/* * Copyright (c) 2021 PANTHEON.tech, s.r.o. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.restconf.api; import static com.google.common.base.Verify.verify; import static com.google.common.base.Verify.verifyNotNull; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList.Builder; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.function.Supplier; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import org.opendaylight.restconf.api.ApiPath.ApiIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.restconf.api.ApiPath.ListInstance; import org.opendaylight.restconf.api.ApiPath.Step; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.YangNames; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Parser for a sequence of {@link ApiPath}'s {@link Step}s. */ class ApiPathParser { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ApiPathParser.class); /** * A lenient interpretation: '//' is '/', i.e. there is no segment. */ private static final class Lenient extends ApiPathParser { @Override int parseStep(final String str, final int offset, final int limit) throws ParseException { return offset == limit ? limit : super.parseStep(str, offset, limit); } } /** * A lenient interpretation: '//' is '/', i.e. there is no segment, but also log offenders */ private static final class Logging extends ApiPathParser { @FunctionalInterface private interface LogMethod { void logLeniency(String format, Object arg0, Object arg1); } private final LogMethod method; Logging(final LogMethod method) { this.method = requireNonNull(method); } @Override int parseStep(final String str, final int offset, final int limit) throws ParseException { if (offset == limit) { method.logLeniency("Ignoring duplicate slash in '{}' at offset", str, offset); return limit; } return super.parseStep(str, offset, limit); } } private static final Supplier URL_FACTORY; static { // Select the correct parser implementation where consecutive slashes are concerned. We default to lenient // interpretation and treat them as a single slash, but allow this to be overridden through a system property. final String prop = System.getProperty("org.opendaylight.restconf.url.consecutive-slashes", "reject"); final String treatment; switch (prop) { case "allow": treatment = "are treated as a single slash"; URL_FACTORY = Lenient::new; break; case "debug": treatment = "are treated as a single slash and will be logged"; URL_FACTORY = () -> new Logging(LOG::debug); break; case "warn": treatment = "are treated as a single slash and will be warned about"; URL_FACTORY = () -> new Logging(LOG::warn); break; case "reject": treatment = "will be rejected"; URL_FACTORY = ApiPathParser::new; break; default: LOG.warn("Unknown property value '{}', assuming 'reject'", prop); treatment = "will be rejected"; URL_FACTORY = ApiPathParser::new; } LOG.info("Consecutive slashes in REST URLs {}", treatment); } private final Builder steps = ImmutableList.builder(); /* * State tracking for creating substrings: * * Usually we copy spans 'src', in which case subStart captures 'start' argument to String.substring(...). * If we encounter a percent escape we need to interpret as part of the string, we start building the string in * subBuilder -- in which case subStart is set to -1. * * Note that StringBuilder is lazily-instantiated, as we have no percents at all */ private int subStart; private StringBuilder subBuilder; // Lazily-allocated when we need to decode UTF-8. Since we touch this only when we are not expecting private Utf8Buffer buf; // the offset of the character returned from last peekBasicLatin() private int nextOffset; private ApiPathParser() { // Hidden on purpose } static @NonNull ApiPathParser newStrict() { return new ApiPathParser(); } static @NonNull ApiPathParser newUrl() { return URL_FACTORY.get(); } // Grammar: // steps : step ("/" step)* final @NonNull ImmutableList<@NonNull Step> parseSteps(final String str) throws ParseException { int idx = 0; // First process while we are seeing a slash while (true) { final int slash = str.indexOf('/', idx); if (slash != -1) { final int next = parseStep(str, idx, slash); verify(next == slash, "Unconsumed bytes: %s next %s limit", next, slash); idx = next + 1; } else { break; } } // Now process the tail of the string final int length = str.length(); final int next = parseStep(str, idx, length); verify(next == length, "Unconsumed trailing bytes: %s next %s limit", next, length); return steps.build(); } // Grammar: // step : identifier (":" identifier)? ("=" key-value ("," key-value)*)? // Note: visible for subclasses int parseStep(final String str, final int offset, final int limit) throws ParseException { int idx = startIdentifier(str, offset, limit); while (idx < limit) { final char ch = peekBasicLatin(str, idx, limit); if (ch == ':') { return parseStep(endSub(str, idx), str, nextOffset, limit); } else if (ch == '=') { return parseStep(null, endSub(str, idx), str, nextOffset, limit); } idx = continueIdentifer(idx, ch); } steps.add(new ApiIdentifier(null, endSub(str, idx))); return idx; } // Starting at second identifier private int parseStep(final @Nullable String module, final String str, final int offset, final int limit) throws ParseException { int idx = startIdentifier(str, offset, limit); while (idx < limit) { final char ch = peekBasicLatin(str, idx, limit); if (ch == '=') { return parseStep(module, endSub(str, idx), str, nextOffset, limit); } idx = continueIdentifer(idx, ch); } steps.add(new ApiIdentifier(module, endSub(str, idx))); return idx; } // Starting at first key-value private int parseStep(final @Nullable String module, final @NonNull String identifier, final String str, final int offset, final int limit) throws ParseException { final var values = ImmutableList.builder(); startSub(offset); int idx = offset; while (idx < limit) { final char ch = str.charAt(idx); if (ch == ',') { values.add(endSub(str, idx)); startSub(++idx); } else if (ch != '%') { append(ch); idx++; } else { // Save current string content and capture current index for reporting final var sb = flushSub(str, idx); final int errorOffset = idx; var utf = buf; if (utf == null) { buf = utf = new Utf8Buffer(); } do { utf.appendByte(parsePercent(str, idx, limit)); idx += 3; } while (idx < limit && str.charAt(idx) == '%'); utf.flushTo(sb, errorOffset); } } steps.add(new ListInstance(module, identifier, values.add(endSub(str, idx)).build())); return idx; } private int startIdentifier(final String str, final int offset, final int limit) throws ParseException { if (offset == limit) { throw new ParseException("Identifier may not be empty", offset); } startSub(offset); final char ch = peekBasicLatin(str, offset, limit); if (!YangNames.IDENTIFIER_START.matches(ch)) { throw new ParseException("Expecting [a-zA-Z_], not '" + ch + "'", offset); } append(ch); return nextOffset; } private int continueIdentifer(final int offset, final char ch) throws ParseException { if (YangNames.NOT_IDENTIFIER_PART.matches(ch)) { throw new ParseException("Expecting [a-zA-Z_.-], not '" + ch + "'", offset); } append(ch); return nextOffset; } // Assert current character comes from the Basic Latin block, i.e. 00-7F. // Callers are expected to pick up 'nextIdx' to resume parsing at the next character private char peekBasicLatin(final String str, final int offset, final int limit) throws ParseException { final char ch = str.charAt(offset); if (ch == '%') { final byte b = parsePercent(str, offset, limit); if (b < 0) { throw new ParseException("Expecting %00-%7F, not " + str.substring(offset, limit), offset); } flushSub(str, offset); nextOffset = offset + 3; return (char) b; } if (ch < 0 || ch > 127) { throw new ParseException("Unexpected character '" + ch + "'", offset); } nextOffset = offset + 1; return ch; } private void startSub(final int offset) { subStart = offset; } private void append(final char ch) { // We are not reusing string, append the char, otherwise if (subStart == -1) { verifyNotNull(subBuilder).append(ch); } } private @NonNull String endSub(final String str, final int end) { return subStart != -1 ? str.substring(subStart, end) : verifyNotNull(subBuilder).toString(); } private @NonNull StringBuilder flushSub(final String str, final int end) { var sb = subBuilder; if (sb == null) { subBuilder = sb = new StringBuilder(); } if (subStart != -1) { sb.setLength(0); sb.append(str, subStart, end); subStart = -1; } return sb; } private static byte parsePercent(final String str, final int offset, final int limit) throws ParseException { if (limit - offset < 3) { throw new ParseException("Incomplete escape '" + str.substring(offset, limit) + "'", offset); } return (byte) (parseHex(str, offset + 1) << 4 | parseHex(str, offset + 2)); } // FIXME: Replace with HexFormat.fromHexDigit(str.charAt(offset)) when we have JDK17+ private static int parseHex(final String str, final int offset) throws ParseException { final char ch = str.charAt(offset); if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { return ch - '0'; } final int zero; if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') { zero = 'a'; } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') { zero = 'A'; } else { throw new ParseException("Invalid escape character '" + ch + "'", offset); } return ch - zero + 10; } }