { type uint32; description "Forbidden Attribute Mask"; } } } grouping pcmm-rtp-profile { container rtp-profile { leaf request-transmission-policy { type uint32; description "Request Transmission Policy"; mandatory true; } leaf maximum-sustained-traffic-rate { type uint32; description "Maximum Sustained Traffic Rate"; default 0; } leaf maximum-traffic-burst { type uint32; description "Maximum Traffic Burst"; default 3044; } leaf minimum-reserved-traffic-rate { type uint32; description "Minimum Reserved Traffic Rate"; default 0; } leaf amrtr-packet-size { type uint16; description "Assumed Minimum Reserved Traffic Rate Packet Size"; default 0; } leaf maximum-concatenated-burst { type uint16; description "Maximum Concatenated Burst"; default 1522; } leaf nominal-polling-interval { type uint32; description "Nominal Polling Interval"; mandatory true; } leaf tolerated-poll-jitter { type uint32; description "Tolerated Poll Jitter"; default 0; } leaf upstream-peak-traffic-rate { type uint32; description "Upstream Peak Traffic Rate"; mandatory true; } leaf required-attribute-mask { type uint32; description "Required Attribute Mask"; mandatory true; } leaf forbidden-attribute-mask { type uint32; description "Forbidden Attribute Mask"; mandatory true; } leaf attribute-aggregation-rule-mask { type uint32; description "Attribute Aggregation Rule Mask"; mandatory true; } leaf minimum-buffer { type uint32; description "Minimum Buffer"; } leaf target-buffer { type uint32; description "Forbidden Attribute Mask"; } leaf maximum-buffer { type uint32; description "Forbidden Attribute Mask"; } } } grouping tp-port-match-ranges { leaf srcPort-start { type inet:port-number; description "TCP/UDP source port range start."; mandatory true; } leaf srcPort-end { type inet:port-number; description "TCP/UDP source port range end."; mandatory true; } leaf dstPort-start { type inet:port-number; description "TCP/UDP destination port range start."; mandatory true; } leaf dstPort-end { type inet:port-number; description "TCP/UDP destination port range end."; mandatory true; } } grouping pcmm-qos-classifier { container classifier { leaf srcIp { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source IPv4 address (exact match)"; mandatory true; } leaf dstIp { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination IPv4 address (exact match)"; mandatory true; } leaf tos-byte { type tos-byte; description "TOS/DSCP match"; mandatory true; } leaf tos-mask { type tos-byte; description "TOS/DSCP mask"; mandatory true; } leaf protocol { type tp-protocol; description "IPv4 transport protocol"; mandatory true; } leaf srcPort { type inet:port-number; description "TCP/UDP source port (exact match)."; mandatory true; } leaf dstPort { type inet:port-number; description "TCP/UDP destination port (exact match)."; mandatory true; } leaf priority { type uint8; description "Priority"; default 64; } } } grouping pcmm-qos-ext-classifier { container ext-classifier { leaf srcIp { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source IPv4 address match"; mandatory true; } leaf srcIpMask { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source IPv4 mask"; mandatory true; } leaf dstIp { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination IPv4 address match"; mandatory true; } leaf dstIpMask { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination IPv4 mask"; mandatory true; } leaf tos-byte { type tos-byte; description "TOS/DSCP match"; mandatory true; } leaf tos-mask { type tos-byte; description "TOS/DSCP mask"; mandatory true; } leaf protocol { type tp-protocol; description "IPv4 transport protocol"; mandatory true; } leaf priority { type uint8; description "Priority"; default 64; } uses tp-port-match-ranges; leaf activation-state { type classifier-activation-state; description "Activation state"; default active; } leaf action { type classifier-action; description "Action"; default add; } } } grouping pcmm-qos-ipv6-classifier { container ipv6-classifier { leaf srcIp6 { type inet:ipv6-prefix; description "Source IPv6 prefix match in 'address/len' notation"; mandatory true; } leaf dstIp6 { type inet:ipv6-prefix; description "Destination IPv6 prefix match in 'address/len' notation"; mandatory true; } leaf tc-low { type tos-byte; description "TC low range match"; mandatory true; } leaf tc-high { type tos-byte; description "TC high range match"; mandatory true; } leaf tc-mask { type tos-byte; description "TC mask"; mandatory true; } leaf next-hdr { type tp-protocol; description "IPv6 Next Header"; mandatory true; } leaf flow-label { type uint32 { range "0 .. 1048575"; } description "IPv6 Flow Label (20 bits)"; mandatory true; } leaf priority { type uint8; description "Priority"; default 64; } uses tp-port-match-ranges; leaf activation-state { type classifier-activation-state; description "Activation state"; default active; } leaf action { type classifier-action; description "Action"; default add; } } } typedef failure-type { description "Enumeration of the distinct types of operational failure modes that can occur while servicing a southbound PCMM request"; type enumeration { enum unsent { description "The request failed before it was sent to the CMTS."; } enum no-ack { description "The request was not acknowledged by the CMTS."; } enum failed { description "The request was sent to the CMTS and an error response was returned"; } } } grouping failure-response { description "The structure of a failure response from a PCMM request"; leaf failure { type failure-type; } leaf message { type string; } } grouping qos-set-gate-response { choice set-response-type { case set-failure { uses failure-response; } case set-successful { leaf cops-gateId { type uint32; description "Unique identifier assigned by CMTS for the requested gate"; } } } } grouping qos-delete-gate-response { choice delete-response-type { case delete-failure { uses failure-response; } case delete-successful { leaf cops-gateId { type uint32; description "Unique identifier assigned by CMTS for the requested gate"; } } } } //RPCs rpc ccap-set-connection { input { leaf ccapId { type "instance-identifier"; ext:context-reference "ccap-context"; } container connection { leaf connected { type boolean; description "COPS session state"; } } } output { container ccap { leaf ccapId { type string; } container connection { uses ccap-connection; } } leaf response { type string; } leaf timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; description "RPC timestamp"; } } } rpc ccap-poll-connection { input { leaf ccapId { type "instance-identifier"; ext:context-reference "ccap-context"; } } output { container ccap { leaf ccapId { type string; } container connection { uses ccap-connection; } } leaf response { type string; } leaf timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; description "RPC timestamp"; } } } rpc qos-poll-gates { input { leaf appId { type instance-identifier; ext:context-reference app-context; } leaf subscriberId { type string; description "Subscriber Identity -- must be a CM or CPE IP address"; } leaf gateId { type string; description "Qos Gate Identity"; } } output { container gate { uses gate-operational-attributes; } leaf response { type string; } leaf timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; description "RPC timestamp"; } } } rpc qos-set-gate { input { leaf "appId" { type string; description "Application Identity"; mandatory true; } leaf subscriberId { type string; description "Subscriber Identity -- must be a CM or CPE IP address"; mandatory true; } container gates { list gate { key "gateId"; leaf gateId { type string; description "Qos Gate Identity"; mandatory true; } uses gate-operational-attributes; uses pcmm-qos-gate-attributes; } } } output { uses qos-set-gate-response; } } rpc qos-delete-gate { input { leaf "appId" { type string; description "Application Identity"; mandatory true; } leaf subscriberId { type string; description "Subscriber Identity -- must be a CM or CPE IP address"; mandatory true; } leaf gateId { type string; description "Qos Gate Identity"; mandatory true; } } output { uses qos-delete-gate-response; } } rpc qos-gate-info { input { leaf "appId" { type string; description "Application Identity"; mandatory true; } leaf subscriberId { type string; description "Subscriber Identity -- must be a CM or CPE IP address"; mandatory true; } leaf gateId { type string; description "Qos Gate Identity"; mandatory true; } } output { uses qos-gate-info-response; } } grouping qos-gate-info-response { choice info-response-type { case info-failure { uses failure-response; } case info-successful { container gates { list gate { key "gateId"; leaf gateId { type string; description "Qos Gate Identity"; } uses gate-operational-attributes; uses pcmm-qos-gate-attributes; } } } } } }