/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.protocol.pcep.impl; /** * Used resources
* PCEPOpenObject3.bin
* objClass: 1
* objType: 1
* objLength: 8
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: true
* - ignored: true
* keepAlive: 30
* deadTimer: 120
* sessionId: 1
* tlvs:NO
* PCEPBandwidthObject1LowerBounds.bin
* objClass: 5
* objType: 1
* objLength: 16
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: true
* - ignored: true
* Bandwidth: 0
* PCEPBandwidthObject2UpperBounds.bin
* objClass: 5
* objType: 1
* objLength: 16
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: true
* - ignored: true
* Bandwidth: 0xFFFFFFFF
* PCEPEndPointsObject1IPv4.bin
* objClass: 4
* objType: 1
* objLength: 12
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: true
* - ignored: true
* src IP: 0xA2F5110E
* dest IP: 0xFFFFFFFF
* PCEPEndPointsObject2IPv6.bin
* objClass: 4
* objType: 2
* objLength: 36
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: true
* - ignored: true
* dest IP: 0x00025DD2 FFECA1B6 581E9F50 00000000
* PCEPErrorObject1.bin
* objClass: 13 (RP)
* objType: 1
* objLength: 8
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: false
* - ignored: false
* Error-type: 1
* Error-value: 1
* Tlvs: NO
* PCEPErrorObject2Invalid.bin
* objClass: 13 (RP)
* objType: 1
* objLength: 8
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: false
* - ignored: false
* Error-type: 3
* Error-value: 0
* Tlvs: NO
* PCEPErrorObject3.bin
* objClass: 13 (RP)
* objType: 1
* objLength: 8
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: false
* - ignored: false
* Error-type: 2
* Error-value: 0
* Tlvs: NO
* PCEPLspaObject1LowerBounds.bin
* objClass: 9
* objType: 1
* objLength: 20
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: true
* - ignored: true
* Exclude-any: 0x00000000L
* Include-any: 0x00000000L
* Include-all: 0x00000000L
* Setup Prio: 0x00
* Holding Prio: 0x00
* Flags: - L : false
* PCEPLspaObject2UpperBounds.bin
* objClass: 9
* objType: 1
* objLength: 20
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: true
* - ignored: true
* Exclude-any: 0xFFFFFFFFL
* Include-any: 0xFFFFFFFFL
* Include-all: 0xFFFFFFFFL
* Setup Prio: 0xFF
* Holding Prio: 0xFF
* Flags: - L : true
* PCEPLspaObject3RandVals.bin
* objClass: 9
* objType: 1
* objLength: 20
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: true
* - ignored: true
* Exclude-any: 0x20A1FEE3L
* Include-any: 0x1A025CC7L
* Include-all: 0x2BB66532L
* Setup Prio: 0x03
* Holding Prio: 0x02
* Flags: - L : true
* NoPathObject1WithTLV.bin
* objClass: 3 (RP)
* objType: 1
* objLength: 16
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: false
* - ignored: false
* Nature of Issue: 2
* No-Path flags:
* - C: true
* tlvs:
* - flags (0x4000):
* - PCE currently unavailable: false
* - unknown destination: true
* - unknown source: false
* *
* NoPathObject2WithoutTLV.bin
* objClass: 3 (RP)
* objType: 1
* objLength: 8
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: false
* - ignored: true
* Nature of Issue: 16
* No-Path flags:
* - C: false
* tlvs:NO
* PCEPNotificationObject1WithTlv.bin
* objClass: 12
* objType: 1
* objLength: 16
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: false
* - ignored: false
* NT: 1
* NV: 1
* Tlvs:
* - OverloaderDuration(0xFF0000A2L)
* PCEPNotificationObject2WithoutTlv.bin
* objClass: 12
* objType: 1
* objLength: 8
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: false
* - ignored: false
* NT: 0xFF
* NV: 0xFF
* Tlvs: NO
* PCEPOpenObject1.bin
* objClass: 1
* objType: 1
* objLength: 28
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: false
* - ignored: false
* keepAlive: 30
* deadTimer: 120
* sessionId: 1
* tlvs:
* - PCEPStatefulCapability
* - LSPStateDBVersionTlv
* - NodeIdentifierTlv
* PCEPOpenObject2UpperBoundsNoTlv.bin
* objClass: 1
* objType: 1
* objLength: 34
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: false
* - ignored: false
* keepAlive: 0xFF
* deadTimer: 0xFF
* sessionId: 0xFF
* tlvs: NO
* PCEPRPObject1.bin
* objClass: 2 (RP)
* objType: 1
* objLength: 12
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: false
* - ignored: false
* RP flags:
* - loose/strict: true
* - Bi-directional: false
* - Reoptimization: false
* - Priority: 5
* Request ID: 0xDEADBEEF
* tlvs: NO
* PCEPSvecObject1_10ReqIDs.bin
* objClass: 11
* objType: 1
* objLength: 48
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: true
* - ignored: false
* Flags:
* - Link diverse: true
* - Node diverse: false
* - SRLG diverse: true
* Reques-ID-numbers:
* #1 - 0xFFFFFFFFL
* #2 - 0x00000000L
* #3 - 0x01234567L
* #4 - 0x89ABCDEFL
* #5 - 0xFEDCBA98L
* #6 - 0x76543210L
* #7 - 0x15825266L
* #8 - 0x48120BBEL
* #9 - 0x25FB7E52L
* #10 - 0xB2F2546BL
* PCEPSvecObject2.bin
* objClass: 11
* objType: 1
* objLength: 08
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - processing: false
* - ignored: false
* Flags:
* - Link diverse: false
* - Node diverse: false
* - SRLG diverse: false
* Reques-ID-numbers:
* #1 - 0x000000FFL
* PCEPExcludeRouteObject.1.bin
* objClass: 17
* objType: 1
* objLength: 20
* version: 1
* Flags:
* - fail: true
* Subobjects:
* - XROIPv4PreffixSubobject(, exclude, node)
* - XROASnumber(0x1234)
*/ public class PCEPObjectParserTest { // @Mock // private HandlerRegistry registry; // // IPv4Address ipv4addr = new IPv4Address(new byte[] { (byte) 192, (byte) 168, 1, 8 }); // // IPv6Address ipv6addr = new IPv6Address(new byte[] { (byte) 192, (byte) 168, 2, 1, (byte) 192, (byte) 168, 2, 1, // (byte) 192, (byte) 168, // 2, 1, (byte) 192, (byte) 168, 2, 1 }); // // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // private static void serDeserTest(final String srcFile, final T specObject) throws // IOException, // PCEPDeserializerException, PCEPDocumentedException { // final byte[] bytesFromFile = ByteArray.fileToBytes(srcFile); // final T deserSpecObj = (T) PCEPObjectFactory.parseObjects(bytesFromFile).get(0); // final byte[] serSpecObj = PCEPObjectFactory.put(Arrays.asList((PCEPObject) specObject)); // // assertEquals(specObject, deserSpecObj); // assertArrayEquals(bytesFromFile, serSpecObj); // } // // /** // * Standard serialization test
// * Used resources:
// * - PCEPOpenObject1.bin
// * // * @throws PCEPDeserializerException // * @throws IOException // * @throws PCEPDocumentedException // */ // @Test // @Ignore // // FIXME: temporary // public void testObjectDeserialization() throws PCEPDeserializerException, IOException, PCEPDocumentedException { // PCEPObjectFactory.parseObjects(ByteArray.fileToBytes("src/test/resources/PCEPOpenObject1.bin")); // } // // @Test // public void testUnknownClass() throws PCEPDeserializerException, IOException, PCEPDocumentedException { // // final PCEPObject obj = // PCEPObjectFactory.parseObjects(ByteArray.fileToBytes("src/test/resources/PCEPObject1UnknownClass.bin")).get( // 0); // // // assertTrue(obj instanceof UnknownObject); // // assertEquals(((UnknownObject) obj).getError(), PCEPErrors.UNRECOGNIZED_OBJ_CLASS); // } // // // @Test // // public void testUnknownType() throws PCEPDeserializerException, IOException, PCEPDocumentedException { // // final PCEPObject obj = // PCEPObjectFactory.parseObjects(ByteArray.fileToBytes("src/test/resources/PCEPObject2UnknownType.bin")).get(0); // // // // assertTrue(obj instanceof UnknownObject); // // assertEquals(((UnknownObject) obj).getError(), PCEPErrors.UNRECOGNIZED_OBJ_TYPE); // // } // // // // @Test // // public void testCloseObjSerDeser() throws IOException, PCEPDeserializerException, PCEPDocumentedException { // // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPCloseObject1.bin", new PCEPCloseObject(Reason.TOO_MANY_UNKNOWN_MSG)); // // } // // @Test // @Ignore // // FIXME BUG-89 // public void testLoadBalancingObjSerDeser() throws IOException, PCEPDeserializerException, PCEPDocumentedException // { // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPLoadBalancingObject1.bin", new PCEPLoadBalancingObject(0xF1, new // Bandwidth(new byte[] { // (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF }), true)); // } // // @Test // public void testLspObjectSerDeser() throws IOException, PCEPDeserializerException, PCEPDocumentedException { // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPLspObject1NoTlvsUpperBounds.bin", new PCEPLspObject(0xFFFFF, true, false, // true, false, null)); // } // // @Test // public void testERObjectSerDeser() throws IOException, PCEPDeserializerException, PCEPDocumentedException { // final byte[] bytesFromFile = // ByteArray.fileToBytes("src/test/resources/PCEPExplicitRouteObject1PackOfSubobjects.bin"); // // MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); // PCEPExplicitRouteObjectParser parser = new PCEPExplicitRouteObjectParser(registry); // doReturn(parser).when(registry).getObjectParser(PCEPExplicitRouteObjectParser.TYPE, // PCEPExplicitRouteObjectParser.CLASS); // doReturn(new EROAsNumberSubobjectParser()).when(registry).getSubobjectParser(EROAsNumberSubobjectParser.TYPE); // ObjectHeader h = new ObjectHeader() { // // @Override // public Class getImplementedInterface() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public Boolean isProcessingRule() { // return false; // } // // @Override // public Boolean isIgnore() { // return false; // } // }; // // final ExplicitRouteSubobject specObj = (ExplicitRouteSubobject) // registry.getObjectParser(PCEPExplicitRouteObjectParser.TYPE, PCEPExplicitRouteObjectParser.CLASS).parseObject(h, // bytesFromFile); // // System.out.println(specObj.toString()); // // //final byte[] bytesActual = PCEPObjectFactory.put(Arrays.asList((PCEPObject) specObj)); // //assertArrayEquals(bytesFromFile, bytesActual); // } // // @Test // public void testIRObjectSerDeser() throws IOException, PCEPDeserializerException, PCEPDocumentedException { // final byte[] bytesFromFile = // ByteArray.fileToBytes("src/test/resources/PCEPIncludeRouteObject1PackOfSubobjects.bin"); // // final PCEPIncludeRouteObject specObj = (PCEPIncludeRouteObject) // PCEPObjectFactory.parseObjects(bytesFromFile).get(0); // // assertEquals(8, specObj.getSubobjects().size()); // // final byte[] bytesActual = PCEPObjectFactory.put(Arrays.asList((PCEPObject) specObj)); // assertArrayEquals(bytesFromFile, bytesActual); // } // // @Test // public void tesRRObjectSerDeser() throws IOException, PCEPDeserializerException, PCEPDocumentedException { // final byte[] bytesFromFile = // ByteArray.fileToBytes("src/test/resources/PCEPReportedRouteObject1PackOfSubobjects.bin"); // // final PCEPReportedRouteObject specObj = (PCEPReportedRouteObject) // PCEPObjectFactory.parseObjects(bytesFromFile).get(0); // // assertEquals(6, specObj.getSubobjects().size()); // // final byte[] bytesActual = PCEPObjectFactory.put(Arrays.asList((PCEPObject) specObj)); // assertArrayEquals(bytesFromFile, bytesActual); // } // // /** // * Test for upper/lower bounds (Serialization/Deserialization)
// * Used resources:
// * - PCEPBandwidthObject2UpperBounds.bin
// * - PCEPBandwidthObject1LowerBounds.bin
// * // * @throws IOException // * @throws PCEPDeserializerException // * @throws PCEPDocumentedException // */ // @Test // @Ignore // // FIXME BUG-89 // public void testBandwidthObjectBounds() throws IOException, PCEPDeserializerException, PCEPDocumentedException { // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPBandwidthObject1LowerBounds.bin", // new PCEPRequestedPathBandwidthObject(new Bandwidth(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }), true, true)); // } // // /** // * Test for upper/lower bounds of IPv4 EndPoints (Serialization/Deserialization)
// * Used resources:
// * - PCEPEndPointsObject1IPv4.bin
// * // * @throws IOException // * @throws PCEPDeserializerException // * @throws PCEPDocumentedException // */ // @Test // public void testEndPointsObjectSerDeserIPv4() throws IOException, PCEPDeserializerException, // PCEPDocumentedException { // final byte[] srcIPBytes = { (byte) 0xA2, (byte) 0xF5, (byte) 0x11, (byte) 0x0E }; // final byte[] destIPBytes = { (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF }; // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPEndPointsObject1IPv4.bin", // new PCEPEndPointsObject(new IPv4Address(srcIPBytes), new IPv4Address(destIPBytes))); // } // // /** // * Test for upper/lower bounds of IPv6 EndPoints (Serialization/Deserialization)
// * Used resources:
// * - PCEPEndPointsObject2IPv6.bin
// * // * @throws IOException // * @throws PCEPDeserializerException // * @throws PCEPDocumentedException // */ // @Test // public void testEndPointsObjectSerDeserIPv6() throws IOException, PCEPDeserializerException, // PCEPDocumentedException { // final byte[] destIPBytes = { (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x02, (byte) 0x5D, (byte) 0xD2, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xEC, (byte) // 0xA1, // (byte) 0xB6, (byte) 0x58, (byte) 0x1E, (byte) 0x9F, (byte) 0x50, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) // 0x00, }; // final byte[] srcIPBytes = { (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) // 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, // (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF }; // // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPEndPointsObject2IPv6.bin", // new PCEPEndPointsObject(new IPv6Address(srcIPBytes), new IPv6Address(destIPBytes))); // } // // /** // * Test of Serialization/Deserialization of PCEPErrorObjectParser.
// *
// * Used resources:
// * - PCEPErrorObject1.bin
// * - PCEPErrorObject3.bin
// * // * @throws PCEPDeserializerException // * @throws IOException // * @throws PCEPDocumentedException // */ // @Test // public void testErrorObjectSerDeserWithTlv() throws PCEPDeserializerException, IOException, // PCEPDocumentedException { // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPErrorObject1.bin", new PCEPErrorObject(PCEPErrors.NON_OR_INVALID_OPEN_MSG)); // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPErrorObject3.bin", new // PCEPErrorObject(PCEPErrors.CAPABILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED)); // } // // /** // * Test of validity of PCEPErrorObjectParser. Expect throwed NoSuchElementException.
// *
// * Used resources:
// * - PCEPErrorObject2Invalid.bin
// * // * @throws NoSuchElementException // * @throws IOException // * @throws PCEPDocumentedException // */ // @Test(expected = PCEPDeserializerException.class) // public void testUnknownError() throws PCEPDeserializerException, IOException, PCEPDocumentedException { // PCEPObjectFactory.parseObjects(ByteArray.fileToBytes("src/test/resources/PCEPErrorObject2Invalid.bin")).get(0); // } // // /** // * Test for upper/lower bounds of PCEPLspaObject (Serialization/Deserialization)
// * Used resources:
// * - PCEPLspaObject1LowerBounds.bin
// * - PCEPLspaObject2UpperBounds.bin
// * - PCEPLspaObject3RandVals.bin
// * // * @throws IOException // * @throws PCEPDeserializerException // * @throws PCEPDocumentedException // */ // @Test // public void testLspaObjectSerDeser() throws IOException, PCEPDeserializerException, PCEPDocumentedException { // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPLspaObject2UpperBounds.bin", // new PCEPLspaObject(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, 0xFFFFFFFFL, (short) 0xFF, (short) 0xFF, false, true, true, true)); // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPLspaObject1LowerBounds.bin", // new PCEPLspaObject(0x00000000L, 0x00000000L, 0x00000000L, (short) 0x00, (short) 0x00, false, false, true, true)); // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPLspaObject3RandVals.bin", // new PCEPLspaObject(0x20A1FEE3L, 0x1A025CC7L, 0x2BB66532L, (short) 0x03, (short) 0x02, false, true, true, true)); // } // // @Test // public void testMetricObjectSerDeserBounds() throws IOException, PCEPDeserializerException, // PCEPDocumentedException { // final byte[] bytesFromFileUB = ByteArray.fileToBytes("src/test/resources/PCEPMetricObject2UpperBounds.bin"); // final byte[] bytesFromFileLB = ByteArray.fileToBytes("src/test/resources/PCEPMetricObject1LowerBounds.bin"); // // final PCEPMetricObject metricObjectLB = (PCEPMetricObject) // PCEPObjectFactory.parseObjects(bytesFromFileLB).get(0); // final PCEPMetricObject metricObjectUB = (PCEPMetricObject) // PCEPObjectFactory.parseObjects(bytesFromFileUB).get(0); // // assertEquals(new PCEPMetricObject(false, false, new IGPMetric(0), true, true), metricObjectLB); // assertEquals(new PCEPMetricObject(false, true, new TEMetric(4026531840L), true, true), metricObjectUB); // // final byte[] bytesActualLB = PCEPObjectFactory.put(Arrays.asList((PCEPObject) metricObjectLB)); // final byte[] bytesActualUB = PCEPObjectFactory.put(Arrays.asList((PCEPObject) metricObjectUB)); // assertArrayEquals(bytesFromFileLB, bytesActualLB); // assertArrayEquals(bytesFromFileUB, bytesActualUB); // } // // /** // * Standard deserialization test + specific test without tlv
// * Used resources:
// * - NoPathObject1WithTLV.bin
// * - NoPathObject2WithoutTLV.bin
// * // * @throws PCEPDeserializerException // * @throws IOException // * @throws PCEPDocumentedException // */ // @Test // public void testNoPathObjectDeserialization() throws PCEPDeserializerException, IOException, // PCEPDocumentedException { // // final List tlvs = new ArrayList(1); // // tlvs.add(new NoPathVectorTlv(false, false, true, false, false, false)); // // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/NoPathObject1WithTLV.bin", new PCEPNoPathObject((short) 2, true, tlvs, // false)); // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/NoPathObject2WithoutTLV.bin", new PCEPNoPathObject((short) 0x10, false, true)); // // } // // /** // * Standard serialization test + without tlv
// * Used resources:
// * - NoPathObject1WithTLV.bin
// * - NoPathObject2WithoutTLV.bin
// * // * @throws PCEPDeserializerException // * @throws IOException // * @throws PCEPDocumentedException // */ // @Test // public void testNoPathObjectSerialization() throws IOException, PCEPDeserializerException, // PCEPDocumentedException { // byte[] bytesFromFile = ByteArray.fileToBytes("src/test/resources/NoPathObject2WithoutTLV.bin"); // PCEPNoPathObject noPathObject = (PCEPNoPathObject) PCEPObjectFactory.parseObjects(bytesFromFile).get(0); // byte[] bytesActual = PCEPObjectFactory.put(Arrays.asList((PCEPObject) noPathObject)); // assertArrayEquals(bytesFromFile, bytesActual); // // bytesFromFile = ByteArray.fileToBytes("src/test/resources/NoPathObject1WithTLV.bin"); // noPathObject = (PCEPNoPathObject) PCEPObjectFactory.parseObjects(bytesFromFile).get(0); // bytesActual = PCEPObjectFactory.put(Arrays.asList((PCEPObject) noPathObject)); // assertArrayEquals(bytesFromFile, bytesActual); // } // // /** // * Specific test with/without tlvs (Ser/Deser)
// * Used resources:
// * - PCEPNotificationObject1WithTlv.bin - PCEPNotificationObject2WithoutTlv.bin // * // * @throws PCEPDeserializerException // * @throws IOException // * @throws PCEPDocumentedException // */ // @Test // public void testNotifyObjectSerDeserWithTlv() throws PCEPDeserializerException, IOException, // PCEPDocumentedException { // // FINAL LIST TLVS = NEW ARRAYLIST(1); // // TLVS.ADD(NEW OVERLOADEDDURATIONTLV(0XFF0000A2)); // // SERDESERTEST("src/test/resources/PCEPNotificationObject1WithTlv.bin", new PCEPNotificationObject((short) 1, // (short) 1, tlvs)); // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPNotificationObject2WithoutTlv.bin", new PCEPNotificationObject((short) 0xFF, // (short) 0xFF)); // } // // /** // * Standard ser deser test
// * used resources:
// * - PCEPOpenObject1.bin // * // * @throws PCEPDeserializerException // * @throws IOException // * @throws PCEPDocumentedException // */ // @Test // @Ignore // // FIXME: temporary // public void testOpenObjectSerDeser() throws PCEPDeserializerException, IOException, PCEPDocumentedException { // // final List tlvs = new ArrayList(); // // tlvs.add(new PCEStatefulCapabilityTlv(false, true, true)); // // tlvs.add(new LSPStateDBVersionTlv(0x80)); // // final byte[] valueBytes = { (byte) 0x12, (byte) 0x34, (byte) 0x56, (byte) 0x78, (byte) 0x9A, (byte) 0xBC, // (byte) 0xDE, (byte) 0xF0 }; // // tlvs.add(new NodeIdentifierTlv(valueBytes)); // // final PCEPOpenObject specObject = new PCEPOpenObject(30, 120, 1, tlvs); // // // // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPOpenObject1.bin", specObject); // } // // /** // * Specific test for upper bounds and without tlvs
// * Used resources:
// * - PCEPOpenObject2UpperBoundsNoTlv.bin // * // * @throws PCEPDeserializerException // * @throws IOException // * @throws PCEPDocumentedException // */ // @Test // public void testOpenObjectBoundsWithoutTlvs() throws IOException, PCEPDeserializerException, // PCEPDocumentedException { // // final List tlvs = new ArrayList(); // // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPOpenObject2UpperBoundsNoTlv.bin", new PCEPOpenObject(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, // tlvs)); // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPOpenObject2UpperBoundsNoTlv.bin", new PCEPOpenObject(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, // null)); // } // // /** // * Standard deserialization test
// * Used resources:
// * - PCEPRPObject1.bin // * // * @throws PCEPDeserializerException // * @throws IOException // * @throws PCEPDocumentedException // */ // @Test // public void testRPObjectSerDeser() throws PCEPDeserializerException, IOException, PCEPDocumentedException { // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPRPObject1.bin", // new PCEPRequestParameterObject(true, false, true, true, false, false, false, false, (short) 5, 0xdeadbeefL, // false, false)); // // serDeserTest( // // "src/test/resources/PCEPRPObject2.bin", // // new PCEPRequestParameterObject(true, false, false, false, true, false, true, false, true, (short) 5, // 0xdeadbeefL, new ArrayList() { // // private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // // // // { // // this.add(new OrderTlv(0xFFFFFFFFL, 0x00000001L)); // // } // // }, false, false)); // } // // /** // * Test for upper/lower bounds of PCEPSvecObject (Serialization/Deserialization)
// * Used resources:
// * - PCEPSvecObject1_10ReqIDs.bin
// * // * @throws IOException // * @throws PCEPDeserializerException // * @throws PCEPDocumentedException // */ // @Test // public void testSvecObjectSerDeser() throws IOException, PCEPDeserializerException, PCEPDocumentedException { // final List requestIDs = new ArrayList(10); // requestIDs.add(0xFFFFFFFFL); // requestIDs.add(0x00000000L); // requestIDs.add(0x01234567L); // requestIDs.add(0x89ABCDEFL); // requestIDs.add(0xFEDCBA98L); // requestIDs.add(0x76543210L); // requestIDs.add(0x15825266L); // requestIDs.add(0x48120BBEL); // requestIDs.add(0x25FB7E52L); // requestIDs.add(0xB2F2546BL); // // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPSvecObject1_10ReqIDs.bin", // new PCEPSvecObject(true, false, true, false, true, requestIDs, true)); // } // // /** // * Test for lowest bounds of PCEPSvecObject (Serialization/Deserialization)
// * Used resources:
// * - PCEPSvecObject2.bin
// * // * @throws IOException // * @throws PCEPDeserializerException // * @throws PCEPDocumentedException // */ // @Test // public void testSvecObjectSerDeserNoReqIDs() throws IOException, PCEPDeserializerException, // PCEPDocumentedException { // final List requestIDs = new ArrayList(); // requestIDs.add(0xFFL); // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPSvecObject2.bin", new PCEPSvecObject(false, false, false, false, false, // requestIDs, false)); // } // // @Test // public void testClassTypeObject() throws PCEPDeserializerException, PCEPDocumentedException { // final PCEPClassTypeObject ct = new PCEPClassTypeObject((short) 4); // // final PCEPClassTypeObjectParser parser = new PCEPClassTypeObjectParser(); // // final byte[] bytes = parser.put(ct); // // assertEquals(ct, parser.parse(bytes, true, false)); // } // // /** // * Test PCEPExcludeRouteObjectObject (Serialization/Deserialization)
// * Used resources:
// * - PCEPExcludeRouteObject.1.bin
// * // * @throws IOException // * @throws PCEPDeserializerException // * @throws PCEPDocumentedException // */ // @Test // public void testExcludeRouteObject() throws IOException, PCEPDeserializerException, PCEPDocumentedException { // final List xroSubobjects = new ArrayList(); // xroSubobjects.add(new XROIPPrefixSubobject(new IPv4Prefix(new IPv4Address(new byte[] { (byte) 192, // (byte) 168, // (byte) 100, (byte) 100 }), 16), true, XROSubobjectAttribute.NODE)); // xroSubobjects.add(new XROAsNumberSubobject(new AsNumber(0x1234L), false)); // // } // // @Test // public void tesObjectiveFunctionObject() throws IOException, PCEPDeserializerException, PCEPDocumentedException { // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPObjectiveFunctionObject.1.bin", new // PCEPObjectiveFunctionObject(PCEPOFCodes.MBC, true, false)); // } // // @Test // public void tesGlobalConstraintsObject() throws IOException, PCEPDeserializerException, PCEPDocumentedException { // serDeserTest("src/test/resources/PCEPGlobalConstraintsObject.1.bin", // new PCEPGlobalConstraintsObject((short) 1, (short) 0, (short) 100, (short) 0xFF, true, false)); // } // // // FIXME: add at least one test with true value // @Test // public void openObjectWithTlv() throws PCEPDeserializerException, PCEPDocumentedException { // // this.testOpenObjectWithSpecTlv(new PCEStatefulCapabilityTlv(false, false, false)); // // this.testOpenObjectWithSpecTlv(new PCEStatefulCapabilityTlv(false, false, true)); // // this.testOpenObjectWithSpecTlv(new PCEStatefulCapabilityTlv(false, true, false)); // // this.testOpenObjectWithSpecTlv(new PCEStatefulCapabilityTlv(false, true, true)); // } // // // private void testOpenObjectWithSpecTlv(final PCEPTlv tlv) throws PCEPDeserializerException, // PCEPDocumentedException { // // final List objs = new ArrayList(); // // final List tlvs = new ArrayList(); // // tlvs.add(tlv); // // final PCEPOpenObject oo = new PCEPOpenObject(30, 120, 0, tlvs); // // objs.add(oo); // // final byte[] bytes = PCEPObjectFactory.put(objs); // // final PCEPObject obj = PCEPObjectFactory.parseObjects(bytes).get(0); // // assertEquals(oo, obj); // // } // // @Test // public void testErrorsMapping() { // final PCEPErrorObjectParser.PCEPErrorsMaping mapper = PCEPErrorObjectParser.PCEPErrorsMaping.getInstance(); // // for (final PCEPErrors error : PCEPErrors.values()) { // final PCEPErrorIdentifier errorId = mapper.getFromErrorsEnum(error); // assertEquals(error, mapper.getFromErrorIdentifier(errorId)); // } // } // // @Test // public void testOFCodesMapping() { // final PCEPOFCodesMapping mapper = PCEPOFCodesMapping.getInstance(); // // for (final PCEPOFCodes ofCode : PCEPOFCodes.values()) { // final int ofCodeId = mapper.getFromOFCodesEnum(ofCode); // assertEquals(ofCode, mapper.getFromCodeIdentifier(ofCodeId)); // } // } // // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // private static void serDeserTestWithoutBin(final T object) throws // PCEPDeserializerException, // PCEPDocumentedException { // final byte[] serBytes = PCEPObjectFactory.put(Arrays.asList((PCEPObject) object)); // final T deserObj = (T) PCEPObjectFactory.parseObjects(serBytes).get(0); // // assertEquals(object, deserObj); // } // // @Test // public void testSERObjects() throws PCEPDocumentedException, PCEPDeserializerException { // final List eroSubobjects = new ArrayList(); // eroSubobjects.add(new EROIPPrefixSubobject(new IPv4Prefix(new IPv4Address(new byte[] { (byte) 192, // (byte) 168, 1, 8 }), 16), false)); // eroSubobjects.add(new EROIPPrefixSubobject(new IPv6Prefix(new IPv6Address(new byte[] { (byte) 192, // (byte) 168, 2, 1, // (byte) 192, (byte) 168, 2, 1, (byte) 192, (byte) 168, 2, 1, (byte) 192, (byte) 168, 2, 1 }), 64), false)); // // serDeserTestWithoutBin(new PCEPSecondaryExplicitRouteObject(eroSubobjects, true, false)); // } // // @Test // public void testSRRObject() throws PCEPDocumentedException, PCEPDeserializerException { // final List rroSubobjects = new ArrayList(); // rroSubobjects.add(new RROIPAddressSubobject(new IPv4Prefix(this.ipv4addr, 16), true, false)); // rroSubobjects.add(new RROIPAddressSubobject(new IPv6Prefix(this.ipv6addr, 64), false, true)); // // serDeserTestWithoutBin(new PCEPSecondaryRecordRouteObject(rroSubobjects, true, false)); // } // // @Test // public void testP2MPEndpointsObjects() throws PCEPDeserializerException, PCEPDocumentedException { // serDeserTestWithoutBin(new PCEPP2MPEndPointsObject(2, this.ipv4addr, Arrays.asList(this.ipv4addr, // this.ipv4addr, // this.ipv4addr), true, false)); // serDeserTestWithoutBin(new PCEPP2MPEndPointsObject(1, this.ipv4addr, Arrays.asList(this.ipv4addr), // true, false)); // serDeserTestWithoutBin(new PCEPP2MPEndPointsObject(2, this.ipv6addr, Arrays.asList(this.ipv6addr, // this.ipv6addr, // this.ipv6addr), true, false)); // serDeserTestWithoutBin(new PCEPP2MPEndPointsObject(1, this.ipv6addr, Arrays.asList(this.ipv6addr), // true, false)); // } // // @Test // public void testUnreachedDestinationObjects() throws PCEPDeserializerException, PCEPDocumentedException { // serDeserTestWithoutBin(new PCEPUnreachedDestinationObject(Arrays.asList(this.ipv4addr, // this.ipv4addr, this.ipv4addr), true, false)); // serDeserTestWithoutBin(new PCEPUnreachedDestinationObject(Arrays.asList(this.ipv4addr), true, // false)); // serDeserTestWithoutBin(new PCEPUnreachedDestinationObject(Arrays.asList(this.ipv6addr, // this.ipv6addr, this.ipv6addr), true, false)); // serDeserTestWithoutBin(new PCEPUnreachedDestinationObject(Arrays.asList(this.ipv6addr), true, // false)); // } }