/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.stmt.reactor; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; import static com.google.common.base.Verify.verify; import static com.google.common.base.Verify.verifyNotNull; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.Multimap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.Mutable; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QName; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QNameModule; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.UnresolvedQName.Unqualified; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.YangVersion; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.meta.DeclaredStatement; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.meta.EffectiveStatement; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.meta.StatementSourceReference; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.repo.api.SourceIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.ParserNamespaces; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.meta.InferenceException; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.meta.ModelActionBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.meta.ModelProcessingPhase; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.meta.NamespaceKeyCriterion; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.meta.NamespaceStorage; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.meta.ParserNamespace; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.meta.StatementDefinitions; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.meta.StatementSupport; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.meta.StatementSupportBundle; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.meta.StmtContextUtils; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.source.PrefixResolver; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.source.QNameToStatementDefinition; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.source.QNameToStatementDefinitionMap; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.source.SourceException; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.source.StatementStreamSource; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; final class SourceSpecificContext implements NamespaceStorage, Mutable { enum PhaseCompletionProgress { NO_PROGRESS, PROGRESS, FINISHED } private static final class SupportedStatements extends NamespaceAccess> { private final QNameToStatementDefinitionMap statementDefinitions; SupportedStatements(final QNameToStatementDefinitionMap statementDefinitions) { this.statementDefinitions = requireNonNull(statementDefinitions); } @Override ParserNamespace> namespace() { return StatementSupport.NAMESPACE; } @Override StatementSupport valueFrom(final NamespaceStorage storage, final QName key) { return statementDefinitions.getSupport(key); } @Override void valueTo(final NamespaceStorage storage, final QName key, final StatementSupport value) { throw uoe(); } @Override Map> allFrom(final NamespaceStorage storage) { throw uoe(); } @Override Entry> entryFrom(final NamespaceStorage storage, final NamespaceKeyCriterion criterion) { throw uoe(); } @Override void addListener(final QName key, final KeyedValueAddedListener> listener) { throw uoe(); } @Override void addListener(final PredicateValueAddedListener> listener) { throw uoe(); } private static UnsupportedOperationException uoe() { return new UnsupportedOperationException("StatementSupportNamespace is immutable"); } } private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SourceSpecificContext.class); // TODO: consider keying by Byte equivalent of ExecutionOrder private final Multimap modifiers = HashMultimap.create(); private final QNameToStatementDefinitionMap qnameToStmtDefMap = new QNameToStatementDefinitionMap(); private final @NonNull SupportedStatements statementSupports = new SupportedStatements(qnameToStmtDefMap); private final HashMapPrefixResolver prefixToModuleMap = new HashMapPrefixResolver(); private final @NonNull BuildGlobalContext globalContext; // Freed as soon as we complete ModelProcessingPhase.EFFECTIVE_MODEL private StatementStreamSource source; /* * "imported" namespaces in this source -- this points to RootStatementContexts of * - modules imported via 'import' statement * - parent module, declared via 'belongs-to' statement */ private List> importedNamespaces = ImmutableList.of(); private RootStatementContext root; // TODO: consider using ExecutionOrder byte for these two private ModelProcessingPhase finishedPhase = ModelProcessingPhase.INIT; private ModelProcessingPhase inProgressPhase; // If not null, do not add anything to modifiers, but record it here. private List> delayedModifiers; SourceSpecificContext(final BuildGlobalContext globalContext, final StatementStreamSource source) { this.globalContext = requireNonNull(globalContext); this.source = requireNonNull(source); } @NonNull BuildGlobalContext globalContext() { return globalContext; } ModelProcessingPhase getInProgressPhase() { return inProgressPhase; } AbstractResumedStatement createDeclaredChild(final AbstractResumedStatement current, final int childId, final QName name, final String argument, final StatementSourceReference ref) { StatementDefinitionContext def = globalContext.getStatementDefinition(getRootVersion(), name); if (def == null) { def = globalContext.getModelDefinedStatementDefinition(name); if (def == null) { final StatementSupport extension = qnameToStmtDefMap.getSupport(name); if (extension != null) { def = new StatementDefinitionContext<>(extension); globalContext.putModelDefinedStatementDefinition(name, def); } } } else if (current != null) { def = current.definition().overrideDefinition(def); } if (InferenceException.throwIfNull(def, ref, "Statement %s does not have type mapping defined.", name) .getArgumentDefinition().isPresent()) { SourceException.throwIfNull(argument, ref, "Statement %s requires an argument", name); } else { SourceException.throwIf(argument != null, ref, "Statement %s does not take argument", name); } /* * If the current statement definition has argument specific * sub-definitions, get argument specific sub-definition based on given * argument (e.g. type statement need to be specialized based on its * argument). */ if (def.hasArgumentSpecificSubDefinitions()) { def = def.getSubDefinitionSpecificForArgument(argument); } if (current != null) { return current.createSubstatement(childId, def, ref, argument); } /* * If root is null or root version is other than default, * we need to create new root. */ if (root == null) { root = new RootStatementContext<>(this, def, ref, argument); } else if (!RootStatementContext.DEFAULT_VERSION.equals(root.yangVersion()) && inProgressPhase == ModelProcessingPhase.SOURCE_LINKAGE) { root = new RootStatementContext<>(this, def, ref, argument, root.yangVersion(), root.getRootIdentifier()); } else { final QName rootStatement = root.definition().getStatementName(); final String rootArgument = root.rawArgument(); checkState(Objects.equals(def.getStatementName(), rootStatement) && Objects.equals(argument, rootArgument), "Root statement was already defined as '%s %s'.", rootStatement, rootArgument); } return root; } @NonNull SourceIdentifier identifySource() { final var arg = root.getArgument(); verify(arg instanceof Unqualified, "Unexpected argument %s", arg); final var unqualified = (Unqualified) arg; final var module = root.namespaceItem(ParserNamespaces.MODULECTX_TO_QNAME, root); if (module != null) { // creates SourceIdentifier for a module return new SourceIdentifier(unqualified, module.getRevision().orElse(null)); } // creates SourceIdentifier for a submodule return new SourceIdentifier(unqualified, StmtContextUtils.getLatestRevision(root.declaredSubstatements()).orElse(null)); } @NonNull DeclaredStatement declaredRoot() { return root.declared(); } @NonNull EffectiveStatement effectiveRoot() { return root.buildEffective(); } /** * Return version of root statement context. * * @return version of root statement context */ private YangVersion getRootVersion() { return root != null ? root.yangVersion() : RootStatementContext.DEFAULT_VERSION; } void startPhase(final ModelProcessingPhase phase) { final ModelProcessingPhase previousPhase = phase.getPreviousPhase(); verify(Objects.equals(previousPhase, finishedPhase), "Phase sequencing violation: previous phase should be %s, source %s has %s", previousPhase, source, finishedPhase); final Collection previousModifiers = modifiers.get(previousPhase); checkState(previousModifiers.isEmpty(), "Previous phase %s has unresolved modifiers %s in source %s", previousPhase, previousModifiers, source); inProgressPhase = phase; LOG.debug("Source {} started phase {}", source, phase); } private void updateImportedNamespaces(final ParserNamespace type, final Object value) { if (ParserNamespaces.BELONGSTO_PREFIX_TO_MODULECTX.equals(type) || ParserNamespaces.IMPORTED_MODULE.equals(type)) { verify(value instanceof RootStatementContext, "Unexpected imported value %s", value); if (importedNamespaces.isEmpty()) { importedNamespaces = new ArrayList<>(1); } importedNamespaces.add((RootStatementContext) value); } } @Override public V putToLocalStorage(final ParserNamespace type, final K key, final V value) { // RootStatementContext takes care of IncludedModuleContext and the rest... final V ret = root.putToLocalStorage(type, key, value); // FIXME: what about duplicates? updateImportedNamespaces(type, value); return ret; } @Override public V putToLocalStorageIfAbsent(final ParserNamespace type, final K key, final V value) { // RootStatementContext takes care of IncludedModuleContext and the rest... final V ret = root.putToLocalStorageIfAbsent(type, key, value); if (ret == null) { updateImportedNamespaces(type, value); } return ret; } @Override public StorageType getStorageType() { return StorageType.SOURCE_LOCAL_SPECIAL; } @Override public V getFromLocalStorage(final ParserNamespace type, final K key) { final V potentialLocal = root.getFromLocalStorage(type, key); if (potentialLocal != null) { return potentialLocal; } for (final NamespaceStorage importedSource : importedNamespaces) { final V potential = importedSource.getFromLocalStorage(type, key); if (potential != null) { return potential; } } return null; } @Override public Map getAllFromLocalStorage(final ParserNamespace type) { final Map potentialLocal = root.getAllFromLocalStorage(type); if (potentialLocal != null) { return potentialLocal; } for (final NamespaceStorage importedSource : importedNamespaces) { final Map potential = importedSource.getAllFromLocalStorage(type); if (potential != null) { return potential; } } return null; } NamespaceAccess accessNamespace(final ParserNamespace type) { if (StatementSupport.NAMESPACE.equals(type)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final var ret = (NamespaceAccess) statementSupports; return ret; } return globalContext.accessNamespace(type); } @Override public GlobalStorage getParentStorage() { return globalContext; } PhaseCompletionProgress tryToCompletePhase(final byte executionOrder) { final ModelProcessingPhase phase = verifyNotNull(ModelProcessingPhase.ofExecutionOrder(executionOrder)); final Collection currentPhaseModifiers = modifiers.get(phase); boolean hasProgressed = tryToProgress(currentPhaseModifiers); final boolean phaseCompleted = requireNonNull(root, "Malformed source. Valid root element is missing.") .tryToCompletePhase(executionOrder); hasProgressed |= tryToProgress(currentPhaseModifiers); // TODO: use executionOrder instead? if (phaseCompleted && currentPhaseModifiers.isEmpty()) { finishedPhase = phase; LOG.debug("Source {} finished phase {}", source, phase); if (phase == ModelProcessingPhase.EFFECTIVE_MODEL) { // We have the effective model acquired, which is the final phase of source interaction. LOG.trace("Releasing source {}", source); source = null; } return PhaseCompletionProgress.FINISHED; } return hasProgressed ? PhaseCompletionProgress.PROGRESS : PhaseCompletionProgress.NO_PROGRESS; } private boolean tryToProgress(final Collection currentPhaseModifiers) { boolean hasProgressed = false; // We are about to iterate over the modifiers and invoke callbacks. Those callbacks can end up circling back // and modifying the same collection. This asserts that modifiers should not be modified. delayedModifiers = List.of(); // Try making forward progress ... final Iterator modifier = currentPhaseModifiers.iterator(); while (modifier.hasNext()) { if (modifier.next().tryApply()) { modifier.remove(); hasProgressed = true; } } // We have finished iterating, if we have any delayed modifiers, put them back. This may seem as if we want // to retry the loop, but we do not have to, as we will be circling back anyway. // // The thing is, we are inherently single-threaded and therefore if we observe non-empty delayedModifiers, the // only way that could happen is through a callback, which in turn means we have made progress. if (!delayedModifiers.isEmpty()) { verify(hasProgressed, "Delayed modifiers encountered without making progress in %s", this); for (Entry entry : delayedModifiers) { modifiers.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } delayedModifiers = null; return hasProgressed; } @NonNull ModelActionBuilder newInferenceAction(final @NonNull ModelProcessingPhase phase) { final ModifierImpl action = new ModifierImpl(); if (delayedModifiers != null) { if (delayedModifiers.isEmpty()) { delayedModifiers = new ArrayList<>(2); } delayedModifiers.add(Map.entry(phase,action)); } else { modifiers.put(phase, action); } return action; } @Override public String toString() { return "SourceSpecificContext [source=" + source + ", current=" + inProgressPhase + ", finished=" + finishedPhase + "]"; } Optional failModifiers(final ModelProcessingPhase identifier) { final List exceptions = new ArrayList<>(); for (final ModifierImpl mod : modifiers.get(identifier)) { try { mod.failModifier(); } catch (final SourceException e) { exceptions.add(e); } } return switch (exceptions.size()) { case 0 -> Optional.empty(); case 1 -> Optional.of(exceptions.get(0)); default -> { final String message = String.format("Yang model processing phase %s failed", identifier); final InferenceException ex = new InferenceException(message, root, exceptions.get(0)); exceptions.listIterator(1).forEachRemaining(ex::addSuppressed); yield Optional.of(ex); } }; } void loadStatements() { LOG.trace("Source {} loading statements for phase {}", source, inProgressPhase); switch (inProgressPhase) { case SOURCE_PRE_LINKAGE: source.writePreLinkage(new StatementContextWriter(this, inProgressPhase), stmtDef()); break; case SOURCE_LINKAGE: source.writeLinkage(new StatementContextWriter(this, inProgressPhase), stmtDef(), preLinkagePrefixes(), getRootVersion()); break; case STATEMENT_DEFINITION: source.writeLinkageAndStatementDefinitions(new StatementContextWriter(this, inProgressPhase), stmtDef(), prefixes(), getRootVersion()); break; case FULL_DECLARATION: source.writeFull(new StatementContextWriter(this, inProgressPhase), stmtDef(), prefixes(), getRootVersion()); break; default: break; } } private PrefixResolver preLinkagePrefixes() { final HashMapPrefixResolver preLinkagePrefixes = new HashMapPrefixResolver(); final var prefixToNamespaceMap = getAllFromLocalStorage(ParserNamespaces.IMP_PREFIX_TO_NAMESPACE); if (prefixToNamespaceMap == null) { //:FIXME if it is a submodule without any import, the map is null. Handle also submodules and includes... return null; } prefixToNamespaceMap.forEach((key, value) -> preLinkagePrefixes.put(key, QNameModule.create(value))); return preLinkagePrefixes; } private PrefixResolver prefixes() { final var allImports = root.namespace(ParserNamespaces.IMPORT_PREFIX_TO_MODULECTX); if (allImports != null) { allImports.forEach((key, value) -> prefixToModuleMap.put(key, root.namespaceItem(ParserNamespaces.MODULECTX_TO_QNAME, value))); } final var allBelongsTo = root.namespace(ParserNamespaces.BELONGSTO_PREFIX_TO_MODULECTX); if (allBelongsTo != null) { allBelongsTo.forEach((key, value) -> prefixToModuleMap.put(key, root.namespaceItem(ParserNamespaces.MODULECTX_TO_QNAME, value))); } return prefixToModuleMap; } private QNameToStatementDefinition stmtDef() { // regular YANG statements and extension supports added final StatementSupportBundle supportsForPhase = globalContext.getSupportsForPhase(inProgressPhase); qnameToStmtDefMap.putAll(supportsForPhase.getCommonDefinitions()); qnameToStmtDefMap.putAll(supportsForPhase.getDefinitionsSpecificForVersion(getRootVersion())); // No further actions needed if (inProgressPhase != ModelProcessingPhase.FULL_DECLARATION) { return qnameToStmtDefMap; } // We need to any and all extension statements which have been declared in the context final Map> extensions = globalContext.getNamespace( StatementDefinitions.NAMESPACE); if (extensions != null) { extensions.forEach((qname, support) -> { final StatementSupport existing = qnameToStmtDefMap.putIfAbsent(qname, support); if (existing != null) { LOG.debug("Source {} already defines statement {} as {}", source, qname, existing); } else { LOG.debug("Source {} defined statement {} as {}", source, qname, support); } }); } return qnameToStmtDefMap; } Collection getRequiredSources() { return root.getRequiredSources(); } SourceIdentifier getRootIdentifier() { return root.getRootIdentifier(); } }