require 'beaker-rspec/spec_helper' require 'beaker-rspec/helpers/serverspec' # Install Puppet on all Beaker hosts unless ENV['BEAKER_provision'] == 'no' hosts.each do |host| # Install Puppet if host.is_pe? install_pe else install_puppet end end end RSpec.configure do |c| # Project root proj_root = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')) # Readable test descriptions c.formatter = :documentation # Configure all nodes in nodeset c.before :suite do # Install opendaylight module on any/all Beaker hosts # TODO: Should this be done in host.each loop? puppet_module_install(:source => proj_root, :module_name => 'opendaylight') hosts.each do |host| # Install stdlib, a dependency of the odl mod # TODO: Why is 1 an acceptable exit code? on host, puppet('module', 'install', 'puppetlabs-stdlib'), { :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,1] } # Install archive, a dependency of the odl mod use for tarball-type installs on host, puppet('module', 'install', 'camptocamp-archive'), { :acceptable_exit_codes => [0] } # Install Java Puppet mod, a dependency of the tarball install method on host, puppet('module', 'install', 'puppetlabs-java'), { :acceptable_exit_codes => [0] } end end end # # NB: These are a library of helper fns used by the Beaker tests # def install_odl(options = {}) # NB: These param defaults should match the ones used by the opendaylight # class, which are defined in opendaylight::params # TODO: Remove this possible source of bugs^^ # Extract params if given, defaulting to odl class defaults if not # Default install method is passed via environment var, set in Rakefile install_method = options.fetch(:install_method, ENV['INSTALL_METHOD']) extra_features = options.fetch(:extra_features, []) default_features = options.fetch(:default_features, ['config', 'standard', 'region', 'package', 'kar', 'ssh', 'management']) # Build script for consumption by Puppet apply it 'should work idempotently with no errors' do pp = <<-EOS class { 'opendaylight': install_method => #{install_method}, default_features => #{default_features}, extra_features => #{extra_features}, } EOS # Apply our Puppet manifest on the Beaker host apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true) # Run it twice to test for idempotency apply_manifest(pp, :catch_changes => true) end end # Shared function that handles generic validations # These should be common for all odl class param combos def generic_validations() # Verify ODL's directory # TODO: It'd be nice to do this independently of install dir name describe file('/opt/opendaylight-0.2.2/') do it { should be_directory } it { should be_owned_by 'odl' } it { should be_grouped_into 'odl' } end # Verify ODL's systemd service describe service('opendaylight') do it { should be_enabled } it { should be_enabled.with_level(3) } it { should be_running } end # OpenDaylight will appear as a Java process describe process('java') do it { should be_running } end # Creation handled by RPM, or Puppet during tarball installs # TODO: It'd be nice to do this independently of install dir name describe user('odl') do it { should exist } it { should belong_to_group 'odl' } it { should have_home_directory '/opt/opendaylight-0.2.2' } end # This should not be the odl user's home dir describe file('/home/odl') do # Home dir shouldn't be created for odl user it { should_not be_directory } end # Verify ODL systemd .service file describe file('/usr/lib/systemd/system/opendaylight.service') do it { should be_file } it { should be_owned_by 'root' } it { should be_grouped_into 'root' } it { should be_mode '644' } end end # Shared function for validations related to the Karaf config file def karaf_config_validations(options = {}) # NB: These param defaults should match the ones used by the opendaylight # class, which are defined in opendaylight::params # TODO: Remove this possible source of bugs^^ extra_features = options.fetch(:extra_features, []) default_features = options.fetch(:default_features, ['config', 'standard', 'region', 'package', 'kar', 'ssh', 'management']) # Create one list of all of the features features = default_features + extra_features # TODO: It'd be nice to do this independently of install dir name describe file('/opt/opendaylight-0.2.2/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg') do it { should be_file } it { should be_owned_by 'odl' } it { should be_grouped_into 'odl' } it { should be_mode '775' } its(:content) { should match /^featuresBoot=#{features.join(",")}/ } end end # Shared function that handles validations specific to RPM-type installs def rpm_validations() describe yumrepo('opendaylight') do it { should exist } it { should be_enabled } end describe package('opendaylight') do it { should be_installed } end end