module custom-types-test { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:custom.types.demo"; prefix "iit"; organization "opendaylight"; contact "WILL-BE-DEFINED-LATER"; revision 2012-04-16 { } import identity-ref-test { prefix "irt"; } extension mountpoint { description "enter point"; argument "name" { yin-element "true"; } } typedef access-operations-type { type bits { bit create { description "Any protocol operation that creates a new data node."; } bit read { description "Any protocol operation or notification that returns the value of a data node."; position 500; } bit update { description "Any protocol operation that alters an existing data node."; } bit delete { description "Any protocol operation that removes a data node."; position 365; } bit exec { description "Execution access to the specified protocol operation."; } } description "NETCONF Access Operation."; } leaf inst-id-leaf1 { type instance-identifier { require-instance false; } iit:mountpoint "mnt-extension"; } leaf inst-id-leaf2 { type instance-identifier; } leaf type { type service-type-ref; } leaf type2 { type service-type2-ref; } leaf type3 { type service-type3-ref; } identity crypto-id { base "crypto-base"; description "crypto-id description"; iit:mountpoint "mnt-extension"; } identity crypto-base { description "crypto-base description"; } identity crypto-alg { base "crypto-base"; description "crypto-alg description"; } identity crypto-def { base "crypto-base"; description "crypto-def description"; } leaf mybits { type bits { bit disable-nagle { position 0; } bit auto-sense-speed { position 1; } bit only-10-Mb { position 2; } } default "auto-sense-speed"; } typedef ip-version { type enumeration { enum unknown { description "An unknown or unspecified version of the Internet protocol."; } enum ipv4 { value "19"; description "The IPv4 protocol as defined in RFC 791."; } enum ipv6 { value "7"; description "The IPv6 protocol as defined in RFC 2460."; } enum default { description "default ip"; } } } identity service-type { description "Service identity base type. All service identities must be derived from this type. A service type uniquely defines a single atomic API contract, such as a Java interface, a set of C function declarations, or similar. If the service type has a corresponding Java interface, the name of that interface should be attached to the derived identity MUST include a java-class keyword, whose name argument points to that interface."; } typedef service-type-ref { description "Internal type of references to service type identity."; type identityref { base service-type; } } typedef service-type2-ref { description "Internal type of references to service type2 identity."; type identityref { base irt:my-type; } } typedef service-type3-ref { description "Internal type of references to service type3 identity."; type service-type-ref; } }