*** Settings *** Library SSHLibrary Library OperatingSystem Variables ../variables/Variables.py *** Variables *** ${WORKSPACE} /tmp ${BUNDLEFOLDER} distribution-karaf-0.3.0-SNAPSHOT *** Keywords *** Check Karaf Log File Does Not Have Messages [Arguments] ${ip} ${message} ${log_file}=${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf.log ${output}= Run Command On Remote System ${ip} grep ${message} ${log_file} Should Not Contain ${output} ${message} Verify Feature Is Installed [Arguments] ${feature_name} ${controller}=${CONTROLLER} ${karaf_port}=${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} [Documentation] Will Succeed if the given ${feature_name} is found in the output of "feature:list -i" ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console feature:list -i | grep ${feature_name} ${controller} ${karaf_port} Should Contain ${output} ${feature_name} [Return] ${output} Verify Feature Is Not Installed [Arguments] ${feature_name} ${controller}=${CONTROLLER} ${karaf_port}=${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} [Documentation] Will Succeed if the given ${feature_name} is NOT found in the output of "feature:list -i" ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console feature:list -i | grep ${feature_name} ${controller} ${karaf_port} Should Not Contain ${output} ${feature_name} [Return] ${output} Issue Command On Karaf Console [Arguments] ${cmd} ${controller}=${CONTROLLER} ${karaf_port}=${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} ${timeout}=5 [Documentation] Will execute the given ${cmd} by ssh'ing to the karaf console running on ${CONTROLLER} Open Connection ${controller} port=${karaf_port} prompt=${KARAF_PROMPT} timeout=${timeout} Login ${KARAF_USER} ${KARAF_PASSWORD} Write ${cmd} ${output} Read Until ${KARAF_PROMPT} Close Connection Log ${output} [Return] ${output} Verify Bundle Is Installed [Arguments] ${bundle_name} ${controller}=${CONTROLLER} ${karaf_port}=${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} [Documentation] Will succeed if the given ${bundle name} is present in the output of "bundle:list -s " ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console bundle:list -s | grep ${bundle_name} ${controller} ${karaf_port} Should Contain ${output} ${bundle_name} [Return] ${output} Verify Bundle Is Not Installed [Arguments] ${bundle_name} ${controller}=${CONTROLLER} ${karaf_port}=${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} [Documentation] Will succeed if the given ${bundle_name} is NOT found in the output of "bundle:list -s" ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console bundle:list -i | grep ${bundle_name} ${controller} ${karaf_port} Should Not Contain ${output} ${bundle_name} [Return] ${output} Check Karaf Log Has Messages [Arguments] ${filter_string} @{message_list} [Documentation] Will succeed if the @{messages} are found in \ the output of "log:display" ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console log:display | grep ${filter_string} : FOR ${message} IN @{message_list} \ Should Contain ${output} ${message} [Return] ${output} Install a Feature [Arguments] ${feature_name} ${controller}=${CONTROLLER} ${karaf_port}=${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} ${timeout}=15 [Documentation] Will Install the given ${feature_name} Log ${timeout} ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console feature:install ${feature_name} ${controller} ${karaf_port} ${timeout} Log ${output} [Return] ${output} Uninstall a Feature [Arguments] ${feature_name} ${controller}=${CONTROLLER} ${karaf_port}=${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} ${timeout}=15 [Documentation] Will UnInstall the given ${feature_name} ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console feature:uninstall ${feature_name} ${controller} ${karaf_port} ${timeout} Log ${output} [Return] ${output}