#!/usr/bin/awk -f # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-1.0 ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 The Linux Foundation and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # ############################################################################## BEGIN { new_tag = new_reltag # new release tag curr_tag = curr_reltag # current release tag prev_tag = prev_reltag # previous release tag new_release = tolower(new_tag) curr_release = tolower(curr_tag) prev_release = tolower(prev_tag) ws = "[\\t ]*" # white-spaces startpat = "^" ws "- project:" # start pattern endpat = startpat # end pattern op = "^" ws "---" ws "$" # match files starts with "---" next_release_tag = "^" ws "next-release-tag: '{stream}'" master = "'master'" new_branch = "'stable/" new_release "'" curr_branch = "'stable/" curr_release "'" prev_branch = "'stable/" prev_release "'" # replace block to add new release new_rel_yaml_tag = "- " new_release ":"; br_master_yaml_tag = " branch: 'master'"; jre_yaml_tag = " jre: 'openjdk8'"; curr_rel_yaml_tag = "- " curr_release ":"; br_stable_curr_yaml_tag = " branch: 'stable/" curr_release "'"; # replace block for autorelease-projects #new_rel_yaml_tag = "- " new_release ":"; next_rel_tag_new_yaml_tag = " next-release-tag: '{stream}'"; #br_master_yaml_tag = " branch: 'master'"; jdk_yaml_tag = " jdk: 'openjdk8'"; intg_test_yaml_tag = " integration-test: " new_release; #curr_rel_yaml_tag = "- " curr_release ":"; next_rel_tag_curr_yaml_tag = " next-release-tag: '{stream}'"; #br_stable_curr_yaml_tag = " branch: 'stable/" curr_release "'"; # search patterns smaster = "^" ws "- master:" sstream = "^" ws "stream:" srelease = "^" ws "- " curr_release ":" snext_release_tag = "^" ws "next-release-tag:" #if (l ~ next_release_tag) { next_release_tag = 1; continue; } sbranch = "^" ws "branch: " master sfunctionality = "^" ws "functionality:" debug = 0 # set to 1 to print debug info file_format = 2 # project stream format release_found = 0 stream_found = 0 nrt_found = 0 func_found = 0 } { # exit if release info is not available if ((length(new_release) == 0 || length(curr_release) == 0)) { exit; } # read all lines of the file into an array file[NR] = $0 } END { n = NR # total number of lines find_blks() # gets number of blocks between start/end pattern process_blk(arr_bs[1], arr_be[1], 1) # pass start and end of each block and process first block update_file(arr_be[1]) # write processed content if (debug) { print "number of blocks="nb; print "total records in file[]="length(f); print "size of firstblk[]="length(firstblk); print "size of newblk[]="length(newblk); print "size of oldmaster[]="length(oldmaster); print "size of newblk[]="length(newblk); } } function find_blks( i, l, bs, be) { for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { l = file[i] if (l ~ startpat) project = 1 # start pattern if (bs > be && l ~ endpat) arr_be[++be] = i - 1 # block end if ( l ~ startpat) arr_bs[++bs] = i - 1 # block start } nb = be # to handle files with single blocks if (nb == 0 && length(file) > 1 && project == 1) { nb = 1 arr_bs[1] = 1 # start after line '---' arr_be[1] = length(file) # set length of the file } if (debug) { for (i = 1; i < nb; i++) print "find_blks: nb=" nb " arr_bs[" i "]="arr_bs[i]" arr_be[" i "]="arr_be[i]; } } function process_blk(bs, be, bn, i, l) { if (debug) { print "process_blk: bn=" bn ", bs=" bs " ,be=" be } # get the first block for (i = bs + 1; i <= be ; i++) { l = file[i] # determine file format if (l ~ /stream:/) { x=index(l,":") s = substr(l, x+2, length(l) - x) if (s == curr_release || s == new_release) { file_format = 1 } else if (length(s) == 0 ) { file_format = 0 } } firstblk[++nex] = l } if (debug) { print "process_blk: stream='" s "' length(s)=" length(s)" file_format='" file_format "'" } # Handle single stream format if (file_format == 1) { # create new block to be inserted for (i = 1; i <= length(firstblk); i++) { l = firstblk[i] if (l ~ /name:|stream:/) sub(curr_release, new_release, l) newblk[++nex1] = l } # re-create old block and change master to stable/branch for (i = 1; i <= length(firstblk)-1; i++) { l = firstblk[i] if (l ~ /branch:/) sub(master, curr_branch, l) oldmaster[++nex2] = l } } else if (file_format == 0) { # Handle multi-stream format for (i = 1; i <= length(firstblk)-1; i++) { l = firstblk[i] if (l ~ sstream) { stream_found = 1; } if (l ~ srelease) { release_found = 1; indent = substr(l, 1, index(l, "-")-1); continue; } if (l ~ sfunctionality) { func_found = 1; } if (l ~ snext_release_tag) { nrt_found = 1; } if (l ~ sbranch) { # append lines if (stream_found && release_found && !nrt_found) { newblk[++nex3] = indent new_rel_yaml_tag; newblk[++nex3] = indent br_master_yaml_tag; # set 'jdk' macro for patch-test jobs if (!func_found) { newblk[++nex3] = indent jdk_yaml_tag; } else { newblk[++nex3] = indent jre_yaml_tag; } newblk[++nex3] = indent curr_rel_yaml_tag; newblk[++nex3] = indent br_stable_curr_yaml_tag; stream_found = 0; release_found = 0; func_found = 0; continue; } if (stream_found && release_found && nrt_found) { newblk[++nex3] = indent new_rel_yaml_tag; newblk[++nex3] = indent next_rel_tag_new_yaml_tag; newblk[++nex3] = indent br_master_yaml_tag; newblk[++nex3] = indent jdk_yaml_tag; newblk[++nex3] = indent intg_test_yaml_tag; newblk[++nex3] = indent curr_rel_yaml_tag; newblk[++nex3] = indent next_rel_tag_curr_yaml_tag; newblk[++nex3] = indent br_stable_curr_yaml_tag; stream_found = 0; release_found = 0; nrt_found=0; continue; } } newblk[++nex3] = l if (debug) { print "process_blk: append(newblk[]) : stream="stream" release_found="release_found } } } else { # exit on unknown file format exit; } } function update_file(be, i, j, l) { i = 1 # handle lines before "---" while (i <= n) { print l = file[i++] if (l ~ op) break } if (debug) { print "writing master block" } # Handle single stream format if (file_format == 1) { for (j = 1; j <= nex1; j++) # write new branch block print newblk[j] if (debug) { print "writing stable block" } for (j = 1; j <= nex2; j++) # write updated branch block print oldmaster[j] # Handle multi-stream format } else if (file_format == 0) { # print the first block for (j = 1; j <= nex3; j++) # write multi-stream block print newblk[j] } if (debug) { print "writing rest of the file" } while (be <= n) { # write rest of the file print file[be++] } }