/** @header@ */ package org.pcmm.rcd.impl; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import org.pcmm.gates.IPCMMGate; import org.pcmm.gates.ITransactionID; import org.pcmm.gates.impl.PCMMGateReq; import org.pcmm.messages.impl.MessageFactory; import org.pcmm.rcd.ICMTS; import org.umu.cops.prpep.COPSPepConnection; import org.umu.cops.prpep.COPSPepDataProcess; import org.umu.cops.prpep.COPSPepException; import org.umu.cops.prpep.COPSPepReqStateMan; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSAcctTimer; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSClientAcceptMsg; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSClientCloseMsg; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSContext; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSData; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSDecision; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSDecisionMsg; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSError; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSException; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSHeader; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSKATimer; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSMsg; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSPrObjBase; import org.umu.cops.stack.COPSReqMsg; /** * */ public class CMTS extends AbstractPCMMServer implements ICMTS { public CMTS() { super(); } @Override protected IPCMMClientHandler getPCMMClientHandler(final Socket socket) { return new AbstractPCMMClientHandler(socket) { private String handle; public void run() { try { // send OPN message // set the major version info and minor version info to // default (5,0) logger.info("Send OPN message to the PS"); sendRequest(MessageFactory.getInstance().create(COPSHeader.COPS_OP_OPN, new Properties())); // wait for CAT COPSMsg recvMsg = readMessage(); if (recvMsg.getHeader().isAClientClose()) { COPSClientCloseMsg cMsg = (COPSClientCloseMsg) recvMsg; logger.info("PS requested Client-Close" + cMsg.getError().getDescription()); // send a CC message and close the socket disconnect(); return; } if (recvMsg.getHeader().isAClientAccept()) { logger.info("received Client-Accept from PS"); COPSClientAcceptMsg cMsg = (COPSClientAcceptMsg) recvMsg; // Support if (cMsg.getIntegrity() != null) { throw new COPSPepException("Unsupported object (Integrity)"); } // Mandatory KATimer COPSKATimer kt = cMsg.getKATimer(); if (kt == null) throw new COPSPepException("Mandatory COPS object missing (KA Timer)"); short kaTimeVal = kt.getTimerVal(); // ACTimer COPSAcctTimer at = cMsg.getAcctTimer(); short acctTimer = 0; if (at != null) acctTimer = at.getTimerVal(); logger.info("Send a REQ message to the PS"); { Properties prop = new Properties(); COPSMsg reqMsg = MessageFactory.getInstance().create(COPSHeader.COPS_OP_REQ, prop); handle = ((COPSReqMsg) reqMsg).getClientHandle().getId().str(); sendRequest(reqMsg); } // Create the connection manager PCMMCmtsConnection conn = new PCMMCmtsConnection(CLIENT_TYPE, socket); // pcmm specific handler // conn.addReqStateMgr(handle, new // PCMMPSReqStateMan(CLIENT_TYPE, handle)); conn.addRequestState(handle, new CmtsDataProcessor()); conn.setKaTimer(kaTimeVal); conn.setAcctTimer(acctTimer); logger.info(getClass().getName() + " Thread(conn).start"); new Thread(conn).start(); } else { // messages of other types are not expected throw new COPSPepException("Message not expected. Closing connection for " + socket.toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void task(Callable c) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void shouldWait(int t) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void done() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }; } /* public */class PCMMCmtsConnection extends COPSPepConnection { public PCMMCmtsConnection(short clientType, Socket sock) { super(clientType, sock); } public COPSPepReqStateMan addRequestState(String clientHandle, COPSPepDataProcess process) throws COPSException, COPSPepException { return super.addRequestState(clientHandle, process); } // public void addReqStateMgr(String hanlde, COPSPepReqStateMan r) { // // map < String(COPSHandle), COPSPepReqStateMan>; // getReqStateMans().put(hanlde, r); // } } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") class PCMMPSReqStateMan extends COPSPepReqStateMan { public PCMMPSReqStateMan(short clientType, String clientHandle) { super(clientType, clientHandle); _process = new CmtsDataProcessor(); } @Override protected void processDecision(COPSDecisionMsg dMsg) throws COPSPepException { // COPSHandle handle = dMsg.getClientHandle(); Hashtable decisions = dMsg.getDecisions(); Hashtable removeDecs = new Hashtable(10); Hashtable installDecs = new Hashtable(10); Hashtable errorDecs = new Hashtable(10); for (Enumeration e = decisions.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) { COPSContext context = (COPSContext) e.nextElement(); Vector v = (Vector) decisions.get(context); Enumeration ee = v.elements(); COPSDecision cmddecision = (COPSDecision) ee.nextElement(); // cmddecision --> we must check whether it is an error! if (cmddecision.isInstallDecision()) { String prid = new String(); for (; ee.hasMoreElements();) { COPSDecision decision = (COPSDecision) ee.nextElement(); COPSPrObjBase obj = new COPSPrObjBase(decision.getData().getData()); switch (obj.getSNum()) { // TODO when there is install request only the PR_PRID // is git but the ClientSI object containing the PR_EPD // is null??? this is why the tests fail and so I set // the assertion to NOT true.... case COPSPrObjBase.PR_PRID: prid = obj.getData().str(); break; case COPSPrObjBase.PR_EPD: installDecs.put(prid, obj.getData().str()); break; default: break; } } } if (cmddecision.isRemoveDecision()) { String prid = new String(); for (; ee.hasMoreElements();) { COPSDecision decision = (COPSDecision) ee.nextElement(); COPSPrObjBase obj = new COPSPrObjBase(decision.getData().getData()); switch (obj.getSNum()) { case COPSPrObjBase.PR_PRID: prid = obj.getData().str(); break; case COPSPrObjBase.PR_EPD: removeDecs.put(prid, obj.getData().str()); break; default: break; } } } } if (_process != null) { // ** Apply decisions to the configuration _process.setDecisions(this, removeDecs, installDecs, errorDecs); _status = ST_DECS; if (_process.isFailReport(this)) { // COPSDebug.out(getClass().getName(),"Sending FAIL Report\n"); _sender.sendFailReport(_process.getReportData(this)); } else { // COPSDebug.out(getClass().getName(),"Sending SUCCESS Report\n"); _sender.sendSuccessReport(_process.getReportData(this)); } _status = ST_REPORT; } } } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") class CmtsDataProcessor extends COPSPepDataProcess { private Hashtable removeDecs; private Hashtable installDecs; private Hashtable errorDecs; private COPSPepReqStateMan stateManager; public CmtsDataProcessor() { setRemoveDecs(new Hashtable(10)); setInstallDecs(new Hashtable(10)); setErrorDecs(new Hashtable(10)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void setDecisions(COPSPepReqStateMan man, Hashtable removeDecs, Hashtable installDecs, Hashtable errorDecs) { setRemoveDecs(removeDecs); setInstallDecs(installDecs); setErrorDecs(errorDecs); setStateManager(man); } @Override public boolean isFailReport(COPSPepReqStateMan man) { return (errorDecs != null && errorDecs.size() > 0); } @Override public Hashtable getReportData(COPSPepReqStateMan man) { if (isFailReport(man)) { return errorDecs; } else { ITransactionID transactionID = null; String key = null; Hashtable siDataHashTable = new Hashtable(); if (installDecs.size() > 0) { String data = ""; for (String k : installDecs.keySet()) { data = installDecs.get(k); break; } transactionID = new PCMMGateReq(new COPSData(data).getData()).getTransactionID(); IPCMMGate responseGate = new PCMMGateReq(); responseGate.setTransactionID(transactionID); siDataHashTable.put(key, new String(responseGate.getData())); } return siDataHashTable; } } @Override public Hashtable getClientData(COPSPepReqStateMan man) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return new Hashtable(); } @Override public Hashtable getAcctData(COPSPepReqStateMan man) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return new Hashtable(); } @Override public void notifyClosedConnection(COPSPepReqStateMan man, COPSError error) { } @Override public void notifyNoKAliveReceived(COPSPepReqStateMan man) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void closeRequestState(COPSPepReqStateMan man) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void newRequestState(COPSPepReqStateMan man) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public Hashtable getRemoveDecs() { return removeDecs; } public void setRemoveDecs(Hashtable removeDecs) { this.removeDecs = removeDecs; } public Hashtable getInstallDecs() { return installDecs; } public void setInstallDecs(Hashtable installDecs) { this.installDecs = installDecs; } public Hashtable getErrorDecs() { return errorDecs; } public void setErrorDecs(Hashtable errorDecs) { this.errorDecs = errorDecs; } public COPSPepReqStateMan getStateManager() { return stateManager; } public void setStateManager(COPSPepReqStateMan stateManager) { this.stateManager = stateManager; } } }