/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.restconf.utils.validation; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Test; import org.opendaylight.netconf.sal.restconf.impl.RestconfDocumentedException; import org.opendaylight.netconf.sal.restconf.impl.RestconfError; /** * Unit test for {@link RestconfValidation} */ public class RestconfValidationTest { private static final List revisions = Arrays.asList("2014-01-01", "2015-01-01", "2016-01-01"); private static final List names = Arrays.asList("_module-1", "_module-2", "_module-3"); /** * Test of successful validation of module revision. */ @Test public void validateAndGetRevisionTest() { Date revision = RestconfValidation.validateAndGetRevision(revisions.iterator()); assertNotNull("Correct module revision should be validated", revision); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(revision); assertEquals(2014, c.get(Calendar.YEAR)); assertEquals(0, c.get(Calendar.MONTH)); assertEquals(1, c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); } /** * Negative test of module revision validation when there is no revision. Test fails catching * RestconfDocumentedException and checking for correct error type, error tag and error status code. */ @Test public void validateAndGetRevisionNotSuppliedTest() { try { RestconfValidation.validateAndGetRevision(new ArrayList().iterator()); fail("Test should fail due to not supplied module revision"); } catch (RestconfDocumentedException e) { assertEquals(RestconfError.ErrorType.PROTOCOL, e.getErrors().get(0).getErrorType()); assertEquals(RestconfError.ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE, e.getErrors().get(0).getErrorTag()); assertEquals(400, e.getErrors().get(0).getErrorTag().getStatusCode()); } } /** * Negative test of module revision validation when supplied revision is not parsable as revision. Test fails * catching RestconfDocumentedException. */ @Test public void validateAndGetRevisionNotParsableTest() { try { RestconfValidation.validateAndGetRevision(Arrays.asList("not-parsable-as-date").iterator()); fail("Test should fail due to not parsable module revision"); } catch (RestconfDocumentedException e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Supplied revision is not in expected date format YYYY-mm-dd")); } } /** * Test of successful validation of module name. */ @Test public void validateAndGetModulNameTest() { String moduleName = RestconfValidation.validateAndGetModulName(names.iterator()); assertNotNull("Correct module name should be validated", moduleName); assertEquals("_module-1", moduleName); } /** * Negative test of module name validation when there is no module name. Test fails catching * RestconfDocumentedException and checking for correct error type, error tag and error status code. */ @Test public void validateAndGetModulNameNotSuppliedTest() { try { RestconfValidation.validateAndGetModulName(new ArrayList().iterator()); fail("Test should fail due to not supplied module name"); } catch (RestconfDocumentedException e) { assertEquals(RestconfError.ErrorType.PROTOCOL, e.getErrors().get(0).getErrorType()); assertEquals(RestconfError.ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE, e.getErrors().get(0).getErrorTag()); assertEquals(400, e.getErrors().get(0).getErrorTag().getStatusCode()); } } /** * Negative test of module name validation when supplied name is not parsable as module name on the first * character. Test fails catching RestconfDocumentedException and checking for correct error type, * error tag and error status code. */ @Test public void validateAndGetModuleNameNotParsableFirstTest() { try { RestconfValidation.validateAndGetModulName( Arrays.asList("01-not-parsable-as-name-on-firts-char").iterator()); fail("Test should fail due to not parsable module name on the first character"); } catch (RestconfDocumentedException e) { assertEquals(RestconfError.ErrorType.PROTOCOL, e.getErrors().get(0).getErrorType()); assertEquals(RestconfError.ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE, e.getErrors().get(0).getErrorTag()); assertEquals(400, e.getErrors().get(0).getErrorTag().getStatusCode()); } } /** * Negative test of module name validation when supplied name is not parsable as module name on any of the * characters after the first character. Test fails catching RestconfDocumentedException and checking * for correct error type, error tag and error status code. */ @Test public void validateAndGetModuleNameNotParsableNextTest() { try { RestconfValidation.validateAndGetModulName( Arrays.asList("not-parsable-as-name-after-first-char*").iterator()); fail("Test should fail due to not parsable module name on any character after the first character"); } catch (RestconfDocumentedException e) { assertEquals(RestconfError.ErrorType.PROTOCOL, e.getErrors().get(0).getErrorType()); assertEquals(RestconfError.ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE, e.getErrors().get(0).getErrorTag()); assertEquals(400, e.getErrors().get(0).getErrorTag().getStatusCode()); } } /** * Negative test of module name validation when supplied name begins with 'XML' ignore case. Test fails catching * RestconfDocumentedException and checking for correct error type, error tag and error status code. */ @Test public void validateAndGetModuleNameNotParsableXmlTest() { try { RestconfValidation.validateAndGetModulName(Arrays.asList("xMl-module-name").iterator()); fail("Test should fail due to module name beginning with 'xMl'"); } catch (RestconfDocumentedException e) { assertEquals(RestconfError.ErrorType.PROTOCOL, e.getErrors().get(0).getErrorType()); assertEquals(RestconfError.ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE, e.getErrors().get(0).getErrorTag()); assertEquals(400, e.getErrors().get(0).getErrorTag().getStatusCode()); } } /** * Negative test of module name validation when supplied name is empty. Test fails catching * RestconfDocumentedException and checking for correct error type, error tag and error status code. */ @Test public void validateAndGetModuleNameEmptyTest() { try { RestconfValidation.validateAndGetModulName(Arrays.asList("").iterator()); fail("Test should fail due to empty module name"); } catch (RestconfDocumentedException e) { assertEquals(RestconfError.ErrorType.PROTOCOL, e.getErrors().get(0).getErrorType()); assertEquals(RestconfError.ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE, e.getErrors().get(0).getErrorTag()); assertEquals(400, e.getErrors().get(0).getErrorTag().getStatusCode()); } } }