/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.restconf.parser.builder; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.rest.common.TestRestconfUtils; import org.opendaylight.restconf.utils.parser.builder.ParserBuilderConstants; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QName; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.YangInstanceIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.YangInstanceIdentifier.NodeWithValue; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaContext; /** * Unit tests for {@link YangInstanceIdentifierSerializer} */ public class YangInstanceIdentifierSerializerTest { @Rule public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); // schema context with test modules private SchemaContext schemaContext; @Before public void init() throws Exception { schemaContext = TestRestconfUtils.loadSchemaContext("/restconf/parser/serializer"); } /** * Positive test of serialization of YangInstanceIdentifier containing container node to * String. Returned String is compared to have expected value. */ @Test public void serializeContainerTest() { final YangInstanceIdentifier data = YangInstanceIdentifier.builder() .node(QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "contA")) .build(); final String result = YangInstanceIdentifierSerializer.create(schemaContext, data); assertEquals("Serialization not successful", "/serializer-test:contA", result); } /** * Positive test of serialization of YangInstanceIdentifier containing container with leaf node to * String. Returned String is compared to have expected value. */ @Test public void serializeContainerWithLeafTest() { final YangInstanceIdentifier data = YangInstanceIdentifier.builder() .node(QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "contA")) .node(QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "leaf-A")) .build(); final String result = YangInstanceIdentifierSerializer.create(schemaContext, data); assertEquals("Serialization not successful", "/serializer-test:contA/leaf-A", result); } /** * Positive test of serialization of YangInstanceIdentifier containing container with list with leaf * list node to String. Returned String is compared to have expected value. */ @Test public void serializeContainerWithListWithLeafListTest() { final QName list = QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "list-A"); final QName leafList = QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "leaf-list-AA"); final YangInstanceIdentifier data = YangInstanceIdentifier.builder() .node(QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "contA")) .node(list) .node(new YangInstanceIdentifier.NodeIdentifierWithPredicates( list, QName.create(list, "list-key"), 100)) .node(leafList) .node(new NodeWithValue(leafList, "instance")) .build(); final String result = YangInstanceIdentifierSerializer.create(schemaContext, data); assertEquals("Serialization not successful", "/serializer-test:contA/list-A=100/leaf-list-AA=instance", result); } /** * Positive test of serialization of YangInstanceIdentifier to String when serialized * YangInstanceIdentifier contains list with no keys. Returned String is compared to have * expected value. */ @Test public void serializeListWithNoKeysTest() { final YangInstanceIdentifier data = YangInstanceIdentifier.builder() .node(QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "list-no-key")) .nodeWithKey(QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "list-no-key"), Maps.newHashMap()) .build(); final String result = YangInstanceIdentifierSerializer.create(schemaContext, data); assertEquals("Serialization not successful", "/serializer-test:list-no-key", result); } /** * Positive test of serialization of YangInstanceIdentifier to String when serialized * YangInstanceIdentifier contains list with one key. Returned String is compared to have * expected value. */ @Test public void serializeListWithOneKeyTest() { final YangInstanceIdentifier data = YangInstanceIdentifier.builder() .node(QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "list-one-key")) .nodeWithKey(QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "list-one-key"), QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "list-one-key"), "value") .build(); final String result = YangInstanceIdentifierSerializer.create(schemaContext, data); assertEquals("Serialization not successful", "/serializer-test:list-one-key=value", result); } /** * Positive test of serialization of YangInstanceIdentifier to String when serialized * YangInstanceIdentifier contains list with multiple keys. Returned String is compared * to have expected value. */ @Test public void serializeListWithMultipleKeysTest() { final QName list = QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "list-multiple-keys"); final Map values = new LinkedHashMap<>(); values.put(QName.create(list, "name"), "value-1"); values.put(QName.create(list, "number"), "2"); values.put(QName.create(list, "enabled"), "true"); final YangInstanceIdentifier data = YangInstanceIdentifier.builder() .node(list).nodeWithKey(list, values).build(); final String result = YangInstanceIdentifierSerializer.create(schemaContext, data); assertEquals("Serialization not successful", "/serializer-test:list-multiple-keys=value-1,2,true", result); } /** * Positive test of serialization of YangInstanceIdentifier to String when serialized * YangInstanceIdentifier contains leaf node. Returned String is compared to have * expected value. */ @Test public void serializeLeafTest() { final YangInstanceIdentifier data = YangInstanceIdentifier.builder() .node(QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "leaf-0")) .build(); final String result = YangInstanceIdentifierSerializer.create(schemaContext, data); assertEquals("Serialization not successful", "/serializer-test:leaf-0", result); } /** * Positive test of serialization of YangInstanceIdentifier to String when serialized * YangInstanceIdentifier contains leaf list node. Returned String is compared to have * expected value. */ @Test public void serializeLeafListTest() { final YangInstanceIdentifier data = YangInstanceIdentifier.builder() .node(QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "leaf-list-0")) .node(new NodeWithValue(QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "leaf-list-0"), "instance")) .build(); final String result = YangInstanceIdentifierSerializer.create(schemaContext, data); assertEquals("Serialization not successful", "/serializer-test:leaf-list-0=instance", result); } /** * Negative test of serialization YangInstanceIdentifier to String when * SchemaContext is null. Test is expected to fail with * NullPointerException. */ @Test public void serializeNullSchemaContextNegativeTest() { thrown.expect(NullPointerException.class); YangInstanceIdentifierSerializer.create(null, YangInstanceIdentifier.EMPTY); } /** * Negative test of serialization YangInstanceIdentifier to String when supplied * YangInstanceIdentifier is null. Test is expected to fail with * NullPointerException. */ @Test public void serializeNullDataNegativeTest() { thrown.expect(NullPointerException.class); YangInstanceIdentifierSerializer.create(schemaContext, null); } /** * Test of serialization YangInstanceIdentifier to String when supplied * YangInstanceIdentifier is YangInstanceIdentifier.EMPTY. * Single slash is expected as a return value. */ @Test public void serializeEmptyDataTest() { final String result = YangInstanceIdentifierSerializer.create(schemaContext, YangInstanceIdentifier.EMPTY); assertEquals("Empty identifier is expected", "/", result); } /** * Negative test when it is not possible to find child node of current node. Test is expected to fail with * IllegalArgumentException and error message is compared to expected error message. */ @Test public void serializeChildNodeNotFoundNegativeTest() { final YangInstanceIdentifier data = YangInstanceIdentifier.builder() .node(QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "contA")) .node(QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "not-existing-leaf")) .build(); thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); YangInstanceIdentifierSerializer.create(schemaContext, data); } /** * Test to verify if all reserved characters according to rfc3986 are considered by serializer implementation to * be percent encoded. */ @Test public void verifyReservedCharactersTest() { final char[] genDelims = { ':', '/', '?', '#', '[', ']', '@' }; final char[] subDelims = { '!', '$', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', ';', '=' }; for (final char c : genDelims) { assertTrue("Current character is reserved and should be percent encoded", ParserBuilderConstants.Serializer.PERCENT_ENCODE_CHARS.matches(c)); } for (final char c : subDelims) { assertTrue("Current character is reserved and should be percent encoded", ParserBuilderConstants.Serializer.PERCENT_ENCODE_CHARS.matches(c)); } } /** * Test if URIs with percent encoded characters are all correctly serialized. */ @Test public void serializePercentEncodingTest() { final String value = "foo" + ":foo bar/" + "foo,bar/" + "'bar'"; final String encoded = "foo%3Afoo%20bar%2Ffoo%2Cbar%2F%27bar%27"; final YangInstanceIdentifier data = YangInstanceIdentifier.builder() .node(QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "list-one-key")) .nodeWithKey(QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "list-one-key"), QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "list-one-key"), value) .build(); final String result = YangInstanceIdentifierSerializer.create(schemaContext, data); assertEquals("Serialization not successful", "/serializer-test:list-one-key=" + encoded, result); } /** * Test if URIs with no percent encoded characters are correctly serialized. Input should be untouched. */ @Test public void serializeNoPercentEncodingTest() { final String value = "foo\"b\"bar"; final YangInstanceIdentifier data = YangInstanceIdentifier.builder() .node(QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "list-one-key")) .nodeWithKey(QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "list-one-key"), QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "list-one-key"), value) .build(); final String result = YangInstanceIdentifierSerializer.create(schemaContext, data); assertEquals("Serialization not successful", "/serializer-test:list-one-key=" + value, result); } /** * Test of serialization when nodes in input YangInstanceIdentifier are defined in two different * modules by using augmentation. */ @Test public void serializeIncludedNodesTest() { final QName list = QName.create("serializer:test:included", "2016-06-06", "augmented-list"); final QName child = QName.create("serializer:test", "2016-06-06", "augmented-leaf"); final YangInstanceIdentifier data = YangInstanceIdentifier.builder() .node(list) .node(new YangInstanceIdentifier.NodeIdentifierWithPredicates( list, QName.create(list, "list-key"), 100)) .node(new YangInstanceIdentifier.AugmentationIdentifier(Sets.newHashSet(child))) .node(child) .build(); final String result = YangInstanceIdentifierSerializer.create(schemaContext, data); assertEquals("Serialization not successful", "/serializer-test-included:augmented-list=100/serializer-test:augmented-leaf", result); } /** * Test of serialization when nodes in input YangInstanceIdentifier are defined in two different * modules by using augmentation. Augmented node in data supplied for serialization has wrong namespace. * IllegalArgumentException is expected because augmented node is defined in other module than its * parent and will not be found. */ @Test public void serializeIncludedNodesSerializationTest() { final QName list = QName.create("serializer:test:included", "2016-06-06", "augmented-list"); // child should has different namespace final QName child = QName.create("serializer:test:included", "2016-06-06", "augmented-leaf"); final YangInstanceIdentifier data = YangInstanceIdentifier.builder() .node(list) .node(new YangInstanceIdentifier.NodeIdentifierWithPredicates( list, QName.create(list, "list-key"), 100)) .node(new YangInstanceIdentifier.AugmentationIdentifier(Sets.newHashSet(child))) .node(child) .build(); thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); YangInstanceIdentifierSerializer.create(schemaContext, data); } }