/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.restconf.nb.rfc8040.utils.parser; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Splitter; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException; import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Optional; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.dom.api.DOMMountPoint; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.dom.api.DOMMountPointService; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.dom.api.DOMSchemaService; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.dom.api.DOMYangTextSourceProvider; import org.opendaylight.restconf.common.ErrorTags; import org.opendaylight.restconf.common.context.InstanceIdentifierContext; import org.opendaylight.restconf.common.errors.RestconfDocumentedException; import org.opendaylight.restconf.common.schema.SchemaExportContext; import org.opendaylight.restconf.nb.rfc8040.utils.RestconfConstants; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.ErrorTag; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.ErrorType; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QName; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.Revision; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.YangNames; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.YangInstanceIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.EffectiveModelContext; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.Module; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaContext; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Util class for parsing identifier. */ public final class ParserIdentifier { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ParserIdentifier.class); private static final Splitter MP_SPLITTER = Splitter.on("/" + RestconfConstants.MOUNT); private ParserIdentifier() { // Hidden on purpose } /** * Make {@link InstanceIdentifierContext} from {@link String} identifier *
* For identifiers of data NOT behind mount points returned * {@link InstanceIdentifierContext} is prepared with {@code null} reference of {@link DOMMountPoint} and with * controller's {@link SchemaContext}. *
* For identifiers of data behind mount points returned * {@link InstanceIdentifierContext} is prepared with reference of {@link DOMMountPoint} and its * own {@link SchemaContext}. * * @param identifier * - path identifier * @param schemaContext * - controller schema context * @param mountPointService * - mount point service * @return {@link InstanceIdentifierContext} */ // FIXME: NETCONF-631: this method should not be here, it should be a static factory in InstanceIdentifierContext: // // @NonNull InstanceIdentifierContext forUrl(identifier, schemaContexxt, mountPointService) // public static InstanceIdentifierContext toInstanceIdentifier(final String identifier, final EffectiveModelContext schemaContext, final Optional mountPointService) { if (identifier == null || !identifier.contains(RestconfConstants.MOUNT)) { return createIIdContext(schemaContext, identifier, null); } if (mountPointService.isEmpty()) { throw new RestconfDocumentedException("Mount point service is not available"); } final Iterator pathsIt = MP_SPLITTER.split(identifier).iterator(); final String mountPointId = pathsIt.next(); final YangInstanceIdentifier mountPath = IdentifierCodec.deserialize(mountPointId, schemaContext); final DOMMountPoint mountPoint = mountPointService.get().getMountPoint(mountPath) .orElseThrow(() -> new RestconfDocumentedException("Mount point does not exist.", ErrorType.PROTOCOL, ErrorTags.RESOURCE_DENIED_TRANSPORT)); final EffectiveModelContext mountSchemaContext = coerceModelContext(mountPoint); final String pathId = pathsIt.next().replaceFirst("/", ""); return createIIdContext(mountSchemaContext, pathId, mountPoint); } /** * Method to create {@link InstanceIdentifierContext} from {@link YangInstanceIdentifier} * and {@link SchemaContext}, {@link DOMMountPoint}. * * @param url Invocation URL * @param schemaContext SchemaContext in which the path is to be interpreted in * @param mountPoint A mount point handle, if the URL is being interpreted relative to a mount point * @return {@link InstanceIdentifierContext} * @throws RestconfDocumentedException if the path cannot be resolved */ private static InstanceIdentifierContext createIIdContext(final EffectiveModelContext schemaContext, final String url, final @Nullable DOMMountPoint mountPoint) { // First things first: an empty path means data invocation on SchemaContext if (url == null) { return mountPoint != null ? InstanceIdentifierContext.ofMountPointRoot(mountPoint, schemaContext) : InstanceIdentifierContext.ofLocalRoot(schemaContext); } final var result = YangInstanceIdentifierDeserializer.create(schemaContext, url); return InstanceIdentifierContext.ofPath(result.stack, result.node, result.path, mountPoint); } /** * Make a moduleName/Revision pair from identifier. * * @param identifier * path parameter * @return {@link QName} */ @VisibleForTesting static Entry makeQNameFromIdentifier(final String identifier) { // check if more than one slash is not used as path separator if (identifier.contains("//")) { LOG.debug("URI has bad format. It should be \'moduleName/yyyy-MM-dd\' {}", identifier); throw new RestconfDocumentedException( "URI has bad format. End of URI should be in format \'moduleName/yyyy-MM-dd\'", ErrorType.PROTOCOL, ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE); } final int mountIndex = identifier.indexOf(RestconfConstants.MOUNT); final String moduleNameAndRevision; if (mountIndex >= 0) { moduleNameAndRevision = identifier.substring(mountIndex + RestconfConstants.MOUNT.length()) .replaceFirst("/", ""); } else { moduleNameAndRevision = identifier; } final List pathArgs = RestconfConstants.SLASH_SPLITTER.splitToList(moduleNameAndRevision); if (pathArgs.size() != 2) { LOG.debug("URI has bad format '{}'. It should be 'moduleName/yyyy-MM-dd'", identifier); throw new RestconfDocumentedException( "URI has bad format. End of URI should be in format \'moduleName/yyyy-MM-dd\'", ErrorType.PROTOCOL, ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE); } final Revision moduleRevision; try { moduleRevision = Revision.of(pathArgs.get(1)); } catch (final DateTimeParseException e) { LOG.debug("URI has bad format: '{}'. It should be 'moduleName/yyyy-MM-dd'", identifier); throw new RestconfDocumentedException("URI has bad format. It should be \'moduleName/yyyy-MM-dd\'", ErrorType.PROTOCOL, ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE, e); } return new SimpleImmutableEntry<>(pathArgs.get(0), moduleRevision); } /** * Parsing {@link Module} module by {@link String} module name and * {@link Date} revision and from the parsed module create * {@link SchemaExportContext}. * * @param schemaContext * {@link EffectiveModelContext} * @param identifier * path parameter * @param domMountPointService * {@link DOMMountPointService} * @return {@link SchemaExportContext} */ public static SchemaExportContext toSchemaExportContextFromIdentifier(final EffectiveModelContext schemaContext, final String identifier, final DOMMountPointService domMountPointService, final DOMYangTextSourceProvider sourceProvider) { final Iterable pathComponents = RestconfConstants.SLASH_SPLITTER.split(identifier); final Iterator componentIter = pathComponents.iterator(); if (!Iterables.contains(pathComponents, RestconfConstants.MOUNT)) { final String moduleName = validateAndGetModulName(componentIter); final Revision revision = validateAndGetRevision(componentIter); final Module module = schemaContext.findModule(moduleName, revision).orElse(null); return new SchemaExportContext(schemaContext, module, sourceProvider); } else { final StringBuilder pathBuilder = new StringBuilder(); while (componentIter.hasNext()) { final String current = componentIter.next(); if (RestconfConstants.MOUNT.equals(current)) { pathBuilder.append('/').append(RestconfConstants.MOUNT); break; } if (pathBuilder.length() != 0) { pathBuilder.append('/'); } pathBuilder.append(current); } final InstanceIdentifierContext point = toInstanceIdentifier(pathBuilder.toString(), schemaContext, Optional.of(domMountPointService)); final String moduleName = validateAndGetModulName(componentIter); final Revision revision = validateAndGetRevision(componentIter); final EffectiveModelContext context = coerceModelContext(point.getMountPoint()); final Module module = context.findModule(moduleName, revision).orElse(null); return new SchemaExportContext(context, module, sourceProvider); } } public static YangInstanceIdentifier parserPatchTarget(final InstanceIdentifierContext context, final String target) { final var schemaContext = context.getSchemaContext(); final var urlPath = context.getInstanceIdentifier(); final String targetUrl; if (urlPath.isEmpty()) { targetUrl = target.startsWith("/") ? target.substring(1) : target; } else { targetUrl = IdentifierCodec.serialize(urlPath, schemaContext) + target; } return toInstanceIdentifier(targetUrl, schemaContext, Optional.empty()).getInstanceIdentifier(); } /** * Validation and parsing of revision. * * @param revisionDate iterator * @return A Revision */ @VisibleForTesting static Revision validateAndGetRevision(final Iterator revisionDate) { RestconfDocumentedException.throwIf(!revisionDate.hasNext(), "Revision date must be supplied.", ErrorType.PROTOCOL, ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE); try { return Revision.of(revisionDate.next()); } catch (final DateTimeParseException e) { throw new RestconfDocumentedException("Supplied revision is not in expected date format YYYY-mm-dd", e); } } /** * Validation of name. * * @param moduleName iterator * @return {@link String} */ @VisibleForTesting static String validateAndGetModulName(final Iterator moduleName) { RestconfDocumentedException.throwIf(!moduleName.hasNext(), "Module name must be supplied.", ErrorType.PROTOCOL, ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE); final String name = moduleName.next(); RestconfDocumentedException.throwIf( name.isEmpty() || !YangNames.IDENTIFIER_START.matches(name.charAt(0)), "Identifier must start with character from set 'a-zA-Z_", ErrorType.PROTOCOL, ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE); RestconfDocumentedException.throwIf(name.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT).startsWith("XML"), "Identifier must NOT start with XML ignore case.", ErrorType.PROTOCOL, ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE); RestconfDocumentedException.throwIf( YangNames.NOT_IDENTIFIER_PART.matchesAnyOf(name.substring(1)), "Supplied name has not expected identifier format.", ErrorType.PROTOCOL, ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE); return name; } private static EffectiveModelContext coerceModelContext(final DOMMountPoint mountPoint) { final EffectiveModelContext context = modelContext(mountPoint); checkState(context != null, "Mount point %s does not have a model context", mountPoint); return context; } private static EffectiveModelContext modelContext(final DOMMountPoint mountPoint) { return mountPoint.getService(DOMSchemaService.class) .flatMap(svc -> Optional.ofNullable(svc.getGlobalContext())) .orElse(null); } }