/* * Copyright © 2017 AT&T, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.transportpce.pce; import com.google.common.base.Optional; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.binding.api.DataBroker; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.binding.api.ReadOnlyTransaction; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.common.api.data.LogicalDatastoreType; import org.opendaylight.transportpce.common.NetworkUtils; import org.opendaylight.transportpce.common.ResponseCodes; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.http.org.opendaylight.transportpce.pce.rev171017.PathComputationRequestInput; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.http.org.openroadm.network.topology.rev170929.Node1; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.http.org.openroadm.network.types.rev170929.OpenroadmNodeType; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.network.rev150608.Network; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.network.rev150608.NetworkId; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.network.rev150608.NetworkKey; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.network.rev150608.NodeId; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.network.rev150608.network.Node; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.network.topology.rev150608.LinkId; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.network.topology.rev150608.Network1; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.network.topology.rev150608.network.Link; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.InstanceIdentifier; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class PceCalculation { /* Logging. */ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PceCalculation.class); private DataBroker dataBroker = null; ///////////// data parsed from Input///////////////// private PathComputationRequestInput input; private String anodeId = ""; private String znodeId = ""; private PceConstraints pceHardConstraints; private PceConstraints pceSoftConstraints; ///////////// Intermediate data///////////////// private List addLinks = new ArrayList(); private List dropLinks = new ArrayList(); private HashSet azSrgs = new HashSet(); private PceNode aendPceNode = null; private PceNode zendPceNode = null; private List allLinks = null; private List allNodes = null; // this List serves graph calculation private Map allPceNodes = new HashMap(); // this List serves calculation of ZtoA path descritopn // TODO maybe better solution is possible private Map allPceLinks = new HashMap(); private PceResult returnStructure; public PceResult getReturnStructure() { return this.returnStructure; } public enum NodeConstraint { NONE, HARD_EXCLUDE, HARD_INCLUDE, HARD_DIVERSITY, SOFT_EXCLUDE, SOFT_INCLUDE, SOFT_DIVERSITY; } // private static final String NETWORK_ID = "Transport Overlay"; public PceCalculation(PathComputationRequestInput input, DataBroker dataBroker, PceConstraints pceHardConstraints, PceConstraints pceSoftConstraints, PceResult rc) { this.input = input; this.dataBroker = dataBroker; this.returnStructure = rc; this.pceHardConstraints = pceHardConstraints; this.pceSoftConstraints = pceSoftConstraints; parseInput(); } // apply constraints to get applicable result public void calcPath() { LOG.info("In PceCalculation calcPath: "); if (!readMdSal()) { this.returnStructure.setRC(ResponseCodes.RESPONSE_FAILED); return; } if (!analyzeNw()) { this.returnStructure.setRC(ResponseCodes.RESPONSE_FAILED); return; } this.returnStructure.setRC(ResponseCodes.RESPONSE_OK); return; } private boolean parseInput() { this.anodeId = this.input.getServiceAEnd().getNodeId(); this.znodeId = this.input.getServiceZEnd().getNodeId(); LOG.info("parseInput: A and Z :[{}] and [{}]", this.anodeId, this.znodeId); this.returnStructure.setRate(this.input.getServiceAEnd().getServiceRate()); return true; } private boolean readMdSal() { LOG.info("readMdSal: network {}", NetworkUtils.OVERLAY_NETWORK_ID); InstanceIdentifier nwInstanceIdentifier = InstanceIdentifier .builder(Network.class, new NetworkKey(new NetworkId(NetworkUtils.OVERLAY_NETWORK_ID))).build(); ReadOnlyTransaction readOnlyTransaction = this.dataBroker.newReadOnlyTransaction(); Network nw = null; try { Optional nwOptional = readOnlyTransaction.read(LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, nwInstanceIdentifier).get(); if (nwOptional.isPresent()) { nw = nwOptional.get(); LOG.debug("readMdSal: network nodes: nwOptional.isPresent = true {}", nw.toString()); } } catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException e) { LOG.error("readMdSal: Error reading topology {}", nwInstanceIdentifier); readOnlyTransaction.close(); this.returnStructure.setRC(ResponseCodes.RESPONSE_FAILED); throw new RuntimeException( "readMdSal: Error reading from operational store, topology : " + nwInstanceIdentifier + " :" + e); } readOnlyTransaction.close(); if (nw == null) { LOG.error("readMdSal: network is null: {}", nwInstanceIdentifier); return false; } this.allNodes = nw.getNode().stream() .sorted((node1, node2) -> node1.getNodeId().getValue().compareTo(node2.getNodeId().getValue())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); Network1 nw1 = nw.augmentation(Network1.class); this.allLinks = nw1.getLink(); if ((this.allNodes == null) || this.allNodes.isEmpty()) { LOG.error("readMdSal: no nodes "); return false; } LOG.info("readMdSal: network nodes: {} nodes added", this.allNodes.size()); if ((this.allLinks == null) || this.allLinks.isEmpty()) { LOG.error("readMdSal: no links "); return false; } LOG.info("readMdSal: network links: {} links added", this.allLinks.size()); return true; } private boolean analyzeNw() { LOG.debug("analyzeNw: allNodes size {}, allLinks size {}", this.allNodes.size(), this.allLinks.size()); for (Node node : this.allNodes) { validateNode(node); } LOG.debug("analyzeNw: allPceNodes size {} : {}", this.allPceNodes.size(), this.allPceNodes.toString()); if ((this.aendPceNode == null) || (this.zendPceNode == null)) { LOG.error("analyzeNw: Error in reading nodes: A or Z do not present in the network"); return false; } for (Link link : this.allLinks) { validateLink(link); } LOG.debug("analyzeNw: AddLinks size {}, DropLinks size {}", this.addLinks.size(), this.dropLinks.size()); // debug prints LOG.info("analyzeNw: AZSrgs size = {}", this.azSrgs.size()); for (NodeId srg : this.azSrgs) { LOG.info("analyzeNw: A/Z Srgs SRG = {}", srg.getValue()); } // debug prints for (PceLink link : this.addLinks) { filterAddLinks(link); } for (PceLink link : this.dropLinks) { filterDropLinks(link); } LOG.info("analyzeNw: allPceNodes size {}, allPceLinks size {}", this.allPceNodes.size(), this.allPceLinks .size()); return true; } private boolean filterAddLinks(PceLink pcelink) { NodeId nodeId = pcelink.getSourceId(); if (this.azSrgs.contains(nodeId)) { this.allPceLinks.put(pcelink.getLinkId(), pcelink); this.allPceNodes.get(nodeId).addOutgoingLink(pcelink); LOG.info("analyzeNw: Add_LINK added to source and to allPceLinks {}", pcelink.getLinkId().toString()); return true; } // remove the SRG from PceNodes, as it is not directly connected to A/Z this.allPceNodes.remove(nodeId); LOG.debug("analyzeNw: SRG removed {}", nodeId.getValue()); return false; } private boolean filterDropLinks(PceLink pcelink) { NodeId nodeId = pcelink.getDestId(); if (this.azSrgs.contains(nodeId)) { this.allPceLinks.put(pcelink.getLinkId(), pcelink); this.allPceNodes.get(nodeId).addOutgoingLink(pcelink); LOG.info("analyzeNw: Drop_LINK added to dest and to allPceLinks {}", pcelink.getLinkId().toString()); return true; } // remove the SRG from PceNodes, as it is not directly connected to A/Z this.allPceNodes.remove(pcelink.getDestId()); LOG.debug("analyzeNw: SRG removed {}", nodeId.getValue()); return false; } private boolean validateLink(Link link) { LOG.info("validateLink: link {} ", link.toString()); NodeId sourceId = link.getSource().getSourceNode(); NodeId destId = link.getDestination().getDestNode(); PceNode source = this.allPceNodes.get(sourceId); PceNode dest = this.allPceNodes.get(destId); if (source == null) { LOG.warn("validateLink: source node is rejected by node validation - {}", link.getSource().getSourceNode() .getValue()); return false; } if (dest == null) { LOG.warn("validateLink: dest node is rejected by node validation - {}", link.getDestination().getDestNode() .getValue()); return false; } PceLink pcelink = new PceLink(link); if (!pcelink.isValid()) { LOG.error(" validateLink: Link is ignored due errors in network data "); return false; } LinkId linkId = pcelink.getLinkId(); switch (pcelink.getLinkType()) { case ROADMTOROADM : this.allPceLinks.put(linkId, pcelink); source.addOutgoingLink(pcelink); LOG.info("validateLink: ROADMTOROADM-LINK added to allPceLinks {}", pcelink.toString()); break; case EXPRESSLINK : this.allPceLinks.put(linkId, pcelink); source.addOutgoingLink(pcelink); LOG.info("validateLink: EXPRESS-LINK added to allPceLinks {}", pcelink.toString()); break; case ADDLINK : pcelink.setClient(source.getRdmSrgClient(pcelink.getSourceTP().toString(), true)); this.addLinks.add(pcelink); LOG.info("validateLink: ADD-LINK saved {}", pcelink.toString()); break; case DROPLINK : pcelink.setClient(dest.getRdmSrgClient(pcelink.getDestTP().toString(), false)); this.dropLinks.add(pcelink); LOG.info("validateLink: DROP-LINK saved {}", pcelink.toString()); break; case XPONDERINPUT : this.azSrgs.add(sourceId); // store separately all SRG links directly connected to A/Z if (!dest.checkTP(pcelink.getDestTP().toString())) { LOG.debug("validateLink: XPONDER-INPUT is rejected as NW port is busy - {} ", pcelink.toString()); return false; } pcelink.setClient(dest.getXpdrClient(pcelink.getDestTP().toString())); this.allPceLinks.put(linkId, pcelink); source.addOutgoingLink(pcelink); LOG.info("validateLink: XPONDER-INPUT link added to allPceLinks {}", pcelink.toString()); break; case XPONDEROUTPUT : // does it mean XPONDER==>>SRG ? this.azSrgs.add(destId); // store separately all SRG links directly connected to A/Z if (!source.checkTP(pcelink.getSourceTP().toString())) { LOG.debug("validateLink: XPONDER-OUTPUT is rejected as NW port is busy - {} ", pcelink.toString()); return false; } pcelink.setClient(source.getXpdrClient(pcelink.getSourceTP().toString())); this.allPceLinks.put(linkId, pcelink); source.addOutgoingLink(pcelink); LOG.info("validateLink: XPONDER-OUTPUT link added to allPceLinks {}", pcelink.toString()); break; default: LOG.warn("validateLink: link type is not supported {}", pcelink.toString()); } return true; } private boolean validateNode(Node node) { String supNodeId = ""; OpenroadmNodeType nodeType = null; NodeId nodeId = null; if (node == null) { LOG.error("validateNode: node is null, ignored "); return false; } try { // TODO: supporting IDs exist as a List. this code takes just the first element nodeId = node.getNodeId(); supNodeId = node.getSupportingNode().get(0).getNodeRef().getValue(); if (supNodeId.equals("")) { LOG.error("validateNode: Supporting node for node: [{}]. Node is ignored", nodeId.getValue()); return false; } // extract node type Node1 node1 = node.augmentation(Node1.class); if (node1 == null) { LOG.error("validateNode: no Node1 (type) Augmentation for node: [{}]. Node is ignored", nodeId .getValue()); return false; } nodeType = node1.getNodeType(); /** Catch exception 'RuntimeException' is not allowed. [IllegalCatch]. */ } catch (NullPointerException e) { LOG.error("validateNode: Error reading supporting node or node type for node '{}'", nodeId, e); return false; } if (nodeType == OpenroadmNodeType.XPONDER) { // Detect A and Z if (supNodeId.equals(this.anodeId) || (supNodeId.equals(this.znodeId))) { LOG.info("validateNode: A or Z node detected == {}", node.getNodeId().getValue()); } else { LOG.warn("validateNode: XPONDER is ignored == {}", node.getNodeId().getValue()); return false; } } switch (validateNodeConstraints(nodeId.getValue(), supNodeId)) { case HARD_EXCLUDE : LOG.info("validateNode: constraints : node is ignored == {}", nodeId.getValue()); return false; default: break; } PceNode pceNode = new PceNode(node, nodeType, nodeId); if (!pceNode.isValid()) { LOG.error(" validateNode: Node is ignored due errors in network data "); return false; } if (supNodeId.equals(this.anodeId)) { if (this.aendPceNode == null) { if (endPceNode(nodeType, nodeId, pceNode, true)) { if (!pceNode.isValid()) { LOG.error("validateNode: There are no available wavelengths in node {}", nodeId.getValue()); return false; } this.aendPceNode = pceNode; } } else { LOG.warn("aendPceNode already gets: {}", this.aendPceNode); } } if (supNodeId.equals(this.znodeId)) { if (this.zendPceNode == null) { if (endPceNode(nodeType, nodeId, pceNode, false)) { if (!pceNode.isValid()) { LOG.error("validateNode: There are no available wavelengths in node {}", nodeId.getValue()); return false; } this.zendPceNode = pceNode; } } else { LOG.warn("zendPceNode already gets: {}", this.zendPceNode); } } pceNode.initWLlist(); if (!pceNode.isValid()) { LOG.error("validateNode: There are no available wavelengths in node {}", nodeId.getValue()); return false; } this.allPceNodes.put(nodeId, pceNode); LOG.debug("validateNode: node is saved {}", nodeId.getValue()); return true; } private Boolean endPceNode(OpenroadmNodeType openroadmNodeType, NodeId nodeId, PceNode pceNode, Boolean aend) { Boolean add = true; switch (openroadmNodeType) { case SRG : pceNode.initSrgTps(); this.azSrgs.add(nodeId); break; case XPONDER : pceNode.initXndrTps(); break; default: add = false; LOG.warn("endPceNode: Node {} is not SRG or XPONDER !", nodeId); break; } return add; } private NodeConstraint validateNodeConstraints(String nodeId, String supNodeId) { if (this.pceHardConstraints.getExcludeNodes().contains(nodeId)) { return NodeConstraint.HARD_EXCLUDE; } if (this.pceHardConstraints.getExcludeNodes().contains(supNodeId)) { return NodeConstraint.HARD_EXCLUDE; } if (this.pceHardConstraints.getIncludeNodes().contains(nodeId)) { return NodeConstraint.HARD_INCLUDE; } if (this.pceHardConstraints.getIncludeNodes().contains(supNodeId)) { return NodeConstraint.HARD_INCLUDE; } return NodeConstraint.NONE; } public PceNode getaPceNode() { return this.aendPceNode; } public PceNode getzPceNode() { return this.zendPceNode; } public Map getAllPceNodes() { return this.allPceNodes; } public Map getAllPceLinks() { return this.allPceLinks; } }