/* * Copyright © 2017 AT&T, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.transportpce.pce.networkanalyzer; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.http.org.opendaylight.transportpce.networkutils.rev220630.OtnLinkType; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.http.org.openroadm.common.network.rev230526.Link1; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.http.org.openroadm.common.state.types.rev191129.State; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.http.org.openroadm.equipment.states.types.rev191129.AdminStates; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.http.org.openroadm.link.rev230526.span.attributes.LinkConcatenation1; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.http.org.openroadm.link.rev230526.span.attributes.LinkConcatenation1.FiberType; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.http.org.openroadm.network.topology.rev230526.networks.network.link.oms.attributes.Span; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.http.org.openroadm.network.types.rev230526.OpenroadmLinkType; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.http.org.openroadm.network.types.rev230526.link.concatenation.LinkConcatenation; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.http.org.openroadm.network.types.rev230526.link.concatenation.LinkConcatenationKey; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.network.rev180226.NodeId; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.network.topology.rev180226.LinkId; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.network.topology.rev180226.TpId; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.network.topology.rev180226.networks.network.Link; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; @SuppressWarnings("serial") @SuppressFBWarnings( value = "SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID", justification = "https://github.com/rzwitserloot/lombok/wiki/WHY-NOT:-serialVersionUID") public class PceLink implements Serializable { /* Logging. */ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PceLink.class); ///////////////////////// LINKS //////////////////// /* * extension of Link to include constraints and Graph weight */ double weight = 0; private boolean isValid = true; // this member is for XPONDER INPUT/OUTPUT links. // it keeps name of client corresponding to NETWORK TP private String client = ""; private final LinkId linkId; private final OpenroadmLinkType linkType; private final NodeId sourceId; private final NodeId destId; private final TpId sourceTP; private final TpId destTP; private final String sourceNetworkSupNodeId; private final String destNetworkSupNodeId; private final String sourceCLLI; private final String destCLLI; private final LinkId oppositeLink; private final AdminStates adminStates; private final State state; private final Long latency; private final Long availableBandwidth; private final Long usedBandwidth; private final List srlgList; // private final double osnr; private final Double length; private final Double cd; private final Double pmd2; private final Double spanLoss; private final Double powerCorrection; private final transient Span omsAttributesSpan; //meter per ms private static final double GLASSCELERITY = 2.99792458 * 1e5 / 1.5; private static final double PMD_CONSTANT = 0.04; public PceLink(Link link, PceNode source, PceNode dest) { LOG.debug("PceLink: : PceLink start "); this.linkId = link.getLinkId(); this.sourceId = link.getSource().getSourceNode(); this.destId = link.getDestination().getDestNode(); this.sourceTP = link.getSource().getSourceTp(); this.destTP = link.getDestination().getDestTp(); this.sourceNetworkSupNodeId = source.getSupNetworkNodeId(); this.destNetworkSupNodeId = dest.getSupNetworkNodeId(); this.sourceCLLI = source.getSupClliNodeId(); this.destCLLI = dest.getSupClliNodeId(); this.linkType = MapUtils.calcType(link); this.oppositeLink = calcOpposite(link); this.adminStates = link.augmentation(Link1.class).getAdministrativeState(); this.state = link.augmentation(Link1.class).getOperationalState(); switch (this.linkType) { case ROADMTOROADM: this.omsAttributesSpan = MapUtils.getOmsAttributesSpan(link); this.length = calcLength(link); this.srlgList = MapUtils.getSRLG(link); this.latency = calcLatency(link); this.availableBandwidth = 0L; this.usedBandwidth = 0L; Map spanLossMap = calcSpanLoss(link); this.spanLoss = spanLossMap.get("SpanLoss"); this.powerCorrection = spanLossMap.get("PoutCorrection"); Map cdAndPmdMap = calcCDandPMD(link); this.cd = cdAndPmdMap.get("CD"); this.pmd2 = cdAndPmdMap.get("PMD2"); break; case OTNLINK: this.availableBandwidth = MapUtils.getAvailableBandwidth(link); this.usedBandwidth = MapUtils.getUsedBandwidth(link); this.srlgList = MapUtils.getSRLGfromLink(link); this.latency = 0L; this.length = 0.0; this.omsAttributesSpan = null; this.spanLoss = 0.0; this.powerCorrection = 0.0; this.cd = 0.0; this.pmd2 = 0.0; break; default: this.omsAttributesSpan = null; this.srlgList = null; this.latency = 0L; this.length = 0.0; this.availableBandwidth = 0L; this.usedBandwidth = 0L; this.spanLoss = 0.0; this.powerCorrection = 0.0; this.cd = 0.0; this.pmd2 = 0.0; break; } LOG.debug("PceLink: created PceLink {}", linkId); } //Retrieve the opposite link private LinkId calcOpposite(Link link) { LinkId tmpoppositeLink = MapUtils.extractOppositeLink(link); if (tmpoppositeLink == null) { LOG.error("PceLink: Error calcOpposite. Link is ignored {}", link.getLinkId().getValue()); isValid = false; } return tmpoppositeLink; } //Compute the link latency : if the latency is not defined, the latency is computed from the length private Long calcLatency(Link link) { var augLinkLatency = link.augmentation(Link1.class).getLinkLatency(); if (augLinkLatency != null) { return augLinkLatency.toJava(); } Double linkLength = calcLength(link); if (linkLength == null) { LOG.debug("In PceLink: cannot compute the latency for the link {}", link.getLinkId().getValue()); return 1L; } LOG.debug("In PceLink: The latency of link {} is extrapolated from link length and == {}", link.getLinkId(), linkLength / GLASSCELERITY); return (long) Math.ceil(linkLength / GLASSCELERITY); } private Double calcLength(Link link) { var augLinkLength = link.augmentation(Link1.class).getLinkLength(); if (augLinkLength != null) { return augLinkLength.doubleValue(); } if (this.omsAttributesSpan == null) { LOG.debug("In PceLink: cannot compute the length for the link {}", link.getLinkId().getValue()); return null; } double linkLength = 0; Map linkConcatenationMap = this.omsAttributesSpan.nonnullLinkConcatenation(); for (Map.Entry entry : linkConcatenationMap.entrySet()) { // Length is expressed in meter according to OpenROADM MSA if (entry == null || entry.getValue() == null || entry.getValue().getSRLGLength() == null) { LOG.debug("In PceLink: cannot compute the length for the link {}", link.getLinkId().getValue()); return null; } linkLength += entry.getValue().getSRLGLength().doubleValue(); LOG.debug("In PceLink: The length of the link {} == {}", link.getLinkId(), linkLength / 1000.0); } return linkLength / 1000.0; } //Calculate CD and PMD of the link from link length private Map calcCDandPMDfromLength() { return this.length == null ? new HashMap<>() : new HashMap<>( Map.of( "CD", 16.5 * this.length, "PMD2", Math.pow(this.length * PMD_CONSTANT, 2))); } //Calculate CD and PMD of the link private Map calcCDandPMD(Link link) { double linkCd = 0.0; double linkPmd2 = 0.0; if (this.omsAttributesSpan == null) { LOG.debug("In PceLink {} no OMS present, assume G.652 fiber, calculation based on fiber length of {} km", link.getLinkId(), this.length); return calcCDandPMDfromLength(); } Map linkConcatenationMap = this.omsAttributesSpan.nonnullLinkConcatenation(); for (Map.Entry entry : linkConcatenationMap.entrySet()) { // If the link-concatenation list is not populated or partially populated CD & // PMD shall be derived from link-length (expressed in km in OR topology) if (entry == null || entry.getValue() == null || entry.getValue().getSRLGLength() == null || entry.getValue().augmentation(LinkConcatenation1.class).getFiberType() == null) { if (this.length > 0.0) { LOG.debug("In PceLink: no OMS present; cd and PMD for the link {} extrapolated from link length {}" + "assuming SMF fiber type", link.getLinkId().getValue(), this.length); return calcCDandPMDfromLength(); } // If Link-length upper attributes not present or incorrectly populated, no way // to calculate CD & PMD LOG.error("In PceLink: no Link length declared and no OMS present for the link {}." + " No Way to compute CD and PMD", link.getLinkId().getValue()); return Map.of(); } // SRLG length is expressed in OR topology in meter var entryAug = entry.getValue().augmentation(LinkConcatenation1.class); linkCd += entry.getValue().getSRLGLength().doubleValue() / 1000.0 * retrieveCdFromFiberType(entryAug.getFiberType()); if (entryAug.getPmd() == null || entryAug.getPmd().getValue().doubleValue() == 0.0 || entryAug.getPmd().getValue().toString().isEmpty()) { linkPmd2 += Math.pow( entry.getValue().getSRLGLength().doubleValue() / 1000.0 * retrievePmdFromFiberType(entryAug.getFiberType()), 2); } else { linkPmd2 += Math.pow(entryAug.getPmd().getValue().doubleValue(), 2); } } LOG.debug("In PceLink: The CD and PMD2 of link {} are respectively {} ps and {} ps", link.getLinkId(), linkCd, linkPmd2); return Map.of("CD", linkCd, "PMD2", linkPmd2); } // compute default spanLoss and power correction from fiber length // when no OMS attribute defined private Map calcDefaultSpanLoss(Link link) { var augLinkLength = link.augmentation(Link1.class).getLinkLength(); if (augLinkLength == null || augLinkLength.doubleValue() == 0) { LOG.error("In PceLink, no link length present or length declared = 0," + " unable to calculate default span Loss "); return new HashMap<>(); } long linkLength = augLinkLength.longValue(); LOG.warn("In PceLink {}, assume G.652 fiber, calculation " + "based on fiber length of {} km and typical loss of 0.25dB per Km ", link.getLinkId(), linkLength); return new HashMap<>( Map.of( "SpanLoss", linkLength * 0.25, "PoutCorrection", retrievePower(FiberType.Smf) )); } // Compute the attenuation of a span from OMS attribute private Map calcSpanLoss(Link link) { if (this.omsAttributesSpan == null) { return calcDefaultSpanLoss(link); } Collection linkConcatenationList = this.omsAttributesSpan.nonnullLinkConcatenation().values(); if (linkConcatenationList == null) { LOG.error("in PceLink : Null field in the OmsAttrubtesSpan"); return calcDefaultSpanLoss(link); } Iterator linkConcatenationiterator = linkConcatenationList.iterator(); if (!linkConcatenationiterator.hasNext()) { return calcDefaultSpanLoss(link); } // Reference of power to be launched at input of ROADM (dBm) return new HashMap<>(Map.of( "PoutCorrection", retrievePower( linkConcatenationiterator.next().augmentation(LinkConcatenation1.class).getFiberType()) - 2.0, "SpanLoss", this.omsAttributesSpan.getSpanlossCurrent().getValue().doubleValue())); } private double retrievePower(FiberType fiberType) { switch (fiberType) { case Smf: return 2; case Eleaf: return 1; case Truewavec: return -1; case Oleaf: case Dsf: case Truewave: case NzDsf: case Ull: default: return 0; } } private double retrievePmdFromFiberType(FiberType fiberType) { return fiberType.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("Dsf") ? 0.2 : PMD_CONSTANT; } private double retrieveCdFromFiberType(FiberType fiberType) { switch (fiberType) { case Dsf: return 0.0; case Truewavec: return 3.0; case Eleaf: case Oleaf: case NzDsf: return 4.3; case Truewave: return 4.4; case Smf: case Ull: default: return 16.5; } } public LinkId getOppositeLink() { return oppositeLink; } public AdminStates getAdminStates() { return adminStates; } public State getState() { return state; } public TpId getSourceTP() { return sourceTP; } public TpId getDestTP() { return destTP; } public OpenroadmLinkType getlinkType() { return linkType; } public LinkId getLinkId() { return linkId; } public NodeId getSourceId() { return sourceId; } public NodeId getDestId() { return destId; } public String getClient() { return client; } public Double getLength() { return length; } public void setClient(String client) { this.client = client; } // Double for transformer of JUNG graph public Double getLatency() { return latency.doubleValue(); } public Long getAvailableBandwidth() { return availableBandwidth; } public Long getUsedBandwidth() { return usedBandwidth; } public String getsourceNetworkSupNodeId() { return sourceNetworkSupNodeId; } public String getdestNetworkSupNodeId() { return destNetworkSupNodeId; } public List getsrlgList() { return srlgList; } public String getsourceCLLI() { return sourceCLLI; } public String getdestCLLI() { return destCLLI; } public Double getspanLoss() { return spanLoss; } public Double getcd() { return cd; } public Double getpmd2() { return pmd2; } public Double getpowerCorrection() { return powerCorrection; } public boolean isValid() { if (this.linkId == null || this.linkType == null || this.oppositeLink == null) { isValid = false; LOG.error("PceLink: No Link type or opposite link is available. Link is ignored {}", linkId); } isValid = checkParams(); if (this.linkType == OpenroadmLinkType.ROADMTOROADM && (this.length == null || this.length == 0.0)) { if (this.omsAttributesSpan == null) { isValid = false; LOG.error("PceLink: Error reading Span for OMS link, and no available generic link information." + " Link is ignored {}", linkId); } else if (this.omsAttributesSpan.getSpanlossCurrent() == null) { isValid = false; LOG.error("PceLink: Error reading Span for OMS link, and no available generic link information." + " Link is ignored {}", linkId); } } if (this.srlgList != null && this.srlgList.isEmpty()) { isValid = false; LOG.error("PceLink: Empty srlgList for OMS link. Link is ignored {}", linkId); } return isValid; } public boolean isOtnValid(Link link, String serviceType) { if (this.linkType != OpenroadmLinkType.OTNLINK) { LOG.error("PceLink: Not an OTN link. Link is ignored {}", linkId); return false; } if (this.availableBandwidth == 0L) { LOG.error("PceLink: No bandwidth available for OTN Link, link {} is ignored ", linkId); return false; } long neededBW; OtnLinkType neededType = null; switch (serviceType) { case "ODUC2": if (this.usedBandwidth != 0L) { return false; } neededBW = 200000L; // Add intermediate rate otn-link-type neededType = OtnLinkType.OTUC2; break; case "ODUC3": if (this.usedBandwidth != 0L) { return false; } neededBW = 300000L; // change otn-link-type neededType = OtnLinkType.OTUC3; break; case "ODUC4": if (this.usedBandwidth != 0L) { return false; } neededBW = 400000L; neededType = OtnLinkType.OTUC4; break; case "ODU4": case "100GEs": if (this.usedBandwidth != 0L) { return false; } neededBW = 100000L; neededType = OtnLinkType.OTU4; break; case "ODU2": case "ODU2e": neededBW = 12500L; break; case "ODU0": neededBW = 1250L; break; case "ODU1": neededBW = 2500L; break; case "100GEm": neededBW = 100000L; // TODO: Here link type needs to be changed, based on the line-rate neededType = OtnLinkType.ODUC4; break; case "10GE": neededBW = 10000L; neededType = OtnLinkType.ODTU4; break; case "1GE": neededBW = 1000L; neededType = OtnLinkType.ODTU4; break; default: LOG.error("PceLink: isOtnValid Link {} unsupported serviceType {} ", linkId, serviceType); return false; } if (this.availableBandwidth >= neededBW && (neededType == null || neededType.equals( link.augmentation( org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.http.org.opendaylight.transportpce.networkutils.rev220630 .Link1.class) .getOtnLinkType()))) { LOG.debug("PceLink: Selected Link {} has available bandwidth and is eligible for {} creation ", linkId, serviceType); } return checkParams(); } private boolean checkParams() { if (this.linkId == null || this.linkType == null || this.oppositeLink == null) { LOG.error("PceLink: No Link type or opposite link is available. Link is ignored {}", linkId); return false; } if (this.adminStates == null || this.state == null) { LOG.error("PceLink: Link is not available. Link is ignored {}", linkId); return false; } if (this.sourceId == null || this.destId == null || this.sourceTP == null || this.destTP == null) { LOG.error("PceLink: No Link source or destination is available. Link is ignored {}", linkId); return false; } if (this.sourceNetworkSupNodeId.equals("") || this.destNetworkSupNodeId.equals("")) { LOG.error("PceLink: No Link source SuppNodeID or destination SuppNodeID is available. Link is ignored {}", linkId); return false; } if (this.sourceCLLI.equals("") || this.destCLLI.equals("")) { LOG.error("PceLink: No Link source CLLI or destination CLLI is available. Link is ignored {}", linkId); return false; } return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "PceLink type=" + linkType + " ID=" + linkId.getValue() + " latency=" + latency; } }