// // Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. // // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the // terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, // and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html // lexer grammar YangStatementLexer; tokens { SEMICOLON, LEFT_BRACE, RIGHT_BRACE, SEP, IDENTIFIER, COLON, PLUS, SLASH, STAR, DQUOT_STRING, SQUOT_STRING, UQUOT_STRING } SEMICOLON : ';' -> type(SEMICOLON); LEFT_BRACE : '{' -> type(LEFT_BRACE); RIGHT_BRACE : '}' -> type(RIGHT_BRACE); COLON : ':' -> type(COLON); PLUS : '+' -> type(PLUS); // RFC6020 section 6.1.1: // Comments are C++ style. A single line comment starts with "//" and // ends at the end of the line. A block comment is enclosed within "/*" // and "*/". // // RFC7950 section 6.1.1: // Comments are C++ style. A single line comment starts with "//" and // ends at the end of the line. A block comment starts with "/*" and // ends with the nearest following "*/". // // Note that inside a quoted string (Section 6.1.3), these character // pairs are never interpreted as the start or end of a comment. // // What constitutes 'end of the line' is not specified in RFC6020, hence // we are using RFC7950-clarified definition. Note we also need to handle // the case of EOF, as the user may not have included a newline. LINE_COMMENT : '//' .*? '\r'? ('\n' | EOF) -> skip; BLOCK_COMMENT : '/*' .*? '*/' -> skip; // Note: if this changes, also update KeyStatementSupport's Splitter SEP: [ \n\r\t]+ -> type(SEP); // Special-cased identifier string IDENTIFIER : [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]* -> type(IDENTIFIER); // RFC6020 section 6.1.3: // If a string contains any space or tab characters, a semicolon (";"), // braces ("{" or "}"), or comment sequences ("//", "/*", or "*/"), then // it MUST be enclosed within double or single quotes. // // RFC7950 section 6.1.3: // An unquoted string is any sequence of characters that does not // contain any space, tab, carriage return, or line feed characters, a // single or double quote character, a semicolon (";"), braces ("{" or // "}"), or comment sequences ("//", "/*", or "*/"). // // Since we need tokenization to work in both worlds, we are taking only // RFC6020 with CR/LF clarifications -- and allow quotes to appear in the body // of a string. We additionally exclude COLON, so as to prefer IDENTIFIER // tokenization -- which allows us to make keyword work properly. // // Furthermore we need to exclude PLUS so that concatenation works as expected // when + is not separated by whitespace -- even RFC7950 is far from being // well-specified in this regard. // // The most problematic here is the comment sequence exclusion, as we cannot // just exclude it from productions. We therefore provide single-char // tokenizations of both '*' and '/', and deal with them separately in the // parser. SLASH : '/' -> type(SLASH); STAR : '*' -> type(STAR); UQUOT_STRING : // Any eager span that does not start with single/double quote and does not // have slash/star. ~([ \n\r\t] | [;{}:+] | [/*] | ['"]) ~([ \n\r\t] | [;{}:+] | [/*])* -> type(UQUOT_STRING); // Double/single-quoted strings. We deal with these using specialized modes. DQUOT_START : '"' -> pushMode(DQUOT_STRING_MODE), skip; SQUOT_START : '\'' -> pushMode(SQUOT_STRING_MODE), skip; // // Double-quoted string lexing mode. We do not need to recognize all possible // escapes here -- just enough not to get confused by runs of backslashes and // recognize escaped double quotes. // mode DQUOT_STRING_MODE; DQUOT_STRING : (~["\\] | ('\\' .))+ -> type(DQUOT_STRING); DQUOT_END : '"' -> popMode; // // Single-quoted string lexing mode. We do not interpret anything within single // quotes. // mode SQUOT_STRING_MODE; SQUOT_STRING : ~[']+ -> type(SQUOT_STRING); SQUOT_END : '\'' -> popMode;