*** Settings *** Library OperatingSystem Resource Utils.txt *** Variables *** ${HBASE_CLIENT} /tmp/Hbase/hbase-0.94.15/bin ${final} ${EMPTY} *** Keywords *** Start Tsdr Suite [Arguments] ${switch}=ovsk [Documentation] TSDR specific setup/cleanup work that can be done safely before any system ... is run. Clean Mininet System ${mininet_conn_id1}= Open Connection ${MININET} prompt=${LINUX_PROMPT} timeout=30s Set Suite Variable ${mininet_conn_id1} Login With Public Key ${MININET_USER} ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa any Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:6644 ${start}= Set Variable sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=${CONTROLLER} --topo=linear,3 --switch ${switch},protocols=OpenFlow13 Log ${start} Write ${start} Read Until mininet> Stop Tsdr Suite [Documentation] Cleanup/Shutdown work that should be done at the completion of all ... tests Switch Connection ${mininet_conn_id1} Read Write exit Read Until ${LINUX_PROMPT} Close Connection Initialize the HBase for TSDR [Documentation] Install and initialize the tsdr tables on HBase Server ${hbase_server}= Run Command On Remote System ${CONTROLLER} export JAVA_HOME=/usr && ${HBASE_CLIENT}/start-hbase.sh ${MININET_USER} ${LINUX_PROMPT} 120 Log ${hbase_server} ${hbase_process}= Run Command On Remote System ${CONTROLLER} ps -ef | grep HMaster Log ${hbase_process} Stop the HBase Server [Documentation] Stop the HBase server ${hbase_server}= Run Command On Remote System ${CONTROLLER} export JAVA_HOME=/usr && ${HBASE_CLIENT}/stop-hbase.sh ${MININET_USER} ${LINUX_PROMPT} 90 Log ${hbase_server} Configure the Queue on Switch [Arguments] ${queue_interface} ${user}=${MININET_USER} ${prompt}=${LINUX_PROMPT} ${prompt_timeout}=120s [Documentation] Configure the 2 queues on specified openvswitch interface Log Configure the queue on ${queue_interface} ${output}= Run Command On Remote System ${MININET} sudo ovs-vsctl set port ${queue_interface} qos=@newqos -- --id=@newqos create qos type=linux-htb other-config:max-rate=200000000 queues=0=@q0,1=@q1,2=@q2 -- --id=@q0 create queue other-config:min-rate=100000 other-config:max-rate=200000 -- --id=@q1 create queue other-config:min-rate=10001 other-config:max-rate=300000 -- --id=@q2 create queue other-config:min-rate=300001 other-config:max-rate=200000000 ${MININET_USER} ${LINUX_PROMPT} 90 Log ${output} Query the Data from HBaseClient [Arguments] ${query} ${remote}=${CONTROLLER} ${user}=${MININET_USER} ${prompt}=${LINUX_PROMPT} ${prompt_timeout}=120s [Documentation] Execute the HBase Query and return the result Log Attempting to execute ${query} on ${remote} via HbaseClient ${conn_id}= Open Connection ${remote} prompt=${prompt} timeout=${prompt_timeout} Login With Public Key ${user} ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa any Write export JAVA_HOME=/usr Write ${HBASE_CLIENT}/hbase shell Read Until hbase(main):001:0> Write ${query} ${output}= Read Until hbase(main): Write exit LOG ${output} Comment ${output}= Read Until ${prompt} Close Connection [Return] ${output} Verify the Metric is Collected? [Arguments] ${tsdr_cmd} ${metric} ${remote}=${CONTROLLER} ${user}=${MININET_USER} ${prompt}=${LINUX_PROMPT} ${prompt_timeout}=120s [Documentation] Verify the ${tsdr_cmd} output contains ${metric} ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console ${tsdr_cmd} ${CONTROLLER} ${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} ${prompt_timeout} Should Contain ${output} ${metric} Prepare HBase Filter [Arguments] ${left_str} ${right_str} ${connector} [Documentation] Prepare the Hbase Filter from Tsdr List output ${left_str}= Remove Space on String ${left_str} ${right_str}= Remove Space on String ${right_str} 1 ${x}= Run Keyword If '${left_str}' == 'MetricID' Catenate ${SPACE} _ ELSE IF ... '${left_str}' == 'ObjectKeys' Catenate ${right_str} _ ELSE IF '${left_str}' == 'TimeStamp' ... Get Epoch Time ${right_str} ELSE Catenate ${SPACE} [Return] ${x} Create the Hbase table row [Arguments] ${tsdr_line} ${metrics} [Documentation] Create the Hbase table row from tsdr:list @{words}= Split String ${tsdr_line} | : FOR ${li} IN @{words} \ ${key}= Fetch From Left ${li} = \ ${value}= Fetch From Right ${li} = \ ${each_value}= Prepare HBase Filter ${key} ${value} _ \ ${final}= Concatenate the String ${final} ${each_value} ${query}= Concatenate the String ${metrics} ${final} ${query}= Remove Space on String ${query} [Return] ${query} Query Metrics on H2 Datastore [Arguments] ${category} ${attribute} ${nodeid}=openflow:1 [Documentation] Generate the JDBC query for H2 Datastore ${h2_query}= Concatenate the String jdbc:query metric "select * from Metric where MetricCategory= '${category}' and ${h2_query}= Concatenate the String ${h2_query} MetricName = '${attribute}' and NODEID = '${nodeid}' order by ID desc limit 5" ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console ${h2_query} ${CONTROLLER} ${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} 30 [Return] ${output} Generate HBase Query [Arguments] ${table} ${filter} [Documentation] Scan the Hbase Table with Filter ${hbase_query}= Concatenate the String scan '${table}' ${hbase_query}= Concatenate the String ${hbase_query} ,{ FILTER =>\"(RowFilter(=, ${hbase_query}= Concatenate the String ${hbase_query} 'regexstring:${filter}*\'))\",LIMIT=>10} [Return] ${hbase_query} Get Metrics Value [Arguments] ${tsdr_line} [Documentation] Get Metric Value from tsdr:list ${value}= Fetch From Right ${tsdr_line} | ${value}= Replace String ${value} MetricValue value ${value}= Replace String ${value} [m ${EMPTY} ${value}= Replace String ${value} = \= ${value}= Remove Space on String ${value} ${value}= Convert to String ${value} [Return] ${value} Verify the Metrics Attributes on Hbase Client [Arguments] ${attribute} ${rowfilter} ${table}=PortStats [Documentation] Verification on Metrics attributes on Hbase Client ${pattern}= Concatenate the String ${attribute} _ ${pattern}= Concatenate the String ${pattern} ${rowfilter} ${pattern}= Remove Space on String ${pattern} ${query}= Generate HBase Query ${table} ${pattern} ${out}= Query the Data from HBaseClient ${query} Should Match Regexp ${out} (?mui)${attribute}