#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (C) 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. # # This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the # terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, # and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # # Authors : Thomas Bachman # # Generate the local.conf, based on this machine's settings, # and user input # odl_ip="" odl_in_ds="y" vm_personality="ODC" active_ifs="" service_host="" service_host_name="" odl_mgr_ip="" host_ip="" host_name=`hostname` host_list="" # Minimum memory requirements, in kB od_mem=50000000 oc_mem=3000000 o_mem=2000000 odoc_mem=5000000 oco_mem=3000000 # # personality-dependent services # ds_common_services="qpid neutron odl-compute n-cpu" ds_compute_services="nova n-novnc" ds_controller_services="n-cond q-svc q-dhcp q-l3 q-meta tempest" # # everyone gets these services # services=$ds_common_services # # services that are disabled # disabled_services="rabbit n-net" header=''' LOGFILE=stack.sh.log\n #SCREEN_LOGDIR=/opt/stack/data/log\n #LOG_COLOR=False\n OFFLINE=True\n #RECLONE=yes\n \n ''' # # single quoted to prevent variable substitutions # # add host info footer=''' Q_HOST=$SERVICE_HOST\n Q_PLUGIN=ml2\n Q_ML2_PLUGIN_MECHANISM_DRIVERS=opendaylight,logger\n ENABLE_TENANT_TUNNELS=True\n ODL_BOOT_WAIT=70\n \n VNCSERVER_PROXYCLIENT_ADDRESS=${HOST_IP}\n VNCSERVER_LISTEN=\n \n #FLOATING_RANGE=\n #PUBLIC_NETWORK_GATEWAY=\n MYSQL_HOST=$SERVICE_HOST\n RABBIT_HOST=$SERVICE_HOST\n GLANCE_HOSTPORT=$SERVICE_HOST:9292\n KEYSTONE_AUTH_HOST=$SERVICE_HOST\n KEYSTONE_SERVICE_HOST=$SERVICE_HOST\n \n MYSQL_PASSWORD=mysql\n RABBIT_PASSWORD=rabbit\n QPID_PASSWORD=rabbit\n SERVICE_TOKEN=service\n SERVICE_PASSWORD=admin\n ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin\n \n [[post-config|/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini]]\n [agent]\n minimize_polling=True\n ''' # # Create a list of active network interfaces # get_active_ifs() { all_ifs=`egrep 'ONBOOT' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*` for interface in $all_ifs do active=`echo $interface | awk 'BEGIN {FS="="} {print $2}'` if [ "$active" == "yes" ]; then file=`echo $interface | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} {print $1}'` intf=`basename $file | awk 'BEGIN {FS="-"} {print $2}'` active_ifs=`echo "$active_ifs $intf"` fi done } # # Have the user select the IP address to use # select_host_ip() { get_active_ifs echo "Your system has the following IP addresses: " count=0 if_index="0" for interface in $active_ifs do if [ "$interface" == "lo" ]; then continue; fi exists=`ifconfig | grep $interface` if [ "$exists" == "" ]; then continue; fi ip=`ifconfig $interface | grep 'inet ' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $2}'` echo " [$count] $interface: $ip" let "count+=1"; done entry=$if_index if [ $count == 0 ]; then echo "No active interfaces: please reconfigure /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg- and re-run" exit elif [ $count > 1 ]; then echo -n "Select which interface to use [$entry]: " read -a entry if [ "$entry" > "$count" ]; then let "maxcnt=count-1" echo "Invalid entry, must be less than $maxcnt" exit elif [ "$entry" == "" ]; then entry=$if_index else $if_index=$entry fi fi count=0 for interface in $active_ifs do if [ $count == $if_index ]; then #echo "foo" host_ip=`ifconfig $interface | grep 'inet ' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $2}'` break; fi let "count+=1" done } # # Verify the memory is sufficient for the configuration # check_mem() { memory=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $2}'` if [ "$vm_personality" == "O" ]; then mem_needed=$od_mem elif [ "$vm_personality" == "DC" ]; then mem_needed=$oc_mem elif [ "$vm_personality" == "D" ]; then mem_needed=$o_mem elif [ "$vm_personality" == "ODC" ]; then mem_needed=$odoc_mem elif [ "$vm_personality" == "DCD" ]; then mem_needed=$oco_mem fi if [ "$memory" -lt "$mem_needed" ]; then echo """ $vm_personality configurations require at least $mem_needed (have $memory). Please shutdown the VM and reconfigure its memory """ exit fi } echo """ This script configures the local.conf for the VM, based on the desired configuration. The VM can take on any of the following roles: O: OpenDaylight Controller. In this role, the VM is only responsible for running the OpenDaylight Controller DC: DevStack Controller. In this role, the VM is only responsible for running the DevStack controller. D: DevStack Compute. In this role, the VM is only responsible for running the DevStack compute. ODC: OpenDaylight Controller with DevStack Controller. In this role, the VM runs both the OpenDaylight controller and the DevStack controller. The OpenDaylight controller is launched by DevStack. DCD: DevStack Controller with DevStack Compute. In this role, the VM acts as both an DevStack controller and compute node. """ echo -n "Enter VM's personality [$vm_personality]: " read -a entry if [ "$entry" == "" ]; then entry=$vm_personality else vm_personality=$entry fi if [ "$vm_personality" != "O" ] && [ "$vm_personality" != "DC" ] && [ "$vm_personality" != "D" ] && [ "$vm_personality" != "ODC" ] && [ "$vm_personality" != "DCD" ]; then echo "$vm_personality is invalid" exit; fi # For all nodes, run the memory check to make # sure they've allocated enough memory to # run the system. check_mem # Get the right IP select_host_ip service_host=$host_ip service_host_name=$host_name # For a combined ODL/DS coontroller, we still need # to add in the services if [ "$vm_personality" == "ODC" ]; then services="$services $ds_controller_services odl-server" fi # For all pure DS nodes (no ODL -- DS controller, compute, or both), # we need to point it to the ODL Controller if [ "$vm_personality" == "D" ] || [ "$vm_personality" == "DC" ] || [ "$vm_personality" == "DCD" ]; then if [ "$vm_personality" == "D" ]; then services="$services $ds_compute_services" else services="$services $ds_controller_services" fi service_host=$host_ip service_host_name=$host_name echo """ DevStack nodes need to point to the OpenDaylight Controller. Please provide the IP address of the OpenDaylight Controller. """ echo -n "OpenDaylight Controller IP: " read -a odl_ip fi # # For DS Compute Only, we need to point it to # the DS Controller and update the DS services if [ "$vm_personality" == "D" ]; then services="$services $ds_compute_services" echo """ DevStack Compute nodes need to point to the DevStack Controller. Please provide the IP address and hostname of the DevStack Controller """ echo -n "DevStack Controller IP: " read -a service_host echo -n "DevStack Controller hostname: " read -a service_host_name if [ "$service_host_name" == "$host_name" ]; then echo """ Note: You have configured the DevStack controller's with the same name as this host. If this host requires a name change, run the set_hostname.sh script before running this one. """ fi echo """ DevStack Compute nodes also need to point to the OpenDaylight Controller. Please provide the IP address of the OpenDaylight Controller """ # for DS compute, keep track of service host host_list=$service_host_name fi ###### # Generate local.conf, using parameters ###### echo "[[local|localrc]]" > local.conf # # Header # echo -e $header | while read -r line do echo -e $line >> local.conf done # # Services # # disable all services for compute only nodes if [ "$vm_personality" == "D" ]; then echo "disable_all_services" >> local.conf fi for line in $disabled_services do echo "disable_service $line" >> local.conf done for line in $services do echo -e "enable_service $line" >> local.conf done echo -e "\n" >> local.conf # # Add in VM-specific parameters # echo "HOST_IP=$host_ip" >> local.conf echo "HOST_NAME=$host_name" >> local.conf echo "SERVICE_HOST=$service_host" >> local.conf echo "SERVICE_HOST_NAME=$service_host_name" >> local.conf if [ "$vm_personality" != "O" ] && [ "$vm_personality" != "ODC" ]; then echo "ODL_MGR_IP=$odl_ip" >> local.conf fi # # Footer # echo -e $footer | while read -r line do echo -e $line >> local.conf done if [ "$host_list" != "" ]; then echo "*********************************************************" echo "===========>>>> Be sure to add $host_list to /etc/hosts!" echo "*********************************************************" fi