require 'spec_helper_acceptance' # NB: There are a large number of helper functions used in these tests. # They make this code much more friendly, but may need to be referenced. # The serverspec helpers (`should`, `be_running`...) are documented here: # # Custom helpers (`install_odl`, `*_validations`) are in: # /spec/spec_helper_acceptance.rb describe 'opendaylight class' do describe 'testing install methods' do # Call specialized helper fn to install OpenDaylight install_odl # Run checks specific to install type, via env var passed from Rakefile if ENV['INSTALL_METHOD'] == 'tarball' # Call specialized helper fn for tarball-type install validations tarball_validations else # Call specialized helper fn for RPM-type install validations rpm_validations end # Use helper fn to run generic validations generic_validations end describe 'testing Karaf config file' do describe 'using default features' do context 'and not passing extra features' do # Call specialized helper fn to install OpenDaylight install_odl # Call specialized helper fn for Karaf config validations karaf_config_validations end context 'and passing extra features' do # These are real but arbitrarily chosen features extra_features = ['odl-base-all', 'odl-ovsdb-all'] # Call specialized helper fn to install OpenDaylight install_odl(extra_features: extra_features) # Call specialized helper fn for Karaf config validations karaf_config_validations(extra_features: extra_features) end end describe 'overriding default features' do # These are real but arbitrarily chosen features default_features = ['standard', 'ssh'] context 'and not passing extra features' do # Call specialized helper fn to install OpenDaylight install_odl(default_features: default_features) # Call specialized helper fn for Karaf config validations karaf_config_validations(default_features: default_features) end context 'and passing extra features' do # These are real but arbitrarily chosen features extra_features = ['odl-base-all', 'odl-ovsdb-all'] # Call specialized helper fn to install OpenDaylight install_odl(default_features: default_features, extra_features: extra_features) # Call specialized helper fn for Karaf config validations karaf_config_validations(default_features: default_features, extra_features: extra_features) end end end describe 'testing REST port config file' do context 'using default port' do # Call specialized helper fn to install OpenDaylight install_odl # Call specialized helper fn for REST port config validations port_config_validations end context 'overriding default port' do # Call specialized helper fn to install OpenDaylight install_odl(odl_rest_port: 7777) # Call specialized helper fn for REST port config validations port_config_validations(odl_rest_port: 7777) end end end