#!/usr/bin/python import httplib2 import json ''' Class for keeping track of host statistics ''' class Stats: TYPE_HOST = 0 TYPE_AL = 1 # AffinityLink TYPE_PREFIX = 2 def __init__(self, stat_type, **kwargs): self.stat_type = stat_type if stat_type == Stats.TYPE_HOST: self.src = kwargs['src'] self.dst = kwargs['dst'] self.url_prefix = "http://localhost:8080/affinity/nb/v2/analytics/default/hoststats/" elif stat_type == Stats.TYPE_AL: self.al = kwargs['al'] self.url_prefix = "http://localhost:8080/affinity/nb/v2/analytics/default/affinitylinkstats/" elif stat_type == Stats.TYPE_PREFIX: self.subnet = kwargs['subnet'] self.url_prefix = "http://localhost:8080/affinity/nb/v2/analytics/default/prefixstats/" else: print "incorrect stat type", stat_type self.stats = {} self.rate_ewma = None self.http = httplib2.Http(".cache") self.http.add_credentials('admin', 'admin') def __str__(self): if (self.stat_type == Stats.TYPE_HOST): return "host pair %s -> %s" % (self.src, self.dst) elif (self.stat_type == Stats.TYPE_AL): return "affinity link %s" % self.al elif (self.stat_type == Stats.TYPE_PREFIX): return "prefix %s" % self.subnet else: return "unknown Stats type" # Refresh statistics def refresh(self): if (self.stat_type == Stats.TYPE_HOST): resp, content = self.http.request(self.url_prefix + self.src + "/" + self.dst, "GET") elif (self.stat_type == Stats.TYPE_AL): resp, content = self.http.request(self.url_prefix + self.al, "GET") elif (self.stat_type == Stats.TYPE_PREFIX): resp, content = self.http.request(self.url_prefix + self.subnet, "GET") try: self.stats = json.loads(content) is_fast = self.handle_rate_ewma() is_big = self.check_large_flow() return [is_fast, is_big] except Exception as e: print "error: ", e return [False, False] # Return hosts that transferred data into this entity. Right now only supports prefixes. def get_incoming_hosts(self): if (self.stat_type == Stats.TYPE_PREFIX): resp, content = self.http.request(self.url_prefix + "incoming/" + self.subnet, "GET") data = json.loads(content) if (data != {}): # IPs sometimes (always?) get returned as strings like /; strip off the leading / ips = [h.replace("/", "") for h in data['hosts']] return ips else: print "Stat type not supported for incoming hosts" return [] # EWMA calculation for bit rate. Returns true if there is an anomaly. def handle_rate_ewma(self): alpha = .25 anomaly_threshold = 2.0 new_bitrate = self.get_bit_rate() return_val = False if self.rate_ewma == None: self.rate_ewma = new_bitrate else: new_rate_ewma = alpha * new_bitrate + (1 - alpha) * self.rate_ewma if (self.rate_ewma > 0 and new_rate_ewma > anomaly_threshold * self.rate_ewma): return_val = True self.rate_ewma = new_rate_ewma return return_val # Returns true if this is a large flow def check_large_flow(self): if (self.get_bytes() > 5 * (10**6)): return True return False # Bytes def get_bytes(self): try: bytes = long(self.stats["byteCount"]) except Exception as e: bytes = 0 return bytes # Bit Rate def get_bit_rate(self): try: bitrate = float(self.stats["bitRate"]) except Exception as e: bitrate = 0.0 return bitrate