/* * Copyright (c) 2015 CableLabs and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.packetcable.provider; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.net.Inet4Address; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder; /** * @author c3oe.de, based on snippets from Scott Plante, John Kugelmann */ public class Subnet { /** Minimum length of a v4 or v6 subnet mask */ private static final int MIN_MASK_BITS = 0; /** Maximum length of a v4 subnet mask */ private static final int MAX_MASK_BITS_V4 = 32; /** Maximum length of a v6 subnet mask */ private static final int MAX_MASK_BITS_V6 = 128; /** The length of the subnet prefix */ private final int prefixLen; /** The subnet mask */ private final BigInteger mask; /** The actual routing prefix leading to this subnet */ private final BigInteger routingPrefix; /** The number of bytes in an address. Will be 4 or 16 corresponding to ipv4 and ipv6 respectively */ private final int addressByteCount; /** * Generates a Subnet from CIDR style notation.
* Eg. "" or "2001:db8:85a3:880:0:0:0:0/57" * @param subnetAddress An address in this subnet or the routing prefix leading to this subnet. * @param prefixLength The number of prefix bits that are set, must be between [0..32] for ipv4 and [0..128] for ipv6 * @throws NullPointerException if the subnetAddress is null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the bits argument is not in the allowable range. * @see http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing#CIDR_notation */ public Subnet(@Nonnull final InetAddress subnetAddress, final int prefixLength ) { checkNotNull(subnetAddress, "subnetAddress can not be null"); final int maxMaskBits = (subnetAddress instanceof Inet4Address ? MAX_MASK_BITS_V4 : MAX_MASK_BITS_V6); checkArgument(prefixLength >= MIN_MASK_BITS && prefixLength <= maxMaskBits, "The prefixLength must be in range [%s..%s] but was %s", MIN_MASK_BITS, maxMaskBits, prefixLength); this.prefixLen = prefixLength; this.addressByteCount = subnetAddress.getAddress().length; // 4 or 16 this.mask = BigInteger.valueOf( -1 ).shiftLeft(this.addressByteCount * 8 - prefixLength); // ensure subnetAddress is properly masked and is not an address in the subnet this.routingPrefix = new BigInteger( subnetAddress.getAddress() ).and( this.mask); } /** * Generates a subnet from an address and subnet mask. The old ipv4 way. * Eg: "" or single address with no subnet * @param subnetAddress An address in the subnet or the routing prefix leading to this subnet. * @param subnetMask The subnet mask or null. If null the subnet will be a host identifier. * */ public Subnet(@Nonnull final InetAddress subnetAddress, @Nullable final InetAddress subnetMask ) { this(subnetAddress, maskToPrefixLen(subnetAddress, subnetMask)); } /** * Helper method that computes the prefix length an address and subnet mask pair. * @param subnetAddress An address in the subnet * @param subnetMask The mask or null. Expected to be CIDR compliant (mask is a continuous prefix). * If null this will return the length of a host identifier. * @return The prefix length * @throws NullPointerException if subnetAddress is null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if subnetMask is not null and * either (subnetAddress and subnetMask are not the same type) * or (if subnetMask is not CIDR compliant). */ private static int maskToPrefixLen(@Nonnull final InetAddress subnetAddress, @Nullable final InetAddress subnetMask) { checkNotNull(subnetAddress, "subnetAddress can not be null"); if (subnetMask == null) { return (subnetAddress instanceof Inet4Address ? MAX_MASK_BITS_V4 : MAX_MASK_BITS_V6); } else { // address and mask must both be ipv4 or ipv6 checkArgument(subnetAddress.getClass().equals(subnetMask.getClass())); // validate subnet mask. All leading bits should be set final BigInteger m = new BigInteger(subnetMask.getAddress()); final BigInteger allOnes = BigInteger.valueOf(-1); final int rightMostBit = m.getLowestSetBit(); final BigInteger validSubnet = allOnes.shiftLeft(rightMostBit); checkArgument(validSubnet.equals(m), "Subnet should have contiguous prefix bits, mask: %s(%s)", subnetMask); return (subnetAddress instanceof Inet4Address ? MAX_MASK_BITS_V4 - rightMostBit : MAX_MASK_BITS_V6 - rightMostBit); } } /** * Subnet factory method. * @param addressAndSubnetStr format: "" or "" * or single address or "2001:db8:85a3:880:0:0:0:0/57" * @return a new instance * @throws UnknownHostException thrown if unsupported subnet mask. */ public static Subnet createInstance(@Nonnull final String addressAndSubnetStr ) throws UnknownHostException { final String[] stringArr = addressAndSubnetStr.split("/"); if ( 2 > stringArr.length ) { return new Subnet(InetAddress.getByName(stringArr[0]), null); } else if ( stringArr[ 1 ].contains(".") || stringArr[ 1 ].contains(":") ) { return new Subnet(InetAddress.getByName(stringArr[0]), InetAddress.getByName(stringArr[1])); } else { return new Subnet(InetAddress.getByName(stringArr[0]), Integer.parseInt(stringArr[1])); } } /** * Returns the length of the routing prefix length. * @return the routing prefix length. */ public int getPrefixLen() { return prefixLen; } /** * Determins if the passed in address is contained in this subnet. * @param address The address to test. * @return true if the address is in this subnet. */ public boolean isInNet(@Nonnull final InetAddress address ) { checkNotNull(address, "address must not be null"); final byte[] bytesAddress = address.getAddress(); if ( this.addressByteCount != bytesAddress.length ) { return false; } final BigInteger bigAddress = new BigInteger( bytesAddress ); return bigAddress.and(this.mask).equals(this.routingPrefix); } @Override public final boolean equals( Object obj ) { if (null == obj) return false; if (this == obj) return true; if (!(obj instanceof Subnet)) return false; final Subnet other = (Subnet)obj; return this.prefixLen == other.prefixLen && this.routingPrefix.equals(other.routingPrefix) && this.mask.equals(other.mask) && this.addressByteCount == other.addressByteCount; } @Override public final int hashCode() { return new HashCodeBuilder(997, 311) .append(prefixLen) .append(mask) .append(routingPrefix) .append(addressByteCount) .build(); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); bigInteger2IpString( buf, this.routingPrefix, this.addressByteCount); buf.append( '/' ); bigInteger2IpString( buf, this.mask, this.addressByteCount); return buf.toString(); } private static void bigInteger2IpString( final StringBuilder buf, final BigInteger bigInteger, final int displayBytes ) { final boolean isIPv4 = 4 == displayBytes; byte[] bytes = bigInteger.toByteArray(); int diffLen = displayBytes - bytes.length; final byte fillByte = 0 > (int)bytes[ 0 ] ? (byte)0xFF : (byte)0x00; int integer; for ( int i = 0; i < displayBytes; i++ ) { if ( 0 < i && ! isIPv4 && i % 2 == 0 ) { buf.append(':'); } else if ( 0 < i && isIPv4 ) { buf.append('.'); } integer = 0xFF & (i < diffLen ? fillByte : bytes[ i - diffLen ]); if ( ! isIPv4 && 0x10 > integer ) { buf.append('0'); } buf.append( isIPv4 ? integer : Integer.toHexString( integer ) ); } } }