/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.mdsal.singleton.dom.impl; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; import static com.google.common.base.Verify.verify; import static com.google.common.base.Verify.verifyNotNull; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.FutureCallback; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Futures; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.MoreExecutors; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.SettableFuture; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardedBy; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.Holding; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.eos.common.api.CandidateAlreadyRegisteredException; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.eos.common.api.EntityOwnershipStateChange; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.eos.dom.api.DOMEntity; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.eos.dom.api.DOMEntityOwnershipService; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.singleton.common.api.ClusterSingletonService; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.Registration; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Implementation of {@link ServiceGroup} on top of the Entity Ownership Service. Since EOS is atomic * in its operation and singleton services incur startup and most notably cleanup, we need to do something smart here. * *

* The implementation takes advantage of the fact that EOS provides stable ownership, i.e. owners are not moved as * a result on new candidates appearing. We use two entities: *

  1. service entity, to which all nodes register
  2. *
  3. cleanup entity, which only the service entity owner registers to
  4. *
* *

* Once the cleanup entity ownership is acquired, services are started. As long as the cleanup entity is registered, * it should remain the owner. In case a new service owner emerges, the old owner will start the cleanup process, * eventually releasing the cleanup entity. The new owner registers for the cleanup entity -- but will not see it * granted until the old owner finishes the cleanup. */ final class ActiveServiceGroup extends ServiceGroup { private enum EntityState { /** * This entity was never registered. */ UNREGISTERED, /** * Registration exists, but we are waiting for it to resolve. */ REGISTERED, /** * Registration indicated we are the owner. */ OWNED, /** * Registration indicated we are the owner, but global state is uncertain -- meaning there can be owners in * another partition, for example. */ OWNED_JEOPARDY, /** * Registration indicated we are not the owner. In this state we do not care about global state, therefore we * do not need an UNOWNED_JEOPARDY state. */ UNOWNED, } enum ServiceState { /** * Local service is up and running. */ // FIXME: we should support async startup, which will require a STARTING state. STARTED, /** * Local service is being stopped. */ STOPPING, } private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ActiveServiceGroup.class); private final @NonNull DOMEntityOwnershipService entityOwnershipService; private final @NonNull String identifier; /* Entity instances */ private final @NonNull DOMEntity serviceEntity; private final @NonNull DOMEntity cleanupEntity; private final Set members = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet(); // Guarded by lock private final Map services = new HashMap<>(); // Marker for when any state changed private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater DIRTY_UPDATER = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(ActiveServiceGroup.class, "dirty"); private volatile int dirty; // Simplified lock: non-reentrant, support tryLock() only private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater LOCK_UPDATER = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(ActiveServiceGroup.class, "lock"); @SuppressWarnings("unused") private volatile int lock; /* * State tracking is quite involved, as we are tracking up to four asynchronous sources of events: * - user calling close() * - service entity ownership * - cleanup entity ownership * - service shutdown future * * Absolutely correct solution would be a set of behaviors, which govern each state, remembering where we want to * get to and what we are doing. That would result in ~15 classes which would quickly render this code unreadable * due to boilerplate overhead. * * We therefore take a different approach, tracking state directly in this class and evaluate state transitions * based on recorded bits -- without explicit representation of state machine state. */ /** * Group close future. In can only go from null to non-null reference. Whenever it is non-null, it indicates that * the user has closed the group and we are converging to termination. */ // We are using volatile get-and-set to support non-blocking close(). It may be more efficient to inline it here, // as we perform a volatile read after unlocking -- that volatile read may easier on L1 cache. // XXX: above needs a microbenchmark contention ever becomes a problem. private final AtomicReference> closeFuture = new AtomicReference<>(); /** * Service (base) entity registration. This entity selects an owner candidate across nodes. Candidates proceed to * acquire {@link #cleanupEntity}. */ @GuardedBy("this") private Registration serviceEntityReg = null; /** * Service (base) entity last reported state. */ @GuardedBy("this") private EntityState serviceEntityState = EntityState.UNREGISTERED; /** * Cleanup (owner) entity registration. This entity guards access to service state and coordinates shutdown cleanup * and startup. */ @GuardedBy("this") private Registration cleanupEntityReg; /** * Cleanup (owner) entity last reported state. */ @GuardedBy("this") private EntityState cleanupEntityState = EntityState.UNREGISTERED; private volatile boolean initialized; /** * Class constructor. Note: last argument is reused as-is. * * @param identifier non-empty string as identifier * @param serviceEntity as Entity instance * @param cleanupEntity as Entity instance * @param entityOwnershipService GenericEntityOwnershipService instance * @param parent parent service * @param services Services list */ ActiveServiceGroup(final String identifier, final DOMEntityOwnershipService entityOwnershipService, final DOMEntity serviceEntity, final DOMEntity cleanupEntity, final List services) { checkArgument(!identifier.isEmpty(), "Identifier may not be empty"); this.identifier = identifier; this.entityOwnershipService = requireNonNull(entityOwnershipService); this.serviceEntity = requireNonNull(serviceEntity); this.cleanupEntity = requireNonNull(cleanupEntity); members.addAll(services); LOG.debug("Instantiated new service group for {}", identifier); } @VisibleForTesting ActiveServiceGroup(final String identifier, final DOMEntity serviceEntity, final DOMEntity cleanupEntity, final DOMEntityOwnershipService entityOwnershipService) { this(identifier, entityOwnershipService, serviceEntity, cleanupEntity, ImmutableList.of()); } @Override public String getIdentifier() { return identifier; } @Override ListenableFuture closeClusterSingletonGroup() { final var ret = destroyGroup(); members.clear(); markDirty(); if (tryLock()) { reconcileState(); } else { LOG.debug("Service group {} postponing sync on close", identifier); } return ret; } private boolean isClosed() { return closeFuture.get() != null; } @Override void initialize() throws CandidateAlreadyRegisteredException { verify(tryLock()); try { checkState(!initialized, "Singleton group %s was already initilized", identifier); LOG.debug("Initializing service group {} with services {}", identifier, members); synchronized (this) { serviceEntityState = EntityState.REGISTERED; serviceEntityReg = entityOwnershipService.registerCandidate(serviceEntity); initialized = true; } } finally { unlock(); } } private void checkNotClosed() { checkState(!isClosed(), "Service group %s has already been closed", identifier); } @Override void registerService(final ServiceRegistration reg) { final var service = verifyRegistration(reg); checkNotClosed(); checkState(initialized, "Service group %s is not initialized yet", identifier); // First put the service LOG.debug("Adding service {} to service group {}", service, identifier); verify(members.add(reg)); markDirty(); if (!tryLock()) { LOG.debug("Service group {} delayed register of {}", identifier, reg); return; } reconcileState(); } @Override ListenableFuture unregisterService(final ServiceRegistration reg) { verifyRegistration(reg); checkNotClosed(); verify(members.remove(reg)); markDirty(); if (members.isEmpty()) { // We need to let AbstractClusterSingletonServiceProviderImpl know this group is to be shutdown // before we start applying state, because while we do not re-enter, the user is free to do whatever, // notably including registering a service with the same ID from the service shutdown hook. That // registration request needs to hit the successor of this group. return destroyGroup(); } if (tryLock()) { reconcileState(); } else { LOG.debug("Service group {} delayed unregister of {}", identifier, reg); } return null; } private ClusterSingletonService verifyRegistration(final ServiceRegistration reg) { final var service = reg.getInstance(); verify(identifier.equals(service.getIdentifier().value())); return service; } private synchronized @NonNull ListenableFuture destroyGroup() { final var future = SettableFuture.create(); final var witness = closeFuture.compareAndExchange(null, future); if (witness != null) { return witness; } if (serviceEntityReg != null) { // We are still holding the service registration, close it now... LOG.debug("Service group {} unregistering service entity {}", identifier, serviceEntity); serviceEntityReg.close(); serviceEntityReg = null; } markDirty(); return future; } @Override void ownershipChanged(final DOMEntity entity, final EntityOwnershipStateChange change, final boolean inJeopardy) { synchronized (this) { lockedOwnershipChanged(entity, change, inJeopardy); } if (isDirty()) { if (!tryLock()) { LOG.debug("Service group {} postponing ownership change sync", identifier); return; } reconcileState(); } } /** * Handle an ownership change with the lock held. Callers are expected to handle termination conditions, this method * and anything it calls must not call {@link #lockedClose(SettableFuture)}. * * @param ownershipChange reported change */ @Holding("this") private void lockedOwnershipChanged(final DOMEntity entity, final EntityOwnershipStateChange change, final boolean inJeopardy) { if (serviceEntity.equals(entity)) { serviceOwnershipChanged(change, inJeopardy); markDirty(); } else if (cleanupEntity.equals(entity)) { cleanupCandidateOwnershipChanged(change, inJeopardy); markDirty(); } else { LOG.warn("Group {} received unrecognized entity {}", identifier, entity); } } @Holding("this") private void cleanupCandidateOwnershipChanged(final EntityOwnershipStateChange state, final boolean jeopardy) { if (jeopardy) { cleanupEntityState = switch (state) { case LOCAL_OWNERSHIP_GRANTED, LOCAL_OWNERSHIP_RETAINED_WITH_NO_CHANGE -> { LOG.warn("Service group {} cleanup entity owned without certainty", identifier); yield EntityState.OWNED_JEOPARDY; } case LOCAL_OWNERSHIP_LOST_NEW_OWNER, LOCAL_OWNERSHIP_LOST_NO_OWNER, REMOTE_OWNERSHIP_CHANGED, REMOTE_OWNERSHIP_LOST_NO_OWNER -> { LOG.info("Service group {} cleanup entity ownership uncertain", identifier); yield EntityState.UNOWNED; } }; return; } if (cleanupEntityState == EntityState.OWNED_JEOPARDY) { // Pair info message with previous jeopardy LOG.info("Service group {} cleanup entity ownership ascertained", identifier); } cleanupEntityState = switch (state) { case LOCAL_OWNERSHIP_GRANTED, LOCAL_OWNERSHIP_RETAINED_WITH_NO_CHANGE -> EntityState.OWNED; case LOCAL_OWNERSHIP_LOST_NEW_OWNER, LOCAL_OWNERSHIP_LOST_NO_OWNER, REMOTE_OWNERSHIP_LOST_NO_OWNER, REMOTE_OWNERSHIP_CHANGED -> EntityState.UNOWNED; }; } @Holding("this") private void serviceOwnershipChanged(final EntityOwnershipStateChange state, final boolean jeopardy) { if (jeopardy) { LOG.info("Service group {} service entity ownership uncertain", identifier); serviceEntityState = switch (state) { case LOCAL_OWNERSHIP_GRANTED, LOCAL_OWNERSHIP_RETAINED_WITH_NO_CHANGE -> EntityState.OWNED_JEOPARDY; case LOCAL_OWNERSHIP_LOST_NEW_OWNER, LOCAL_OWNERSHIP_LOST_NO_OWNER, REMOTE_OWNERSHIP_CHANGED, REMOTE_OWNERSHIP_LOST_NO_OWNER -> EntityState.UNOWNED; }; return; } if (serviceEntityState == EntityState.OWNED_JEOPARDY) { // Pair info message with previous jeopardy LOG.info("Service group {} service entity ownership ascertained", identifier); } switch (state) { case LOCAL_OWNERSHIP_GRANTED: case LOCAL_OWNERSHIP_RETAINED_WITH_NO_CHANGE: LOG.debug("Service group {} acquired service entity ownership", identifier); serviceEntityState = EntityState.OWNED; break; case LOCAL_OWNERSHIP_LOST_NEW_OWNER: case LOCAL_OWNERSHIP_LOST_NO_OWNER: case REMOTE_OWNERSHIP_CHANGED: case REMOTE_OWNERSHIP_LOST_NO_OWNER: LOG.debug("Service group {} lost service entity ownership", identifier); serviceEntityState = EntityState.UNOWNED; break; default: LOG.warn("Service group {} ignoring unhandled cleanup entity change {}", identifier, state); } } // has to be called with lock asserted, which will be released prior to returning private void reconcileState() { // Always check if there is any state change to be applied. while (true) { try { if (conditionalClean()) { tryReconcileState(); } } finally { // We may have ran a round of reconciliation, but the either one of may have happened asynchronously: // - registration // - unregistration // - service future completed // - entity state changed // // We are dropping the lock, but we need to recheck dirty and try to apply state again if it is found to // be dirty again. This closes the following race condition: // // A: runs these checks holding the lock // B: modifies them, fails to acquire lock // A: releases lock -> noone takes care of reconciliation unlock(); } if (isDirty()) { if (tryLock()) { LOG.debug("Service group {} re-running reconciliation", identifier); continue; } LOG.debug("Service group {} will be reconciled by someone else", identifier); } else { LOG.debug("Service group {} is completely reconciled", identifier); } break; } } private void serviceTransitionCompleted() { markDirty(); if (tryLock()) { reconcileState(); } } // Has to be called with lock asserted private void tryReconcileState() { // First take a safe snapshot of current state on which we will base our decisions. final Set localMembers; final boolean haveCleanup; final boolean haveService; synchronized (this) { if (serviceEntityReg != null) { haveService = switch (serviceEntityState) { case OWNED, OWNED_JEOPARDY -> true; case REGISTERED, UNOWNED, UNREGISTERED -> false; }; } else { haveService = false; } if (haveService && cleanupEntityReg == null) { // We have the service entity but have not registered for cleanup entity. Do that now and retry. LOG.debug("Service group {} registering cleanup entity", identifier); try { cleanupEntityState = EntityState.REGISTERED; cleanupEntityReg = entityOwnershipService.registerCandidate(cleanupEntity); } catch (CandidateAlreadyRegisteredException e) { LOG.error("Service group {} failed to take ownership, aborting", identifier, e); if (serviceEntityReg != null) { serviceEntityReg.close(); serviceEntityReg = null; } } markDirty(); return; } if (cleanupEntityReg != null) { haveCleanup = switch (cleanupEntityState) { case OWNED -> true; case OWNED_JEOPARDY, REGISTERED, UNOWNED, UNREGISTERED -> false; }; } else { haveCleanup = false; } localMembers = ImmutableSet.copyOf(members); } if (haveService && haveCleanup) { ensureServicesStarting(localMembers); return; } ensureServicesStopping(); if (!haveService && services.isEmpty()) { LOG.debug("Service group {} has no running services", identifier); final boolean canFinishClose; synchronized (this) { if (cleanupEntityReg != null) { LOG.debug("Service group {} releasing cleanup entity", identifier); cleanupEntityReg.close(); cleanupEntityReg = null; } canFinishClose = switch (cleanupEntityState) { case OWNED, OWNED_JEOPARDY, REGISTERED -> false; case UNOWNED, UNREGISTERED -> true; }; } if (canFinishClose) { final SettableFuture localFuture = closeFuture.get(); if (localFuture != null && !localFuture.isDone()) { LOG.debug("Service group {} completing termination", identifier); localFuture.set(null); } } } } // Has to be called with lock asserted @SuppressWarnings("illegalCatch") private void ensureServicesStarting(final Set localConfig) { LOG.debug("Service group {} starting services", identifier); // This may look counter-intuitive, but the localConfig may be missing some services that are started -- for // example when this method is executed as part of unregisterService() call. In that case we need to ensure // services in the list are stopping final var it = services.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final var entry = it.next(); final var reg = entry.getKey(); if (!localConfig.contains(reg)) { final var newInfo = ensureStopping(reg, entry.getValue()); if (newInfo != null) { entry.setValue(newInfo); } else { it.remove(); } } } // Now make sure member services are being juggled around for (var reg : localConfig) { if (!services.containsKey(reg)) { final var service = reg.getInstance(); LOG.debug("Starting service {}", service); try { service.instantiateServiceInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Service group {} service {} failed to start, attempting to continue", identifier, service, e); continue; } services.put(reg, ServiceInfo.STARTED); } } } // Has to be called with lock asserted private void ensureServicesStopping() { final var it = services.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final var entry = it.next(); final var newInfo = ensureStopping(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); if (newInfo != null) { entry.setValue(newInfo); } else { it.remove(); } } } @SuppressWarnings("illegalCatch") private ServiceInfo ensureStopping(final ServiceRegistration reg, final ServiceInfo info) { switch (info.getState()) { case STARTED: final var service = reg.getInstance(); LOG.debug("Service group {} stopping service {}", identifier, service); final @NonNull ListenableFuture future; try { future = verifyNotNull(service.closeServiceInstance()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Service group {} service {} failed to stop, attempting to continue", identifier, service, e); return null; } Futures.addCallback(future, new FutureCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(final Object result) { LOG.debug("Service group {} service {} stopped successfully", identifier, service); serviceTransitionCompleted(); } @Override public void onFailure(final Throwable cause) { LOG.debug("Service group {} service {} stopped with error", identifier, service, cause); serviceTransitionCompleted(); } }, MoreExecutors.directExecutor()); return info.toState(ServiceState.STOPPING, future); case STOPPING: if (info.getFuture().isDone()) { LOG.debug("Service group {} removed stopped service {}", identifier, reg.getInstance()); return null; } return info; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unhandled state " + info.getState()); } } private void markDirty() { dirty = 1; } private boolean isDirty() { return dirty != 0; } private boolean conditionalClean() { return DIRTY_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, 1, 0); } private boolean tryLock() { return LOCK_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, 0, 1); } private boolean unlock() { verify(LOCK_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, 1, 0)); return true; } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).add("identifier", identifier).toString(); } }