module netvirt-sfc-acl { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:netvirt:sfc:acl"; prefix "acl"; import ietf-access-control-list { prefix ietf-acl; revision-date 2016-02-18; } import yang-ext { prefix ext; } revision "2015-01-05" { description "Initial revision of netvirt extensions to ietf-acl model"; } augment "/ietf-acl:access-lists/ietf-acl:acl/ietf-acl:access-list-entries/ietf-acl:ace/ietf-acl:matches" { description "Neutron network uuid"; ext:augment-identifier "neutron-network"; leaf network-uuid { type string; } } augment "/ietf-acl:access-lists/ietf-acl:acl/ietf-acl:access-list-entries/ietf-acl:ace/ietf-acl:matches" { description "Match traffic based on its source or destination neutron port"; ext:augment-identifier "neutron-ports"; leaf source-port-uuid { type string; } leaf destination-port-uuid { type string; } } grouping netvirtsfc-acl-actions { leaf sfc-name { type string; } leaf sfp-name { type string; } leaf rsp-name { type string; } leaf render-rsp { type boolean; default "false"; } } augment "/ietf-acl:access-lists/ietf-acl:acl/ietf-acl:access-list-entries/ietf-acl:ace/ietf-acl:actions" { description "Redirect traffic to SFC identified by either SFC, SFP or RSP"; ext:augment-identifier "redirect-to-sfc"; uses netvirtsfc-acl-actions; } }