*** Settings *** Library OperatingSystem *** Variables *** ${karaf_shell_port} 8101 *** Keywords *** Verify Feature Is Installed [Documentation] Will Succeed if the given ${feature_name} is found in the output of "feature:list -i" by ... ssh'ing to the karaf console running on ${CONTROLLER} [arguments] ${feature_name} ${controller}=${CONTROLLER} ${karaf_port}=${karaf_shell_port} ${prompt}=${linux_prompt} ${prompt_timeout}=5s ${output}= Run sshpass -p karaf ssh -p ${karaf_port} karaf@${controller} feature:list -i Should Contain ${output} ${feature_name} Verify Feature Is Not Installed [Documentation] Will Succeed if the given ${feature_name} is NOT found in the output of "feature:list -i" by ... ssh'ing to the karaf console running on ${CONTROLLER} [arguments] ${feature_name} ${controller}=${CONTROLLER} ${karaf_port}=${karaf_shell_port} ${prompt}=${linux_prompt} ${prompt_timeout}=5s ${output}= Run sshpass -p karaf ssh -p ${karaf_port} karaf@${controller} feature:list -i Should Not Contain ${output} ${feature_name}