*** Settings *** Documentation Keywords used to create/modify flow objects. The object is defined in the ... corresponding FlowLib.py library and contains pertinent fields and methods (e.g., ... cookie and barrier fields, string formatted xml that can be used to push to ... controller) Library ./FlowLib.py Library XML *** Variables *** *** Keywords *** Create Inventory Flow [Documentation] Calls FlowLib.Make_Inventory_Flow function and initializes and sanitizes ... the basic flow elements that can be given to flow:inventory ${flow}= Make Inventory Flow [Return] ${flow} Create Service Flow [Documentation] Used for creating an object that will use an XML format that ... can be given to flow:service. ${flow}= Make Service Flow [Return] ${flow} Set "${flow}" "${property}" With "${property_val}" [Documentation] Embedded variables to make higher level keywords more readable. ... There are some cases where the python attribute uses an underscore, ... but a hyphen needs to be used. This seems inconsistent, and may need ... to be looked at from the openflow plugin perspective. ... ... At this point, this library will remove the element ${property} from the ... xml representation of the flow and reset with the given value. \ It's not ... possible, yet, to have multiple elements with the same name. \ That will ... likely be needed in the future. ${property} Run Keyword If "table_id" != "${property}" and "cookie_mask" != "${property}" Replace String ${property} _ - ... ELSE Set Variable ${property} Remove Flow XML Element ${flow} ${property} Add Flow XML Element ${flow} ${property} ${property_val} Set Flow Field ${flow} ${property} ${property_val} [Return] ${flow} Set Flow Action [Arguments] ${flow} ${instruction_order} ${action_order} ${action} ${action_val}=${EMPTY} [Documentation] Will remove the instruction element first, then add the proper xml structure ... to implement the action as given in the arguments ##For the case that any of the instruction/apply-actions/action elements are not there we need to add them' Remove Flow XML Element ${flow} instruction Add Flow XML Element ${flow} instruction ${EMPTY} instructions Add Flow XML Element ${flow} order ${instruction_order} instructions/instruction Add Flow XML Element ${flow} apply-actions ${EMPTY} instructions/instruction Add Flow XML Element ${flow} action ${EMPTY} instructions/instruction/apply-actions Add Flow XML Element ${flow} order ${action_order} instructions/instruction/apply-actions/action Add Flow XML Element ${flow} ${action} ${action_val} instructions/instruction/apply-actions/action [Return] ${flow} Set Flow Output Action [Arguments] ${flow} ${instruction_order} ${action_order} ${output_port} Set Flow Action ${flow} ${instruction_order} ${action_order} output-action Add Flow XML Element ${flow} output-node-connector ${output_port} instructions/instruction/apply-actions/action/output-action [Return] ${flow} Set Flow Ethernet Match [Arguments] ${flow} ${match_value_dict} [Documentation] Specific keyword for adding an ethernet match rules where the elements are given ... in key/value pairs inside the ${match_value_dict} argument. This keyword will also remove any ... existing ethernet-match elements from the flow before adding Clear Flow Matches ${flow} match/ethernet-match Add Flow XML Element ${flow} ethernet-match ${EMPTY} match ${type}= Get From Dictionary ${match_value_dict} type Add Flow XML Element ${flow} ethernet-type ${EMPTY} match/ethernet-match Add Flow XML Element ${flow} type ${type} match/ethernet-match/ethernet-type ${src}= Get From Dictionary ${match_value_dict} source Add Flow XML Element ${flow} ethernet-source ${EMPTY} match/ethernet-match Add Flow XML Element ${flow} address ${src} match/ethernet-match/ethernet-source ${dst}= Get From Dictionary ${match_value_dict} destination Add Flow XML Element ${flow} ethernet-destination ${EMPTY} match/ethernet-match Add Flow XML Element ${flow} address ${dst} match/ethernet-match/ethernet-destination [Return] ${flow} Set Flow IPv4 Match [Arguments] ${flow} ${match_value_dict} [Documentation] Specific keyword for adding an ipv4 match rules where the elements are given ... in key/value pairs inside the ${match_value_dict} argument. This keyword will also remove any ... existing ipv4 match elements from the flow before adding Clear Flow Matches ${flow} match/ipv4-source Clear Flow Matches ${flow} match/ipv4-destination ${src}= Get From Dictionary ${match_value_dict} source Add Flow XML Element ${flow} ipv4-source ${src} match ${dst}= Get From Dictionary ${match_value_dict} destination Add Flow XML Element ${flow} ipv4-destination ${dst} match [Return] ${flow} Clear Flow Actions [Arguments] ${flow} [Documentation] Will clean out any existing flow actions in the given ${flow} object Remove Flow XML Element ${flow} instructions/instruction [Return] ${flow} Clear Flow Matches [Arguments] ${flow} ${match_element} [Documentation] Will clean out any existing flow matches in the given ${flow} object Remove Flow XML Element ${flow} match/${match_element} [Return] ${flow} Set Flow XML Element Attribute [Arguments] ${flow} ${element} ${id} ${value} [Documentation] Will set the given id/value pair to the given to the element provided ... and make the proper changes to the ${flow} object also provided. ${flow_xml}= Parse XML ${flow.xml} Set Element Attribute ${flow_xml} ${id} ${value} xpath=${element} ${xml_string}= Element To String ${flow_xml} Set Flow Field ${flow} xml ${xml_string} Log ${flow.xml} [Return] ${flow} Add Flow XML Element [Arguments] ${flow} ${element} ${element_val}=${EMPTY} ${xpath}=. [Documentation] Will modify the current xml representation of the ${flow} object to contain ... the given ${element} at the given ${xpath}. If the ${element} uses a value, that can be ... passed eith the ${element_val} which defaults to ${EMPTY} if not used. NOTE: since there ... are two default parameters to this keyword, if you have an ${xpath} to use, but no ${element_val} ... you will still need to pass ${EMPTY} when invoking so that ${xpath} will end up at the right ... location in the parameter list ${flow_xml}= Parse XML ${flow.xml} Add Element ${flow_xml} <${element}>${element_val} xpath=${xpath} ${xml_string}= Element To String ${flow_xml} Set Flow Field ${flow} xml ${xml_string} Log ${flow.xml} [Return] ${flow} Remove Flow XML Element [Arguments] ${flow} ${element_xpath} [Documentation] Removes the element at the given ${element_xpath} within the given ${flow} ... object. The ${flow} object's xml representation will be updated to reflect this removal. ${flow_xml}= Parse XML ${flow.xml} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Remove Elements ${flow_xml} xpath=${element_xpath} ${xml_string}= Element To String ${flow_xml} Set Flow Field ${flow} xml ${xml_string} [Return] ${flow} Add Flow To Controller And Verify [Arguments] ${flow_body} ${node_id} ${table_id} ${flow_id} [Documentation] Push flow through REST-API and verify in data-store ${resp} Put Xml session ${REST_CON}/node/${node_id}/table/${table_id}/flow/${flow_id} data=${flow_body} Log ${resp.content} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 ${resp} get session ${REST_CON}/node/${node_id}/table/${table_id}/flow/${flow_id} headers=${ACCEPT_XML} Log ${resp.content} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 compare xml ${flow_body} ${resp.content} Verify Flow On Mininet Switch [Arguments] ${flow_elements} [Documentation] Checking flow on switch sleep 1 write dpctl dump-flows -O OpenFlow13 ${switchoutput} Read Until > : FOR ${flowElement} IN @{flow_elements} \ should Contain ${switchoutput} ${flowElement} Remove Flow From Controller And Verify [Arguments] ${flow_body} ${node_id} ${table_id} ${flow_id} [Documentation] Remove flow ${resp} Delete session ${REST_CON}/node/${node_id}/table/${table_id}/flow/${flow_id} Log ${resp.content} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 ${resp} Get session ${REST_CON}/node/${node_id}/table/${table_id} Log ${resp.content} Should Not Contain ${resp.content} ${flow_id} Verify Flow Does Not Exist On Mininet Switch [Arguments] ${flow_elements} [Documentation] Checking flow on switch is removed sleep 1 write dpctl dump-flows -O OpenFlow13 ${switchoutput} Read Until > : FOR ${flowElement} IN @{flow_elements} \ should Not Contain ${switchoutput} ${flowElement} Remove Default Flows [Arguments] ${node_id} [Documentation] Removes any flows considered "default". one such flow is ... to forward all traffic to the CONTROLLER with priority 0 at flow-table 0 ... If/When others are implemented this keyword can be updated to include those. ${flow}= Make Service Flow Set "${flow}" "priority" With "0" Set "${flow}" "flow-table" With "0" Add Flow XML Element ${flow} node /inv:nodes/inv:node[inv:id="${node_id}"] Set Flow XML Element Attribute ${flow} node xmlns:inv urn:opendaylight:inventory Log Flow XML is ${flow.xml} write dpctl dump-flows -O OpenFlow13 ${switchoutput} Read Until > ${headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type application/yang.data+xml ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Post session restconf/operations/sal-flow:remove-flow data=${flow.xml} headers=${headers} Log ${resp.content} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 ${resp}= Get session ${REST_OPR} Log ${resp.content} Should Not Contain ${resp.content} "output-node-connector": "CONTROLLER", ${strings_to_check_for}= Create List CONTROLLER Verify Flow Does Not Exist On Mininet Switch ${strings_to_check_for}