/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.netconf.sal.restconf.impl; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Throwables; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.RpcError; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.YangInstanceIdentifier; /** * Encapsulates a restconf error as defined in the ietf restconf draft. * *
* Note: Enumerations defined within are provided by the ietf restconf draft. * * @author Devin Avery * See also RESTCONF. */ public class RestconfError { public enum ErrorType { /** Errors relating to the transport layer */ TRANSPORT, /** Errors relating to the RPC or notification layer */ RPC, /** Errors relating to the protocol operation layer. */ PROTOCOL, /** Errors relating to the server application layer. */ APPLICATION; public String getErrorTypeTag() { return name().toLowerCase(); } public static ErrorType valueOfCaseInsensitive(final String value) { try { return ErrorType.valueOf(ErrorType.class, value.toUpperCase()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return APPLICATION; } } } public enum ErrorTag { IN_USE("in-use", 409 /* Conflict */), INVALID_VALUE("invalid-value", 400 /* Bad Request */), TOO_BIG("too-big", 413 /* Request Entity Too Large */), MISSING_ATTRIBUTE("missing-attribute", 400 /* Bad Request */), BAD_ATTRIBUTE("bad-attribute", 400 /* Bad Request */), UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE("unknown-attribute", 400 /* Bad Request */), MISSING_ELEMENT("missing-element", 400 /* Bad Request */), BAD_ELEMENT("bad-element", 400 /* Bad Request */), UNKNOWN_ELEMENT("unknown-element", 400 /* Bad Request */), UNKNOWN_NAMESPACE("unknown-namespace", 400 /* Bad Request */), ACCESS_DENIED("access-denied", 403 /* Forbidden */), LOCK_DENIED("lock-denied", 409 /* Conflict */), RESOURCE_DENIED("resource-denied", 409 /* Conflict */), ROLLBACK_FAILED("rollback-failed", 500 /* INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR */), DATA_EXISTS("data-exists", 409 /* Conflict */), DATA_MISSING("data-missing", 404 /* Resource Not Found */), OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED("operation-not-supported", 501 /* Not Implemented */), OPERATION_FAILED("operation-failed", 500 /* INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR */), PARTIAL_OPERATION("partial-operation", 500 /* INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR */), MALFORMED_MESSAGE("malformed-message", 400 /* Bad Request */); private final String tagValue; private final int statusCode; ErrorTag(final String tagValue, final int statusCode) { this.tagValue = tagValue; this.statusCode = statusCode; } public String getTagValue() { return this.tagValue.toLowerCase(); } public static ErrorTag valueOfCaseInsensitive(final String value) { try { return ErrorTag.valueOf(ErrorTag.class, value.toUpperCase().replaceAll("-", "_")); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return OPERATION_FAILED; } } public int getStatusCode() { return statusCode; } } private final ErrorType errorType; private final ErrorTag errorTag; private final String errorInfo; private final String errorAppTag; private final String errorMessage; private final YangInstanceIdentifier errorPath; /** * Constructs a RestConfError * * @param errorType * The enumerated type indicating the layer where the error occurred. * @param errorTag * The enumerated tag representing a more specific error cause. * @param errorMessage * A string which provides a plain text string describing the error. */ public RestconfError(final ErrorType errorType, final ErrorTag errorTag, final String errorMessage) { this(errorType, errorTag, errorMessage, null, null, null); } /** * Constructs a RestConfError object. * * @param errorType * The enumerated type indicating the layer where the error occurred. * @param errorTag * The enumerated tag representing a more specific error cause. * @param errorMessage * A string which provides a plain text string describing the error. * @param errorAppTag * A string which represents an application-specific error tag that further specifies the error cause. */ public RestconfError(final ErrorType errorType, final ErrorTag errorTag, final String errorMessage, final String errorAppTag) { this(errorType, errorTag, errorMessage, errorAppTag, null, null); } /** * Constructs a RestConfError object. * * @param errorType * The enumerated type indicating the layer where the error occurred. * @param errorTag * The enumerated tag representing a more specific error cause. * @param errorMessage * A string which provides a plain text string describing the error. * @param errorPath * An instance identifier which contains error path */ public RestconfError(final ErrorType errorType, final ErrorTag errorTag, final String errorMessage, final YangInstanceIdentifier errorPath) { this(errorType, errorTag, errorMessage, null, null, errorPath); } /** * Constructs a RestConfError object. * * @param errorType * The enumerated type indicating the layer where the error occurred. * @param errorTag * The enumerated tag representing a more specific error cause. * @param errorMessage * A string which provides a plain text string describing the error. * @param errorAppTag * A string which represents an application-specific error tag that further specifies the error cause. * @param errorInfo * A string, formatted as XML, which contains additional error information. */ public RestconfError(final ErrorType errorType, final ErrorTag errorTag, final String errorMessage, final String errorAppTag, final String errorInfo) { this(errorType, errorTag, errorMessage, errorAppTag, errorInfo, null); } /** * Constructs a RestConfError object. * * @param errorType * The enumerated type indicating the layer where the error occurred. * @param errorTag * The enumerated tag representing a more specific error cause. * @param errorMessage * A string which provides a plain text string describing the error. * @param errorAppTag * A string which represents an application-specific error tag that further specifies the error cause. * @param errorInfo * A string, formatted as XML, which contains additional error information. * @param errorPath * An instance identifier which contains error path */ public RestconfError(final ErrorType errorType, final ErrorTag errorTag, final String errorMessage, final String errorAppTag, final String errorInfo, final YangInstanceIdentifier errorPath) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(errorType, "Error type is required for RestConfError"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(errorTag, "Error tag is required for RestConfError"); this.errorType = errorType; this.errorTag = errorTag; this.errorMessage = errorMessage; this.errorAppTag = errorAppTag; this.errorInfo = errorInfo; this.errorPath = errorPath; } /** * Constructs a RestConfError object from an RpcError. */ public RestconfError(final RpcError rpcError) { this.errorType = rpcError.getErrorType() == null ? ErrorType.APPLICATION : ErrorType .valueOfCaseInsensitive(rpcError.getErrorType().name()); this.errorTag = rpcError.getTag() == null ? ErrorTag.OPERATION_FAILED : ErrorTag .valueOfCaseInsensitive(rpcError.getTag().toString()); this.errorMessage = rpcError.getMessage(); this.errorAppTag = rpcError.getApplicationTag(); String errorInfo = null; if (rpcError.getInfo() == null) { if (rpcError.getCause() != null) { errorInfo = Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(rpcError.getCause()); } else if (rpcError.getSeverity() != null) { errorInfo = "" + rpcError.getSeverity().toString().toLowerCase() + ""; } } else { errorInfo = rpcError.getInfo(); } this.errorInfo = errorInfo; this.errorPath = null; } public ErrorType getErrorType() { return errorType; } public ErrorTag getErrorTag() { return errorTag; } public String getErrorInfo() { return errorInfo; } public String getErrorAppTag() { return errorAppTag; } public String getErrorMessage() { return errorMessage; } public YangInstanceIdentifier getErrorPath() { return errorPath; } @Override public String toString() { return "RestconfError [" + "error-type: " + errorType.getErrorTypeTag() + ", error-tag: " + errorTag.getTagValue() + (errorAppTag != null ? ", error-app-tag: " + errorAppTag : "") + (errorMessage != null ? ", error-message: " + errorMessage : "") + (errorInfo != null ? ", error-info: " + errorInfo : "") + (errorPath != null ? ", error-path: " + errorPath.toString() : "") + "]"; } }