*** Settings *** Documentation Basic tests for odl-bgpcep-pcep-all feature. ... ... Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. ... ... This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the ... terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, ... and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html Suite Setup Set_It_Up Suite Teardown Tear_It_Down Library OperatingSystem Library SSHLibrary prompt=]> Library ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/RequestsLibrary.py Library ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/HsfJson/hsf_json.py Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/PcepOperations.robot Variables ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/Variables.py Variables ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/pcepuser/variables.py ${MININET} *** Variables *** ${ExpDir} ${CURDIR}/expected ${ActDir} ${CURDIR}/actual *** Test Cases *** Topology_Precondition [Documentation] Compare current pcep-topology to off_json variable. ... Timeout is long enough to ODL boot, to see that pcep is ready, with no PCC is connected. [Tags] critical Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 300 1 Compare_Topology ${off_json} 010_Topology_Precondition Start_Pcc_Mock [Documentation] Execute pcc-mock on Mininet, fail is Open is not sent, keep it running for next tests. ${command}= Set_Variable java -jar ${filename} --local-address ${MININET} --remote-address ${CONTROLLER} 2>&1 | tee pccmock.log Log ${command} Write ${command} Read_Until started, sent proposal Open Topology_Default [Documentation] Compare pcep-topology to default_json, which includes a tunnel from pcc-mock. ... Timeout is lower than in Precondition, as state from pcc-mock should be updated quickly. [Tags] critical Wait_Until_Keyword_succeeds 5 1 Compare_Topology ${default_json} 020_Topology_Default Update_Delegated [Documentation] Perform update-lsp on the mocked tunnel, check response is success. [Tags] critical ${text}= Update_Xml_Lsp_Return_Json ${update_delegated_xml} Pcep_Json_Is_Success ${text} Topology_Updated [Documentation] Compare pcep-topology to default_json, which includes the updated tunnel. [Tags] critical Wait_Until_Keyword_succeeds 5 1 Compare_Topology ${updated_json} 030_Topology_Updated Refuse_Remove_Delegated [Documentation] Perform remove-lsp on the mocked tunnel, check that mock-pcc has refused to remove it. [Tags] critical ${text}= Remove_Xml_Lsp_Return_Json ${remove_delegated_xml} Pcep_Json_Is_Refused ${text} Topology_Still_Updated [Documentation] Compare pcep-topology to default_json, which includes the updated tunnel, to verify that refusal did not break topology. [Tags] critical Wait_Until_Keyword_succeeds 5 1 Compare_Topology ${updated_json} 040_Topology_Still_Updated Add_Instantiated [Documentation] Perform add-lsp to create new tunnel, check that response is success. [Tags] critical ${text}= Add_Xml_Lsp_Return_Json ${add_instantiated_xml} Pcep_Json_Is_Success ${text} Topology_Second_Default [Documentation] Compare pcep-topology to default_json, which includes the updated delegated and default instantiated tunnel. [Tags] critical Wait_Until_Keyword_succeeds 5 1 Compare_Topology ${updated_default_json} 050_Topology_Second_Default Update_Instantiated [Documentation] Perform update-lsp on the newly instantiated tunnel, check that response is success. [Tags] critical ${text}= Update_Xml_Lsp_Return_Json ${update_instantiated_xml} Pcep_Json_Is_Success ${text} Topology_Second_Updated [Documentation] Compare pcep-topology to default_json, which includes the updated delegated and updated instantiated tunnel. [Tags] critical Wait_Until_Keyword_succeeds 5 1 Compare_Topology ${updated_updated_json} 060_Topology_Second_Updated Remove_Instantiated [Documentation] Perform remove-lsp on the instantiated tunnel, check that response is success. [Tags] critical ${text}= Remove_Xml_Lsp_Return_Json ${remove_instantiated_xml} Pcep_Json_Is_Success ${text} Topology_Again_Updated [Documentation] Compare pcep-topology to default_json, which includes the updated tunnel, to verify that instantiated tunnel was removed. [Tags] critical Wait_Until_Keyword_succeeds 5 1 Compare_Topology ${updated_json} 070_Topology_Again_Updated Stop_Pcc_Mock [Documentation] Send ctrl+c to pcc-mock, fails if no prompt is seen ... after 3 seconds (the default for SSHLibrary) ${command}= Evaluate chr(int(3)) Log ${command} Write ${command} Read_Until_Prompt Topology_Postcondition [Documentation] Compare curent pcep-topology to "off_json" again. [Tags] critical Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 5 1 Compare_Topology ${off_json} 080_Topology_Postcondition *** Keywords *** Set_It_Up [Documentation] Create SSH session to Mininet machine, prepare HTTP client session to Controller. ... Figure out latest pcc-mock version and download it from Nexus to Mininet. ... Also, delete and create directories for json diff handling. Open_Connection ${MININET} Login_With_Public_Key ${MININET_USER} ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa any Create_Session ses http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTCONFPORT}/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology auth=${AUTH} ${urlbase}= Set_Variable ${NEXUSURL_PREFIX}/content/repositories/opendaylight.snapshot/org/opendaylight/bgpcep/pcep-pcc-mock ${version}= Execute_Command curl ${urlbase}/maven-metadata.xml | grep latest | cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d '<' -f 1 Log ${version} ${namepart}= Execute_Command curl ${urlbase}/${version}/maven-metadata.xml | grep value | head -n 1 | cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d '<' -f 1 Log ${namepart} Set_Suite_Variable ${filename} pcep-pcc-mock-${namepart}-executable.jar Log ${filename} ${response}= Execute_Command wget -q -N ${urlbase}/${version}/${filename} 2>&1 Log ${response} Remove_Directory ${ExpDir} Remove_Directory ${ActDir} Create_Directory ${ExpDir} Create_Directory ${ActDir} Setup_Pcep_Operations Compare_Topology [Arguments] ${expected} ${name} [Documentation] Get current pcep-topology as json, normalize both expected and actual json. ... Save normalized jsons to files for later processing. ... Error codes and normalized jsons should match exactly. ${normexp}= Hsf_Json ${expected} Log ${normexp} Create_File ${ExpDir}${/}${name} ${normexp} ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Get ses topology/pcep-topology Log ${resp} Log ${resp.text} ${normresp}= Hsf_Json ${resp.text} Log ${normresp} Create_File ${ActDir}${/}${name} ${normresp} Should_Be_Equal_As_Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Should_Be_Equal ${normresp} ${normexp} Tear_It_Down [Documentation] Download pccmock.log and Log its contents. ... Compute and Log the diff between expected and actual normalized responses. ... Close both HTTP client session and SSH connection to Mininet. SSHLibrary.Get_File pccmock.log ${pccmocklog}= Run cat pccmock.log Log ${pccmocklog} ${diff}= Run diff -dur ${ExpDir} ${ActDir} Log ${diff} Teardown_Pcep_Operations Delete_All_Sessions Close_All_Connections