""" Library for the robot based system test tool of the OpenDaylight project. Authors: Baohua Yang@IBM, Denghui Huang@IBM Updated: 2013-11-14 """ import collections import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET ''' Common constants and functions for the robot framework. ''' def collection_should_contain(collection, *members): """ Fail if not every members is in the collection. """ if not isinstance(collection, collections.Iterable): return False for m in members: if m not in collection: return False else: return True def combine_strings(*strings): """ Combines the given `strings` together and returns the result. The given strings are not altered by this keyword. """ result = '' for s in strings: if isinstance(s,str) or isinstance(s,unicode): result += s if result == '': return None else: return result def compare_xml(xml1, xml2): """ compare the two XML files to see if they contain the same data but could be if different order. It just split the xml in to lines and just check the line is in the other file """ for line in xml1.rstrip().split('\n'): if line not in xml2.rstrip().split('\n'): return False for line in xml2.rstrip().split('\n'): if line not in xml1.rstrip().split('\n'): return False return True if __name__ == '__main__': pass