/** * Build PCMM gate requests from API QoS Gate objects */ package org.opendaylight.controller.packetcable.provider; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.ServiceFlowDirection; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.TosByte; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.ccap.attributes.AmId; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.pcmm.qos.classifier.Classifier; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.pcmm.qos.ext.classifier.ExtClassifier; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.pcmm.qos.gate.spec.GateSpec; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.pcmm.qos.ipv6.classifier.Ipv6Classifier; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.pcmm.qos.traffic.profile.TrafficProfile; import org.pcmm.gates.IClassifier; import org.pcmm.gates.IClassifier.Protocol; import org.pcmm.gates.IExtendedClassifier.ActivationState; import org.pcmm.gates.IGateSpec.Direction; import org.pcmm.gates.IIPv6Classifier.FlowLabel; import org.pcmm.gates.ITrafficProfile; import org.pcmm.gates.impl.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.net.Inet4Address; import java.net.Inet6Address; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; /** * PacketCable data processor */ public class PCMMGateReqBuilder { private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PCMMGateReqBuilder.class); private GateID gateID = null; private AMID amid = null; private SubscriberID subscriberID = null; private TransactionID transactionID = null; private org.pcmm.gates.impl.GateSpec gateSpec = null; private ITrafficProfile trafficProfile = null; private IClassifier classifier = null; private PCMMError error = null; public PCMMGateReq getGateReq() { return new PCMMGateReq(amid, subscriberID, transactionID, gateSpec, trafficProfile, classifier, gateID, error); } public void build(final AmId qosAmId) { amid = new AMID(qosAmId.getAmType().shortValue(), qosAmId.getAmTag().shortValue()); } public void build(final InetAddress qosSubId) { subscriberID = new SubscriberID(qosSubId); } public void build(final GateSpec qosGateSpec, final ServiceFlowDirection scnDirection) { final ServiceFlowDirection qosDir; if (scnDirection != null) { qosDir = scnDirection; } else { if (qosGateSpec.getDirection() != null) { qosDir = qosGateSpec.getDirection(); } else { // TODO - determine if this is a valid default value qosDir = ServiceFlowDirection.Ds; } } final Direction gateDir; if (qosDir == ServiceFlowDirection.Ds) { gateDir = Direction.DOWNSTREAM; } else { gateDir = Direction.UPSTREAM; } // DSCP/TOS Overwrite final byte dscptos; final byte gateTosMask; final TosByte tosOverwrite = qosGateSpec.getDscpTosOverwrite(); if (tosOverwrite != null) { dscptos = 1; TosByte tosMask = qosGateSpec.getDscpTosMask(); if (tosMask != null) { gateTosMask = tosMask.getValue().byteValue(); } else { gateTosMask = (byte) 0xff; } } else { // TODO - These values appear to be required dscptos = 0; gateTosMask = 0; } gateSpec = new org.pcmm.gates.impl.GateSpec(gateDir, dscptos, gateTosMask); } public void build(final TrafficProfile qosTrafficProfile) { if (qosTrafficProfile.getServiceClassName() != null) { trafficProfile = new DOCSISServiceClassNameTrafficProfile(qosTrafficProfile.getServiceClassName().getValue()); } } private InetAddress getByName(final String ipAddressStr) { try { return InetAddress.getByName(ipAddressStr); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } return null; } public void build(final Classifier qosClassifier) { // TODO - try and make these variables immutable Protocol protocol = null; byte tosOverwrite = 0; byte tosMask = (byte)0x0; Inet4Address srcAddress = null; Inet4Address dstAddress = null; short srcPort = (short) 0; short dstPort = (short) 0; byte priority = (byte) 64; // Legacy classifier if (qosClassifier.getProtocol() != null) { protocol = Protocol.valueOf(qosClassifier.getProtocol().getValue().shortValue()); } if (qosClassifier.getSrcIp() != null) { final InetAddress sip = getByName(qosClassifier.getSrcIp().getValue()); if (sip != null && sip instanceof Inet4Address) { srcAddress = (Inet4Address) sip; } } if (qosClassifier.getDstIp() != null) { final InetAddress dip = getByName(qosClassifier.getDstIp().getValue()); if (dip != null && dip instanceof Inet4Address) { dstAddress = (Inet4Address) dip; } } if (qosClassifier.getSrcPort() != null) { srcPort = qosClassifier.getSrcPort().getValue().shortValue(); } if (qosClassifier.getDstPort() != null) { dstPort = qosClassifier.getDstPort().getValue().shortValue(); } if (qosClassifier.getTosByte() != null) { tosOverwrite = qosClassifier.getTosByte().getValue().byteValue(); if (qosClassifier.getTosMask() != null) { tosMask = qosClassifier.getTosMask().getValue().byteValue(); } else { // set default TOS mask tosMask = (byte) 0xff; } } // push the classifier to the gate request classifier = new org.pcmm.gates.impl.Classifier(protocol, tosOverwrite, tosMask, srcAddress, dstAddress, srcPort, dstPort, priority); } public void build(final ExtClassifier qosExtClassifier) { // Extended classifier final byte priority = (byte) 64; final ActivationState activationState = ActivationState.ACTIVE; // Protocol -- zero is match any final Protocol protocol; if (qosExtClassifier.getProtocol() != null) { protocol = Protocol.valueOf(qosExtClassifier.getProtocol().getValue().shortValue()); } else { protocol = Protocol.NONE; } // default source port range must be set to match any even if qosExtClassifier has no range // match any port range is 0-65535, NOT 0-0 // TODO - try to make these two variables immutable short srcStartPort = (short) 0; short srcEndPort = (short) 65535; if (qosExtClassifier.getSrcPortStart() != null) { srcStartPort = qosExtClassifier.getSrcPortStart().getValue().shortValue(); srcEndPort = srcStartPort; if (qosExtClassifier.getSrcPortEnd() != null) { srcEndPort = qosExtClassifier.getSrcPortEnd().getValue().shortValue(); } if (srcStartPort > srcEndPort) { logger.warn("Start port %d > End port %d in ext-classifier source port range -- forcing to same", srcStartPort, srcEndPort); srcEndPort = srcStartPort; } } // default destination port range must be set to match any even if qosExtClassifier has no range // match any port range is 0-65535, NOT 0-0 // TODO - try to make these two variables immutable short dstStartPort = (short) 0; short dstEndPort = (short) 65535; if (qosExtClassifier.getDstPortStart() != null) { dstStartPort = qosExtClassifier.getDstPortStart().getValue().shortValue(); dstEndPort = dstStartPort; if (qosExtClassifier.getDstPortEnd() != null) { dstEndPort = qosExtClassifier.getDstPortEnd().getValue().shortValue(); } if (dstStartPort > dstEndPort) { logger.warn("Start port %d > End port %d in ext-classifier destination port range -- forcing to same", dstStartPort, dstEndPort); dstEndPort = dstStartPort; } } // DSCP/TOP byte // TODO - try to make these two variables immutable byte tosOverwrite = 0; byte tosMask = (byte)0x00; if (qosExtClassifier.getTosByte() != null) { // OR in the DSCP/TOS enable bit 0x01 tosOverwrite = (byte) (qosExtClassifier.getTosByte().getValue().byteValue() | 0x01); if (qosExtClassifier.getTosMask() != null) { tosMask = qosExtClassifier.getTosMask().getValue().byteValue(); } else { // set default TOS mask tosMask = (byte) 0xff; } } // TODO - find out what the classifier ID should really be. It was never getting set previously final short classifierId = (short)0; // TODO - find out what the action value should really be. It was never getting set previously final byte action = (byte)0; // push the extended classifier to the gate request classifier = new org.pcmm.gates.impl.ExtendedClassifier(protocol, tosOverwrite, tosMask, getInet4Address(qosExtClassifier.getSrcIp()), getInet4Address(qosExtClassifier.getDstIp()), srcStartPort, dstStartPort, priority, getInet4Address(qosExtClassifier.getSrcIpMask()), getInet4Address(qosExtClassifier.getDstIpMask()), srcEndPort, dstEndPort, classifierId, activationState, action); } private Inet4Address getInet4Address( final org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.inet.types.rev100924.Ipv4Address address) { if (address != null) { final InetAddress out = getByName(address.getValue()); if (out != null && out instanceof Inet4Address) { return (Inet4Address) out; } } return null; } public void build(final Ipv6Classifier qosIpv6Classifier) { // Next Header final short nextHdr; if (qosIpv6Classifier.getNextHdr() != null) { nextHdr = qosIpv6Classifier.getNextHdr().getValue().shortValue(); } // default: match any nextHdr is 256 because nextHdr 0 is Hop-by-Hop option else { nextHdr = (short) 256; } // Source IPv6 address & prefix len // TODO - try to make these two variables immutable byte srcPrefixLen = (byte) 128; Inet6Address srcAddress = null; if (qosIpv6Classifier.getSrcIp6() != null) { String[] parts = qosIpv6Classifier.getSrcIp6().getValue().split("/"); String Ipv6AddressStr = parts[0]; srcAddress = (Inet6Address) getByName(Ipv6AddressStr); if (parts.length > 1) { srcPrefixLen = (byte) Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); } else { srcPrefixLen = (byte) 128; } } // TODO - try to make these two variables immutable Inet6Address dstAddress = null; byte dstPrefLen = (byte) 128; // Destination IPv6 address & prefix len if (qosIpv6Classifier.getDstIp6() != null) { final String[] parts = qosIpv6Classifier.getDstIp6().getValue().split("/"); final String Ipv6AddressStr = parts[0]; dstAddress = (Inet6Address)getByName(Ipv6AddressStr); if (parts.length > 1) dstPrefLen = (byte) Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); else dstPrefLen = (byte) 128; } // default source port range must be set to match any -- even if qosExtClassifier has no range value // match any port range is 0-65535, NOT 0-0 short srcPortBegin = (short) 0; short srcPortEnd = (short) 65535; if (qosIpv6Classifier.getSrcPortStart() != null) { srcPortBegin = qosIpv6Classifier.getSrcPortStart().getValue().shortValue(); srcPortEnd = srcPortBegin; if (qosIpv6Classifier.getSrcPortEnd() != null) { srcPortEnd = qosIpv6Classifier.getSrcPortEnd().getValue().shortValue(); } if (srcPortBegin > srcPortEnd) { logger.warn("Start port %d > End port %d in ipv6-classifier source port range -- forcing to same", srcPortBegin, srcPortEnd); srcPortEnd = srcPortBegin; } } // default destination port range must be set to match any -- even if qosExtClassifier has no range value // match any port range is 0-65535, NOT 0-0 short dstPortBegin = (short) 0; short dstPortEnd = (short) 65535; if (qosIpv6Classifier.getDstPortStart() != null) { dstPortBegin = qosIpv6Classifier.getDstPortStart().getValue().shortValue(); dstPortEnd = dstPortBegin; if (qosIpv6Classifier.getDstPortEnd() != null) { dstPortEnd = qosIpv6Classifier.getDstPortEnd().getValue().shortValue(); } if (dstPortBegin > dstPortEnd) { logger.warn("Start port %d > End port %d in ipv6-classifier destination port range -- forcing to same", dstPortBegin, dstPortEnd); dstPortEnd = dstPortBegin; } } final byte tcLow; if (qosIpv6Classifier.getTcLow() != null) tcLow = qosIpv6Classifier.getTcLow().getValue().byteValue(); else tcLow = (byte) 0x00; final byte tcHigh; if (qosIpv6Classifier.getTcHigh() != null) tcHigh = qosIpv6Classifier.getTcHigh().getValue().byteValue(); else tcHigh = (byte) 0x00; final byte tcMask; if (qosIpv6Classifier.getTcHigh() != null) tcMask = qosIpv6Classifier.getTcHigh().getValue().byteValue(); else if (qosIpv6Classifier.getTcLow() != null) tcMask = (byte) 0xff; else tcMask = (byte) 0x00; // TODO - find out what the classifier ID should really be. It was never getting set previously final short classifierId = (short)0; // TODO - find out what the action value should really be. It was never getting set previously final byte action = (byte)0; // push the IPv6 classifier to the gate request classifier = new org.pcmm.gates.impl.IPv6Classifier(srcAddress, dstAddress, srcPortBegin, dstPortBegin, (byte) 64, srcPortEnd, dstPortEnd, classifierId, ActivationState.ACTIVE, action, FlowLabel.VALID, tcLow, tcHigh, tcMask, qosIpv6Classifier.getFlowLabel().intValue(), nextHdr, srcPrefixLen, dstPrefLen); } }