/* * (c) 2015 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. */ package org.opendaylight.controller.packetcable.provider; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.mockito.Mockito; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.inet.types.rev100924.IpAddress; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.inet.types.rev100924.Ipv4Address; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.inet.types.rev100924.PortNumber; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.ServiceClassName; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.ServiceFlowDirection; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.TosByte; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.TpProtocol; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.ccap.Ccaps; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.ccap.attributes.AmId; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.ccap.attributes.Connection; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.pcmm.qos.classifier.Classifier; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.pcmm.qos.gate.spec.GateSpec; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.pcmm.qos.gates.apps.subs.Gates; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.packetcable.rev150327.pcmm.qos.traffic.profile.TrafficProfile; import org.pcmm.PCMMPdpAgent; import org.pcmm.gates.IGateSpec.Direction; import org.pcmm.gates.IPCMMGate; import org.pcmm.rcd.IPCMMClient; import org.pcmm.rcd.impl.CMTS; import org.umu.cops.stack.*; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSContext.RType; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSDecision.Command; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSDecision.DecisionFlag; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSObjHeader.CNum; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSObjHeader.CType; import java.io.*; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Tests the PCMMService's ability to connect to a CMTS. Gate additions will not properly work as there is currently * not any other means to receive acknowledgements. This functionality must be tested by the PCMMService's client * PacketcableProvider. */ public class PCMMServiceTest { private final static String ccapId = "ccap-1"; private final static String gatePath = "testGatePath"; /** * Denotes whether or not a real CMTS is being tested against. * Ensure the checked-in value is always false else tests will most likely fail. */ private final static boolean realCmts = false; // The test objects/values to use that will be instantiated in @Before /** * The mock CMTS running on localhost with a dynamic port assigned. */ private CMTS icmts; /** * The IP address object for the CMTS to test against */ private Ipv4Address cmtsAddr; /** * The gate classifier's srcIp value, any valid IP should work. */ private Ipv4Address srcAddr; /** * The gate classifier's dstIp value, any valid IP should work. */ private Ipv4Address dstAddr; /** * Defines the CMTS to add to the PCMMService */ private Ccaps ccap; /** * The class under test */ private PCMMService service; /** * The cable modem IP address to which a gate should be set */ private InetAddress cmAddrInet; private InetAddress invalidCmAddrInet; @Before public void setup() throws IOException { final Set upGates = new HashSet<>(); upGates.add("extrm_up"); final Set dnGates = new HashSet<>(); dnGates.add("extrm_dn"); final Map> gates = new HashMap<>(); gates.put(Direction.UPSTREAM, upGates); gates.put(Direction.DOWNSTREAM, dnGates); srcAddr = new Ipv4Address(""); dstAddr = new Ipv4Address(""); if (realCmts) { cmAddrInet = InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[] {10, 32, 110, (byte)180}); invalidCmAddrInet = InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[] {99, 99, 99, 99}); // Use me when testing against a CMTS or emulator not running in the same JVM cmtsAddr = new Ipv4Address(""); ccap = makeCcapsObj(PCMMPdpAgent.WELL_KNOWN_PDP_PORT, cmtsAddr, ccapId); } else { cmAddrInet = InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[] {10, 32, 110, (byte)180}); invalidCmAddrInet = InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[] {99, 99, 99, 99}); // Use me for automated testing and the CMTS emulator running in the same JVM cmtsAddr = new Ipv4Address(""); final Map cmStatus = new HashMap<>(); cmStatus.put(cmAddrInet.getHostAddress(), true); cmStatus.put(invalidCmAddrInet.getHostAddress(), false); icmts = new CMTS(gates, cmStatus); icmts.startServer(); ccap = makeCcapsObj(icmts.getPort(), cmtsAddr, ccapId); } service = new PCMMService(IPCMMClient.CLIENT_TYPE, ccap); } @After public void tearDown() { if (icmts != null) icmts.stopServer(); service.disconect(); } @Test public void testAddCcap() { connectToCmts(service); } @Test public void testAddInvalidCcapBadHost() { cmtsAddr = new Ipv4Address(""); ccap = makeCcapsObj(PCMMPdpAgent.WELL_KNOWN_PDP_PORT, cmtsAddr, ccapId); service = new PCMMService(IPCMMClient.CLIENT_TYPE, ccap); final String message = service.addCcap(); Assert.assertNotNull(message); final String expectedMsg = "404 Not Found - CCAP " + ccapId + " failed to connect @ " + cmtsAddr.getValue() + ':' + PCMMPdpAgent.WELL_KNOWN_PDP_PORT + " - Connection refused"; Assert.assertEquals(expectedMsg, message); } @Test public void testAddInvalidCcapBadPort() { ccap = makeCcapsObj(1234, cmtsAddr, ccapId); service = new PCMMService(IPCMMClient.CLIENT_TYPE, ccap); final String message = service.addCcap(); Assert.assertNotNull(message); final String expectedMsg = "404 Not Found - CCAP " + ccapId + " failed to connect @ " + cmtsAddr.getValue() + ":1234 - Connection refused"; Assert.assertEquals(expectedMsg, message); } @Test public void testAddValidUpGateTwice() throws Exception { connectToCmts(service); final String expectedMsg1 = "200 OK - sendGateSet for " + ccapId + '/' + gatePath + " returned GateId"; addAndValidateGate(service, "extrm_up", srcAddr, dstAddr, ServiceFlowDirection.Us, cmAddrInet, gatePath, expectedMsg1); final String expectedMsg2 = "404 Not Found - sendGateSet for " + ccapId + '/' + gatePath + " already exists"; addAndValidateGate(service, "extrm_up", srcAddr, dstAddr, ServiceFlowDirection.Us, cmAddrInet, gatePath, expectedMsg2); Assert.assertTrue(deleteGate(service, gatePath)); } @Test public void testAddTwoValidUpGates() throws Exception { connectToCmts(service); final String gatePath1 = "gatePath1"; final String expectedMsg1 = "200 OK - sendGateSet for " + ccapId + '/' + gatePath1 + " returned GateId"; addAndValidateGate(service, "extrm_up", srcAddr, dstAddr, ServiceFlowDirection.Us, cmAddrInet, gatePath1, expectedMsg1); final String gatePath2 = "gatePath2"; final String expectedMsg2 = "200 OK - sendGateSet for " + ccapId + '/' + gatePath2 + " returned GateId"; addAndValidateGate(service, "extrm_up", srcAddr, dstAddr, ServiceFlowDirection.Us, cmAddrInet, gatePath2, expectedMsg2); Assert.assertTrue(deleteGate(service, gatePath1)); Assert.assertTrue(deleteGate(service, gatePath2)); } @Test public void testAddValidDownGateTwice() throws Exception { connectToCmts(service); final String expectedMsg1 = "200 OK - sendGateSet for " + ccapId + '/' + gatePath + " returned GateId"; addAndValidateGate(service, "extrm_dn", srcAddr, dstAddr, ServiceFlowDirection.Ds, cmAddrInet, gatePath, expectedMsg1); final String expectedMsg2 = "404 Not Found - sendGateSet for " + ccapId + '/' + gatePath + " already exists"; addAndValidateGate(service, "extrm_dn", srcAddr, dstAddr, ServiceFlowDirection.Ds, cmAddrInet, gatePath, expectedMsg2); Assert.assertTrue(deleteGate(service, gatePath)); } @Test public void testDeleteNonExistentGate() throws Exception { connectToCmts(service); Assert.assertFalse(deleteGate(service, gatePath)); } @Test public void testAddAndRemoveValidUpGate() throws Exception { final String expectedMsgStart = "200 OK - sendGateSet for " + ccapId + '/' + gatePath + " returned GateId"; addRemoveValidateGate(service, "extrm_up", srcAddr, dstAddr, ServiceFlowDirection.Us, cmAddrInet, gatePath, expectedMsgStart); } @Test public void testAddAndRemoveValidDownGate() throws Exception { final String expectedMsgStart = "200 OK - sendGateSet for " + ccapId + '/' + gatePath + " returned GateId"; addRemoveValidateGate(service, "extrm_dn", srcAddr, dstAddr, ServiceFlowDirection.Ds, cmAddrInet, gatePath, expectedMsgStart); } @Test public void testAddAndRemoveInvalidCmAddrUpGate() throws Exception { // TODO - fix cmts emulator final String expectedMsgStart = "404 Not Found - sendGateSet for " + ccapId + '/' + gatePath + " returned error - Error Code: 13 Error Subcode : 0 Invalid SubscriberID"; addRemoveValidateGate(service, "extrm_up", srcAddr, dstAddr, ServiceFlowDirection.Us, invalidCmAddrInet, gatePath, expectedMsgStart); } @Test public void testAddInvalidScnUpGate() throws Exception { final String expectedMsgStart = "404 Not Found - sendGateSet for " + ccapId + '/' + gatePath + " returned error - Error Code: 11 Error Subcode : 0 Undefined Service Class Name"; addRemoveValidateGate(service, "extrm_up_invalid", srcAddr, dstAddr, ServiceFlowDirection.Us, cmAddrInet, gatePath, expectedMsgStart); } @Test public void testAddInvalidScnDownGate() throws Exception { final String expectedMsgStart = "404 Not Found - sendGateSet for " + ccapId + '/' + gatePath + " returned error - Error Code: 11 Error Subcode : 0 Undefined Service Class Name"; addRemoveValidateGate(service, "extrm_dn_invalid", srcAddr, dstAddr, ServiceFlowDirection.Ds, cmAddrInet, gatePath, expectedMsgStart); } /** * This tests the instantiation of a COPSDecisionMsg object that is responsible for setting a gate request, * streams it over a mock Socket object and parses the bytes into a new COPSDecisionMsg object which should * be equivalent * @throws Exception - test will fail should any exception be thrown during execution */ @Test public void testGateRequestDecisionMsg() throws Exception { final Socket socket = new MockSocket(); final ServiceFlowDirection direction = ServiceFlowDirection.Us; final Gates gate = makeGateObj("extrm_up", cmtsAddr, direction, new Ipv4Address("")); final IPCMMGate gateReq = makeGateRequest(ccap, gate, InetAddress.getByName("localhost"), direction); final byte[] data = gateReq.getData(); final Set decisionSet = new HashSet<>(); decisionSet.add(new COPSDecision(CType.DEF, Command.INSTALL, DecisionFlag.REQERROR)); final Map> decisionMap = new HashMap<>(); decisionMap.put(new COPSContext(RType.CONFIG, (short) 0), decisionSet); final COPSClientSI clientSD = new COPSClientSI(CNum.DEC, CType.CSI, new COPSData(data, 0, data.length)); final COPSDecisionMsg decisionMsg = new COPSDecisionMsg(IPCMMClient.CLIENT_TYPE, new COPSHandle(new COPSData("123")), decisionMap, null, clientSD); decisionMsg.writeData(socket); final COPSMsg msg = COPSMsgParser.parseMessage(socket); Assert.assertNotNull(msg); Assert.assertEquals(decisionMsg, msg); } /** * Attempts to create a gate against a CMTS, validates the results then attempts to delete it. * @param service - the service used to connect to a CMTS for issuing requests * @param scnName - the service class name (aka. gate name) * @param srcAddr - the address to the CMTS subnet? * @param dstAddr - the destination address * @param direction - the gate direction * @param cmAddrInet - the address to the cable modem to which the gate will be assigned * @param gatePath - the path to the gate * @param expGateSetMsgStart - the expected start of the gate set return message to be validated against */ private void addRemoveValidateGate(final PCMMService service, final String scnName, final Ipv4Address srcAddr, final Ipv4Address dstAddr, final ServiceFlowDirection direction, final InetAddress cmAddrInet, final String gatePath, final String expGateSetMsgStart) { connectToCmts(service); addAndValidateGate(service, scnName, srcAddr, dstAddr, direction, cmAddrInet, gatePath, expGateSetMsgStart); deleteGate(service, gatePath); } private void connectToCmts(final PCMMService service) { final String message = service.addCcap(); Assert.assertNotNull(message); final String expectedMsg = "200 OK - CCAP " + ccapId + " connected @ " + ccap.getConnection().getIpAddress().getIpv4Address().getValue() + ":" + ccap.getConnection().getPort().getValue(); Assert.assertEquals(expectedMsg, message); Assert.assertNotNull(service.ccapClient.pcmmPdp.getClientHandle()); } /** * Attempts to create a gate against a CMTS and validates the results. * @param service - the service used to connect to a CMTS for issuing requests * @param scnName - the service class name (aka. gate name) * @param srcAddr - the address to the CMTS subnet? * @param dstAddr - the destination address * @param direction - the gate direction * @param cmAddrInet - the address to the cable modem to which the gate will be assigned * @param gatePath - the path to the gate * @param expGateSetMsgStart - the expected start of the gate set return message to be validated against */ private void addAndValidateGate(final PCMMService service, final String scnName, final Ipv4Address srcAddr, final Ipv4Address dstAddr, final ServiceFlowDirection direction, final InetAddress cmAddrInet, final String gatePath, final String expGateSetMsgStart) { final Gates gate = makeGateObj(scnName, srcAddr, direction, dstAddr); final String gateSetMsg = service.sendGateSet(gatePath, cmAddrInet, gate, direction); Assert.assertNotNull(gateSetMsg); Assert.assertTrue(gateSetMsg, gateSetMsg.startsWith(expGateSetMsgStart)); // TODO - add validation to the PCMMGateReq contained within the map Assert.assertNotNull(service.gateRequests.get(gatePath)); } /** * Attempts to delete a gate * @param service - the service used to connect to a CMTS for issuing requests * @param gatePath - the path to the gate */ private boolean deleteGate(final PCMMService service, final String gatePath) { final boolean out = service.sendGateDelete(gatePath); // Wait up to 1 sec for response to be processed final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (1000 < System.currentTimeMillis() - start) { if (service.gateRequests.size() == 0) break; } Assert.assertNull(service.gateRequests.get(gatePath)); return out; } /** * Creates a mock Ccaps object that can be used for connecting to a CMTS * @param inPort - the CMTS port number * @param ipAddr - the CMTS IPv4 address string * @param ccapId - the ID of the CCAP * @return - the mock Ccaps object */ private Ccaps makeCcapsObj(final int inPort, final Ipv4Address ipAddr, final String ccapId) { final Ccaps ccap = Mockito.mock(Ccaps.class); final Connection conn = Mockito.mock(Connection.class); Mockito.when(ccap.getConnection()).thenReturn(conn); final PortNumber port = Mockito.mock(PortNumber.class); Mockito.when(conn.getPort()).thenReturn(port); Mockito.when(port.getValue()).thenReturn(inPort); final IpAddress addr = Mockito.mock(IpAddress.class); Mockito.when(conn.getIpAddress()).thenReturn(addr); Mockito.when(addr.getIpv4Address()).thenReturn(ipAddr); Mockito.when(ccap.getCcapId()).thenReturn(ccapId); final AmId amid = Mockito.mock(AmId.class); Mockito.when(ccap.getAmId()).thenReturn(amid); Mockito.when(amid.getAmTag()).thenReturn(0xcada); Mockito.when(amid.getAmType()).thenReturn(1); return ccap; } /** * Creates a mock Gates object * @param scnValue - the service class name defined on the CMTS * @param dstAddr - the CM address this gate should be set against * @return - the gate request */ private Gates makeGateObj(final String scnValue, final Ipv4Address srcAddr, final ServiceFlowDirection direction, final Ipv4Address dstAddr) { final Gates gate = Mockito.mock(Gates.class); final GateSpec gateSpec = Mockito.mock(GateSpec.class); Mockito.when(gate.getGateSpec()).thenReturn(gateSpec); Mockito.when(gateSpec.getDirection()).thenReturn(direction); // TODO - make sure to write a test when this value is not null Mockito.when(gateSpec.getDscpTosOverwrite()).thenReturn(null); final TrafficProfile trafficProfile = Mockito.mock(TrafficProfile.class); final ServiceClassName scn = Mockito.mock(ServiceClassName.class); Mockito.when(scn.getValue()).thenReturn(scnValue); Mockito.when(trafficProfile.getServiceClassName()).thenReturn(scn); Mockito.when(gate.getTrafficProfile()).thenReturn(trafficProfile); // TODO - write tests when this is null and ExtClassifier or Ipv6Classifier objects are not null final Classifier classifier = Mockito.mock(Classifier.class); // This is the address of the CM Mockito.when(classifier.getDstIp()).thenReturn(dstAddr); final PortNumber dstPort = new PortNumber(4321); Mockito.when(classifier.getDstPort()).thenReturn(dstPort); final TpProtocol protocol = new TpProtocol(0); Mockito.when(classifier.getProtocol()).thenReturn(protocol); Mockito.when(classifier.getSrcIp()).thenReturn(srcAddr); final PortNumber srcPort = new PortNumber(1234); Mockito.when(classifier.getSrcPort()).thenReturn(srcPort); final TosByte tosByte = new TosByte((short)160); Mockito.when(classifier.getTosByte()).thenReturn(tosByte); final TosByte tosMask = new TosByte((short)224); Mockito.when(classifier.getTosMask()).thenReturn(tosMask); // TODO - enhance to test support of the other classifier types Mockito.when(gate.getClassifier()).thenReturn(classifier); Mockito.when(gate.getExtClassifier()).thenReturn(null); Mockito.when(gate.getIpv6Classifier()).thenReturn(null); return gate; } private IPCMMGate makeGateRequest(final Ccaps ccap, final Gates gateReq, final InetAddress addrSubId, final ServiceFlowDirection direction) { final PCMMGateReqBuilder gateBuilder = new PCMMGateReqBuilder(); gateBuilder.build(ccap.getAmId()); gateBuilder.build(addrSubId); // force gateSpec.Direction to align with SCN direction final ServiceClassName scn = gateReq.getTrafficProfile().getServiceClassName(); if (scn != null) { gateBuilder.build(gateReq.getGateSpec(), direction); } else { // not an SCN gate gateBuilder.build(gateReq.getGateSpec(), null); } gateBuilder.build(gateReq.getTrafficProfile()); // pick a classifier type (only one for now) if (gateReq.getClassifier() != null) { gateBuilder.build(gateReq.getClassifier()); } else if (gateReq.getExtClassifier() != null) { gateBuilder.build(gateReq.getExtClassifier()); } else if (gateReq.getIpv6Classifier() != null) { gateBuilder.build(gateReq.getIpv6Classifier()); } // assemble the final gate request return gateBuilder.getGateReq(); } private class MockSocket extends Socket { private ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private ByteArrayInputStream is; @Override public OutputStream getOutputStream() { return os; } @Override public InputStream getInputStream() { if (is == null) is = new ByteArrayInputStream(os.toByteArray()); return is; } } }