*** Settings *** Documentation This test brings down the current leader of the "car" shard and then executes CRUD operations on the new leader Default Tags 3-node-cluster Library ../../../libraries/CrudLibrary.py Library ../../../libraries/UtilLibrary.py Library ../../../libraries/ClusterStateLibrary.py Resource ../../../libraries/ClusterKeywords.txt *** Variables *** ${PEOPLE_SHARD} shard-people-config ${NUM_ENTRIES} ${50} *** Test Cases *** Switch People Leader [Documentation] Stop the leader to cause a new leader to be elected ${OLD_PEOPLE_LEADER} Wait For Leader ${PEOPLE_SHARD} ${NEW_PEOPLE_LEADER} Switch Leader ${PEOPLE_SHARD} ${OLD_PEOPLE_LEADER} Set Suite Variable ${OLD_PEOPLE_LEADER} Set Suite Variable ${NEW_PEOPLE_LEADER} Delete people from new leader Delete All People And Verify ${NEW_PEOPLE_LEADER} Add people and get from new leader [Documentation] Add people and get people from new leader Add People And Verify ${NEW_PEOPLE_LEADER} ${NUM_ENTRIES} Get People Followers ${PEOPLE_FOLLOWERS} Get All Followers ${PEOPLE_SHARD} Set Suite Variable ${PEOPLE_FOLLOWERS} Get added people from Follower Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Get People And Verify @{PEOPLE_FOLLOWERS}[0] ${NUM_ENTRIES} Delete people from new Follower Delete All People And Verify @{PEOPLE_FOLLOWERS}[0] Add people from new Follower [Documentation] Add people and get people from follower Add People And Verify @{PEOPLE_FOLLOWERS}[0] ${NUM_ENTRIES} Get added people from new leader Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Get People And Verify ${NEW_PEOPLE_LEADER} ${NUM_ENTRIES} Restart old People leader StartController ${OLD_PEOPLE_LEADER} ${USER_NAME} ${PASSWORD} ${KARAF_HOME} ${PORT} Get added people from old leader Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Get People And Verify ${OLD_PEOPLE_LEADER} ${NUM_ENTRIES}