/* * (c) 2015 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. */ package org.opendaylight.controller.packetcable.provider; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.inet.types.rev100924.IpAddress; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.inet.types.rev100924.PortNumber; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev151026.ServiceClassName; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev151026.ServiceFlowDirection; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev151026.ccaps.Ccap; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev151026.pcmm.qos.gates.apps.app.subscribers.subscriber.gates.Gate; import org.pcmm.PCMMPdpAgent; import org.pcmm.PCMMPdpDataProcess; import org.pcmm.PCMMPdpMsgSender; import org.pcmm.gates.impl.PCMMGateReq; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.umu.cops.prpdp.COPSPdpException; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSError; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSError.ErrorTypes; /** * Class responsible for managing the gates for a single CCAP. */ @ThreadSafe public class PCMMService { private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PCMMService.class); private final Ccap ccap; private final IpAddress ipAddr; private final PortNumber portNum; protected final CcapClient ccapClient; protected Map gateRequests = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); private final short clientType; public PCMMService(final short clientType, final Ccap ccap) { this.clientType = clientType; this.ccap = ccap; ipAddr = ccap.getConnection().getIpAddress(); portNum = ccap.getConnection().getPort(); ccapClient = new CcapClient(ipAddr, portNum); logger.info("Attempting to add CCAP with ID {} @ {}:{}", ccap.getCcapId(), ipAddr.getIpv4Address().getValue(), portNum.getValue()); } public void disconect() { ccapClient.disconnect(); } // TODO - try and change the return to something other than a String to be parsed to determine success public String addCcap() { ccapClient.connect(); if (ccapClient.isConnected) { logger.info("Connected to CCAP with ID - " + ccap.getCcapId()); return String.format("200 OK - CCAP %s connected @ %s:%d", ccap.getCcapId(), ipAddr.getIpv4Address().getValue(), portNum.getValue()); } else { return String.format("404 Not Found - CCAP %s failed to connect @ %s:%d - %s", ccap.getCcapId(), ipAddr.getIpv4Address().getValue(), portNum.getValue(), ccapClient.errMessage); } } // TODO - Consider creating an object to return that contains a success flag, message, and gate ID or gate object public String sendGateSet(final String gatePathStr, final InetAddress subId, final Gate qosGate, final ServiceFlowDirection scnDir) { logger.info("Sending gate to CCAP with ID - " + ccap.getCcapId()); // assemble the gate request for this subId final PCMMGateReqBuilder gateBuilder = new PCMMGateReqBuilder(); gateBuilder.setAmId(ccap.getAmId()); gateBuilder.setSubscriberId(subId); // force gateSpec.Direction to align with SCN direction final ServiceClassName scn = qosGate.getTrafficProfile().getServiceClassName(); if (scn != null) { gateBuilder.setGateSpec(qosGate.getGateSpec(), scnDir); } else { // not an SCN gate gateBuilder.setGateSpec(qosGate.getGateSpec(), null); } gateBuilder.setTrafficProfile(qosGate.getTrafficProfile()); // pick a classifier type (only one for now) if (qosGate.getClassifier() != null) { gateBuilder.setClassifier(qosGate.getClassifier()); } else if (qosGate.getExtClassifier() != null) { gateBuilder.setExtClassifier(qosGate.getExtClassifier()); } else if (qosGate.getIpv6Classifier() != null) { gateBuilder.setIpv6Classifier(qosGate.getIpv6Classifier()); } // assemble the final gate request final PCMMGateReq gateReq = gateBuilder.build(); if (gateRequests.get(gatePathStr) == null) { // and remember it gateRequests.put(gatePathStr, gateReq); // and send it to the CCAP ccapClient.sendGateSet(gateReq); // and wait for the COPS response to complete processing gate request try { // TODO - see PCMMPdpReqStateMan#processReport() gate.notify(). Should determine a better means to // TODO - handle this synchronization. // TODO - if not changing this, may want to make this timeout configurable synchronized(gateReq) { logger.info("Waiting 5000ms for gate request to be updated"); gateReq.wait(5000); logger.debug("Gate request error - " + gateReq.getError()); logger.debug("Gate request ID - " + gateReq.getGateID()); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("PCMMService: sendGateSet(): gate response timeout exceeded for " + gatePathStr + '/' + gateReq, e); return String.format("408 Request Timeout - gate response timeout exceeded for %s/%s", ccap.getCcapId(), gatePathStr); } if (gateReq.getError() != null) { logger.error("PCMMService: sendGateSet(): returned error: {}", gateReq.getError().toString()); return String.format("404 Not Found - sendGateSet for %s/%s returned error - %s", ccap.getCcapId(), gatePathStr, gateReq.getError().toString()); } else { if (gateReq.getGateID() != null) { logger.info(String.format("PCMMService: sendGateSet(): returned GateId %08x: ", gateReq.getGateID().getGateID())); return String.format("200 OK - sendGateSet for %s/%s returned GateId %08x", ccap.getCcapId(), gatePathStr, gateReq.getGateID().getGateID()); } else { logger.info("PCMMService: sendGateSet(): no gateId returned:"); return String.format("404 Not Found - sendGateSet for %s/%s no gateId returned", ccap.getCcapId(), gatePathStr); } } } else { logger.info("PCMMService: sendGateSet(): no gateId returned:"); return String.format("404 Not Found - sendGateSet for %s/%s already exists", ccap.getCcapId(), gatePathStr); } } public Boolean sendGateDelete(final String gatePathStr) { logger.info("sendGateDelete() - " + ccap); // recover the original gate request final PCMMGateReq gateReq = gateRequests.remove(gatePathStr); if (gateReq != null) { ccapClient.sendGateDelete(gateReq); // and wait for the response to complete try { // TODO - see PCMMPdpReqStateMan#processReport() gate.notify(). Should determine a better means to // TODO - handle this synchronization. synchronized(gateReq) { gateReq.wait(1000); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.error("PCMMService: sendGateDelete(): gate response timeout exceeded for {}/{}", gatePathStr, gateReq); } if (gateReq.getError() != null) { logger.warn("PCMMService: sendGateDelete(): returned error: {}", gateReq.getError().toString()); return false; } else { if (gateReq.getGateID() != null) { logger.info(String.format("PCMMService: sendGateDelete(): deleted GateId %08x: ", gateReq.getGateID().getGateID())); } else { logger.error("PCMMService: sendGateDelete(): deleted but no gateId returned"); } return true; } } else { logger.warn("Attempt to delete non-existent gate with path - " + gatePathStr); return false; } } /** * Used to interface with a CCAP (including CMTSs) */ protected class CcapClient { public final PCMMPdpDataProcess pcmmProcess; public final PCMMPdpAgent pcmmPdp; private final String ipv4; private final Integer port; // Needs to be initialized in connect() method else would be final protected transient PCMMPdpMsgSender pcmmSender; private transient Boolean isConnected = false; private transient String errMessage = null; /** * Constructor * @param ccapIp - the IP of the CCAP to manage * @param portNum - the port number of the CCAP to manage */ public CcapClient(final IpAddress ccapIp, final PortNumber portNum) { ipv4 = ccapIp.getIpv4Address().getValue(); if (portNum != null) port = portNum.getValue(); else port = PCMMPdpAgent.WELL_KNOWN_PDP_PORT; // TODO FIXME - if this object is not null, gate processing will not work correctly // TODO see - PCMMPdpReqStateMan#processReport() where the report type is success and the process is null // pcmmProcess = new PCMMPdpDataProcess(); pcmmProcess = null; pcmmPdp = new PCMMPdpAgent(ipv4, port, clientType, pcmmProcess); } /** * Starts the connection to the CCAP */ public void connect( ) { logger.info("Attempting to connect to host: " + ipv4 + " port: " + port); try { pcmmPdp.connect(); // Cannot instantiate until after pcmmPdp.connect() is called as this is where the client handle is created pcmmSender = new PCMMPdpMsgSender(clientType, pcmmPdp.getClientHandle(), pcmmPdp.getSocket()); isConnected = true; } catch (Exception e) { isConnected = false; logger.error("Failed to connect to host: " + ipv4 + " port: " + port, e); errMessage = e.getMessage(); } } public void disconnect() { logger.info("CcapClient: disconnect(): {}:{}", ipv4, port); pcmmPdp.disconnect(new COPSError(ErrorTypes.SHUTTING_DOWN, ErrorTypes.NA)); isConnected = false; } // TODO - consider returning a new PCMMGateReq object or a future here instead of setting the ID on the old // TODO - request by reference which makes the code more convoluted thus making issues more difficult to track down. public Boolean sendGateSet(final PCMMGateReq gateReq) { logger.info("CcapClient: sendGateSet(): {}:{} => {}", ipv4, port, gateReq); try { pcmmSender.sendGateSet(gateReq); // TODO - determine if this is the correct place to perform this operation as this currently is the // TODO - place where the gate ID can be set on the gateReq object // pcmmSender.handleGateReport(pcmmPdp.getSocket()); } catch (COPSPdpException e) { logger.error("CcapClient: sendGateSet(): {}:{} => {} FAILED:", ipv4, port, gateReq, e); } // and save it back to the gateRequest object for gate delete later gateReq.setGateID(pcmmSender.getGateID()); // TODO - determine why this method is always returning true??? return true; } public Boolean sendGateDelete(final PCMMGateReq gateReq) { logger.info("CcapClient: sendGateDelete(): {}:{} => {}", ipv4, port, gateReq); try { pcmmSender.sendGateDelete(gateReq); } catch (COPSPdpException e) { logger.error("CcapClient: sendGateDelete(): {}:{} => {} FAILED: {}", ipv4, port, gateReq, e.getMessage()); } return true; } } }