package org.opendaylight.protocol.pcep.spi; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.List; import org.opendaylight.protocol.pcep.PCEPDeserializerException; import org.opendaylight.protocol.pcep.PCEPDocumentedException; import org.opendaylight.protocol.pcep.PCEPErrors; import org.opendaylight.protocol.pcep.UnknownObject; import org.opendaylight.protocol.util.ByteArray; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.pcep.types.rev131005.Object; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.pcep.types.rev131005.ObjectHeader; import; import; public abstract class AbstractMessageParser implements MessageParser, MessageSerializer { private final static int COMMON_OBJECT_HEADER_LENGTH = 4; private final static int OC_F_LENGTH = 1; private final static int OT_FLAGS_MF_LENGTH = 1; // multi-field private final static int OBJ_LENGTH_F_LENGTH = 2; private final static int OC_F_OFFSET = 0; private final static int OT_FLAGS_MF_OFFSET = OC_F_OFFSET + OC_F_LENGTH; private final static int OBJ_LENGTH_F_OFFSET = OT_FLAGS_MF_OFFSET + OT_FLAGS_MF_LENGTH; private final static int OT_SF_LENGTH = 4; private final static int FLAGS_SF_LENGTH = 4; /* * offsets of fields inside of multi-field in bits */ private final static int OT_SF_OFFSET = 0; private final static int FLAGS_SF_OFFSET = OT_SF_OFFSET + OT_SF_LENGTH; /* * flags offsets inside multi-filed */ private final static int P_FLAG_OFFSET = 6; private final static int I_FLAG_OFFSET = 7; private final HandlerRegistry registry; protected AbstractMessageParser(final HandlerRegistry registry) { this.registry = registry; } protected byte[] serializeObject(final Object object) { if (object == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null object passed."); final ObjectSerializer serializer = this.registry.getObjectSerializer(object); final byte[] valueBytes = serializer.serializeObject(object); final byte[] retBytes = new byte[COMMON_OBJECT_HEADER_LENGTH + valueBytes.length]; // objClass retBytes[OC_F_OFFSET] = (byte) serializer.getObjectClass(); // objType_flags multi-field retBytes[OT_FLAGS_MF_OFFSET] = (byte) (serializer.getObjectType() << (Byte.SIZE - OT_SF_LENGTH)); if (object.isProcessingRule()) retBytes[OT_FLAGS_MF_OFFSET] |= 1 << Byte.SIZE - (P_FLAG_OFFSET) - 1; if (object.isIgnore()) retBytes[OT_FLAGS_MF_OFFSET] |= 1 << Byte.SIZE - (I_FLAG_OFFSET) - 1; // objLength System.arraycopy(ByteArray.intToBytes(valueBytes.length), Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE - OBJ_LENGTH_F_LENGTH, retBytes, OBJ_LENGTH_F_OFFSET, OBJ_LENGTH_F_LENGTH); System.arraycopy(valueBytes, 0, retBytes, COMMON_OBJECT_HEADER_LENGTH, valueBytes.length); return retBytes; } protected List parseObjects(final byte[] bytes) throws PCEPDeserializerException, PCEPDocumentedException { int offset = 0; final List objs = Lists.newArrayList(); while (bytes.length - offset > 0) { if (bytes.length - offset < COMMON_OBJECT_HEADER_LENGTH) throw new PCEPDeserializerException("Too few bytes in passed array. Passed: " + (bytes.length - offset) + " Expected: >= " + COMMON_OBJECT_HEADER_LENGTH + "."); final int objClass = ByteArray.bytesToInt(Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, OC_F_OFFSET, OC_F_OFFSET + OC_F_LENGTH)); final int objType = UnsignedBytes.toInt(ByteArray.copyBitsRange(bytes[OT_FLAGS_MF_OFFSET], OT_SF_OFFSET, OT_SF_LENGTH)); final int objLength = ByteArray.bytesToInt(Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, OBJ_LENGTH_F_OFFSET, OBJ_LENGTH_F_OFFSET + OBJ_LENGTH_F_LENGTH)); final byte[] flagsBytes = { ByteArray.copyBitsRange(bytes[OT_FLAGS_MF_OFFSET], FLAGS_SF_OFFSET, FLAGS_SF_LENGTH) }; final BitSet flags = ByteArray.bytesToBitSet(flagsBytes); if (bytes.length - offset < objLength) throw new PCEPDeserializerException("Too few bytes in passed array. Passed: " + (bytes.length - offset) + " Expected: >= " + objLength + "."); // copy bytes for deeper parsing final byte[] bytesToPass = ByteArray.subByte(bytes, offset + COMMON_OBJECT_HEADER_LENGTH, objLength - COMMON_OBJECT_HEADER_LENGTH); offset += objLength; final ObjectParser parser = this.registry.getObjectParser(objClass, objType); final ObjectHeader header = new ObjectHeaderImpl(flags.get(P_FLAG_OFFSET), flags.get(I_FLAG_OFFSET)); try { objs.add(parser.parseObject(header, bytesToPass)); } catch (final PCEPDocumentedException e) { if (e.getError() == PCEPErrors.UNRECOGNIZED_OBJ_CLASS | e.getError() == PCEPErrors.UNRECOGNIZED_OBJ_TYPE | e.getError() == PCEPErrors.NOT_SUPPORTED_OBJ_CLASS | e.getError() == PCEPErrors.NOT_SUPPORTED_OBJ_TYPE) { objs.add(new UnknownObject(e.getError())); } else throw e; } } return objs; } public abstract int getMessageType(); }